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Philology: scientific researches
Paderina, T.S. (2023). Formation of a professional linguistic personality (based on texts in the specialty «Earth Sciences»). Philology: scientific researches, 11, 28–39.
Formation of a professional linguistic personality (based on texts in the specialty «Earth Sciences»)
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2023.11.68923EDN: STJBSXReceived: 09-11-2023Published: 30-11-2023Abstract: In the conditions of intensive growth of scientific and scientific-technical information, rapid changeability and updating of the system of scientific knowledge there is a need to study issues related to professional communication. Users of scientific language master its culture gradually; acquire life experience, their own knowledge, general and professional erudition of the speaker. The aim of the article is to carry out a comprehensive analysis of linguistic means and identify the features of the implementation of professional linguistic personality of a scientist, author of scientific articles on the speciality «Earth Sciences». Special attention is devoted to a brief review of theoretical provisions of domestic researchers engaged in the study of professional linguistic personality and idiostyle. Scientific novelty lies in the analysis of linguistic means characteristic of the individual style of a scientist on a new linguistic material (scientific texts on the specialty «Earth Sciences»). This approach allowed us to consider the influence of a person's professional status on the texts produced by him/her. The material for the analysis is the articles selected by the method of continuous sampling on the scientific specialty «Earth Sciences». In addition, the method used in this article was continuous sampling method, content analysis, comparative analysis. The obtained results showed that in order to build a model of professional linguistic personality of a scientist, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive psychological and linguistic analysis of the scientist's texts at the verbal-semantic, linguistic-cognitive and pragmatic levels, highlighting the correlation and influence of ethno-cultural, socio-group and individual aspects of personality content. Despite the fact that the author of scientific articles is limited by the norms of scientific style, there are certain linguistic means that allow reflecting the author's uniqueness under the existing norms of text formation. Keywords: professional linguistic personality, linguistic personality, scientist's linguistic personality, idiostyle, scientist's idiostyle, language profile, model, Earth Sciences, anthropocentrism, scientistThis article is automatically translated.
1. Introduction At the turn of the XX-XXI centuries, the anthropocentric paradigm acquired a dominant position in modern linguistics. Linguists focused on the study of man, his speech-thinking activity and their relationship with the surrounding world. An interdisciplinary approach to the study of personality allowed scientists to come closer to understanding language as a mechanism of cognition, interpretation and transformation of the world. The relevance of studying a language personality, including a professional language personality, is explained by the following reasons: 1) The intensive growth of scientific and scientific and technical information, the rapid variability and updating of the system of scientific knowledge and the updating of legislation on science and state scientific and technical policy requires a more detailed study of the role of the individual as an object of research (Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 127-FZ of 23.08.1996, /) ; 2) The study of a professional linguistic personality is of interest in the context of new requirements put forward for the professional training of specialists at all levels, which implies the formation of professional competence as an obligatory prerequisite for the successful realization of personality; 3) Requirements are increasing, including for the language training of a specialist, because "mastering the basics of any profession begins with mastering a certain amount of general and professional knowledge, as well as mastering the basic means of solving professional tasks" [1, p.150]. In connection with the above, the objectives of the study: 1) Analyze the available theoretical provisions on the study of linguistic personality and professional linguistic personality; 2) Clarify such concepts as linguistic personality, professional linguistic personality, idiosyncrasy of a scientist as necessary components for the formation of a model of professional linguistic personality; 3) Show the features of the representation of professional linguistic personality in scientific texts. 2. Materials and methods The material for the analysis was the articles selected by the continuous sampling method in the scientific specialty "Earth Sciences". To analyze and compile a general idea of the idiostyle characteristic of scientists in this scientific specialty, we analyzed a total of 67 articles from the following sources: 1) Online publication "Geodynamics and Tectonophysics" ( ); 2) The periodical "Earth Sciences and Subsoil Use" (Volume 45, No. 4 (2022), ); 3)"Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. Earth Sciences" (Volume 67 No. 4 (2022), ); The choice of texts of this orientation is due to the tasks of the State Task on the topic "Linguosemiotic heterogeneity of the scientific picture of the world: theoretical and linguodidactic description" (R&D Reg. no. 122011400133-6). Our research is based on a comprehensive analysis of scientific articles in the specialty "Earth Sciences" using the following methods: continuous sampling method, content analysis, comparative analysis. One of the methods of determining the idiosyncrasy of an individual author of a scientific text is the method of content analysis, which is aimed at an objective, systematic and quantitative description of the content in accordance with the goals of the researcher. In our work, content analysis allows us to conduct quantitative and qualitative analysis of