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International Law and International Organizations
Madatov, O.Y. (2025). Unipolarity in understanding gender equality: ignoring male aspects in global politics. International Law and International Organizations, 1, 27–52.
Unipolarity in understanding gender equality: ignoring male aspects in global politics
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0633.2025.1.73093EDN: ZHPCRZReceived: 14-01-2025Published: 21-01-2025Abstract: The presented scientific research reveals a significant imbalance in approaches to ensuring gender equality. An analysis of global trends shows that excessive focus on women's issues creates significant obstacles to achieving genuine gender parity. It is noteworthy that the systematic disregard of masculine aspects in socio-political discourse significantly complicates the implementation of an integrated approach to gender issues. This scientific work focuses on the need to rethink the current paradigm, where the exclusively feminist agenda dominates, which contradicts the principles of comprehensive equality. The subject of the research is to focus on a comprehensive analysis of strategic initiatives and policy documents of supranational structures (in particular, the European Union and the United Nations) in the context of gender issues. The fundamental objective of this scientific work is a critical understanding of the current imbalances in gender policy, followed by the development of scientifically sound tools for the effective implementation of masculine components in the existing system of gender regulation of international organizations. To achieve these goals, various methods were used, including comparative analysis, content analysis, and structural analysis of discourse, which made it possible to identify dominant approaches to gender issues and assess the extent to which men's issues were included in official documents. The results of the study indicate that ignoring issues of masculine identity and gender discrimination creates significant obstacles to the formation of an effective system of gender-legal relations. This problem is aggravated by the emergence of interpersonal confrontations and social tensions in the field of gender interaction. Moreover, there is a disorientation of individuals in the context of behavioral patterns characteristic of both sexes, which leads to discriminatory practices against young people and an escalation of conflict potential in intersex relationships. In the context of modern scientific research, the issue of gender parity requires methodological transformation and rethinking of basic conceptual provisions. The integration of cross-cultural components into the system of social stratification analysis makes it possible to form a multidimensional model of equality that takes into account the ethnocultural and demographic characteristics of various social groups. Of particular importance is the modernization of existing approaches to migration policy through the prism of gender differentiation, which contributes to the creation of an effective mechanism for ensuring equal opportunities on a global scale. Keywords: gender equality, unipolarity, international politics, stereotypes, social justice, United Nations, European Union, gender stereotypes, mental health, discriminationThis article is automatically translated. Introduction
In modern scientific discourse, the problem of gender equality is characterized by a certain asymmetry of approaches, where the prevailing attention is paid to women's issues [1]. This trend is due to the historical background of discriminatory practices against the female population and the need to offset existing imbalances in the socio-legal sphere. An analysis of international regulatory documents and policy statements demonstrates that gender parity issues are integrated as a fundamental component of the global political paradigm, but there is a pronounced monopolarity in the interpretation and implementation of relevant initiatives. In the process of modern controversial research aimed at restoring historical justice, there is a significant methodological deficit in the analysis of masculine social problems, which, according to objective criteria, have equivalent significance. At the global level, there is a significant lack of attention to the problem of male discrimination, which is manifested in insufficient research of the complex of socio-psychological barriers faced by the male population [2, p. 162]. An analysis of modern international politics demonstrates that issues related to patriarchal pressure on men, high levels of occupational injuries, suicidal behavior, and discrimination in the field of parental rights are not adequately reflected on the global agenda. Research shows that the existing asymmetry in approaches to ensuring gender equality, characterized by selective disregard for men's issues, not only hinders the achievement of comprehensive social justice, but also leads to a disproportionate distribution of social resources and institutional support mechanisms. Within the framework of the modern sociological paradigm, there is a critical rethinking of the concept of gender equality, enshrined in the UN SDG-5 [3], namely, that the dominant one-sided orientation in addressing gender issues does not contribute to achieving the stated goals of sustainable development of society. Research shows that ignoring the masculine aspect of the gender agenda leads to the destabilization of social relations and the formation of new hotbeds of tension [4]. Insufficient attention to the problems of the male population creates an imbalance in the development of gender policy, which significantly complicates the implementation of fundamental principles of equality. As a result, a paradoxical effect is observed: instead of consolidating society, gender antagonism is worsening, preventing the formation of an inclusive social environment based on mutual recognition and respect for the rights of all gender groups. An integrated approach to overcoming gender imbalances requires a comprehensive analysis of issues, including the study of specific male issues in modern society. The institutional recognition and integration of men's issues into the global agenda contributes to the formation of effective mechanisms for social harmonization. Empirical evidence suggests that the implementation of inclusive strategies that take into account the needs of all gender groups positively correlates with indicators of public trust and minimization of social antagonisms. The presented study provides a comprehensive analysis of the gender policy of leading international institutions, including the United Nations [5] and the European Union [6], with an emphasis on identifying existing imbalances in approaches to solving gender problems. The research methodology is based on a systematic study of policy documents, analytical materials, and policy recommendations, which makes it possible to identify structural imbalances and argue for the need to incorporate masculine aspects into the modern gender paradigm. Special attention is paid to the multidimensional consideration of specific problems of the male population, covering such critical areas as psycho-emotional expression, realization of paternal potential, occupational safety, mental well-being and deconstruction of destructive masculine patterns of behavior. In the course of the conducted research, a comprehensive analysis of the documentation of international organizations was carried out, including the study of strategic programs, analytical reports and monitoring materials in the field of gender policy. The research methodology is based on the use of quantitative and qualitative assessment methods to identify existing imbalances in the allocation of resources between different gender groups. Official documents on the integration of issues affecting all gender categories were reviewed in detail. The comparative analysis made it possible to identify the prevailing approaches and practices in the field of gender policy of international institutions. The results of the study indicate the need to transform the existing monopolar paradigm in the direction of creating a balanced system of taking into account the interests of all gender groups. This transformation seems to be a key factor in the formation of a sustainable model of gender equality based on the principles of comprehensive parity of opportunities. In the course of a comprehensive interdisciplinary research, a detailed analysis of discursive constructions and implicit mechanisms determining the marginalization of masculine aspects in the modern social agenda is carried out. The methodology includes the integration of expert opinions from autonomous research institutes and territorial analytical units, focusing on imbalances in the formation of a consolidated gender strategy. The synthesis of the obtained results makes it possible to formulate scientifically sound practical recommendations for optimizing the international system of ensuring parity between gender groups.
