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Politics and Society
Buchkova A.I.
The attitude of the Russian youth towards politics and political parties: sociological snapshot just before the federal electoral cycle
// Politics and Society.
2016. ¹ 9.
P. 1194-1201.
Buchkova A.I. The attitude of the Russian youth towards politics and political parties: sociological snapshot just before the federal electoral cycleAbstract: The object of this research is the youth of the modern Russia. The subject of this research is the attitude and interest of the youth towards politics as a whole, including political parties and federal level elections. The author examines the importance of political sphere for the young generation, as well as specificity of their interest towards the political processes and political parties, which at the present stage are one of the active conduits of political ideas. Special attention is given to the analysis of youth’s perception of the upcoming elections into the State Duma of Federal Assembly of Russia along with the Presidential elections. Scientific novelty lies in the comparative analysis that is based on sociological snapshots right before the federal electoral cycles of 2011-2012 and 2016-2018 with regards to the attitude of the young generation towards politics, political parties, and elections. The following trends are highlighted: the number of youth interested in political life of society on the permanent basis is decreasing; portion of those who is randomly shows interest in politics alongside those who do not show any interest in politics is increasing; the growing sympathy of the youth towards the political parties, etc. The conclusion is made that there is no significant changes are observed in the views, orientations, and interest of youth towards politics , political parties, and elections. Keywords: political socialization, Russian presidential elections, elections to the State Duma, political party, electoral cycle, interest, politics, attitude, political sphere, youth
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