texts, determine their thematic direction and optimize search queries. With the help of content analysis, an attempt was made to form a so-called dossier on the author of the article (his career guidance, psychological portrait, individual style). Working with texts allowed us to identify unique keywords and phrases, from which key concepts (terms, thematic categories, geographical names, names of persons, names of companies, etc.) were further defined [2]. The theoretical basis of the study was the work of domestic researchers who considered in their works the linguistic personality of students (Kuritsyn, Sorokin, Mazirka). Linguistic personality research is also carried out in linguoculturological (Vorkachev, Maslova), psycholinguistic (Karasik, Karaulov, Sedov) and functional (Khaleeva, Shakhovsky) dimensions, where the linguistic personality appears as a multilevel functional system reflecting the idea of mastering the language and speech of an individual at the level of active and creative comprehension of reality. A more detailed consideration of the directions of the study of linguistic personality in modern linguistics is presented in the work of E. S. Ryzhkova [3], the review presented by this author, we took as a basis in our study. The practical significance of the work carried out lies in the application of the data obtained to compile a language portrait of a scientist at the next stage of research within the framework of a State assignment. In addition, the research materials can be used in universities of the humanities in the study of special courses in theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics. And also within the framework of the theory and methodology of teaching and upbringing (Russian as a foreign language). 3. Discussion Before considering a professional linguistic personality, we consider it expedient to turn to the concept of a linguistic personality, since we share the idea of Y. N. Karaulov that a personality cannot be formed until a linguistic personality is formed [4]. Traditionally, a linguistic personality is understood as a set of differential features of a particular native speaker, correlated with extralinguistic factors [5]. The appeal to the study of the linguistic personality as an object of science was due to the integration of paradigms in linguistics and the transition to anthropocentrism: the study of a person through speech activity, i.e. through the study of language. It should be noted the flexibility of the boundaries of defining a linguistic personality as an object of research. The boundaries of research in this area are expanding thanks to new knowledge and interdisciplinary approaches. The study of linguistic personality is becoming more complex and includes aspects such as psychology, sociology, neuro-linguistics, anthropology and many others. This approach allows us to get a more complete and multifaceted understanding of how language is used and formed in the process of communication and how it affects the thinking, behavior and social interaction of an individual. For example, the study of emotional influence on the development of a linguistic personality [6] led to the conclusion that the connotative component of language units (emotions) is an important element of the speaker's linguistic worldview. Another direction that is actively developing within the framework of the anthropocentric paradigm is linguopersonology [7]. This science is aimed at studying the mechanisms of creating a language portrait. In our study, we consider, first of all, the subject (linguistic personality) and its objective professional reality, i.e. the self-determination of the linguistic personality in the professional world. The structure of the linguistic personality according to Y. N. Karaulov is presented at three levels [4]: 1. Verbal-semantic (structural-linguistic) (degree of language proficiency); 2. Linguistic-cognitive (ideas, concepts, a unique picture of the world, in relation to a professional linguistic personality – ideas, concepts and concepts characteristic of a certain professional sphere); 3. Pragmatic (motivational) (purpose, motives, communicative and activity needs of a linguistic personality, correlation of linguistic means with the peculiarities of professional discourse and professional activity) We will try to analyze and confirm the hypothesis that every scientist has his own specific style of presentation of the text, despite the fact that he uses generally accepted concepts, names and terminology. 4. Results The main material for our study was selected from the journal Geodynamics and Tectonophysics. The journal is indexed in such scientific databases as HAC, Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) Scopus, SJR and others. The main topics covered in this journal cover a wide range of problems of historical (paleogeodynamics) and modern geodynamics, geology, tectonophysics and experimental tectonics. To identify the authors with the largest number of articles, we examined statistical data on the distribution of publications by authors and obtained the following result (Figure 1.). Figure 1. – Distribution of publications by authors
To analyze the individual style, the first three authors (Gladkochub D. P., Stories S. V. and Seminsky K. Zh.) were selected by the number of publications. However, at the pre-text stage (the definition of style, genre, direction), we left for analysis only the work of two scientists (S. V. Stories, K. Zh. Seminsky). The choice was primarily due to the fact that most of the works of the RAS professor D. P. Gladkochuba was co-authored (24 publications out of 25) by more than three people, which is problematic for tracking the personal contribution of each scientist in the preparation of an article and reflecting the individual characteristics of a professional linguistic personality. Personal works of D. P. Gladkochuba are associated with anniversary dates (e.g. "Ivan Vlasovich Gordienko and his magmatic geodynamics"; "To the 60th anniversary of corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Evgeny Viktorovich Sklyarov", etc.) and are review works that do not allow viewing the individual professional style of a