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Philology: scientific researches

Perevalov, V. A. Has the Name Really Been Found?

Abstract: Discovery of the connection between Pushikin’s ‘Don Juan’s stories’ in the Ushakovsky Album and Eugene Onegin allows to see the first chapters of the verse novel and biographies there in a different light. Based on the conception of dialectical unity between reality and poetry in Pushkin’s creative work, the author of the article offers a new name for Pushkin’s ‘hidden love’. This name is well-know in Pushkin studies but it casts the role of Cinderella. To the author’s opinion, creative work of the Poet during this period makes her candidacy a priority among all the others in Pushkin studies.


philology, Alexander Pushkin, ‘hidden love’, Eugene Onegin, poesies, poetry and activity, mystery, name, Ushakovsky Album, Odessa.

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