Theoretical and methodological foundations
The imbalance in the field of gender studies is manifested through the phenomenon of unipolarity, characterized primarily by a focus on women's issues while systematically ignoring men's social challenges. This phenomenon, while not being a normative setting, is a complex problem in academic, political and social discourses. A selective approach to gender equality issues creates latent discriminatory mechanisms that hinder the achievement of genuine inclusivity in the gender sphere. An analysis of modern research shows that such an asymmetry in the consideration of gender issues significantly limits the potential of social integration and creates barriers to the full development of gender equality [7, p. 23]. The scientific paradigm of gender parity research reveals a significant contradiction between theoretical and practical approaches to this phenomenon. The academic concept of egalitarianism presupposes a symmetrical distribution of self-realization opportunities for representatives of both sexes in the socio-economic, political and cultural space. Nevertheless, empirical observations demonstrate the prevalence of a unipolar interpretation of this concept, focusing primarily on the elimination of institutional constraints for the female part of society. Such an asymmetry in the implementation of the principles of gender equality can lead to the unintended marginalization of masculine interests and needs, which contradicts the original theoretical paradigm. Within the framework of the modern socio-political paradigm, the concept of equal participation of various gender categories in managerial and social processes is becoming essential. This approach, based on the principles of gender inclusivity, provides for a fundamental restructuring of social mechanisms, taking into account the diversity of gender identities [8]. The imperative is the formation of a system of social interaction that eliminates the marginalization or discrimination of any gender groups in the context of the development and implementation of political decisions. Thus, such scientists as A.V. Golovinov [9], M. Y. Milovanova [10], Sh. K. Abikenova [11], E. S. Lutsenko [12], A.M. Leenders [13], A. Irigoien [14], H. Charlesworth [15] studied issues of gender equality in global politics., S. Federici [16], A.M. Slaughter [17] and others. In the context of modern gender studies, there is a significant shortage of scientific papers dealing with latent forms of discriminatory practices against the male population in the system of international political discourse. R. W. Connell's theoretical developments in the field of hegemonic masculinity demonstrate that political institutions and social organizations predominantly consider male representation in decision-making processes as a natural given, which excludes the development of specialized programs aimed at solving specific male problems, including mental well-being, socio-cultural exposures and stigmatization in society [18]. The transformation of the institutional vector in matters of gender parity occurred as a result of the dominance of the feminist program and the intensification of the movement for women's rights, which has been widespread since the middle of the last century, which is confirmed by a number of scientific studies [19]. There is a tendency in the scientific literature to rethink gender issues in terms of a comprehensive analysis of discriminatory practices. Recent studies have demonstrated significant imbalances in the distribution of state support between the sexes, with particular attention being paid to the phenomenon of ignoring men's issues in social policy. It is noteworthy that modern analysts record a critically low level of involvement of the male population in social assistance programs, as well as alarming statistics of male suicides [20, p. 35]. This issue has received in–depth coverage in the fundamental work of W. Farrell "The Myth of Male Power: Why Men are the Disposable Sex" (Rus. "The Myth of male power: why men are disposable sex"), where the author develops the concept of institutional blindness in relation to male problems and points to the paradoxical one-sidedness of the modern movement for gender equality. equality [21]. Sociological studies demonstrate significant differentiation in behavioral patterns between representatives of different gender groups. According to the concept developed by E. Durkheim, there is a significant disparity in the determination of personal development: social factors predominate in the formation of male identity, while biological prerequisites dominate in female nature [22]. This dichotomy is reflected in the statistics of suicidal behavior, where women demonstrate lower rates of auto-destructive actions, which correlates with their relatively limited integration into social institutions. An analysis of global policy documents, including declarative acts of the European Union, United Nations resolutions and government programs in the field of gender parity, demonstrates a significant imbalance in the coverage of gender issues. The research conducted by N. V. Burova revealed a significant shift in the international discussion towards women's emancipation and the promotion of women in leadership structures. At the same time, there is a paradoxical contradiction: despite the declared principle of equality, the documents practically do not address the systemic barriers preventing male participation, which contradicts the fundamental concept of equal representation of both sexes in the socio-political sphere [23, p. 157]. There is also a tendency to rethink gender discourses, where special attention is paid to the issue of masculinity in the context of modern social transformations. Researchers, in particular R. W. Connell [24] and M. Kimmel [25], focus on the phenomenon of deconstruction of traditional male roles in the context of the formation of an egalitarian society. The political sphere is particularly significant, where the stereotypical association of men with power structures and dominance creates significant barriers to their full-fledged participation in social transformation programs. This trend indicates a systemic problem of ignoring male vulnerability and insufficient consideration of the specific needs of the male part of the population when developing political and social initiatives. Integrated methodological tools were used to study the asymmetry of gender approaches and their impact on society. The research is based on a triangulation of methods, including comparative analysis, content systematization, and empirical material processing. The information base was made up of official documents at the international and national levels: EU strategic developments in the field of gender policy [26], documentation of the post-Soviet countries on gender equality [27], as well as analytical materials from UN structures. The comparative method provided the identification of significant differentiations in strategic planning relative to masculine and feminine social groups. The research includes a comprehensive analysis of media discourse with a focus on the comparative study of gender representation in a socio-political context. The methodology is based on a quantitative assessment of the frequency characteristics of mentioning various gender groups in terms of their social activity and government support. Special attention was paid to the study of the issues of masculine victimization, including psychosocial aspects and social stigmatization. As part of a cross-country comparative analysis, the effectiveness of the implementation of equal opportunity programs was assessed, with an emphasis on differentiating their impact on representatives of different gender groups. The data obtained was verified by monitoring the effectiveness of relevant institutional initiatives. Within the framework of the research, a comprehensive methodological toolkit was applied, including a qualitative analysis of public discourse through monitoring of social media, expert interviews and sociological research. This approach made it possible to identify a significant gap between the declared principles of gender parity and their practical implementation. The methodological base of the study, integrating various analytical approaches, provided an opportunity for a detailed examination of the phenomenon of gender unipolarity in the context of social stability and sustainable inclusive development of society.