scientist in his scientific direction. S. V. Rasskazov – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Laboratory of Isotopy and Geochronology. The total number of publications (from 1995 to 2022) is 285, with the affiliation of IZK SB RAS – 216 of them 83 publications in WoS journals and 111 published in journals that are part of the core of the RSCI. The Hirsch Index is 20. The number of publications in the journal "Geodynamics and Tectonophysics" – 21, 2 individual and 12 articles written in co-authorship, where S.V. Stories is listed as the first author. For the analysis, we selected two personal publications of the author, assuming that, despite the rules of publication ethics, it would be problematic to track the share of participation of each author in a collective article. The articles of S. V. Rasskazov are small in volume 7-9 pages. One of the analyzed works is written in English and is a review of the book by J. K. Fulger "Plates against Plumes: geological Controversy" [8]. The author gradually paints the key sections of the book and gives an assessment of the usefulness or novelty of a particular fragment of the book for the scientific work of young researchers ("advanced students", as S. V. means their Stories). In the course of the review, the author makes references to Russian researchers in this field, compares with his works and expresses his author's position. (I would be interested, in this review I stick to the idea, personally I would be interested, I come from <...> experience that is combined with teaching, etc.) 1. For instance, among the 699 references, there are only 10 by Russian authors. <…>Personally, I would be interested to assess the hypotheses for Asia, East Africa, and North America. In this review, I follow the main ideas presented in the book through my continental geological experience that is combined with teaching at Irkutsk State University. (For example, among the 699 references there are only 10 sources written by Russian authors. <...> Personally, I would be interested in evaluating hypotheses for Asia, East Africa and North America. In this review, I follow the main ideas presented in the book through my continental geological experience, which is combined with teaching at Irkutsk State University.) (hereafter translated by the author – T.S. Paderin). 2. The only exercise, which touches my direct interests, sounds, alas, nonpetrological <...> The only exercise that affects my personal interests, sounds, alas, non-metrological. 3. The section is one of the most valuable in the book. This section is one of the most valuable in the book. The language of writing articles is simple, the vocabulary is common, the article can be understood by a wide range of readers, even those who are far from studying the modern "interpretation of intraplate volcanism". The use of the personal and possessive pronoun (I, my) is used by the author of a scientific text in order to declare himself as an expert on this issue and show the addressee his point of view. Among the features of Rasskazov 's individual style are S.V. we note the fact that some articles end with the formulation of questions, such an end of the article (without clearly defined conclusions) gives the reader a basis for reflection and leaves open questions for further study. (Figure 2.) [9, p.7] Figure 2 – Conclusion in the article by S.V. Rasskazov "Rifts, orogenes, cratons and global tectonics: an introduction to the problem"
In the articles of Rasskazov S. V., we also note the principle of agonality, which is designed (sometimes) in the form of footnotes throughout the text and makes references to other earlier works in this area (including the works of Rasskazov S.V.). Such a construction is explanatory in nature with elements of argumentation and sometimes even counterargument. Thus, the author of a scientific text demonstrates his point of view and helps to switch the reader's attention to the opposite position, i.e. these are certain comments (for the student) that will help deepen their knowledge and form a critical attitude to the subject of study: 4. The number of publications on plumes increased in the early 1990s1 (1 At that time I obtained geochronological data that demonstrated a stepwise westward shift of volcanism in the Eastern Sayans and interpreted this as evidence for eastward motion of South Siberia over a mantle plume in the past 21 Ma with an average velocity of 0.9 cm yr–1 [Rasskazov, 1991, 1994a, 1994b].) The next author, whose works have become the subject of our analysis, is Seminsky, Ph.D., M.Sc., Laboratory of Tectonophysics. The total number of publications (from 1995 to 2022) is 146, with the affiliation of IZK SB RAS – 99 of them 53 publications in WoS journals and 69 published in journals that are part of the core of the RSCI. The Hirsch index is 19. The number of publications in the journal Geodynamics and Tectonophysics is 21, 3 personal and 14 articles are co–authored, where K.J. Seminsky is listed as the first author. For the analysis, we selected 3 personal articles, taking as a basis the same principle as for the publications of S.V. Rasskazov. In the works of K.Zh. Seminsky, in comparison with the works of S.V. Rasskazov, we note, first of all, a different design of the text. But at the same time, the use of generally accepted vocabulary in the scientific style of the text remains, geographical names (Primorsky Krai and the Far East of Russia), special terminology (landscape transects, geographic information system, field maps, etc.) are quite common [10]. The publications of K.J. Seminsky are characterized by a more complex syntactic organization, the vocabulary is neutral, articles from 23 to 40 pages, a large number of drawings, tables, diagrams (e.g. 12 graphic images in the article "Special mapping of fault zones of the Earth's crust. Article 2: main stages and prospects" [11, p.40]. Each subsection in this article ends with conclusions. In addition, the author draws up the conclusion in such a way that he repeats all the steps/operations/methods that were described inside the article in each subsection (Figure 3.) Figure 3. – Execution of the conclusion in the article of K.Zh. Seminsky.
