Li Z..
Comparative study of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorism Structure and the CIS Counter-Terrorism Center in the field of anti-terrorism
// National Security.
2025. № 1.
P. 44-56.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2025.1.73349 EDN: IURAAC URL:
The subject of the article is a discussion of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure and the CIS Anti-Terrorist Center, which offer new approaches to future anti-terrorist cooperation. The article focuses on two regional anti-terrorism bodies, which have different anti-terrorism legislation and priorities, different leading countries and different potential for developing anti-terrorist cooperation, each of which has its advantages. Both organizations face the threat of terrorism existing in the common Central Asia and neighboring regions, and in order to enhance the ability to combat terrorism, anti-terrorist cooperation between the two organizations at the international, regional and domestic levels provides theoretical and practical recommendations for regional anti-terrorist cooperation and contributes to the improvement and development of mechanisms for regional anti-terrorist cooperation. The article uses the method of comparative research, and summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the two organizations in anti-terrorist cooperation by comparing and analyzing their founding goals, internal structures and mechanisms of work. The novelty of the article lies in the fact that previous studies of anti-terrorist cooperation were mainly devoted to the analysis of individual international organizations, whereas this article compares and compares the SCO RATS and the CIS ATC in order to offer new ideas for studying regional anti-terrorist cooperation. It is concluded that both organizations contribute to building global and regional security systems, but the CIS ATC has more comprehensive anti–terrorism legislation, while the SCO RATS has weak legislation; the CIS ATC is mainly dominated by Russia, while the SCO RATS is dominated by China and Russia; the number of CIS ATC member states is declining, and the development potential is limited, while the SCO RATS is shrinking. The number of CIS ATC member countries is decreasing, and its development potential is limited, while the SCO RATS is growing and has great development potential. Anti-terrorist cooperation in regional organizations should fully play the role of leading countries, take into account the interests and needs of member States, and clarify the jurisdiction of anti-terrorist cooperation.
Russia, China, international organizations, regional security, international relations, Anti-terrorist cooperation, The Commonwealth of Independent States, Anti-terrorism Center, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Regional anti-terrorist structure
Prokhoda V..
The Challenges of Environmental Safety in Russian Public Opinion
// National Security.
2022. № 6.
P. 135-144.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2022.6.39359 EDN: WQLXBH URL:
The results of sociological surveys conducted within the framework of the International Social Research Program are analyzed. The aim of the work is to identify the peculiarities of Russians' perception of environmental security challenges, in comparison with the perceptions of residents of other states. Environmental safety is considered as an integral part of national security. The important role of sociological surveys as a tool for providing feedback to the population is noted. The views of Russians about the importance of the problem of the state of the environment are considered. The method of collecting primary sociological information is a formalized face–to-face interview conducted at the respondents' place of residence. A multi-stage random sample represents the adult population of the country. It is stated that environmental issues are not among the most acute and urgent problems for the population. In Russia, problems related to economic and physical security come to the fore. At the same time, the reflection of the urgency of the problem in the public consciousness is dissonant with the data of objective environmental control. The existence of a strong connection between the level of economic development of the country and the importance of the environmental problem for the population is revealed. It is concluded that the differences in assessments are largely related to the transformations of value attitudes, the transition from survival values to self-expression values, egocentric and humanistic perception of threats. It is noted that in the mass consciousness of Russians, challenges and threats that directly affect the population, related to the current state of the environment, are being actualized. Among the most serious challenges to environmental safety, residents of the country most often mention air pollution, household waste disposal and water pollution. At the same time, the potential environmental threat fades into the background. Climate change is much less often considered by Russians as the main challenge to environmental security. It is stated that the differences in the perception of challenges are largely due to the relatively low level of ecological culture of the country's population.
environmental pollution, global climate change, environment, ecological culture, ecological threats, ecological challenges, national security, environmental security, air pollution, water pollution
Novikov A.V..
Analysis of the impact of political isolation of ethnic groups on the growth of terrorism
// National Security.
2022. № 2.
