Rizhkov A.A..
Key Aspects of a Safe Lifestyle for Adolescents with Deviant Behavior
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 4.
P. 42-56.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.72133 EDN: CBBUSZ URL:
The subject of the study is the value of a safe lifestyle for adolescents with deviant behavior. The author reveals the essence of the value of a safe lifestyle through related values, safety, lifestyle, and safe behavior. By focusing on the value of a safe lifestyle for adolescents, the author understands a subjective attitude to safe behavior, reflecting socio-cultural values and norms and rules concerning a safe existence that must be observed in various life situations. The author defines the components of the value of a safe lifestyle: cognitive, motivational, and regulatory. Social disadvantage leads to the deformation of the image of teenagers and the emergence of deviations, with which they try to change the world around them. The implementation of deviant behavior is becoming more and more spontaneous, without a stable motive and planning. The methods of researching the value of a safe lifestyle were testing, questionnaires, a survey method for diagnosing situations, and methods of statistical data processing (2 – Pearson criterion). The novelty of the study is the concretization of the concept of the value of a safe lifestyle, the structure of the value of a safe lifestyle of adolescents is empirically confirmed, and the features of the value of a safe lifestyle of adolescents with deviant behavior are revealed. Based on empirical data, the peculiarities of the formation of the value of a safe lifestyle for adolescents with deviant behavior have been established: adolescents with deviant behavior have insufficiently formed knowledge about safe life, the value of safety is more represented at the level of beliefs, the orientation of motivation to study safe behavior is represented by external positive and negative motives, they do not comply with safety norms and rules in their life. They do not lead an active lifestyle, have bad habits, and have volitional self-regulation, which is characterized by impulsivity and instability of intentions, low self-control of behavior in various life situations.
value orientations, adolescents, safety rules, the value of security, a safe lifestyle, lifestyle, safe behavior, safety, value, deviant behavior
Kuzmina A.S., Praizendorf E.S., Krivoshei K.O..
Anxiety and depression of women with pregnancy pathology in the context of early maladaptive schemes
// Pedagogy and education.
2024. № 3.
P. 147-157.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.3.44095 EDN: EXMYOT URL:
The subject of the study is anxiety and depression in women with pregnancy pathology. The article discusses the relevance of the study of pregnant women in modern society. The work is aimed at studying early maladaptive patterns in relation to anxiety and depression in women with pregnancy pathology. The materials of an empirical study obtained on a sample of women with pregnancy pathology are presented. Objective: to identify the relationship of the factor model of early maladaptive schemes with anxiety and depression in women with pregnancy pathology. The condition and behavior of the mother are one of the most important conditions for the development of the child in the postnatal period. Therefore, the high quality of psychological support for pregnancy seems to be a necessary condition for improving the mental health of women, increasing reproductive activity and increasing the birth rate, the quality of life of the population as a whole. The paper identifies the features of the existing early maladaptive schemes in women with pregnancy pathology. A factorial model of early maladaptive schemes in women with pregnancy pathology was obtained and described, in which the following components were identified: "Emotional rejection", "Over-vigilance and expectation of threat", "Focus on others", "Violated boundaries". The correlations of the factor model of early maladaptive schemes with anxiety and depression in women with pregnancy pathology are analyzed. The data obtained during the study indicate the need for psychological support for women with pregnancy pathology and can be used as a basis in the development of programs for psychological intervention of the perinatal period. The existing early childhood experience of a pregnant woman can act as a factor contributing to the development of anxiety and depression, which, in turn, determine emotional instability, personal disorders, difficulties in the social and role functioning of a woman.
perinatal period, pregnancy pathology, psychological support, motherhood, family, pregnancy, early maladaptive patterns, depression, anxiety, psychological health
Wu S..
Pedagogical conditions for the formation of creative independence of art and pedagogical university students in China and Russia: comparative analysis
// Pedagogy and education.
2023. № 3.
