Marinina Y.A., Latukhina A.L..
Continuing Education Courses in the Organizational and Methodological Model for Teaching Russian in India
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 4.
P. 71-85.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.72362 EDN: VPULWX URL:
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This article analyzes the demand for additional education courses in Russian among students and teachers of universities in the Republic of India. The study is based on the experience of working at the Center for Open Education in Russian and Russian Language Teaching of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, opened by the Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University named after K. Minin based on the Chaudhary Charan Singh University in Meerut. Surveys of students and teachers of universities in India showed a high interest in learning the Russian language. The respondents' expectations can be divided into two blocks: acquaintance with the Russian language and culture in a group of students who are just beginning to learn Russian and the desire to improve their speaking and writing skills in Russian and improve their teaching methods in a group of master's students, postgraduates, and teachers. The demand for courses on studying the Russian language and culture and the high student ratings indicate the effectiveness of this teaching format. With the introduction of the New Education Policy (2020), the status of the Russian language is changing in the Republic of India. It is now included in the training program for schoolchildren and other foreign languages. Consequently, the need for Russian language teachers at various levels of education is growing, both in universities and schools. Short-term additional education courses addressing different student categories and advanced training courses for Russian language teachers can fill the educational gaps created by Indian citizens' increasing interest in the Russian language and culture.
methods of teaching Russian language, methodological support, teacher of Russian language, communicative competence, professional competencies, Center for Open Education, additional education courses, educational intensive, Russian as a foreign language, educational model
Matveeva N.V., Kolos L..
The pedagogy of surprise as a leading concept for the development of the ESP textbook for transport university students
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 3.
P. 128-146.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.3.71344 EDN: FAPBPF URL:
The subject of this study is the process of teaching English to students majoring in engineering at a transport university. The object of the research is the pedagogy of surprise as a concept for the textbook development. The authors consider the possibilities of the pedagogy of surprise, determine its content for teaching English to students in detail. Special attention is paid to developing tasks based on the sources of surprise: facts, methods, environment and student's own achievements. The surprise by the fact lies in the peculiarities of terminology and interesting facts of professional foreign culture. The methods includes a computer format for the tasks, the paradox of the educational situation. The environment is supported by the visual aids and the dialogic nature of the learning process. Surprise by one's own achievements is possible when students perform tasks using logical thinking and work at the limit of intellectual capabilities. The research was carried out at the Department of Foreign Language of the Russian University of Transport (MIIT) as part of the work on the Monolanguage project. As a result, a textbook, based on the ideas of the pedagogy of surprise, has been developed for teaching English to students of the Institute of Transport Technology and Control Systems. The theoretical significance lies in substantiating the possibility of using the pedagogy of surprise in English language classes at a university, determining the basic elements of the course to ensure continuity between the English language courses for general purposes and specific ones. The practical significance lies in the possibility of using the developed educational materials in practical pedagogical activities. The following conclusions were drawn. Pedagogy of surprise contradict neither the professionally oriented nor content and language integrated learning, serves developing the emotional sphere of students. The article outlines the directions for further research.
digitalization of railways, working programme, foreign language communication, source of surprise, pedagogy of surprise, English for Specific Purposes, transport university, foreign language, motivation, paradox
Chemezova E.R..
Modern Technologies and Hermeneutical Analysis of Poetic Text
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 1.
P. 57-66.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.1.39927 EDN: EMZBUQ URL:
The subject of the study is a model of the use of modern technologies in literary analysis. The purpose of this study is to consider the stages of pedagogical technology of using AI technologies in hermeneutical text analysis. The object of the study is the poetic text of the Chinese poet of the Tang Du Fu era. The author of the article found that the use of AI-based Internet resources in the process of analyzing Chinese poetry helps to identify deep interpretations and meanings of key images. Special attention is paid to the possibility of expanding and deepening the semantic and hermeneutic meanings of Chinese poetry in the process of continuous analysis as part of pedagogical technology. Based on the analysis performed with the help of AI, it was concluded that this kind of modern technology provides a quick adaptation of the identified meanings to the analysis process, which was considered on the material of the poetic text of Du Fu. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that until now, Internet resources based on AI have not been used for hermeneutical analysis of literary text as part of pedagogical technology in general and based on the material of Chinese poetic texts by Du Fu, the poet of the Tang era, in particular. In the future, it seems promising to investigate the types and features of AI tools as an element of pedagogical technologies for continuous analysis of literary texts in the process of training future philologists.
literary analysis, Doo Fu, modern technologies, pedagogical technologies, hermeneutical analysis, Chinese literature, artificial intelligence, continuous analysis, philological education, higher school
Glebova L.N..
Socio-pedagogical design in the training of students of pedagogical universities in the context of the formation of a coherent environment of the future
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 3.