The practice of implementing gender equality in the UN
In the modern system of international relations, the issue of gender equality is one of the priorities of the UN and its specialized agencies. An analysis of the current situation demonstrates a certain disproportionality in approaches to solving gender problems [28]. In particular, there is a tendency to focus primarily on protecting women's rights and interests, which is implemented through structures such as UN Women. At the same time, the scientific community expresses reasonable doubts about the effectiveness of such a unidirectional approach to achieving genuine gender balance. A significant methodological omission is the lack of attention to men-oriented issues in the context of global gender equality programs. This circumstance, despite the active work of the UN General Assembly and the Human Rights Council, can significantly reduce the effectiveness of measures taken to achieve true parity between the sexes. Within the framework of the international agenda, special attention is paid to overcoming gender inequality, which has historically been formed in relation to the female population. The United Nations is implementing a comprehensive strategy to ensure the fundamental rights of women through the specialized structure "UN-Women" [29]. The priority areas of this activity are: the implementation of educational programs in regions with low female literacy, the creation of financial support mechanisms through microcredit, countering gender-based violence, as well as the formation of legal instruments to protect women in crisis situations and war zones. An analysis of modern gender equality programs reveals a significant imbalance in the distribution of attention between the needs of different social groups. While these initiatives effectively address the challenges of women's economic and political integration, there is a clear lack of attention to men's issues in the context of gender policy. It should be noted that the implementation of such programs is conditioned by the objective need to overcome the socio-economic stratification characteristic of many States. However, the current focus mainly on women's issues creates methodological limitations in achieving comprehensive gender parity. In the modern system of international relations, there is a significant imbalance in the implementation of gender equality programs. An analysis of the UN's activities demonstrates a paradoxical situation: with significant progress in the protection of women's rights, there is a systematic disregard for the issues of male discrimination and stereotyping [30]. Research shows that the socio-psychological and educational problems of the male population remain outside the priority areas of international policy, due to the insufficient development of appropriate supportive mechanisms and the lack of public response in this area. Studies demonstrate a correlation between the psychoemotional state of the male population and socio-economic environmental factors [31]. A significant problem lies in the insufficient implementation of comprehensive psychological support programs for the male population. At the same time, there is a pronounced tendency to marginalize the discourse about the emotional sensitivity of male representatives, which is aggravated by the social stigmatization of this issue. The increased rates of depressive and stressful states in men are mainly determined by financial turbulence and the pressure of public expectations regarding their role as the main material provider of the family unit. An analysis of current trends in the education system reveals a significant gender imbalance in academic performance. Statistical data demonstrate the predominance of the female contingent in higher education institutions in many countries, while the academic performance of males in developed countries is significantly lower than that of the female population [32]. The lack of targeted educational programs aimed at increasing the academic motivation and academic achievements of male students remains beyond wide public discussion, which could potentially lead to significant socio-economic imbalances in the future. In the current legal discourse, there is a significant imbalance in the protection of men's rights in family and legal relations. Statistics show an increase in the number of incidents related to violations of parity access to parental rights and cases of domestic violence against men, but this issue is not receiving adequate attention in United Nations programs and initiatives. Such a disparity in the legal regulation of family relations requires a comprehensive review of existing protection mechanisms. Thus, using the example of Russia, the data of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on the total number of deaths in domestic conflicts are presented (Table 1) [33, p. 28]. Table 1 – Total number of deaths in domestic conflicts
Statistical analysis of deaths in the context of family and domestic conflicts demonstrates a pronounced gender asymmetry with a predominance of male victims. The temporal dynamics of this phenomenon is characterized by significant fluctuations: the peak value of differentiation was recorded in 2015, when the disparity reached 148.68% in the direction of male mortality. The subsequent period was marked by a trend towards convergence of indicators, which reached its minimum in 2021 with a difference of only 11.83%. However, the posteriori period shows a reverse trend: by 2023, there is a resumption of divergence with an increase in the gap to 23.08%. The presented quantitative data indicate the permanent vulnerability of the male population in family and domestic conflicts, despite the variability in the scale of this phenomenon in different time periods. The analysis demonstrates a significant gender asymmetry in death rates in family and domestic conflicts, where the male population exhibits increased victimization. Despite the periodic reduction in the disparity in the number of victims among the sexes (2020-2021), the masculine group is characterized by a consistently high vulnerability. This phenomenon can be determined by a complex of socio-psychological factors, including a lack of institutional support, specific behavioral patterns and socio-cultural determinants. The escalation of male mortality rates observed in 2022-2023 indicates the potential failure of preventive mechanisms in relation to masculine victimization and may be an indicator of increasing social tension in the context of domestic violence. Differentiation of preventive measures in the context of intra-family confrontations should be based on the gender specifics of the conflict participants. The masculine aspect of the issue deserves special attention, since the existing mechanisms for protecting the male population demonstrate insufficient effectiveness and need to be significantly optimized. According to V. F. Shchepelkov: "men are more likely to suffer from more serious crimes committed on domestic grounds, while women are more likely to suffer from less serious crimes" [34, p. 236]. Thus, data on the criminogenic situation in the family and household sphere for 2023 demonstrate a significant gender difference in the structure of victims of serious and especially serious crimes. Men make up the dominant group of victims - 2,402 cases (57.5% of the total), while the number of female victims reaches 1,774 episodes (42.5%). The total number of registered crimes in these categories amounted to 4,176 cases, which indicates a significant disparity in the distribution of intra-family violence based on the sex of the victims. In the process of implementing gender initiatives of international organizations, there is a significant imbalance of priorities, characterized mainly by a focus on women's issues. This methodological asymmetry, which