P. 187-194.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2023.3.43768 EDN: YXPJEX URL:
Creative independence of art students is one of the most important conditions for successful study and further employment in modern art education in the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China. The purpose of this publication is to identify those organizational-pedagogical, psychological-pedagogical and didactic conditions in modern Russian and Chinese art universities that activate the creative independence of students. In Russia, they are more focused on stimulating the ability of students to perform educational activities independently of teachers. In China, the main focus is on independence in the creative search of students. The analysis shows that the formation of creative independence in the educational process in pedagogical universities of Russia and China in the conditions of personality-oriented learning allows students to improve both visual abilities and skills of a future teacher-artist through complexes of creative tasks or projects and participation in exhibition projects. The preparation of curricula with an emphasis on the independent work of students is a priority direction of development in such educational institutions, which is focused on the creative and research activities of students, but within the framework of certain educational tasks. The latter do not restrict the freedom of students, but, on the contrary, are those "difficulties" that provoke independence in plastic and meaningful solutions in creative works.
creative potential, creative independence, pedagogy of art, Russia, China, creative tasks, art and pedagogical education, independence of students, Russian-Chinese relations, modern educational process
Tsirul'nikova E.A., Shvarts T.S..
Investigation of the Relationship Between Emotional Well-being and Coping Behavior in Adolescence
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 4.
P. 17-23.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.4.39051 EDN: JGGKUE URL:
The subject of the study is an empirical analysis of the relationship between the level of emotional well-being and coping behavior of adolescents In the course of the study, a technique for diagnosing stress-coping behavior was used (D. Amirkhan). In order to assess socio-psychological distress and destructive behavior, an express assessment map was developed, including a study of socio-environmental (social distress, social maladjustment, sustained social isolation) and psychological markers (accentuated features of age-related personality development, destructive communication/aggression, psychological maladjustment, autoaggression). Thanks to the correlation analysis carried out according to the r-Spearman criterion, it was possible to establish the essential interrelations of socio-environmental markers of emotional distress of adolescents with coping strategies. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that the reaction of adolescents to socio-environmental distress is associated with the ability to overcome difficult life periods. With the ability of a teenager to independently resolve existing difficulties or turn to social support, it is easier for a teenager to endure external disharmony, which allows him to maintain emotional stability. In conditions when a teenager does not have constructive ways of coping and is not ready to tell others about his experiences, social distress is aggravated by emotional disharmony, which leads to the development of stable social isolation and autoaggression. Also in our article, ways of working with adolescents with different levels of emotional distress were proposed.
socio-environmental factors, psychological maladaptation, destructive communications, social maladjustment, accentuations of age-related development, social environment problems, coping behavior strategy, emotional distress of a teenager, emotional stability, ability to overcome difficulties
Svilina O.A..
Assessment of the impact of structural organization of achievement motivation of athletes upon their performance
// Pedagogy and education.
2022. № 1.
P. 68-76.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2022.1.37599 URL:
The subject of this research is the psychological patterns of dynamic manifestations of athlete’s motivation for achieving results in individual sports, as well as peculiarities of its transformation, taking into account professional becoming and the impact on self-efficacy The object of this research is the achievement motivation of athletes in individual sports. The author aims to empirically assess the impact of structural organization of achievement motivation of athletes upon their performance and achievements. Relying on the methods of nomothetic analysis of the data on the achievement motivation of over than 500 athletes, as well as their achievements, the article builds the system of independent equations that allow analyzing the impact of basic motivational factors (ego orientation, task solution, and material values) upon the effectiveness of athletes of the corresponding professional age group. The main conclusion consists in the revealed patterns that determine the effectiveness of an athlete depending on the structural organization of achievement motivation. Leaning on the developed system of independent equations, the author determines the level of sensitivity of achievements to the structure of the motive of athletes in individual sports. It is established that the degree of performance of an athlete is most sensitive to changes in the "task-solution orientation" factor. However, the progress in professional development leads to inclination towards the "material factor". The novelty of consists in modernization of the existing approaches and algorithms towards studying the achievement motivation (approaches of R. A. Piloyan, E. P. Ilyin, A. C. Puni, etc.) within the framework of using the dynamic analysis of the three-dimensional structure of motivation ("ego", "tasks", "material factors") applicable to athletes in individual sports. This allowed substantiating the need to use such mathematical-statistical models that are able to forecast the performance of an athlete depending on the structural organization of basic motives in each professional group.