P. 97-109.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.3.44022 EDN: YQKFDQ URL:
The author considers the problem of using socio-pedagogical design as a condition for training students of pedagogical universities in the context of the formation of a coherent environment of the future, reveals the features of such socio-pedagogical design, its structure, presents a model for implementing a system of training students of pedagogical universities of socio-pedagogical design as a guarantor of readiness for future professional activity and conditions for maintaining a harmonious educational environment as a means of formation of personality. The need to develop a model for the use of socio-pedagogical design in the training of students of pedagogical universities in the context of the formation of a coherent environment of the future is caused by a number of reasons: the uneven development of the environment with the priority requirement of the organization of effective education and personal development. Instability, inconsistency of environments leads to a negative impact on the personality both in psychological terms (discomfort, contradictory, ambivalent experiences) and in the pedagogical aspect (lack of a stable idea of values, problems with choosing and building a priority of values, difficulties in forming a stable worldview). A coherent educational environment, or, in other words, a balanced, harmonized one, is able to maximize the capabilities to solve the problems of the educational process, maintain concentration, adequate interactions of all environments with each other. This is possible with the extraction of its potential by specialists who possess advising competencies.
personality, future, coherent educational environment, students, psychological and pedagogical education, pedagogical education, coherent environment, preparation of students, socio-pedagogical design, Designing
Mikhaylova N.V..
Organization of Project Activities of Students in the System of Professional Training of Employees of Internal Affairs Bodies
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 1.
P. 106-115.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.1.39809 EDN: KWIHKA URL:
The topic of the study is dictated by the issues of ensuring the quality of advanced training of thinking, competent, capable of self-development specialists. One of the areas of solving these problems is the introduction of project activities into the educational process. In order to develop and implement the project activities of students within the framework of non-audit independent work, a comprehensive study was carried out, based on systemic, complex, activity, personality-oriented approaches, using methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, design, experiment, observation, expert assessments. The object of the study is the process of vocational training of students of educational organizations of higher education. The subject of the study is: project activities as the basis for organizing non-audit independent work of students of higher education organizations. As a result of the study, the author from a methodological point of view describes the project activities of students as a holistic sequential process consisting of a number of stages (pre-project, stage of formulation of the project concept, planning, project implementation, project evaluation, project improvement, project implementation) aimed at solving a specific practically significant problem. The author disclosed the goals, content, means, results of each stage of project activity. The novelty and author's contribution lies in the modification and application of strategic management tools in organizing the project activities of students of higher education organizations. The effectiveness of the solutions presented in the article has been proven experimentally.
structure of project activities, professional and personal development, non-audit independent work, project method of training, methodology of project activity, project activity of students, flexible skills, project, practical-oriented training, quality of education
Zakharova A.E., Alekseeva G.G., Yavlovskaya P.E..
Features of the Digitalization of the Educational Process in a Sports Higher Education Institutions
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 4.
P. 82-91.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.4.39410 EDN: ZBPFHH URL:
The article deals with the peculiarities of distance learning organisation in a sport higher education institution during the pandemic. The subject of the study is the process of distance learning organisation in higher education institute during the period of COVID-19 restrictive measures. The Churapchinsky State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport is one of the first higher education institutions located in a rural environment, with more than 90% of its students coming from the heritage and districts of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). The specifics of higher education institute imply a large volume of practical training sessions and daily training in selected sports in equipped sports facilities. The distance learning format has made significant adjustments to the content and forms of practical training, in particular student sports training. A total of 320 full-time and part-time students from 7 areas of study took part in the survey. The results revealed the degree of students' readiness for the transition to distance learning, assessment of the possibility of full training for credit-examination session and state final attestation, features of practical training in elective courses of physical education and sports disciplines, the level of satisfaction, advantages and disadvantages in the organization of distance learning in higher education institution. The results of the study can be used to improve the organisation of distance learning in higher education institutions, while maintaining the quality and accessibility of the educational process. The novelty of the study lies in the investigation of the organisation of the distance learning format and the attitudes towards it of the students of a physical education institution located in a rural area. It has been established that the transition of the educational process to a fully distance format in a sports university has intensified the resources of the institute, forcing the use of information technology in training, while revealing certain difficulties.
physical education, internet connectivity, sports training, covid-19 pandemic, distance learning, digitalisation of education, higher education institution in sports, students, distance education, survey
Nazarova L..
Aspects of the formation of creative competencies of design students (using the example of the HSE School of Design)
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 3.
P. 22-48.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.3.36149 EDN: LZWTJI URL:
The subject of the study is the description and analysis of the solution of practice-oriented tasks in the bachelor's degree in a rapidly changing market of professions (using the example of the web resource of the HSE School of Design). Methodology. Using the example of the HSE School of Design, a competence-based approach to the implementation of practice-oriented education in the design field is described and analyzed. The following research methods were used to solve the tasks and verify the hypothesis put forward: theoretical analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, special, reference literature on the research problem and generalization of scientific ideas and views; survey (interviewing); conversation, direct and indirect observation. Scientific novelty. The basis of the educational model of teaching designers at the HSE School of Design is the web resource of the HSE School of Design, which combines the "Map of Creative Competencies", "Student Portfolio" and "Design Laboratory". The HSE considers the Design Laboratory as a creative platform for conducting students' industrial practice and a platform for solving practice-oriented tasks of the digital society. Practical significance. A brief analysis of the basics of two educational models is given: the Bauhaus (Germany, Weimar, 1923) and the HSE School of Design (Russia, Moscow, 2021). Results. The parallels of the application of the practice-oriented Bauhaus approach in the teaching of the HSE School of Design of bachelor designers for the digital society are drawn.
higher education, professional competencies, professional development, new educational strategies, formation, general professional competence, bauhaus, map of creative competencies, creative design, level
Fu L..
