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Actual problems of Russian law

Smyshlyaev Sergey Mikhailovich Electronic state government: the regional level of electronic government

Abstract: The article is devoted to the legal problems of regional informatization. The author considers that the modern Russian state chose the path of formation of the service state» which is oriented on provision of services, which in turn is impossible to imagine in the XXI century without the informatization of state government, including the use of electronic administrative regulations. The use of Information and communication technologies within the system of state government in the Russian Federation is complicated by a large number of government levels within the federal state system (federal level, level of the constituent subject of the federation, and municipal level). The author supports the position that today there is need to guarantee an efficient decentralization of powers between the levels of public government in favor of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation. He offers to apply this practice in the process of modernization of the state government system with the help of the information and communication technologies at the regional level. The article also includes the conclusion that introduction of information and communication technologies into the government system of the constituent subjects of the Russian Federation should be goal-oriented within the framework of the formation of regional segment of the electronic government. It is also stressed, that the informatization itself should be teamed with the modernization of state government as a whole.


jurisprudence, government, informatization, region, electronic, information, optimization, reform, administrative, government.

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