nomotetic analysis, effectiveness in sports, efficiency, effectiveness, dynamic approach, athletes, psychodiagnostics, motivation, structural organization motivation, supporting motives
Kuzmina A.S., Praizendorf E.S., Yusupov P.R., Mardasova T.A..
The dynamics of subjectivity in student age
// Pedagogy and education.
2021. № 1.
P. 103-113.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2021.1.26121 URL:
The article provides the results of research of correlation between subjectivity and self-actualization of senior and junior students. The formation of subjectivity implies changes in the value-semantic attitude of the student towards self, further development, and university education. Subjectivity plays an important role in the formation and self-actualization of an individual, as well as in the development of personal potential. The article presents the results of longitudinal research of subjectivity of the students. The object of this study is the subjectivity of an individual. The subject is the process of socio-psychological adaptation of students at different stages of studying in the higher education institution. The goal consists in tracing the dynamics of the development of subjectivity of personality of the students in the context of their socio-psychological adaptation in the process of studying in the higher education institutions. Research methodology employs cultural and historical approach of L. S. Vygotsky; scientific school of subjective approach in psychology of S. L. Rubinstein, A.V. Brushlinsky and K. A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, and theory of subjectivity of M. V. Isakov. The novelty lies in demonstrating the dynamics of the development of subjectivity of students during studying in the university. In conclusion, the author proves the positive dynamics of development of subjectivity of the students; notes that the senior students are characterized by the higher indicator of general subjectivity and greater reflection, responsibility, organizational skills, and loyalty to their own decisions, while the junior students demonstrate more creativity compared to the senior students.
self-efficacy, student, self-determination, development, self-causality, self-actualization, subject, activity, subjectness, self-realisation
Vyskochkov V.S..
Factor model of creative leadership potential in the context of the socio-psychological portrait of junior students majoring in humanities
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 4.
P. 173-185.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.4.34163 URL:
This article explores the creative leadership potential among the junior students majoring in humanities. The relevance of studying creative leadership in the era of transfessionalism is substantiated. Description is given to the current state of studying the concept of creative leadership in global science. The author also delineates the survey results on the creative leadership potential of junior students majoring in humanities, which involved 101 students from different universities of Tomsk. The research employed the method of modeling communicative worlds, method of psycho-semantic graph, method of “Myers-Briggs Creative Personality Type”, scalogram-based communicability profile, social network analysis (SNA methodology). The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that modern science features a fairly small number of empirical research dedicated to creative leadership. The acquired data was analyzed using the factor analysis. The main result of this research consists in identification of 10 factors that considerably contribute to the creative leadership potential and form its factor structure. At the forefront of the structure of creative leadership potential among the students majoring in humanities is the positive perception of their partners. It is also concluded that the structure of creative leadership potential is quite complex and contradictory. The obtained results would be used in development of psychological support programs for the students to fulfill their creative leadership potential.
communicative world, stress-trans-formation, transproffessionalism, factor analysis, humanitarian students, junior students, leadership, creative leadership potential, transcommunication, transdisciplinarity
Kozilova L.V..
Professional self-development of a teacher of a pedagogical university in the conditions of transformation of the educational environment
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 4.