Features of Professional Individuality of Chinese Students in Russian Art Universities
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 3.
P. 49-59.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.3.38441 EDN: MAUXSM URL:
The article provides a comparative analysis of the role of the professional personality of the future artist-teacher in the professional education of China and Russia in order to build an effective process of training Chinese specialists in Russian universities. In accordance with this , the Russian and Chinese interpretation of the concepts is given: "professional individuality" and "individual educational route". The subject of the study is the study of the role of the development of an educational route in the process of training artistic personnel. The hypothesis of the study is that in order to successfully achieve pedagogical goals in working with Chinese students, it is necessary to take into account the options for building individual educational routes in Chinese universities. It also substantiates the need for drawing up educational routes in art universities, taking into account the ethnocultural and ethnopsychological characteristics of Chinese-speaking students, which is the key to the development of individuality in the profession and subsequent adaptation to the realities of their native country. Similar studies have not been undertaken in Russian before in relation to students from China studying in a modern Russian university specializing in artistic specialties. These materials can be used in the preparation of curricula and educational programs in art and pedagogical universities of Russia, taken into account in further studies of the adaptation of foreign students.
individuality, individual educational route, professional personality, artist-teacher, chinese education, Chinese student, pedagogical university, art, educational technologies, art education
Mal'tseva T.E..
Binarity of the role of higher inclusive education in development of socio-professional subjectivity
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 3.
P. 86-96.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.3.34216 URL:
The subject of this research is the process of formation of socio-professional subjectivity of persons with socio-functional dissimilarities, among whom are people with impairments, pensioners, military, prisoners, and released from prison. The object of this research is the higher inclusive education viewed through prism of modernization of the system of higher education, being a crucial organizational-substantive and goal-directed aspect, within which inclusive education plays not only an educational-enlightening role such as formation of professional competencies, but also in the specifically arranged inclusive field ensures formation and development of their socio-professional subjectivity, changing their assertions, needs, and motives from personal-passive to socially significant. The conclusion is made that socio-psychological adaptation and increase of the role and status of people with socio-functional dissimilarities implies socio-professional development of subjectivity as a certain system organization of consciousness, human psyche that includes cognitive, emotional-willed, and activity components inherent to a person as a subject of activity. The author underlines the need for functional model that would be aimed at solution of personal issues, as well as increase of the professional role and social status. This approach suggests binary role of inclusive professionalization.
victimization, social status, internality, binarity, social and professional subjectivity, subjectness, social and functional differences, inclusive education, the semantic significance of the inclusion, educational environment
Matyunina D.S., Nozdracheva M.V..
On the effectiveness and role of university elective modules of artistic orientation: the experience of implementing the elective module “Theory and Practice of Contemporary Art" in Moscow City Pedagogical University
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 2.
P. 77-91.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.2.35469 URL:
This article describes the practical experience of a group of pedagogues, organizers of the elective module “Theory and Practice of Contemporary Art” in Moscow City Pedagogical University (D. S. Matyunina, M. V. Nozdracheva, M. A. Semenova). The authors share their opinion on the role and effectiveness of the system of elective modules in modern university education, outline the primary tasks, and discuss the peculiarities of teaching general university courses of artistic orientation. The focus attention is the questions of motivation of students, who chose the module, possibility of flexible arrangement of the content of disciplines thereof in accordance with attainment level and requests of the student audience. The researchers assume that elective courses allow the students to adjust the content of their professional education. Based on the three-year experience of conducting a joint elective course, the co-authors conclude that elective courses can expand the professional competencies of students in adjacent fields, as well as give confidence to the students majoring in other disciplines to change their own educational trajectory. The article is addressed to the pedagogues and students of higher education institutions.
painting techniques, sketching, contemporary art, motivation, training direction, majors, modern education, minors, elective courses, educational technologies
Sadykova E.F., Miryugina T.A..
Peculiarities of organization of educational environmental geocaching for the students of public schools
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 3.
P. 54-62.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.3.33625 URL:
The subject of this research is the peculiarities of organization of educational environmental geocaching for the public school students. Current a relevant trend in development of modern education is the model of open, informal education. Educational geocaching is one of the forms of organization of work with the students of informal education. Special attention is given to achievement of goals of environmental education using the activity approach. The authors believe that the students’ knowledge of environmental situation should be obtained through their involvement and nonstandard forms of interaction. As an example, the article explores the experience of elaboration and implementation of the city project “Environmental Geocaching” for the students of Tobolsk public schools. The author reviews the key stages of the game: purpose, form, brief content of training the planners and participants, examples of tasks on the example of ecological station, etc. It is believed that in the course of such events, the students learn to value the environment and its preservationt; direct participation of students at all stages of the game is a strong motivator for cognitive activity, which prompts the solutions for developmental and pedagogical tasks of environmental education. The provided methodical recommendations can be applied by the teachers in elaboration of materials for such events.
activity approach, methods of teaching ecology, environmental educational geocaching, geocaching in education, geocaching, environmental education, open education, informal education, learner, interactive game
Ermakov D.S..
