Korolevskaya N.V. —
Geometry of sense
// PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal. – 2019. – ¹ 5.
– P. 31 - 42.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-613X.2019.5.40313
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/PHILHARMONICA/article_40313.html
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The meaning of music is the subject of this research. It is represented in a dialogue with the method of immanent analysis of a music text of L.O. Akopian. The purpose of the research is to show that the system of paradigm-syntagmatic relations of F. de Saussure as a basis of “genuine” structural analysis of a music and artistic text can be successfully applied to the processes of music sensemaking as an effective instrument of analysis. Sequential comparison of two methods on the example of Chopin’s Nokturn H-dur op.32 helps the author to see the limiting character of “genuine” structural approach to a music text not only leaving aside the semantic layer of the composition, but even denying its existence, considering the artist’s idea as an impersonalized structure. On the contrary, the sensemaking discourse within which the abstract model of Saussure gains the meaning of a chronotope as an internal form of sense and can be realized only in the unity of the content and the form. In junction with the methodology of sense explosion of Yu.M.Lotman, the analysis of sensemaking gives music experts and performers an instrument, which helps to penetrate into the deep sense layers of the works, correlating with the “texts of consciousness”, and to discover individuality of a music and artistic text as an intimate saying determining an exclusive image of its sense structure. The represented method can be effectively used as an instrument of comprehensive analysis of the works of the 20th and 21st centuries continuing the traditions of classic and romantic music in the context of a dominating type of individual and creative consciousness