P. 106-121.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.4.34752 URL:
The article examines the problems of self-development of teachers in the conditions of transformation of the modern educational environment, which are associated with the need to identify conditions that promote or hinder professional self-realization. The transformation of the educational environment of the university actualizes the processes of goal-setting and the possibility of planning the formation of the teacher's personality. The object of the research is the process of professional self-development of a teacher of a pedagogical university in the conditions of transformation of the educational environment. The subject of the study is the main characteristics of goal-setting in the structure of planning for the professional future of a teacher in the conditions of transformation of the educational environment. The evaluation levels (low, medium, high) of goal-setting for the professional and pedagogical self-development of a teacher of a pedagogical university are determined, taking into account the importance of its structural components, that is, indicators (awareness of the need for professional and pedagogical self-development, strategic planning, concreteness of goal-setting, etc.). The assessment of levels was carried out taking into account indicators in its structure (dyads), which they are logically interrelated and reflect the professional and pedagogical self-development of a university teacher. The overall self-development potential of teachers of a pedagogical university is enhanced by such semantic modalities as flexibility in achieving goals and creativity in planning their professional future. Within the framework of the study, the most significant determinants of goal-setting have been identified, which predetermine the need for professional and pedagogical self-development of a teacher of a pedagogical university, focused on assessing the prospects for planning the development of personnel of educational organizations. The novelty of the research lies in the need to identify the main characteristics of goal-setting in the structure of planning a professional future teacher, taking into account the need for his professional and pedagogical self-development and transformation of the modern educational environment. It was found that among teachers of pedagogical universities, 65% of respondents noted that they pay attention to professional and pedagogical self-development only if the requirements of the university management are met; 35% of respondents expressed a desire and willingness to develop themselves both in the field of the pedagogical profession and beyond.
transformation of the educational environment, creativity of planning, flexibility, modern educational environment, professional and pedagogical self-development, self-development of a teacher, ability to self-organize, goal setting, teacher's self-development strategy, potential of teachers' self-development
Brutskaia K..
Peculiarities of life path perception by older people experienced gerontological abuse
// Pedagogy and education.
2020. № 2.
P. 1-14.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2020.2.32416 URL:
This work is aimed at determination of peculiarities of life path perception by older people who have experienced gerontological abuse. One of the methods of studying personality lies in consideration of the uniqueness of a life path. Therefore, within the framework of this research the author examines the following indicators of event-meaningful structure of a life path: productivity of reproduction of life events; efficiency of reproduction of the events of various level of subjective significance; average time of retrospection and anticipation; frequency of occurrence of different types of life events.. For identification of the peculiarities of life path perception was used the method of “Psychological autobiography” of E. Y. Korzhova, questionnaire of P. V. Puchkov aimed at detection of gerontological abuse. The study involved 277 respondents: 204 persons who have experienced gerontological abuse, and 73 persons without such experience. The specificities of subjective picture of a life path among older people who have gone through gerontological abuse are defined by narrowness of meaningful experiences in reproducing images of the life path, weak differentiation of events, retrospection of events into the past, close mind with regards to building the future. Prevalence of the types of life events associated with personality and psychological changes and transformations of social environment, which psychological content suggests that emotional states, as the important indicator for satisfaction of needs, can become the regulators of behavior of older people who experienced gerontological abuse, unlike older people with no such experience, whose personality and psychological events are related with realization of particular goals.
quality of life, anticipation, retrospection, life event, autobiography, life path, older people, gerontological violence, social environment, experiences
Dzhaneryan S.T., Zabara I.V..
Peculiar properties of emotional burnout among the programmers with a different value-semantic attitude to professional activity
// Pedagogy and education.
2019. № 2.
P. 32-40.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2019.2.29723 URL:
The article considers the value-semantic attitude of programmers to professional activity. The content of its cognitive, motivational, emotional-evaluative, behavioral components is determined. Various types of a value-semantic attitude of programmers to professional activity are singled out - value-based, need-based and technical, means-based, diffusive one. Although the possibility of a connection between a value-semantic attitude of programmers to professional activity and emotional burnout are emphasized in scientific publications, there is a lack of direct researches, targeted at the study of the nature of this connection. The purpose of the study is to establish the influence of the content of components of various types of the value-semantic attitude of programmers to professional activity concerning the manifestations of their emotional burnout. The subject of the study is the emotional burnout among the programmers (96 respondents) with different types of value-semantic attitude to professional activity. Methods of the study are questionnaire surveys, tests, expert evaluations, methods of mathematical statistics. Gathering of the facts was realized with the help of methods for the study of personal values (E.B. Fantalova), work motivation (I.G. Kokurina), social and psychological attitudes in the motivational and need-based sphere (O.F. Potemkina), job satisfaction (N.P. Feteskin), the level of emotional burnout V.V. Boyko. The peculiarity of the connection between the expression of the phases of emotional burnout among the programmers and the content of the components of a particular type of value-semantic attitude of programmers to professional activities is established. The results of the study expand the theoretical understanding of emotional burnout among the programmers and increase the efficiency of practical measures to prevent this phenomenon.