Application of the “World Café” methodology in pedagogical research
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 3.
P. 63-73.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.3.33694 URL:
Recent transformations in pedagogical theory and practice arouse interest in innovative methods. The developed in the late XX century methodology of conducting an informal focused discourse “World Café” can be applied for solution of complex issues, integration of opinions of the experts in different fields, arrangement of group work, recapitulation, exchange of experience, etc. Currently, this technique enjoys popularity worldwide. The subject of this research is the history of creation, functional capabilities and peculiarities of application of the “World Café” methodology in pedagogical research. The article presents a brief overview of on the history of its emergence. The fundamental principles and rules of its implementation are outlined. The article reveals the peculiarities of application of “World Café” in scientific-pedagogical purposes as a qualitative method of research of socio-constructivist direction, which facilitates the dialogue, opens access to knowledge and opinions of broad range of participants, advances mutual learning, as well as serves as the source of valuable information. The author analyzed Russian and foreign examples of application of “World Café” methodology for resolving the indicated issues. The article describes the characteristics of this method in comparison with such methods of obtaining quality information as individual interviews and focus groups. Comparative merits and flaws are identified.
focus group, interview, comparison, data, discussion, rules, World cafe, methods, research, pedagogy
Okhlopkova D.K., Ponomareva T.N..
Socio-pedagogical technologies of using the means of school museum in professional self-determination of high school students in rural environment (on the example of the work of school museums of Tomponsky and Megino-Kangalassky Districts)
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 4.
P. 115-124.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.4.31466 URL:
The subject of this research is the socio-pedagogical technologies in professional self-determination of high school students in rural environment using the means of a school museum. The authors explore the formation of professional self-determination of high school students in the course of cognizing self-identification and ethical experience, as well as in interaction with surrounding people and social institutions. The work of school museums allows the students to try themselves in research activity and tour guidance, which are the platform for acquiring communication and verbal skills, creative thinking, and ability to independently search for scientific information. The scientific novelty consists in substantiation of conclusions that the question of professional self-determination of high school students comes to the forefront in the conditions of modernization of education, on the background on escalation of social problems. The author determines the prospects of future examination of the problem of professional self-determination of high school students using the means of school museums. The main conclusion lies in the statement that the implementation of socio-pedagogical technologies of using the means of school museums contributes to improvement of the level of formation of professional self-determination among high school students in rural environment.
educational potential, high school students, social pedagogical technologies, professional self-determination, pedagogical technologies, circle, the museum, rural society, school, social institutions
Tsibizova T.Y., Kutsiy O..
Organizing the Process of Checking Graduation Qualification Works for Borrowings
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 3.
P. 84-91.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.3.30594 URL:
The authors of this article analyze the procedure for checking graduation qualification works for the volume of borrowing. Graduation qualification work (thesis) is the final stage of education and the means of control over competences learnt by a student throughout his or her studies at a University. The aim of the research is to develop the e-library system that would allow to define independent efforts of students, compliance of a thesis to particular requirements and observation of intellectual property rights. The authors describe the e-library system Bank of VKR developed at Bauman Moscow State Technical University . This system allows to check the accuracy of theses, analyzes the structure of the research, number of bibliographical sourced used by a researcher and references inside text. The system offered different ways of checking a thesis for borrowings. The main contribution of the authors to the development and implementation of the e-library system Bank of VKR is that they provide an opportunity not only to define the borrowing volume but also find references to the sources of borrowings and to check the structure and accuracy of a thesis as well as to discover texts that do not correlate to the matter of the research.
electronic library system, information system, sources, electronic university, loading, standard controller, originality of the text, borrowing volume, electronic information and educational environment, graduation qualification work
Rozin V.M..
The key ideas and substantiation of the course "Methodology of design"
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 2.
P. 93-104.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29705 URL:
The article sets out the key ideas of the course "Methodology of design". The author emphasizes that quite often the methodological approach, aimed at the development of the particular discipline (in this case, of the design), equals the methodological approach, where only the established practice and optimization of activities are dealt with. Therefore, the author talks about his understanding of both methodology and design. Based on these ideas, the main problems that led to the creation of the methodology of design as an independent discipline, the aims of the educational course, the sequence of contents of the course "Methodology of design" develop. Besides the lecture work, the need to organize a creative group work for students is suggested. The article implements the following research methodology: problem statement, situational analysis, construction of ideal objects and concepts based on the distinction of types of project activities and problem-solving, staging of new educational practice. As a result of the study, it was possible to distinguish the methodical and methodological approaches, characterize the author's understanding of methodology and design, identify the problems, aims and the sequence of "Methodology of design" course content, formulate the idea of the need to organize a creative group work for students. Ideas, identified by the author, are suggested to be tested in the educational practice of future designers.
course, experience, activity, education, design, methodology, optimization, technique, development, thinking
Korepanova M.G..
Experience of Development of Social Activity of Countryside School Children by Means of a School Museum
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 3.
