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Philosophy and Culture

Deklerk, I. V. Naturalistic Conceptions of a Social Community

Abstract: The article is devoted to the issues related to transformation of the objective social and philosophical discourse into the cultural communicative discourse. Based on the author, such transformation happens when we realize the fact that forms of human communication and t ypes of intersubjective c ultural communities constitute and organize the social reality. Formation of intersubjective communities start with the ‘I-You’ and ends with the general ‘Us’. The author of the article considers the most famous naturalistic social and philosophical conceptions of communicative and cultural interactions in the sphere of ‘Us’, - such as Hannah Arendt, Jurgen Habermas and Karl-Otto Apel.


philosophy, naturalism, social communication, intersubjectivity, nature, culture, I-You, Us, hermeneutics, ethics, logic.

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