excludes the masculine aspects of social development from view, determines a decrease in the effectiveness of programs to ensure gender parity and causes the emergence of a complex of destructive phenomena in the social sphere. Neglecting the masculine aspects leads to a number of problems. Firstly, the social dichotomy that arises when the masculine component is excluded from the discourse of gender equality demonstrates significant methodological shortcomings of modern approaches to addressing equality issues. The observed fragmentation of public institutions is compounded by the lack of a comprehensive analysis of the needs of both sexes in the socio-economic space. Empirical evidence indicates the formation of a significant imbalance in the distribution of social support, where the masculine group demonstrates increased vulnerability while maintaining existing patterns of ignoring their specific needs [35]. Secondly, gender imbalance in social systems demonstrates a complex impact on public institutions. The analysis shows that the deprivation of one demographic group inevitably leads to systemic destabilization affecting the economic, psychosocial and interpersonal aspects of life. Research confirms that the effective functioning of social mechanisms is possible only with balanced consideration of the interests of all gender categories, due to their mutual integration into social processes. Thirdly, the polarization of public opinion on gender issues is largely due to the lack of male participation in relevant discussions. Research shows a correlation between the limited integration of the male population into the processes of gender reform and the formation of negative perceptions of international initiatives. In particular, there is a tendency to interpret UN programs as discriminatory among male groups experiencing social exclusion in the context of the gender agenda. Thus, there is a need to integrate masculine components into the existing theoretical framework in order to achieve methodological completeness of the study. This paradigm, based on an inclusive approach to the study of gender specificity of both sexes, contributes to the formation of sustainable social transformation and ensures a scientifically based balance on a global scale.
Gender equality in the framework of EU policy
The integration of a gender perspective through "gender mainstream" is a key instrument of the socio-economic policy of the European Union [36]. This concept involves the implementation of comprehensive measures to eliminate structural barriers that hinder women's full participation in public life. Strategic planning at the supranational and local levels is based on the principles of ensuring equal access to educational resources, employment and entrepreneurial opportunities, which helps to overcome historically established forms of discrimination. The analysis of current trends in the field of gender equality demonstrates the complex nature of socio-economic transformations. The European Union is implementing large-scale initiatives to overcome occupational segregation, including a project to integrate women into STEM fields. Significant attention is being paid to eliminating wage disparities and preventing gender-based violence. At the same time, there is a methodological imbalance: modern programs, focusing on women's issues and removing historical barriers, do not sufficiently take into account the specific challenges faced by the male population. This aspect requires additional scientific research and the development of appropriate social support mechanisms. There is a significant imbalance in relation to gender studies in modern social policy. The analysis of equality programs demonstrates a predominant focus on women's issues with a clear lack of attention to specific male issues. Statistical data indicate that there are a number of unresolved problems affecting the male population: increased suicidal risk, occupational discrimination, socio-role restrictions in the field of fatherhood, and persistent social stereotypes. Research shows that existing social support mechanisms and targeted programs do not provide comprehensive solutions to these problems due to insufficient elaboration of the male component of gender policy. Statistical data demonstrate a significant gender asymmetry in the area of parental rights at the dissolution of marriage, where the male part of the population is systematically subjected to restrictions on equal participation in the upbringing of offspring. This phenomenon serves as a representative indicator of socio-legal inequality in the modern system of family relations [37]. Similarly, Eurostat data show a significant gender imbalance in suicidal behavior among the European population, where the male population shows a fourfold increase in the incidence of cases [38]. The issue of psychosocial well-being of the male population of the middle age group (35-55 years old) is of particular relevance. The analysis of institutional mechanisms of social protection reveals significant shortcomings in the aspect of support for low-income men who are not married, which, combined with insufficient attention to the mental health problems of this demographic group, forms a complex social problem that requires a systematic approach to its solution. Currently, the modern policy of gender quotas in the corporate sector creates complex socio-economic effects. Data analysis indicates the emergence of the phenomenon of compensatory discrimination against the male population during the implementation of positive discrimination programs. The scientific community and public organizations express concern about the unilateral approach of European regulators to solving the problem of gender inequality. At the same time, empirical data demonstrate that the introduction of gender quotas, despite the positive impact on the representation of women in management structures, can create additional barriers to the professional realization of men in a limited labor market. Research shows a significant imbalance in approaches to the study of gender-based violence, where the focus on women's issues prevails. According to the International Association for Men and Boys' Rights, the European Union's policy initiatives demonstrate insufficient attention to the victimization of the male population, including cases of violence of both heterogeneous and homogeneous nature [39]. This methodological unipolarity hinders the formation of a comprehensive understanding of gender issues, ignoring a significant body of empirical data on the specific experiences and challenges faced by the male part of the population. In modern socio-legal practice, there is a significant imbalance in the field of gender policy, characterized by insufficient attention to the problems of the male population. This phenomenon is particularly evident in the legislative system of the European Union, where, despite general progress in equality issues, there is no comprehensive approach to solving specific men's problems. A typical example is the systematic rejection of legislative initiatives aimed at equalizing parental rights in family law. Public organizations advocating for equality in child custody issues regularly face a lack of constructive dialogue at the legislative level, which indicates the presence of systemic contradictions in the implementation of the principles of gender equality. Within the framework of scientific discourse, it has been revealed that the unilateral focus on certain aspects of gender issues demonstrates a reductionist nature and significantly reduces the effectiveness of the implementation of egalitarian strategies. Empirical research data indicate the need to implement a holistic approach with the integration of a multifactorial analysis of the needs of various social strata in order to minimize existing gender disparities.