P. 28-36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.3.22961 URL:
The present article deals with the problem of developing social activity of school children in the country side. The author's thesis is that a teacher must create particular conditions for a successful teaching process, socialization of school students, their acquisition of social activity skills and understanding of their place in the society, their family and the world. The author of the article analyzes the pedagogical environment that would ensure a successful teaching process aimed at the development of harmonic and socially responsible personality ready to form their professional identity. The study was conducted on the basis of the school museum of the Karakulino secondary general school. As a result of the research, Korepanova has discovered the following conditions (circumstances) that influence the process discussed: involvement of school children into research activity; pedagogical attendance of the educational process; informative attendance of children; development of the feeling of commitment to social events in the country; and development of the social orientation of museum workers.
activity of schoolchildren in the countryside, countryside school, museum pedagogy, research activity, school museum, pedagogical conditions, social activity, schoolchildren in the countryside, local history, pedagogical experiment
Khoroshikh P.P., Nosko I.V..
Developing Communication Tolerance by the Means of Social Communication Training: Pedagogical Experiment
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 3.
P. 37-45.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.3.26451 URL:
The article is devoted to the study of the mechanisms of the formation of communicative tolerance. The authors note that communicative tolerance is one of the key competencies of the teacher due to the fact that the modern paradigm of education as a system is based on a subject-personal approach. The authors also underline that one of the most effective methods for the formation of the studied phenomenon can be interactive teaching methods, including social and communicative training. The article provides a general description of the developed training for students of the pedagogical area of training. The experimental part of the work is based on the comparative method and the classical pedagogical experiment, which consists of the ascertaining, formative, and control stages. To assess the initial level of the phenomenon under study, as well as to study the dynamics after the formative stage, a battery of tests was developed, consisting of recognized, valid methods. The authors describe the results of the control and ascertaining stages of the experiment in the control and experimental group, which confirms the possibility of using the developed social-communicative training as an effective way of forming such competence as communicative tolerance. The paper presents a comparative analysis of the results and statistical processing of the data obtained.
educational psychology, intolerance, training, interactive methods, competence, communication, students, tolerance, educational experiment, social interaction
Razorvina A.S..
Development of Fine Motor Skills in Joint Activity of a Child and Adult Within the Family
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 2.
P. 48-52.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.2.25726 URL:
The article is devoted to the development of fine motor skills of preschoolers in their families. Preschool educators need to inform parents of this problem and offer solutions because not all parents know enough about child psychology. Besides developing fine motor skills, exercises solve other educational issues and are of great use to both children, parents and teachers. The author of the article emphasizes the need to develop fine motor skills for academic success and proves the importance of such activities based on pedagogical, psychological, biological and medical researches. In conclusion, the author offers variants of interesting activities for children and their parents who want to develop fine motor skills. Such activities aimed at developing fine motor skills at home may be viewed as the factor of developing an efficient parenthood and consolidation of a family. The article presents the results of an experiment carried out by the author of the article in a kindergarden.
creativity, productive activity, educational activity, joint activity, development of speech, development of intelligence, fine motor skills, origami, quilling, achievements
Martynets M..
Activity-Typed Workshop
// Pedagogy and education.
2018. № 1.
P. 46-60.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2018.1.22075 URL:
The article contains the description of the processes of preparation for, implementation and evaluation of a pedagogical activity-typed workshop. The workshop was carried out during a regional event - "Auction of pedagogical ideas" held in Krasnoyarsk (June, 2016). The unusual form of the event made it important to develop an outstanding workshop which would be unpredictable to most of the participants. As a result, the aim and the hypothesis of the research were defined which led to the experiment during implementation of the pedagogical conditions, their evaluation and analysis. The research methods included general theoretical methods such as theoretical analysis of literature on psychology of teaching, regulatory documentation and documents about education institutions and teachers' works); empirical methods (observation, interview, analysis of teaching experience, etc.), and statistical methods (analysis of test results). There are six different positions described in the article. The author starts from the core competence - the teacher's ability to plan the students' results - then leads to the analysis of pros and cons of higher and post-graduate teachers' education that don't allow teachers to plan real, specific and measurable students' results; then the author becomes a master and continues to write about planning, carrying out and evaluating his workshop. The article should be useful to the teachers who want to change their traditional workshops to activity-typed workshops.
planned results, criteria, apprentices, participants, master, Bloom's taxonomy, activity, workshop, specification of notion, pedagogical research
Aksenova S.S., Arinushkina A.A..
The Role of Social Media in Professional Development of Voice Instructor at Children's Music Schools and Children's Arts Schools
// Pedagogy and education.
2017. № 4.
P. 10-17.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.4.24754 URL:
The subject of the research is the main approaches to using information and communication technologies in professional activity, training and raising proficiency level of voice instructors. The object of the research is the process of using information and communication technologies and social media in professional activity of voice instructors. The authors of the article analyze different concepts and approaches to informatisation of education and intellectualisation of education systems (cloud technologies) in a situation when traditional academic singing school dominates. They also provide data for comparative analysis of singing lessons of music faculties in the USA. The research methods include: comparative analysis of teaching practice and summary of innovation activity results at music faculties, retrospective analysis of using the main pedagogical concepts in the process of integration of social media in the professional environment of music teachers and voice instructors. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors specify forms of the educational process of teaching arts and music (singing) as additional education in the modern education environment and describe the structure of teachers' professional activity as well as defines specific features of voice instructors' professional activity. The authors examine potentials and opportunities of social media based on the example of YouTube resources as the contents and alternative to collection of music libraries.
social media, facebook, YouTube, art education, vocal, structured mentoring, teacher educator mediation, digital natives, peer learning vocal, informatisation of education
Nevolina V.V., Belonovskaya I.D..
