Gur'yanchik V.N..
Latent and Internet-Mediated Forms of Deviant Youth Behavior
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. ¹ 4.
P. 86-96.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.72780 EDN: XTTETI URL:
This research aims to study latent and Internet-mediated forms of deviant behavior of young people in the digital environment. The subject of the study is the peculiarities of the manifestation of hidden forms of deviation in the digital environment. The methodological basis of the study is the sociocultural approach, which considers the priority of generally accepted norms and patterns of behavior in a particular social group. An online survey questionnaire was used as the primary research method. The questionnaire included 23 questions aimed at studying young people's personal perception and understanding of manifestations of deviant behavior in the digital environment and the model of responding to such manifestations. The content, semantic, and behavioral aspects of the respondents' attitude to the object under study predetermined the structure of the questionnaire and the content of its questions: the degree of involvement of students in digital communications, the presence and characteristics of the target audience's experience. Three hundred fifty students from 19 universities in the country, located in 12 regions, participated in the survey. Among the respondents were 88 men (25.1%) and 262 women (74.9%). The average age of the survey participants was 20,136 years. Secondary data processing was obtained during the study using correlation analysis (the r-Spearman correlation criterion). The scientific significance of the results obtained lies in rethinking existing ideas about norms and deviations from them in the context of digitalization, which allows for a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of formation of latent and Internet-mediated forms of deviant behavior in the digital space and its connection with changes in the social environment.
prevention, students, global childhood, youth, latent forms of deviation, Internet-mediated forms of deviation, deviant behavior, digital deviation, digital socialization, digital space
Nikitina T..
Specifics of penal officers' professional communicative competence
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. ¹ 2.
P. 143-152.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.24605 URL:
The subject of the study is the problem of forming a professional communicative competence among penal officers. The author examines such aspects of the problem as penal officers' professional communication, its types, and peculiar properties of officers' official activities. Special consideration is paid to peculiarities of professional communicative competence, depending on penal officers' activity profile, based on an experience of Perm Institute of Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia on forming professional and specialized competencies among students according to education program specialization. For the implementation of research problems, were applied the following survey methods: analysis and generalization of pedagogical, methodical literature on the subject; classification; generalization of pedagogical experience. The analysis of the specificity of professional communicative competence of the penal officers and models of training the graduates in "Organization of guard and escort in the prisons system", "Organization of the regime in the penal system", "Kinology" education program specializations of Perm Institute of Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia is carried out. Components of the professional communicative competence are determined: basic, general (general professional), situational (professional-profiled) communicative competences. Content of the professional communicative competence components according to education program specialization, and stages of its formation are set.
kinology, regime, escort, penal officers, guard, prisons system, professional communicative competence, competence, model, communication
Rozin V.M..
On Building the Theory of Questioning
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. ¹ 2.
P. 78-89.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.2.26172 URL:
In his article Rozin describes the first stage of building the theory of questioning. The author's theory is based on the differentiation between pre-personal and personal questions as he described in his previous article. Rozin makes a statement that questioning is not a complete process because it only sets the 'sphere of questioning' as a special experience of a collective action and 'questioning communication'. Rozin analyzes three cases (Socratic questioning in Plato's works, questioning in St. Augustine's 'Confessiones' and questions asked by an investigator). Analysis of these three cases has allowed to describe the sphere of questioning and questioning communication as new concepts. In particular, in terms to questioning communicaiton, the author suggests to differentiate between the situation of questioning and process of questioning. In his research Rozin has used the following methodologies: problem statement, case analysis, construction of ideal objects and concepts that describe them, and typological description. As a result, Rozin outlines the methodological program of buildig the theory of questioning. He also differentiates between the terms 'the sphere of questioning' and 'questioning communication' and to describe the first characteristics of questions based on the analysis of three cases (Socratic questioning in Plato's works, questioning in St. Augustine's 'Confessiones' and questions asked by an investigator).
whole, understanding, thinking, practice, communication, answer, question, concept, system, theory
Lyashenko T.M..
Communication Success as the Characteristic of the Communication Act
// Pedagogy and education.
2016. ¹ 1.
P. 106-113.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2016.1.67693 URL:
The content of the concept of “communication success” is described in the article. Communication success is considered to be not as the characteristic of personality but as tge characteristic of activities and more exactly of the communicative act. This approach comes from the field methodological paradigm which describes the intrinsic feature of psychical processes in terms of their activity nature. That extends the sphere of knowledge about the features of communicatively successful behavior. The subject of the research is the communicative act. The object of the research is success as the characteristic of the communicative act. The author pays special attention to the activity nature of communication success. The research is based on Kurt Lewin's field theory as well as Alexey Leontiev's activity theory. For the first time in the academic literature communication success is viewed not as a personal trait but characteristic of the communicative field. The author comes to the conclusion that psychological content of the concept of “communication success” implies orientation at an interlocutor and achievement of communication targets including improving the quality of relations between communicants. The results of the research can be used by psychologists and teachers of psychology, especially, psychology of communication, conflictology and other disciplines. The author’s approach to the communicative act as an action taking place in the communicative field opens the possibilities for organizing more effective communication including communication in the process of education.
interlecutor, communication targets, efficiency, speech act, speech, activity, communication, communicative field, communication success, communication act
Medvedev, M. S..
Comparative Analysis of Traditional and Modern Cultures
// Pedagogy and education.
2012. ¹ 3.
P. 80-87.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2012.3.61414 URL:
The article is devoted to the description of traditional and modern cultures. Using the comparative philosophical
and anthropological analysis, the author of the article defines axiological models, levels of consciousness, types of
cogitation and cognitive attitudes typical for the human of traditional and modern cultures. In particular, human of
the traditional culture has a hierarchical, standard, cyclic, conceptual and emotional cogitation, contemplative attitude
dominating over activity, esthetic attitude towards the world and religious attitude in all forms of world perception.
Human of the modern culture typically has an individual, flexible and mobile, linear cogitation and prevailing theoretical
and pragmatic attitudes to the world round. Preservation of traditional culture is performed through consolidation
around the meaning and innovation-based society is self-preserved through super-rationalization independent of all
spheres of life activity. In post-traditional culture mythological and scientific knowledge prevails and at the same time
different types of knowledge are quite independent from each other. Based on this analysis, the author describes the
main parameters of a stable society: axiological and conceptual dominant and esthetic grounds of existence.
pedagogy, philosophy, culture, dynamics, determinants, paradigm, tradition, post-modernism, analysis, progress, deconstruction.