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Culture and Art

Petruseva N.A. Pierre Boulez and IRCAM

Abstract: The subject of the research is the activity of a leading composer, theorist, polemist, teacher and conductor of New Music Pierre Boulez whose activity led to the foundation of Institute for Research and Coordination in Acoustics/Music (IRCAM, the Centre Pompidou in Paris). Petruseva analyzes the environment and stages of Boulez' creative activity, three types of musical establishments (training, performing and research establishments), IRCAM structure; Boulez' article 'Technology and the Composer' that became the manifesto of IRCAM; Boulez' interpretation of the total serialism, denial of preceding (nearest) tradition and transition to the period of 'synthesis'. The researcher uses an integrated research method that combines comparative studies, structural musical methods and elements of social methods. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author tries to outline the borders of anthroposociological research based on the example of Pierre Boulez' sociocultural activity. As a conclusion, the author describes the single line of Boulez' activity that starts with immediate problems of aesthetics, musical material, language and New Music concept and comes to musical establishments through the problems of perception and music performance. 


post-serialistic modernism, types of musical establishments, teaching, performing New Music, research-related, structure and manifesto, New Music, IRCAM (Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Ac

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