Pedagogical Project of the Experimental Foresight Platform 'Strategy of Students' Professional Self-Improvement in Health Education'
// Pedagogy and education.
2017. № 3.
P. 34-39.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.3.23883 URL:
Modern society has a high demand in experts who are flexible at constructing efficient strategies of professional self-improvement. Health education is aimed at the standard competence model that does not fully take into account education predication objectives contributing to would-be medics' readiness to respond to the modern society's challenges. To the authors' opinion, moden education is not adequately oriented at the preduction model of training their graduates to build a clear strategy of professional self-improvement which would allow them to be able to meet competitions and demands of society. The authors have developed and implemented a pedagogical project, experimental foresight platform 'Strategy of Students' Professional Self-Improvement in Health Education'. They have developed and tested a set of research and methodological methods based on the analysis of health education resources (profession-oriented classes, preliminary courses, college, university, internship, post-graduate studies, proficiency courses), professional self-improvement technologies (Web-quests, workshops, 'Life Balance Wheel', time-management technologies, 'Time Swing', etc.), power point presentations 'Medicine of the Future', and guideline. The authors have also arranged the Self-Improvement Laboratory that allows to implement the aforesaid guidelines and methods developed as part of the project.
self-improvement laboratory, workshop, Web quests, prediction model, Foresight-technologies, Foresight-platform, health education, professional self-improvement strategies, professional self-improvement, self-improvement
Chentsova O..
The Cultural and Educational Space of the Museum as an Educational Resource for the Higher Education System
// Pedagogy and education.
2017. № 2.
P. 29-39.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.2.23121 URL:
This article is devoted to the analysis of the role of the cultural and educational space of the museum in the educational and pedagogical process of the university. The work is based on the analysis of modern trends in the world and national system of higher education. The author focuses on existing studies of the integration of educational and museum spaces and explores the general educational and professional possibilities of the museum on the example of The Earth Science Museum at Lomonosov Moscow State University for bachelors of the Faculty of Geography of Lomonosov Moscow State University and The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, The Goldenweiser Memorial Apartment for bachelors of Faculty of Entrepreneurship in Culture of the International University in Moscow. The author conducted a special pedagogical study, the results of which are presented in this article, and proves that the educational opportunities of the museum are not currently used in the practice of higher education in full, both for the formation of general cultural and professional competencies of university students. This creates grounds for increasing interest of researchers towards using the museum as a resource of university educatonal environment.
active forms of education, high school pedagogy, education in the museum, educational opportunities of the museum, museum pedagogy, educational process of the university, cultural and educational space of the museum, components of the museum space, cultural and educational space, integration processes of education
Gorbunova T.N..
Testing Technology in the Process of Studying Computer Science
// Pedagogy and education.
2017. № 1.
P. 74-85.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.1.22125 URL:
The subject of the given research is developing the technology of studying computer science that would promote the best acquisition of knowledge. The author draws our attention to the importance of obtaining feedback regarding the level of knowledge acquisition in the learning process. The test is regarded as such a tool. The object of the research is the development of a set of tests for the protection of laboratory work. Particular attention is paid to the reliability of simulated tests differentiating their ability to assess knowledge. The author also focuses on the training aspect of the test which suggests the possibility of the student's choice of proposed ways to solve test problems. The methodology of the tests involve free response and multiple choice questions offered to students and evaluated in the binary system. The author also offers an algorithm for testing the hypothesis of normal distribution using the Shapiro-Wilk criterion. Gorbunova also offers an assessment scale. The main conclusions of the study are as follows: firstly, it is possible to use special tests for evaluating the level of students' understanding the material, and secondly, the author identifies topics that have a greater and lesser degree of correlation between themselves and affecting the acquisition of sustainable knowledge. The main result is the developed technology of testing with the automation of the development of options and processing of results. The proposed algorithm of tests can be included in the general methodology of studying the discipline.
criterion of assimilation, open test, closed test, statistical processing, Shapiro-Wilk criterion, correlation, normal distribution, testing, evaluation scale, reliability rating
L'vova S.V., Arakelyan K.A..
Developing Creative and Thinking Abilities of Elementary School Student Using LEGO Engineering
// Pedagogy and education.
2016. № 4.
