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«Culture and Art» (18+)

¹ 5, 2016
Published since
2013 year

Culture and cultures
P. 563 - 568
Music and music culture
P. 569 - 574
Question at hand
P. 575 - 587
P. 588 - 599
Culture and Cult
P. 600 - 607
Theoretical culturology and the theory of culture
P. 608 - 615
Cultural heritage, tradition and innovation
P. 616 - 623
Audiovisual culture and art
P. 624 - 631
P. 632 - 642
Art and Art History
P. 643 - 661
P. 662 - 668
History of art
P. 669 - 674
P. 675 - 689
Fine arts
P. 690 - 701
Biblical culture and art of the book
P. 702 - 707
Contents details