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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

Proceedings with Participation of Foreign Persons in International Procedural Law of Russia and Ukraine

Erpyleva Natalia Yurievna

Doctor of Law

Professor, Head of the Department of International Private Law, Scientific Research University "Higher School of Economics"

119017, Russia, Moscow, Malaya Ordynka Street 17, office #306
Other publications by this author

Batler Vill'yam Elliott

Doctor of Law

201 Old Main, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802







1. Campbell C. (ed.) International Civil Procedure. 2 vols., 2007.
2. Epstein D., Baldwin C. International Litigation: A Guide to Jurisdiction, Practice, and Strategy. BRILL, 2010.
3. Fentiman R. International Commercial Litigation. Oxford University Press, 2010.
4. Grubbs S. (ed.) International Civil Procedure (World Law Group Series). Kluwer Law International, 2003.
5. Hartley T. C. International Commercial Litigation: Texts, Cases and Materials on Private International Law. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
6. James M. Litigation with a Foreign Aspect: A Practical Guide. Oxford University Press, 2009.
7. Kramer X.E., van Rhee C.H. (eds.) Civil Litigation in a Globalising World. T.M.C. Asser Press, 2012.
8. Lascelles G. The International Comparative Legal Guide to Litigation and Dispute Resolution 2012 (International Comparative Legal Guide Series). Global Legal Group Ltd., 2012.
9. Milmo M. (ed.) International Litigation Procedure 2012. Sweet and Maxwell, 2013.
10. Pollack C. (ed.) The International Comparative Legal Guide to Litigation and Dispute Resolution 2011 (International Comparative Legal Guide Series). Global Legal Group Ltd., 2011.
11. Vogenauer S., Hodges C. (eds). Civil Justice Systems in Europe: Implications for Choice of Forum and Choice of Contract Law (Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law Series). Hart Publishing, 2012.
12. Weintraub R.J. International Litigation and Arbitration: Practice and Planning (Law Casebook Series). Carolina Academic Press, 2010.