P. 379-389.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2016.4.68463 URL:
The article investigates the impact of LEGO engineering as part of additional education on the development of elementary school students's abilities. The authors present the results of studying second-grade students' creative and visual-spatial abilities. In their article the authors describe the additional education LEGO program that has been tested at a Moscow general education institution over the period of time since 2015 till 2016. The authors provide the results of the summative and formative assessment and analyze data obtained in the course of the research. The authors prove their educational program to be efficient. Thus, the authors have prepared their own educational LEGO construction program to be used in the sphere of additional education and out-of-school activities. To define the levels of creative and visual-spatial abilities the authors have used the following methods: Ellis Torrance's Creative Thinking Test and Raven Progressive Matrices. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that LEGO construcion lessons are an understudied topic in terms of additional education and out-of-school activities. Based on the results of the research and after testing the additional education program the authors have defined positive dynamics demonstrated by children who attended lessons. LEGO construction lessons allowed to develop creative thinking and visual-spatial thinking abilities faster compared to children who had not attended lessons. Learning was always accompanied with play activity in class and lessons allowed children to obtain additional skills and knowledge not related to formal education, to develop thinking abilities and to grow personally.
development, creation, creative abilities, engineering, LEGO, additional education, educational psychology, pedagogy, potential, out-of-class activity
Artyukhina M.S..
Theoretical and Methodological Bases of Mathematics Interactive Training in the University Education Information Environment
// Pedagogy and education.
2016. № 2.
P. 176-185.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2016.2.68001 URL:
The object of the research is the process of interactive training in mathematics of bachelors studying humanities in the University education environment aimed at personal self-actualization. The concept of interactive training in mathematics which uses a set of approaches as the teoretical and methodological base is submitted: these include systems-activity, competence-based, information approaches, concept of the personality-focused training, cocnept of the differentiated training in mathematics, professional orientation of training in mathematics, creative thinking development, basic researches in the field of the theory and technique of training in mathematics, and the concept of evident and model training. The conceptual core of interactive training in mathematics is the pedagogical interaction. Based on the analysis of laws and regular patterns of training, methodology and the theory of developing training in mathematics from positions and conclusions about reorientation of valuable and semantic aspects of interactive training, fundamental laws and regular patterns of interactive training in mathematics of bachelors studying humanities in the University education information environment are formulated. The developed concept of interactive training in mathematics of bachelors studying humanities in the University education information enfironment has received confirmation during the theoretical and experimental work which has been carried out at Arzamas branch of Nizhny Novgorod State University. Laws of interactive training in mathematics of bachelors studying humanities in the University education information environment are formulated. Groups of regular patterns of interactive training are described: general regular patterns of training, sociocultural and regular patterns of developing training. In order to appy laws and regular patterns of interactive training in mathematics, the authors develop the principles of interactive training according to the purposes of education and pedagogical conditions promoting improvement of training quailty of bachelors for future professional activity and personal growth.
integration, pedagogical conditions, self-updating, principles of interactive training, regular patterns of interactive training, concept, laws of interactive training, pedagogical interaction, interactive training in mathematics, bachelor degree
Mal'tseva T.E..
Inclusive Professionalization in Perspective of the Humanistic Paradigm of High School
// Pedagogy and education.
2015. № 4.
P. 373-381.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2015.4.67420 URL:
Considering the problems of inclusive education in perspective of the humanistic paradigm, the author analyzes whether representatives of faculty groups from various universities are ready for practical activities in this direction, underlines the urgent relevance in the preparation of the pedagogical staff of higher education institutions for organization of this work. Based on researches of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of pedagogy and psychology, the author stresses that humanization of the educational process is the transition to the person-oriented approach, which is based on the subject-subject interaction. The author uses the method of questionnaire, which allows to carry out a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the readiness of teachers for humanization of the educational process. The author also emphasizes the discrepancies arising in the mind and real activity of many teachers which is explained by their lack of pedagogical education. This reality causes contradictions between the need for developing inclusive education, on the one hand, and unwillingness of teachers to implement it, on the other, which, of course, requires to include personnel retraining courses for those who do not have pedagogical education. Without any doubts, this is the topic for further researches.
professionalism, inclusion, subject-subject interaction, person-oriented approach, self-activation, humanistic paradigm, self-actualization, humanization, empathy, motivation
Glushchenko V.V., Glushchenko I.I..
Value-Based Approach to the Development and Implementation of the Distance Education Concept
// Pedagogy and education.
2015. № 2.
P. 129-139.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2015.2.66942 URL:
The subject of the research is the methods of the development and analysis of the concept of higher distance education according to the principles of the value-based approach. The object of the research is the concept of value-based higher distance education. In 2015 the importance of the research is defined by the fact that the discussion on the issues of distance learning in Russia is still going on. In addition, a number of internal and external factors create the need to reform the system of higher education in our country. At the present time one of the directions of such education reforms is the intensive development of the sector of distance education based on the use of IT, media and Internet technologies. The purpose of the present article is to create methodological approaches and to analyze the concepts of distance education taking into account values of modern education. The research methods include general and special research methods such as analysis and synthesis, structural and logical analysis, retrospective analysis and projected development. The main conclusions of the research have been made after achieving the following research objectives and goals:
to study the definition and special features of the concept of education considering its influence on the innovation sector of the government and society;
to study peculiarities of the value-based education;
to study factors and technologies for the implementation of the concept of value-based higher distance education as an innovation and direction for practical develoopment of education;
to analyze various concepts of value-based higher distance education.
interactive education, continuous education, remote or distance education, value-based approach, concept, Internet, mission, vision, society, development
Khusyainov T.M..