Analysis of programs of other international organizations
A review of the activities of international institutions reveals a conceptual asymmetry in the implementation of gender equality programs. Despite the declared universality of the approach to gender issues, there is a significant imbalance in the distribution of attention between different gender groups. Leading supranational organizations, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank (WB), the United Nations and UNICEF, demonstrate a predominant focus on women's issues, ignoring the masculine aspects of gender equality. This phenomenon of "monopolarity" in addressing issues of gender parity contradicts the fundamental principle of comprehensive equality, declared as a priority task of global development. An analysis of the World Bank's policy documents demonstrates a clear focus on women-oriented approaches in economic policy. It is noteworthy that strategic initiatives aimed at achieving sustainable growth through gender equality (2016-2023) focus exclusively on women's economic integration [40]. The documentation contains a set of measures to counteract gender-based violence, expand financial accessibility and increase the level of employment among the female population. At the same time, there is a significant lack of attention to similar problems affecting the male part of the population, which indicates an insufficiently balanced approach to gender equality. Statistical data demonstrate significant gender disparities in socio-demographic indicators. There is an increased mortality rate among the male population of reproductive age, which correlates with their exposure to deviant behavior. At the same time, the traditional social paradigm, which assigns men the status of breadwinner and financial support for the household, has not been sufficiently studied in modern scientific discourse. The review of the strategy of the World Health Organization reveals a significant imbalance in the distribution of priorities of gender policy in the field of healthcare. WHO documentation, in particular the report on human rights and gender equality, demonstrates a predominant focus on female reproductive medicine and ensuring access to medical services for the female population. Despite the formal inclusion of men's health in policy documents, this aspect is considered primarily in the context of supporting women's reproductive health and family well-being. Significant issues affecting the male population, such as increased suicide risk, psychological well-being, and sociocultural barriers to receiving medical care, are not receiving adequate attention on the organization's current agenda [41]. In the context of gender inequality, there is a significant asymmetry in approaches to solving social problems. An analysis of the UN Women campaigns, including the HeForShe initiative, demonstrates the one-sided nature of the consideration of gender issues [42]. It is noteworthy that the masculine aspects of social inequality, in particular the stereotyping of male victimization, remain outside the public discourse. This trend is manifested in the fact that men are positioned exclusively as contributing actors in the process of achieving gender equality, while their specific social problems, including stigmatization in the context of domestic violence, do not receive due attention in UN programs. In the modern practice of international organizations, there is a disparity in the distribution of attention between the gender groups of minors. Priority is given to the issues of women's education, the prevention of early marriage and the protection of girls from violence, which is reflected in UNICEF programs. At the same time, the risks characteristic of the male part of the child population remain insufficiently investigated, including their potential involvement in criminal structures, participation in military operations and exposure to street violence. The conducted study of the documentation of international health organizations demonstrates a significant imbalance in the coverage of gender-specific issues. A statistical analysis of key WHO documentation, including World Health Statistics, reveals that men's issues account for less than one fifth of the total volume of issues addressed in the main reports over a ten-year period [43]. The significant prevalence of women's health research is evident in most sections of the documentation, while male specificity is mainly mentioned in the context of infectious diseases and epidemiological risks, occupying a secondary position in analytical materials. The quantitative disparity in the coverage of the gender aspects of healthcare reflects the systemic nature of this phenomenon in the strategic documents of international organizations. An analysis of the World Bank's target programs for 2021 demonstrates a significant gender asymmetry in the distribution of support. The study shows that 85% of equality initiatives focus exclusively on women's issues. At the same time, there is a systematic disregard for the complex socio-economic problems faced by the male population. The bank's documentation is characterized by a one-sided approach to gender issues, where the masculine aspect is mainly viewed through the prism of dominance in the resource and management spheres. This methodology excludes critical social factors affecting the male population, such as the psychological pressure of public expectations, problems of social isolation, and stress associated with the need to meet established success criteria. The observed trend indicates the need to reassess current approaches to gender equality in international development programs. The analysis of gender issues reveals significant methodological limitations within the framework of the dichotomous approach to social groups. The modern paradigm, characterized by the classification of the male population as the dominant class and the female as the subordinate, demonstrates a significant degree of simplification. Despite the relevance of this model for certain socio-territorial clusters, it does not take into account the complexity of intersectional discrimination mechanisms. The institutional rhetoric of organizational structures contributes to the consolidation of such a bipolar model, which prevents the formation of a multifactorial analysis of social stratification. In the modern scientific paradigm, there is a methodological asymmetry in the conceptualization of gender equality. An analysis of policy documents from international organizations, including the World Health Organization and the World Bank, demonstrates significant gaps in the comprehensive understanding of gender issues. A typical example is the HeForShe initiative within the framework of UN Women, where the masculine component is reduced to a supporting role, ignoring the specific problems of the male social group. The modern rhetoric of feminist discourse, which focuses on overcoming patriarchal structures, paradoxically contributes to the marginalization of male participation in the processes of achieving gender parity. This monopolistic paradigm, despite its mobilization potential in the context of women's emancipation, creates methodological limitations for a comprehensive study of gender issues, excluding from consideration the specific challenges faced by men. An analysis of current programs and strategic initiatives of international institutions demonstrates the need for their fundamental restructuring in order to integrate a multigender approach. Achieving a balanced social paradigm requires comprehensive consideration of the specific characteristics of different gender groups when shaping equality policies.
