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Politics and Society

Tsvetkova M.V. Reflexive Modelling of Political Actors' Interaction

Abstract: This article reveals the possibilities and prospects of reflexive modelling of political actors’ interaction. Today, political scientists have begun to realize more clearly the necessity of regulatory mechanisms of co-existence, which are not based on individualism, but on cooperation, and which allow dynamic transition from conflict to a managed confrontation and cooperation. These mechanisms are primarily focused on the relations between the actors, allowing to describe not only the usefulness of the relationship between political actors, but also the structure of the inner world of political entities. Today we need the formalized theory, which allows us to describe the interaction between actor’s inner worlds and their motives.Reflexive mechanisms offer a theoretical framework for understanding the actor’s relations and their behavior. The main feature of actor’s reflexive model is that the syntax of the model describes the algorithmic meaning of the choice of actor’s behavior, and also contains formal description of the psychological state of the actor during the act.This article confirms the adequacy of the algebraic reflexive theory in modelling of interactions of the actors. The main content of reflection of actors’ relations is for the actor to realize the free choice of relations with another actor on the basis of ethical type of choosing actor’s reflection. In this sense, it is enough to simulate a reflective structure of the political actor to identify the predominant type of its political relations and the psychology of choice in behavior towards others.


reflexivity, reflexive game theory, political actor, algebraic research model, political theory, system of values, mathematics in political science, political psychology, ethical systems

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