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Psychological readiness for research activities among teachers of additional education: structural and substantive characteristics

YUdina Natal'ya Aleksandrovna

ORCID: 0000-0002-3909-6754

Postgraduate student; Department of Theoretical and Applied Psychology; Zabaikalsky State University

108 Svetly microdistrict, Chita, Zabaikalsky Krai, 672038, Russia
Dagbaeva Soelma Batomunkuevna

ORCID: 0000-0003-1696-2370

Doctor of Psychology

Head of the Department; Department of Theoretical and Applied Psychology; Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education 'Zabaikalsky State University'

129 Babushkina str., room 508, Chita, Zabaikalsky Krai, 672000, Russia









Abstract: The professional standard "Teacher of additional education for children and adults" designates one of the work functions of a teacher of additional education to conduct research on the labor market for additional education services. Based on this fact, the article presents a brief theoretical analysis of research activities, as well as the concept of psychological readiness. Based on the conducted research, a model of psychological readiness of a teacher of additional education is formulated, consisting of several structural components: motivational, cognitive, creative and operational. The purpose of the study is to describe the structural components of the model of the teacher of additional education's readiness for research activities. The object of the study is the psychological readiness of a teacher of additional education for research activities. The subject of the research is the structural components of the model of psychological readiness of a teacher of additional education for research activities. The research methodology is determined by the subject-activity approach, as well as the principles of determinism, development and unity of consciousness and activity. The research is carried out by analyzing and systematizing the literature on the topic, as well as using the method of modeling psychological phenomena. The novelty in the presented model is the allocation of a creative component in the research activity of a teacher of additional education. As a result of the study, the structural components of the model of psychological readiness of a teacher of additional education for research activities have been identified. During the research, it was found that in the scientific literature, research activities in additional education are considered either from the point of view of the student's activity, or as mentoring or tutoring. The designed model of psychological readiness for the research activity of a teacher of additional education takes into account all aspects of this phenomenon most fully. We understand the psychological readiness of additional education teachers for research activities as a psychological state of predisposition, a mood to perform research activities, including motivation, knowledge of its content, and possession of basic research skills.


psychological readiness, research activity, additional education, research culture, characteristics, model of psychological readiness, psychological state, structural components, professional competence, motivation

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One of the most important problems of modern society is the constant transformation of the education system, and as a result, the activity of the teacher is changing. The formation of professional competencies and professional development of a teacher is impossible without continuous self-development and self-improvement of professional competence. The teacher of additional education, as an active participant in the pedagogical process, is a central figure in any transformations in the field of education and society. These transformations require him to rethink his activities in accordance with new pedagogical values, among which the skills of scientific research are an important aspect. Today, teachers of additional education are required to actively engage in modern social processes and realize their creative and professional potential. One of the vectors of competence and competence development is the psychological readiness for research activities of a teacher of additional education. According to the professional standard "Teacher of additional education for children and adults", approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 652 n dated September 22, 2021, one of the labor functions of a teacher of additional education is "Organizing and conducting research on the market of additional education services for children and adults", which requires appropriate research knowledge and skills. In the process of working with additional education teachers, namely, based on the results of professional competitions, some difficulties were identified in their research activities.

Literature review

The problem of the formation of psychological readiness for research activities among teachers of additional education has not been sufficiently studied due to the fact that most often the main object of study is the research activities of students, and not the teacher himself. Meanwhile, the very nature of the activity of a teacher of additional education related to creativity needs enrichment potentials, and such potentials are contained in the research activities that he can carry out.

The scientific literature has accumulated a large volume of scientific papers on the problem of forming a research culture. O.M. Shikhova, analyzing the anthropological essence of research culture, characterizes "biological properties at the personality level: the orientation of research actions to the outside world, the orientation-searching nature of behavior, the urge to reveal the "secrets" of the surrounding world, cognition and identification of its various properties. Integral components of the research process are the subject as a carrier of individual consciousness and cognitive experience, the object of cognition, and ways to reveal its characteristics" [25].

From the point of view of sociology, research culture "is a process that determines the development of a person's research consciousness and cognitive experience in educational, scientific and professional activities" [7]. In the context of pedagogy, research culture implies the skill of critical thinking, analysis and interpretation of information, conducting research, making informed decisions and constantly improving one's professional skills and knowledge [7]. Markova V.I. gives the following definition of research culture: "it is an integrative, dynamic personal characteristic that includes pedagogical values, research methods for solving creative professional tasks, creative activity and a measure of self-realization in innovative pedagogical activity" [11].

In the scientific literature (Markova V.I., Gamidov L.Sh., Magomedalieva M.R., Kuchmezov R.A., Ushakova N.N.), various structural components of research culture are distinguished. Research culture acts as a link between the learning process and scientific activity, facilitating the coordination of approaches, tools and goals of education and training [12].

In foreign publications, research activity is proposed to be considered as a special form of intellectual and creative activity that arises as a result of the work of search activity mechanisms and is based on research behavior. Craig A. Mertler in his article [29] says that in a modern educational organization, a teacher with research competence is in demand. From the author's point of view, the research competence of a teacher is a collective quality that includes the willingness and ability to organize scientific research for a more effective pedagogical process, as well as the ability to organize educational and research activities of schoolchildren.