History of the Development and Expansion of Distance Education
// Pedagogy and education.
2014. № 4.
P. 30-41.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2014.4.66047 URL:
This article discusses the major milestones in the development and establishment of a system of distance
education, from the irst mention of “correspondent training” at the beginning of the XVIII century to the
modern online education, implemented by means of the Internet. The subject of this research is the development
of distance education. The author of the work as regards the creation of individual courses and entire higher
education institutions that implement in their work the principle of distance learning for students. The paper
deals with foreign and domestic experience in the implementation of distance education. The methods of this
study were made by theoretical analysis of Russian and foreign scientiic literature, as well as a comparative
analysis of the basic aspects of the theory and methodology of distance education. This paper presents the main
stages of the development of distance education in Russia and abroad. It was found out that the development
of distance education in Russia, unlike other countries was based on a different principle and are less involved
hardware and focused on education on the job: a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills.
distance education, distance learning, extramural, history of education, open university, distance learning courses, online (distance) education, informatization, correspondent training, education terminology.
Abramova, O. M..
Inversion of School Mathematical Problems as the Basis for Using Contemporary Education
Technologies in Teaching Mathematics
// Pedagogy and education.
2014. № 3.
P. 30-41.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2014.3.65912 URL:
The article contains a systematic description of some structures of mathematical problems that have
proved to be efficient in teaching mathematics such as neighborhood of inversed problems which are meant to
improve schoolers’ understanding of a relationship between values given in a problem. Abramova offers her own
approach to teaching mathematics based on using inversion of mathematical problems in the process of solving
them. According to Abramova, this will allow to enrich teaching methods and to carry out a goal-oriented
development of thinking flexibility as an important intellectual quality. Abramova has performed theoretical
and methodological analysis of all existing definitions of the term ‘inversed problem’. She underlines prospects
and possibilities of using inversed problems in teaching mathematics at school. According to Abramova, this
would make their mathematical education complete. The researcher also defines the semantic difference between
‘inversed problem’ and ‘inverse problem’. She describes their material expression in the form of model
structures and gives examples of a direct, inverse and inversed problems as well as recommendations on their
construction. Abramova also describes the inversion procedure for mathematical problems, defines the main
stages of this procedure, gives recommendations regarding each stage and develop an algorithm for an independent
inversion of a mathematical problem by a schooler.
mathematical problems, inversion of problems, inverse problems, modern (contemporary) teaching technologies, inversion procedure, flexible thinking, algorithmic instructions, problem structure, teaching method, schoolers.
Pozdnyakova, U. S..
Socio-Cultural Entertaining Activities Involving Children: Contemporary Issues
// Pedagogy and education.
2014. № 2.
P. 30-36.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2014.2.65470 URL:
The article is devoted to contemporary issues of arranging and performing entertaining activities in sports
and health centers for children as part of the system of measures aimed at prevention of deviant and delinquent
behavior. The research article contains a complete analysis of procedural, institutional and functional problems of
arranging and performing entertaining activities at sports and health centers for children and provides a classiication
of these problems offered by the author of the article. The author also studied the reasons of the aforesaid
problems and described the causes, contents and basic features thereto. In her research Uliana Pozdnyakova used the
following scientiic research methods: statistical method, method of historicism, comparative law research methods,
functional method, comparison, analysis and surveys. The author of the present article deines and formalizes the
main modern functional, procedural and institutional problems of developing and performing entertaining activities
at sports and health centers for children as part of the measures aimed at preventing deviant and delinquent
behavior. The author also offers her own classiication of the aforesaid problems and describes their causes, contents
and main features.
deviant, delinquent, behavior, arrangement, functioning, scope of preventive measures, sports and health center, society, entertaining activity, problems.
Khovov, O. B..
Inclusion of Konstantin Ushinsky’s Scientific Activity into European Historical and Pedagogical
// Pedagogy and education.
2013. № 4.
P. 317-325.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2013.4.64118 URL:
A new branch of fine art that had appeared in the 30s of the XXth century and had been called Post-Modernism
turned out to be an intuitive forecast of genius artists predicting the shift in cultural and historical epochs. Philosophers
who were no less genius that artists studied personal characters, defined the requirements of the forecasted future
towards a human being and offered new concepts and theories of education. Russian teacher Konstantin Ushinsky
was one of such founders of pedagogy in Russia.
The subject matter of the present research article is the model of the development of teaching and the theory of
up-bringing offered by Konstantin Ushinsky viewed from the point of view of the development of the historical pedagogical
process in Europe.
The researcher analyzes historical, philosophical, scientific, pedagogical and cultural literature on the matter and
uses the method of theoretical modeling along with the system analysis. Such approach allows to define cultural and
historical cycles of development of the European civilization.
The researcher also describes patterns of creation and development of new pedagogical ideas on raising ‘a new
human’ that appeared right before the shift in cultural and historical epochs of development of the European civilization.
The list of philosophers who offered new ideas regarding raising the human of the future culture included
Konstantin Ushinsky.
pedagogical anthropology, Ushisnky, developmental teaching, aim of up-bringing, modernism project, educational concepts, activity, moral development, cognition, creation.