SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Gurevich P.S.
// SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences.
2014. ¹ 2.
P. 98-108.
DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2014.2.12037 URL: https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=12037
The cybernaut as a symbol of the global world
Gurevich Pavel Semenovich
head of the division at Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences
109240, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Goncharnaya, 12, str. 1, of. -
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DOI: 10.7256/1339-3057.2014.2.12037
1. Baudrillard, J., 2006. The trapsparency of Evil. M., Dobrosvet.
2. Berdyaev, N.A., 1989. Smysl tvorchestva [The meaning of the creative act]. In: Berdyaev, N.A., 1989. Filosofia svobody. Smysl tvorchestva [The philosophy of freedom. The meaning of the creative act]. M., Pravda.
3. Chardin, Pierre, 1987. Fenomen cheloveka [The phenomenon of man]. M., Nauka.
4. Dugin, A.G., 2007. Postgumanizm. Chelovek v mire postmoderna [Posthumanism. Man in the postmodern world]. Vestnik analitiki, 1: 132.
5. Gurevich, P.S., 2008. Logika biosa i mozg mashiny [The logic of bios and the machine brain]. Filosofia i kultura, 8: 28-36.
6. Jaspers, K., 1997. General psychopathology. M., Workshop.
7. Kutyrev, V.A., 2006. Filosofskiy obraz nashego vremeni [The philosophical image of our time (the lifeless worlds of posthumanity)]. Smolensk, Smolensk state University.
8. Kutyrev, V.A., 2009. Chelovecheskoe i inoe. Bor’ba mirov [The human and the other. The war of the world’s]. St.Petersburg, Aleteja.
9. Kutyrev, V.A., 2010. Bytie i nichto [Being and nothing]. St.Petersburg, Aleteja.
10. Kutyrev, V.A., 2010. Filosofia transgumanizma [The philosophy of transhumanism]. Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod University.
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16. Samokhvalova, V.I., 2009. K ponimaniyu cheloveka v ego chelovecheskoy identichnosti [On understanding of man in his human identity]. Polignosis, 2: 89-102.
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18. Smirnov, S.S., 2003. Sovremennaya antropologia [Modern anthropology. An analytical review]. Chelovek, 5.
19. Vdovina, I.S., 2008. Merleau-Ponty Maurice. In: Blauberg, I.I. (edit.), 2008. Filosofy Frantsii [French philosophers]. Dictionary, M.: Gardariki