The consequences of a one-sided approach
In the course of research at the global level, there is a systematic exclusion of masculine aspects from the public agenda, which creates a distorted picture of gender issues. This methodological one-sidedness, characterized by a predominant focus on feminine issues, generates complex negative effects in various spheres of society. As a result of such a disparity, significant deformations occur in the psychosocial, economic and political fields, affecting both the micro and macro levels of a public organization. First, the socio-economic consequences. In modern society, there is a significant disparity between social expectations for the male population and the actual level of institutional support for this demographic group. Statistical data demonstrate the prevailing rates of suicidal behavior among the male population on a global scale compared to the female cohort. The existing social paradigm, which assigns to men the traditional functions of material support and physical protection of the family, creates additional stressful factors in conditions of economic volatility [44]. At the same time, there is a significant shortage of specialized social programs aimed at supporting men in case of job loss, marriage dissolution or restriction of parental rights. This situation exacerbates the processes of social stigmatization and marginalization of the male population in key areas of life, which correlates with increased risks of developing mental disorders. Labor market analysis demonstrates the complex impact of gender disparities on socio-economic processes. It has been established that the introduction of positive discrimination mechanisms, including gender quotas in professional fields, can lead to the unintended marginalization of the male part of the population [45]. This issue is particularly relevant in the context of family and legal relations, where there is an asymmetry in the distribution of parental authority. Sociological studies have documented an increase in psychoemotional injuries among men caused by the uneven distribution of rights in divorce proceedings. These factors, combined with economic instability, create prerequisites for increased social maladaptation of male representatives, mainly in youth and low-income demographic groups. Secondly, there is a loss of trust in gender politics. Research shows that an insufficiently balanced approach to the implementation of gender policy can provoke social tension between representatives of different sexes. The analysis of public perception of gender initiatives demonstrates the formation of negative attitudes among the male part of the population when equality programs do not take into account their specific needs. A significant factor hindering the achievement of gender balance is the tendency to assign collective historical responsibility to the male community in the context of combating discrimination. This phenomenon contributes to the transformation of the perception of egalitarian programs from an instrument of social harmonization into a source of potential threat. Consequently, there is a paradoxical effect: measures aimed at establishing gender parity can lead to increased inter-gender confrontation and the disintegration of society. In modern socio-political discourse, there is a phenomenon of systemic opposition to gender-oriented initiatives, which is caused by a complex of psychosocial factors. Research shows a correlation between the perceived devaluation of males and their categorical rejection of egalitarian programs, despite the potential mutual benefits of implementing the latter. The disintegration of inter-gender communication contributes to the interpretation of any equalitarian measures as tools of antagonism. This trend determines the escalation of demagogic narratives, which, in turn, catalyzes the processes of social divergence and deepens existing contradictions in society. Thirdly, the widening gap between the sexes. Research shows that an asymmetric approach to gender justice issues creates significant barriers to establishing balanced social relations between representatives of different sexes. Irrational focus exclusively on women's issues contributes to the formation of a distorted perception of gender inequality in society. Empirical data demonstrate that insufficient attention to the legal and social problems of men, including the disparity in family legislation and the silencing of cases of aggression by women, leads to an increase in social tension and the strengthening of dysfunctional gender stereotypes [46, p. 65]. This phenomenon contradicts the principles of an integrated approach to achieving genuine gender parity. In the course of research, it has been established that gender asymmetry in the socio-educational space is becoming pronounced. There is a phenomenon of marginalization of the male part of the population in the context of modern development programs, mainly focused on the female demographic group. The lack of balanced mechanisms of social support for male representatives potentially leads to the formation of a syndrome of social exclusion and a reduction in their civic engagement, which can have long-term negative consequences for social development in general. An analysis of social processes has shown that an imbalance in the distribution of public attention to gender issues contributes to the destabilization of inter-gender relations. Research shows that a unilateral shift in social imperatives inevitably leads to the destruction of fundamental social patterns and the destruction of consensual mechanisms of social interaction. In this regard, there is a growing need to implement an integrated approach to addressing gender issues, involving the development of inclusive strategies that take into account the interests of all demographic groups, regardless of gender.
Ways to eliminate the systemic exclusion of men's problems
Currently, there is a significant imbalance in the consideration of social issues, where the male component is systematically marginalized. The implementation of an integrated approach to gender equality requires a revision of traditional paradigms focused primarily on women's issues. The methodological basis of the study of this phenomenon demonstrates the need to integrate a multifactorial analysis that takes into account the specific characteristics of both gender groups in a socio-political context. Let's look at the key measures that help eliminate the systemic exclusion of men's problems. First, the introduction of an integrated gender approach, combining male and female perspectives. Structural determinants, including economic volatility, family patterns, stereotypical thinking, and educational differentiation, require a comprehensive analysis when forming gender-oriented strategies. The social architecture of society demonstrates a pronounced integration of gender aspects, excluding their autonomous existence. The implementation of political mechanisms aimed at leveling existing imbalances should be based on the recognition of the interdependence of male and female components of the social system. A comprehensive study of gender interactions requires the