emotional burnout, types of attitude, components of attitude, professional activity, value-semantic attitude, motives, values, phases of burnout, symptoms of burnout, programmers
Pshenichnaya V.V..
Developing the Sense of Personal Responsibility as the Factor of Fighting Pernicious Habits
// Pedagogy and education.
2017. № 1.
P. 86-94.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.1.21392 URL:
The subject of the research is the theoretical understanding of the modern society's attitude to pernicious habits. In her article Pshenichnaya presents the results of her theoretical analysis of some Russian and foreign researches regarding interpretation and definition of such terms as 'habit' and 'addiction'. The author makes an emphasis on similarities and differences between these two terms. She also covers how bad habits originate and develop, what causes them, and what the role of one's personal responsibility in the process of fighting pernicious habits is. The author also outlines the main directions of preventing bad habits in the process of education and teaching. The research is based on the synergetic principle of studying an object and the author has also used the method of systems analysis of psychological phemonena. The main conclusions include the need to undertake measures aimed at educating contemporary young people about causes of pernicious habits, mechanisms and stages of their development, conditions and methods of changing and fighting them. It is also necessary to conduct a certain monitoring process in this sphere. An important practical conclusion for psychological and pedagogical services is that in order to fight pernicious habits, one needs to make a solid decision to change his or her life and to understand that it is his or her personal responsibility.
young people, student, mental health, educate children, learning, responsibility, addiction, pernicious habits, teenager, pedagogical process
Shikhanova E.G..
Specific Features of the Legal Culture of Technical Students
// Pedagogy and education.
2016. № 4.
P. 390-399.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2016.4.68464 URL:
The object of the research is the legal culture of students majoring in technical sciences. The subject of the research is specific features of a future engineer that will influence the development of his or her legal culture during his or her studies at a University. The author analyzes the concepts of "personality", "culture" and examines their interrelation from the point of view of the activity approach. Special attention is paid to the definition of legal culture of an individual and specific features of the process of legal culture development depending on students' age, social and psychological peculiarities. The author also examines factors influencing the development of legal culture of future engineers. The results of this research are obtained through analysis and systematization of the earlier author's and other scientists' researches. The main findings of the present study is that the author determines external (e.g., technicalized educational environment) and internal (such as values) factors influencing the development of legal culture of technical students. It is noted that the active use of University educational space appears to be effective in increasing the level of legal culture.
culture, features of a future engineer, development of legal culture, technical student, legal culture, personality, technical profile of education, higher education institution, educational space
Shcherbakova A.I..
Art Pedagogy in Terms of Formation of an Art Action Subject - Culture Conductor of the XXIth Century
// Pedagogy and education.
2015. № 3.
P. 277-287.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2015.3.67122 URL:
Education of the younger generation who will have to act at both social and personal levels is the main issue of the modern education system. Important contribution to the solution of this problem is made by art pedagogy aimed at educating an art action subject. Art action subject is not only a professional artist but every person who deals with literature, poetry, art, music or theatre to one extent or another. For him the art sphere is the spiritual food that makes his soul 'work' and not to get dissolved in solving entirely pragmatic tasks. In this research Scherbakova outlines the scope of the problem and describes the main methodological approaches to the problem as well as the methods of axiological analysis (axiologically analytical, evolutionally synergetic and prognostically simulative methods) that have proved to be efficient methods in modern art pedagogy. The main conclusion is that art and aesthetic education and up-bringing are a complex many-stage systemic and integrated process of formation of an art action subject contributing to the creation of culture conductors of the XXIth century, their self-identity and willingness to live, create and be active participants in the cross-cultural environment of our time.
education models, cross-cultural dialogue, creativity, society, pedagogy, personality, art, music education, teaching music, art action subject
Tolsteneva, U. L..