P. 38-58.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2022.2.37946 URL:
The presented work examines terrorist violence at the subnational level, taking into account the fact that the regions of residence of politically excluded ethnic groups are exposed to a higher terrorist risk. Moreover, this risk may be exacerbated by the high population density of the region, the level of economic development and the type of political regime of the country. There is some reason to believe that the influence of political isolation may also be more likely to motivate cases of ethnic violence when this exclusion is combined with numerous local and country conditions that increase awareness of group competition and unequal distribution of socio-economic resources. The study uses geocoded incidents of terrorist attacks within States in combination with a set of data on ethnic groups' access to political power in the country and an additional set of control variables. The analysis focuses on the assessment of domestic terrorism incidents for 185 countries in 1970-2019. Logistic regression with random effects was used to verify the assumptions made. In general, it was found that ethnic political isolation is an important risk factor for local terrorist violence. It was also revealed that more densely populated and affluent regions are at much greater risk of violence if at least one excluded ethnic group is present in them. These trends are much more pronounced in democratic countries, in which cases of political isolation are deviations rather than the norm.
economic development, terrain of attacks, geography of violence, civil war, political isolation, ethnic groups, the risk of terrorism, terrorism, logistic regression, probability
Komzolov A., Kirichenko T., Nazarova Y., Kirichenko O., Barkhatov V., Kosminova A..
Implementation of the concept of hierarchical construction of threats to economic security of the state in risk management of the economic entities of fuel and energy complex
// National Security.
2021. № 6.
P. 1-12.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2021.6.36800 URL:
The subject of this research is the key element of ensuring the economic interests of company owners – the system of risk management and internal control. Special attention is given to the methodology of risk management for the analysis of normative documents – laws, recommendations and standards, as well as the experience of their practical application. Comparative analysis is conducted on the corporate norms with the approaches in national strategic goal-setting with regards to national, economic and energy security, in order to develop the theory and practice of ensuring economic security of the economic entities based on the instruments devised within the system of national goal-setting. The object of this research is the economic entities and investment projects of fuel and energy complex. The scientific novelty lies in adjustment of the hierarchy of construction of challenges, threats and risks of the national strategic goal-setting in the sphere of economic security to solution of the tasks aimed at ensuring economic security of the economic entities. The relevance of the acquired results is substantiated by the difference of the authorial approach towards risk analysis in fuel and energy complex in the economic entities. Comparing to the approach of standards recommended by the economic activity regulators, which implies a single category of insecurities – “risk”, the distinction consists in implementation of the concept of hierarchical construction of the system of insecurities: challenge, threat, risk (concepts from the goal-setting documents on ensuring economic security of the state) in the new sphere of risk management of the economic entity. The authors’ original research indicate that introduction of the hierarchy of insecurities (challenges, threats, and risks) at the stage of risk identification allows simplifying and clarifying the procedure of risk assessment.
risk assessment, internal control, risk management, hierarchy, risks, threats, challenges, economic security, national security, energy security
Tahirov Z.I..
Terrorism in the European Union: directions for improving antiterrorist security in Russia (antiterrorist management)
// National Security.
2017. № 5.
P. 14-28.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2017.5.23377 URL:
Terrorist threat in Europe according to the Europol estimate will increase by 2017. Therefore, based on experience of the European Union member-state, the object of this research is the problematic questions of organization of the activities of police and special services in countering terrorism. The subject is the certain directions in improving the counterterrorism in the Russian Federation. The goal of the work lies in establishment of the significant regularities of modern law enforcement activity in the European Union in the field of countering terrorism that can affect the improvement of similar activities in the Russian Federation. The study applies the general scientific and special-legal methods of cognition, which ensure objectivity, historicism and comparativism of examining the law enforcement activity in the European Union member-states pertinent to the suppression of terrorist. The following principles are included: development of the subject of research, its logical certainty, historical concreteness, and the dialectical connection between the logical and historical ways of cognition, the systemic and comprehensive nature of research; General scientific approaches: systemic, genetic, activity; Methods of analysis and synthesis, cultural and historical analysis, methods of comparative study, legal interpretation, and other research tools of the modern humanitaristics. The scientific novelty is defined by the fact that the European experience of legal and organizational regulation of the activities of police and special services in the field of countering terrorism has been poorly studied in our country. The majority of scientific works in this area focus attention on the political or sociological aspects of domestic and foreign policy of the European Union in ensuring the “unified European security space".
antiterrorist management, antiterrorist security management, separatism, extremism, jihadism, terrorist networks, European Union, Terrorism, Islamic state, Al Qaeda
Kuzmin, E. A..