integration of methodological approaches from various scientific disciplines, including socio-legal, psychological and economic aspects. The psychological well-being of the male representatives has a direct impact on the functioning of the family system and the well-being of the female part of the population. Deconstruction of established gender stereotypes in the spheres of economic activity and parental functions helps to optimize the social balance between the sexes. When developing preventive programs to counter violent behavior, it is necessary to take into account the potential victimization of both sexes, since both men and women can act as subjects and objects of aggression. Secondly, the expansion of programs to support men. An analysis of the current situation demonstrates the insufficient effectiveness of existing mechanisms for supporting the male population in the context of gender balancing society. Scaling up relevant programs and initiatives is crucial for eliminating systemic discrimination against this demographic group. Special attention should be paid to the following aspects: 1. Mental health of men. Gender stereotypes prescribing emotional restraint and demonstration of strength create significant obstacles for the male part of the population to turn to specialists in the field of psychological counseling [47]. In this regard, there is an urgent need to implement comprehensive measures to reduce social stigmatization and modify existing psychological support programs, taking into account specific socio-cultural barriers characteristic of the male audience. 2. The rights of fathers. Current legal norms in the field of family law demonstrate systemic shortcomings in ensuring equal participation of both parents in the process of raising minors. Statistical data indicate a significant imbalance in the distribution of parental functions, where the paternal role is significantly discriminated against. A comprehensive strategy is needed to modernize the legislative framework, including mechanisms for the legal protection of fathers, as well as the introduction of programs aimed at creating an egalitarian model of parenthood. These measures will optimize the legal support of custody disputes and help establish parity in the educational process. 3. Suicide prevention program. The analysis of demographic data demonstrates a gender disparity in the frequency of suicidal acts, in which the male group is characterized by increased mortality rates. This phenomenon highlights the need to implement comprehensive measures to mitigate key risk factors, including occupational maladjustment, social deprivation, and limited access to qualified psychotherapeutic intervention. 4. The fight against gender stereotypes. The social attitude regarding the gender role of men is characterized by a set of restrictive patterns, including the imperative of physical superiority and suppression of emotional expression. This paradigm prevents the full self-realization of male individuals. Deconstruction of such destructive behavioral patterns contributes to the formation of an egalitarian society, which has a beneficial effect on both genders. Thirdly, the reform of language and semantic rhetoric: the exclusion of sexism in the interpretation of gender equality. Linguistic analysis of gender terminology reveals significant imbalances in the social categorization of the male population. There is a tendency towards a dichotomous interpretation of masculine status either through the prism of a dominant position or through negative stigmatization. Achieving equal social conditions requires a fundamental revision of semantic constructions and discursive practices in the field of gender identification. The need to deconstruct established linguistic patterns in order to eliminate cognitive distortions in the perception of gender roles is actualized. The restructuring of the language should include the following principles: 1. Eliminating the "victim-aggressor" dichotomy, which automatically puts a woman in a position of weakness and a man in a position of strength. Such categorical thinking does not take into account nuances and individual differences. 2. Expanding the definition of equality. A comprehensive analysis of discriminatory practices demonstrates the need to expand the conceptual framework of gender equality. When considering this phenomenon, it is essential to include in the scientific discourse the issues of infringement of the rights of the male part of the population in various social institutions. Empirical studies have documented the presence of barriers for men in the system of family relations, professional self-realization, access to educational resources and social integration. 3. Exclusion of sexist prejudice from legal language, media formats and public discourse. By changing the basis of perception, it is possible to build a more inclusive understanding of what gender balance should be. Fourth, focus on dialogue: mutual understanding and cooperation. In the modern sociological paradigm, the need to form effective mechanisms of intergender communication is becoming particularly relevant. Scientific analysis demonstrates that overcoming existing contradictions between representatives of different genders is possible through the creation of specialized discussion platforms and the implementation of educational initiatives. Research shows the paramount importance of two key areas: the development of educational programs aimed at deconstructing negative gender stereotypes, as well as the institutionalization of communication spaces of various formats – from public to private. These platforms are designed to provide conditions for an open exchange of opinions and a collaborative search for solutions to existing problems by representatives of both sexes. Thus, building a constructive inter-gender dialogue requires a systematic approach based on the principles of inclusiveness and mutual respect of participants in the communication process. According to the author, the integration of the masculine component into the system of gender equality is a fundamental factor for achieving social justice. It has been established that the equal consideration of men's issues along with women's issues significantly increases the effectiveness of socio-cultural transformations. Of particular importance is the involvement of male representatives in human rights and volunteer activities aimed at supporting vulnerable groups, including women and children. This approach contributes to the formation of a new model of masculinity, free from traditional stereotypes of dominance, which allows men to act as mediators of social change. Thus, a comprehensive analysis of gender issues, taking into account the male component, seems to be a necessary condition for building a balanced social model. In the context of modern international relations, there is a need for a fundamental transformation of the public worldview regarding gender equality. This paradigm assumes an integrated approach that integrates both the modification of social institutions and the formation of an egalitarian model of interaction based on the equal satisfaction of the interests of all gender groups.
