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Law and Politics

Popov A.A. Ensuring the legality of the investigative actions with participation of minors through prosecutor’s supervision

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the questions of ensuring the legality of the investigative actions regarding or with participation of minors by the procedural and organizational means of prosecutor’s supervision, as well as through prosecutor’s participation in coordination of the work of law enforcement bodies in the struggle against crime. The subject of this research is the norms of the Criminal Procedural Law of the Russian Federation, Federal Law “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation”, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, organizational and administrative documents of the General Prosecutor of Russia, judicial practice, as well as scientific literature on this topic. The author concludes that the reported in recent time growth in the number of minors involved in the criminal court procedures, which in turn substantiates the increase of the amount of violations committed by investigators during the process of investigation with participation of minors, predetermines the need for activation of the national institutions for protection of rights and freedoms of the minors, among which a special place belong to the prosecutor’s supervision. At the same time, for realistic and complete protection of right of the minors in criminal procedure, the prosecutor’s office must use their entire procedural and organizational potential within the framework of realization of supervision over the legality of the work of investigators.


Fight against crime, Coordination of work, Preliminary investigation, Criminal procedure, Investigative agencies, Prosecutor’s office, Minors, Investigative actions, Supervision over investigation, Prosecutor’s supervision

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