Theoretical and Empirical Studies of Economic
Security in the Process of Trade Liberalization
(Part 3). Theoretical Extension of the Fragmentary
Economic Security Model
// National Security.
2013. № 3.
P. 436-445.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2013.3.62815 URL:
The author of the article completes methodological
developments in the sphere of assessment of
fragmentary economic security by including dependent
fragmentary economic security into the research structure.
The author underlines the fact that effects of the
relation between economics (so called adhesion effect)
as well as the relation between economic agents within
the economy (cohesion effect) altogether create certain
grounds for viewing their interactions, in particular,
economic security, from the point of view of the ‘Self
– Others in General’ model.
economics, economic security, free trade, mutual penetration of economics, substitution for domestic production, fragmentary security, economical fixation, autarchy, allowed import, globalization.
Rudenkov, I.N..
What is dollarization for?
// National Security.
2013. № 2.
P. 294-301.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2013.2.62614 URL:
The goal of this article is to analyze the causes
for the substitution of the national currency for the
US Dollar in the Ecuador and Salvador, as well as to
evaluate the political and economic influence of dollarization
in these states. Dollarization was meant to
stop hyper-inflation and to bring stability to Ecuador,
and it was meant to facilitate the economic growth in
the Salvador, however, the positive attitudes soon were
weakened. The object of study is positive and negative
influences of dollarization in these states. By comparative
analysis of dollarization in Ecuador and Salvador
the author means to evaluate the following issues: a)
Why the governments of Ecuador and Salvador started
to use the US Dollar instead of the national currencies,
and what the motives for such decisions were; b) political
and economic profits from dollarization in these
states. While Ecuador and Salvador are similar in many
respects, they have just as many differences. They were
both dollarized at about the same time – 2000 and 2001.
They are both parts of the Latin American region. The
states were in different conditions prior to dollarization
and they had different motives for the transfer to a different
currency. In Ecuador dollarization was used as
an instrument in order to deal with the financial crisis,
while there was no financial crisis in Salvador prior to
dollarization. The analysis of the process in both states
allows one to understand the reasons for such radical
political decisions. The article is based on written
sources of the period between October and December
of 2006. The primary sources were the official political
documents of these states, as well as official statements
of members of government, and official statistics of the
banks of these states. The secondary sources were the
reports on the states by various international organizations,
such as the World Bank and the IMF. Based on
the results of the study one may establish that in the
short-term perspective the stability and trust to politics
are enhanced by dollarization, but there is also need for
the reforms in order to support the long-term stability.
Dollarization should be followed by the structural reforms
in order to achieve economic growth in the longterm
perspectives. According to the empiric analysis of
the two states, the transfer to a different currency in
itself does not stimulate the economic growth.
economics, dollarization, hyper-inflation, growth, process, reforms, finances, system, states.
Aliev, G.A..
Analysis of the system of reporting investment spending
on innovative projects as a part of a complex system
of monitoring investment projects in the oil and
gas industry.
// National Security.
2012. № 5.
P. 38-42.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2012.5.61546 URL:
In order to find the way out of the global financial and economic
crisis the President offered a program for the modernization
of the Russian economy, namely its transfer to the
innovation path. That is why there is need for the efficient
systems for the investment management in the sphere of innovative
projects, taking into account the lack of the information
for the interested users in the existing system. Based
on the above-mentioned matters, it should be stated that currently
the scientific world lacks the rule for the accounting
and analysis of the input into the investment projects.
economics, improvement, management, accounting, spendings, analysis, input, innovation projects, investments, oil and gas industry.
Trukhachev, V. V..
Dynamics of Priorities in Realization of Russia’s National Interests
// National Security.
2010. № 3.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0668.2010.3.57522 URL:
The article considers the problems of realization of Russian national interests in their dynamics. The author analyzed the wide range of alternative programs and doctrines articulated and declared by the representatives of the leading social and political organizations, parties and movements belonging to various segments of the political spectrum of the country. It is concluded that the process of realization of national interests in Russia is an integrated manifestation of the basic interests of a person, society and government and has always been of very contradictory nature.
political sciences, politics, national interest, solidity, modernization, contradictions, territory, integrity, priorities, Russia