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Taxes and Taxation

Nechaev, A. S., Nikityuk, L. G. Creation of the Model of Investment-Innovation Mechanism of Administration in the Sphere of Housing and Utilities

Abstract: The article describes the model of investment-innovation mechanism of administration in the sphere of housing and utilities based on the principles of commercialization of innovations, self-fi nancing and self-suffi - ciency. Investment tax credit is described as the basic fi nancial instrument for investment-innovation mechanism of administration in the sphere of housing and utilities. The article also casts light on the basic factors infl uencing the implementation of investment-innovation activity in the sphere of housing and utilities.


taxes and taxation, investment tax credit, housing and utilities, investment-innovation activities in the sphere of housing and utilities, investment-innovation mechanism, commercialization principle, self-fi nancing principle, tax saving, competition capacity, fi nancial instrument.

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