This approach allows the reader to get acquainted with the summarized material and refer to the necessary fragment of the article if necessary for detailed acquaintance. In the works of K. J. Seminsky, we see the active use of compound sentences. The use of such syntax is typical for scientific discourse, since the presence of new concepts or research results requires an explanation by the author.: 5. "The possibility to obtain a formalized solution within the framework of each of the listed problems of studying complex networks of small gaps without signs of displacement brings special mapping into the category of effective methods for studying the structure of the Earth's crust, which can be implemented in areas with weak outcrop of rocks" [12, p. 464]. The universal features of the scientific style include the design of the titles of publications. The titles of scientific articles are a significant part of the text, as they perform not only a nominative function, but also act to attract the attention of the scientific community. The headings of the articles analyzed by us (S.V. Stories, K.Zh. Seminsky) have a certain semantic and syntactic structure. For clarification, a colon is used; verbs, as a rule, are absent: Special mapping of fault zones of the Earth's crust. Article 1: Theoretical foundations and principles Special mapping of fault zones of the Earth's crust. Article 2: Main stages and prospects Rifts, orogenes, cratons and global tectonics: an introduction to the problem The headings are characterized by conciseness, but at the same time they remain informative and give an idea of the topic that will be covered in the article. The use of the colon emphasizes the discursive part and the generalization of previously published works. This design of the headings allows the reader to imagine the prospects of the research work done by the scientist, and to track its phased implementation. For comparison, we also reviewed articles from periodicals in the field of "Earth Sciences", namely "Earth Sciences and Subsoil Use" [13] and "Bulletin of St. Petersburg University. Earth Sciences" [14]. The authors of the analyzed articles also use generally accepted and understandable vocabulary, which makes it possible even for an unprepared reader to extract the necessary information. Also, as in the works of Rasskazov S.V. and Seminsky K.Zh., among the generally accepted vocabulary we find geographical names (Baikal seismic zone, Dasinganlin Ridge, hydrometeorological stations Sunlin and Loguhe, etc.); special terminology (plumes, faults, rifts, air temperature and wind speed, temperature regime and dynamics of freezing – thawing of soil); certain figures (indicators) that are necessary for the disclosure of the topic (the moisture content in the soils was measured at depths of 0.05, 0.25, 0.75 and 1.5 m; the average daily wind speed differs slightly and is 2.3 m/s on the southern slope and 2 m/s on the northern; 100 daily cycles of freezing – thawing of the soil were recorded For this area of scientific texts, it is also necessary to use diagrams, tables, graphs, etc., which clearly confirm the research presented by the author. The obtained results showed that the individual style reflects the formed professional language personality and reflects the picture of the world of this language personality. In the course of the study, the general and individual features of the professional linguistic personality of the scientist were revealed, which are manifested in his articles. The texts of their articles are, in a certain way, a completed research stage in which a topic or problem is considered. This is not only a presentation of the research results, but also a reflection of part of the daily life of the authors of the articles (field work, experimental work in scientific laboratories, teaching of special disciplines in universities, etc.). We assume that the motives and goals driving the development of a linguistic personality are the motivation to present for a wide range of their research. The authors need to clarify scientific information, transfer theoretical knowledge, and share practical experience. They, being within a certain framework dictated by the scientific style of presentation of the material (we consider it from the point of view of a scientific journal), using a set of lexical units characteristic of the direction of "Earth Science", present a text that can be interesting and understandable not only for a certain circle of people devoted to this specifics, but also for a wide circle of readers. This is facilitated, among other things, by the use of various kinds of graphic materials. 4. Conclusion To date, researchers have identified various structural components of a linguistic personality, taking into account psychological personality types, indicators of status or role, social type, language and speech environment, the use of all linguistic means in speech depending on various communication conditions, but they all rely on the three-level model of the speech personality of Y. M. Karaulov. In this sense, the idea of Y. M. Karaulov about a linguistic personality having real contours only outside the language system is key not only for linguistics, but also for related disciplines. In the process of studying the professional linguistic personality of the scientist, the author of scientific articles on the specialty "Earth Sciences", we conducted a comprehensive analysis, which allows us to draw the following conclusions: 1) The generalization of the results of the analysis of scientific sources gave grounds for deepening scientific ideas about the formation of a professional linguistic personality (motivational, cognitive, activity and reflexive-evaluative components). 2). The idiosyncrasy of a scientist is an individual style of revealing a topic using all available language (including graphic) means. 3) In the course of the research, the general and individual features of the professional linguistic personality of the scientist were revealed, which are manifested in his articles. As a prospect for further research of the stated problems, we can name the formation and description of the model of the linguistic portrait of a scientist of natural sciences. References
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