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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Why do we need history?

Spirova El'vira Maratovna

Doctor of Philosophy

acting as the senior research officer at Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences

109240, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Goncharnaya, 12, str. 1, of. -
Other publications by this author








1. Solov’ev, E.Yu. Proshloe tolkuet nas [The past interprets us]. (Essays on the history and philosophy of culture). Moscow, 1991.
2. Collingwood, R. The idea of history. N.Y., 2001.
3. Erikson, E. Gandhi’s truth on the origins of militant nonviolence. L., 2009.
4. Troeltsch, E. Historism and its problems. Moscow, 1994.
5. Meinecke F. Die Entstehung des Historismus. Moscow, 2013.
6. Shusterman, Richard. Pragmatist aesthetics. Moscow, 2012.
7. Boas, G. The history of ideas. N.Y., 2004.
8. Dilthey, W. Die Philosophie des Lebens: Eine Ausw. aus seinen Schriften. Stuttgart Göttingen : Teubner : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1961.
9. History, historicity and science / edited by Tom Rockmore, Joseph Margolis. Aldershot, Hants.; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2006.
10. Williams, Bernard, Arthur, Owen. The sense of the past: essays in the history of philosophy. Princeton, N.J.; Oxford: Princeton univ. press, 2006.
11. Gurevich, P. S. Tradition as a Guarantee of Stability // .-2011.-7.-C. 4-7.
12. Gurevich, P. S. The Stable Society Phenomenon // .-2011.-8.-C. 61-74.
13. Gorelova, T. A. Modernization or Social Progress? // .-2013.-1.-C. 69-78. DOI: 10.7256/1999-2793.2013.01.6.