Subjective Meaning of Personal Existential
// Pedagogy and education.
2013. № 2.
P. 135-141.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2013.2.63181 URL:
As a philosophical movement, existentialism has been today replaced by new tendencies. However, human
existence is still associated with many threats and contradictions. Human life is often exposed to danger not only
due to global catastrophes and risks. There is a new anthropological image which is going to be created based on
high-tech resources. Even though human life seems to enjoy his well-being, he is entering the world of paradoxical values. Gay people can get married and raise children. Political reality is viewed as a part of psychopathology.
Absurdity, as Albert Camus once said, is met on every street corner. Traditional values are not just fading away.
They demonstrate their other side like werewolves. Strong family union is viewed as an anachronism and sacrifice
is viewed as a romantic folly. Honesty is the relic of the past and modesty is the manifestation of being unsuccessful.
In such a situation we all need life-purpose orientations. Fear and quiver, the feeling of hopelessness and fits of
insanity follow a man and make him make his own decisions and show his own ‘human’ response. Such a response
is individual and can’t be collective.
psychology, philosophy, philosophical anthropology, existential, human, personality, activity, meaning, subjectivity, life-purpose orientations.
Korniliev, V. V..
Formation of the Principle of Reality
// Pedagogy and education.
2012. № 2.
P. 63-77.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2012.2.59594 URL:
The term ‘attraction’ loses its universal meaning in psychoanalysis nowadays. There is a need in other terms
for describing more abstract features. The author suggests the term ‘principle of a psychic event’. Some features of
pre-genital character have a controversial meaning, too. The author describes the genesis of the principle of reality
contestant to the principle of pleasure. The conflict of principles makes a significant influence on formation of
pre-genital characters. The author of the article also makes a few remarks about the origin and development of a
religious feeling and religions in general. Due to their functions formed by the principle of reality, our consciousness is
attracted to death. The author also views how the conflict of principles influences the development of creative skills.
The author makes an assumption that distortion of the process of formation of the principle of reality may cause a
mental disease, in particular, schizophrenia and autism. The article also contains remarks about teaching and upbringing
persons with suicide tendencies.
teaching, religion, character, development, creativity, denial, death, principle, attraction, psychoanalysis.
Novichkova, G. A..
The Concept of ‘One-Dimensional Man’ (Modern Adaptation of Herbert Marcuse)
// Pedagogy and education.
2012. № 1.
P. 16-29.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2012.1.59326 URL:
The author of the article analyzes the ‘critical theory’ of industrial society suggested by Herbert Marcuse
in his book ‘One-Dimensional Man’ (published in 1964). In his book Marcuse studied the state of industrial society
which, in the result of technological progress, established the total control over human in all the spheres of his activity.
‘Critical theory’ of the industrial society suggested by Marcuse did not manage to find an efficient way to build a new
society and this is why Marcuse came to the ‘Great Denial’ of the capitalist and socialist systems.
pedagogy, philosophical anthropology, One-dimensional man, one-dimensional society, satisfied society, culture, Marxism, existentialism, existentials, negative dialectics.
Erikson, E..
Main Stages of Psychological Development. Part 1 (Translated by Novichkova, G. A., Fedina, E. N.)
// Pedagogy and education.
2011. № 2.
P. 64-74.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2011.2.58482 URL:
This is the study of stages of psychological development by a famous psychological and psychotherapist Erik
Erikson. In the first part of his work Erikson analyzes the psychoanalytic theory of development, influences of the
society on the process of personal development and gives his own conception of stages of development.
psychology, pedagogy, education, psychological development, stages, human, society.