1.1 The cost of the Contractor's Services based on the terms "Publication in the order of the general priority", "Online First Pre-Publication" and "Publication in the next issue or in the issue chosen by the Customer" for the following Journals published by Aurora group s.r.o. (Gold Open Access principle):

Journals Frequency,
issues per year
Normal publication (up to 12 months), EUR Online First
Pre-Publication, EUR
Publication in the next issue
or in the issue, chosen by the Customer, EUR
1 «Genesis: Historical research» 12 54 277.2 222
2 «Law and Politics» 12 0 54 0
3 «Litera» 12 66 277.2 222
4 «NB: Administrative Law and Administration Practice» 4 32.4 100.8 54
5 «PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal» 2 0 55.2 0
6 «SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences» 4 0 0 0
7 «Administrative and municipal law» 6 54 254.4 200.4
8 «Arctic and Antarctica» 4 27.6 67.2 44.4
9 «Architecture and design» 2 0 0 0
10 «Security Issues» 4 27.6 100.8 44.4
11 «Healthcare» 4 0 0 0
12 «Space Research» 4 0 0 0
13 «Historical informatics» 4 38.4 111.6 88.8
14 «History magazine - researches» 6 66 211.2 166.8
15 «Cybernetics and programming» 4 0 78 0
16 «Conflict Studies / nota bene» 4 10.8 54 32.4
17 «Culture and Art» 12 76.8 277.2 166.8
18 «Mechanical Engineering » 4 0 0 0
19 «International Law» 4 0 33.6 10.8
20 «International Law and International Organizations» 4 0 33.6 10.8
21 «International relations» 4 54 217.2 166.8
22 «World Politics» 4 0 100.8 67.2
23 «Taxes and Taxation» 6 0 100.8 33.6
24 «National Security» 6 0 100.8 0
25 «Pedagogy and education» 4 76.8 217.2 166.8
26 «Politics and Society» 4 16.8 100.8 78
27 «Police activity» 6 22.8 88.8 55.2
28 «Police and Investigative Activity» 4 0 38.4 0
29 «Law and Politics» 12 54 166.8 100.8
30 «Software systems and computational methods» 4 66 166.8 100.8
31 «Food Industry» 4 0 0 0
32 «Psychologist» 6 54 200.4 133.2
33 «Psychology and Psychotechnics» 4 66 250.8 166.8
34 «Agriculture» 2 0 50.4 0
35 «Modern Education» 4 0 27.6 0
36 «Sociodynamics» 12 0 100.8 0
37 «Theoretical and Applied Economics» 4 0 133.2 0
38 «Transportation Herald» 4 0 0 0
39 «Trends and management» 4 0 0 0
40 «Urban Studies» 4 66 272.4 166.8
41 «Physics of biology and medicine» 1 0 0 0
42 «Philology: scientific researches» 12 66 250.8 133.2
43 «Philosophy and Culture» 12 66 277.2 211.2
44 «Philosophical Thought» 12 0 166.8 88.8
45 «Financial Law and Management» 4 0 100.8 0
46 «Finance and Management» 4 0 110.4 55.2
47 «Man and Culture» 6 66 250.8 200.4
48 «Electronics and Machinery» 4 0 0 0
49 «Energy Herald» 4 0 0 0
50 «Legal Studies» 12 54 189.6 133.2