Gender research demonstrates that focusing exclusively on the feminist agenda creates significant obstacles to achieving comprehensive gender equality. There is a paradoxical situation: with significant progress in protecting women's rights, neglect of the problems of the male population leads to a dysfunctional overall gender balance system. Empirical evidence suggests that monopolistic gender policy not only exacerbates social stratification, but also contributes to the crystallization of archaic stereotypical ideas, which contradicts the fundamental goals of building an egalitarian society. In modern scientific discourse, the problem of an integrated approach to the gender policy of international institutions is being actualized. An analysis of existing programs demonstrates the need to integrate masculine components into the overall paradigm of humanitarian development. Empirical research shows that the implementation of a comprehensive gender approach helps optimize social processes and deepen understanding of intersex interactions. The relevance of this issue necessitates the modification of existing mechanisms at the level of government agencies and NGOs involved in the development and implementation of gender-oriented strategies. Of particular importance is the consolidation of efforts of various factors in the context of the formation of an egalitarian society. In the context of the study of gender issues, the analysis of practical mechanisms for achieving parity between different social groups is of particular scientific importance. It is advisable to focus the research on identifying correlations between local initiatives to support masculinity and international political trends in the field of inclusion. The scientific community is showing considerable interest in the methodology of overcoming monopolar gender constructs in various socio-cultural conditions, which contributes to the formation of an egalitarian social structure and requires further development of applied solutions in this field. Within the framework of the modern sociological paradigm, achieving genuine gender parity requires the implementation of comprehensive methodological approaches that take into account the multidimensional nature of this issue. Empirical research demonstrates that one-sided consideration of gender equality issues through the prism of exclusively feminist theory significantly reduces the possibilities of constructive dialogue. Scientific analysis indicates the need to integrate masculine aspects into the general paradigm of gender studies, since ignoring them creates significant methodological limitations. Thus, the formation of a balanced discourse through a comparative analysis of various theoretical positions seems to be the optimal mechanism for building an egalitarian society taking into account the interests of all gender groups. References
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The scientific novelty of the work is reflected in a number of conclusions of the author: "A significant problem lies in the insufficient implementation of comprehensive programs of psychological support for the male population. At the same time, there is a pronounced tendency to marginalize the discourse on the emotional sensitivity of male representatives, which is aggravated by the social stigmatization of this issue. The increased rates of depressive and stressful states in men are mainly determined by financial turbulence and the pressure of public expectations regarding their role as the main material provider of the family unit. An analysis of current trends in the education system reveals a significant gender imbalance in academic performance. Statistical data demonstrate the predominance of the female contingent in higher education institutions in many countries, while the academic performance of males in developed countries is significantly lower than that of the female population [32]. The lack of targeted educational programs aimed at increasing the academic motivation and academic achievements of male students remains beyond wide public discussion, which could potentially lead to significant socio-economic imbalances in the future. In the current legal discourse, there is a significant imbalance in the protection of men's rights in family and legal relations. Statistics show an increase in the number of incidents related to violations of parity access to parental rights and cases of domestic violence against men, but this issue is not receiving adequate attention in United Nations programs and initiatives. Such a disparity in the legal regulation of family relations requires a comprehensive review of existing protection mechanisms"; "The presented quantitative data indicate the permanent vulnerability of the male population in family and domestic conflicts, despite the variability in the scale of this phenomenon in different time periods. The analysis demonstrates a significant gender asymmetry in death rates in family and domestic conflicts, where the male population exhibits increased victimization. Despite the periodic reduction in the disparity in the number of victims among the sexes (2020-2021), the masculine group is characterized by a consistently high vulnerability. This phenomenon can be determined by a complex of socio-psychological factors, including a lack of institutional support, specific behavioral patterns and socio-cultural determinants. The escalation of male mortality rates observed in 2022-2023 indicates the potential failure of preventive mechanisms in relation to masculine victimization and may be an indicator of increasing social tension in the context of domestic violence. Differentiation of preventive measures in the context of intra-family confrontations should be based on the gender specifics of the conflict participants. The masculine aspect of the issue deserves special attention, since the existing mechanisms for protecting the male population demonstrate insufficient effectiveness and need to be significantly optimized"; "In modern social policy, there is a significant imbalance in relation to gender studies. The analysis of equality programs demonstrates a predominant focus on women's issues with a clear lack of attention to specific male issues. Statistical data indicate that there are a number of unresolved problems affecting the male population: increased suicidal risk, occupational discrimination, socio-role restrictions in the field of fatherhood, and persistent social stereotypes. Research shows that existing social support mechanisms and targeted programs do not provide comprehensive solutions to these problems due to insufficient elaboration of the male component of gender policy"; "Within the framework of scientific discourse, it has been revealed that a unilateral focus on certain aspects of gender issues demonstrates a reductionist nature and significantly reduces the effectiveness of the implementation of egalitarian strategies. Empirical research data indicate the need to implement a holistic approach with the integration of a multifactorial analysis of the needs of various social strata in order to minimize existing gender disparities," etc. Thus, the article makes a definite contribution to the development of Russian legal science and certainly deserves the attention of potential readers. The scientific style of the research is fully supported by the author. The structure of the work is logical. In the introductory part of the article, the scientist substantiates the relevance of his chosen research topic. In the main part of the work, the author carries out a comprehensive analysis of the gender policy of leading international institutions and identifies existing imbalances in approaches to solving gender problems. The final part of the paper contains conclusions based on the results of the study. The content of the article corresponds to its title and does not cause any particular complaints. The bibliography of the study is presented by 47 sources (monographs and scientific articles), including in English. From a formal and factual point of view, this is quite enough. The author managed to reveal the research topic with the necessary completeness and depth. The work was carried out at a high academic level. There is an appeal to the opponents, but it is general in nature due to the focus of the research. The scientific discussion is conducted correctly by the author. The provisions of the work are adequately substantiated and illustrated with examples. There are conclusions based on the results of the study ("The study of gender issues demonstrates that focusing exclusively on the feminist agenda creates significant obstacles to achieving comprehensive gender equality. There is a paradoxical situation: with significant progress in protecting women's rights, neglect of the problems of the male population leads to a dysfunctional overall gender balance system. Empirical evidence suggests that monopolistic gender policy not only exacerbates social stratification, but also contributes to the crystallization of archaic stereotypical ideas, which contradicts the fundamental goals of building an egalitarian society. In modern scientific discourse, the problem of an integrated approach to the gender policy of international institutions is being actualized. An analysis of existing programs demonstrates the need to integrate masculine components into the overall paradigm of humanitarian development. Empirical research shows that the implementation of a comprehensive gender approach helps optimize social processes and deepen understanding of intersex interactions. The relevance of this issue necessitates the modification of existing mechanisms at the level of government agencies and NGOs involved in the development and implementation of gender-oriented strategies. Of particular importance is the consolidation of efforts of various factors in the context of the formation of an egalitarian society. In the context of the study of gender issues, the analysis of practical mechanisms for achieving parity between different social groups is of particular scientific importance. It is advisable to focus the research on identifying correlations between local initiatives to support masculinity and international political trends in the field of inclusion. The scientific community shows considerable interest in the methodology of overcoming monopolar gender constructs in various socio-cultural conditions, which contributes to the formation of an egalitarian social structure and requires further development of applied solutions in this field", etc.), have the properties of reliability, validity and undoubtedly deserve the attention of the scientific community. The interest of the readership in the article submitted for review can be shown primarily by experts in the field of international law, constitutional law, and family law. |