When analyzing the scientific literature, we have identified several perspectives for considering research activities. The first group includes scientific articles describing the research activities of students in the system of additional education [2,10,15]. Another group of scientific articles considers the teacher of additional education as a mentor, tutor in research activities, but not the researcher himself [9, 18, 19, 23]. Thus, it can be concluded that the specifics of the research activities of teachers of additional education have not been sufficiently studied.

The analysis of scientific literature has shown the presence of contradictions:

There is a difference between the requirements of the professional standard "Teacher of additional education for children and adults" for carrying out research activities in various areas and the lack of psychological readiness of a teacher of additional education to carry out research activities, insufficient preparation for it, and insufficient necessary competencies.;

There is a difference between the need for a scientific understanding of psychological readiness for research and the lack of unity in the interpretation of this concept, as well as the lack of knowledge about the formation of psychological readiness for research among additional education teachers.;

There is a difference between the need to develop psychological readiness for research activities among teachers of additional education and the lack of specific programs aimed at solving this problem.

The identified contradictions helped to identify the research problem, which can be formulated as follows: what structural and substantive characteristics determine the readiness of a teacher of additional education for research activities?

The purpose of the study is to describe the structural components of the model of the teacher of additional education's readiness for research activities. The object of the study is the psychological readiness of a teacher of additional education for research activities. The subject of the research is the structural components of the model of psychological readiness of a teacher of additional education for research activities.

Materials and research methods

The research methodology is determined by the subject-activity approach, as well as the principles of determinism, development and unity of consciousness and activity. The research is carried out by analyzing and systematizing the literature on the topic, as well as using the method of modeling psychological phenomena. The main idea of the study is that the psychological readiness of additional education teachers for research activities is presented in the form of a model with several structural components: motivational, cognitive, creative and operational.

The following substantiation of the problem is seen as arguments for the thesis put forward. The formation of a teacher's professional competence based on research activities occurs when he is involved in research. At this stage of activity, the motivational component of the model is manifested, when a teacher of additional education reflexively evaluates his professional activity, sets goals and objectives. Next, the cognitive component of the model is included, in which the teacher finds acceptable research methods. The creative and operational components of the model of psychological readiness for research activities are manifested in the construction of the necessary tools. Thus, the professional activity of a teacher of additional education serves as a guideline for his research work, and the research results, in turn, influence his pedagogical practice, introducing innovations into the educational process. This creates a vicious cycle in which research and practice mutually enrich each other.

The results of the study and their discussion

Practice shows that very often the research activity of a teacher is implemented by reproductive methods that do not allow the effective formation of professional competencies. The teacher, as an object of the educational process, should adjust the tools in his activity depending on his research goals. The lack or lack of awareness, focusing only on the use of a ready-made tool leads to a decrease in the quality of research activities and does not contribute to the formation of professional competencies among subjects of the educational process. This actualizes the activity/work on preparing the subject of the educational process himself to use the tools of practical study and professional self-education.

The concept of psychological readiness is widely considered in the scientific literature. We have encountered such definitions of psychological readiness as conditions for performing activities [5], multi-layered education [13], a set of personal characteristics and professional skills [17] and others. In some studies, there are two approaches to understanding psychological readiness: functional and personal [6]. The functional approach interprets readiness as a specific mental state that ensures a high level of achievement in its formation. In contrast, the personal approach considers psychological readiness as a comprehensive personality education, which includes motivation, cognitive abilities, emotional and volitional qualities, as well as a set of skills, abilities and personal qualities that meet the requirements and conditions of activity.

Based on the above and when analyzing the structural and substantive characteristics, the following definition was derived. We understand the psychological readiness of additional education teachers for research activities as a psychological state of predisposition, a mood to perform research activities, including motivation, knowledge of its content, and possession of basic research skills. Accordingly, in the course of conducting research and analyzing scientific literature, we have identified the following structural components of the model of psychological readiness of a teacher of additional education for research activities:

  1. Motivational, which includes awareness (motivation) for a particular person in carrying out research activities.
  2. Cognitive, which includes a certain amount of knowledge and concepts necessary to understand research methods and approaches.
  3. Practical competence that allows a teacher to apply their skills and abilities to conduct research and achieve specific goals.
  4. Creative potential, which is necessary for the innovative application of research results and approaches in the practical activities of an additional education teacher.

To determine the level of psychological readiness for research activities of a teacher of additional education, it is necessary to carry out diagnostic measurements using appropriate measurement tools. It can be a questionnaire, a test, a diagnosis, etc. At this stage, we have identified indicators describing the structural components of the presented model of psychological readiness for research activities in a teacher of additional education. The motivational component is presented by us in the form of awareness of the special meaning of this type of activity, its value for a teacher of additional education. This component occupies a primary place in the presented model, as it defines and sets the vector of development. The cognitive component is presented to us as the sum of accumulated knowledge and concepts available to the researcher. Accordingly, the higher the level of this component of the researcher, the more variable the methods and techniques used in the research process. The practical component consists of the skills and abilities that a researcher uses to achieve their goals. The creative component of the model of psychological readiness for research activity in a teacher of additional education that we have identified contains the necessary potential for expressing creativity in the field of additional education.

Thus, a teacher of additional education, possessing a high level of professionalism, conducts research activities, solving such tasks as analyzing educational and educational situations to identify problems; planning his work with students; evaluating the effectiveness and usefulness of selected technologies and methods for solving specific pedagogical tasks; collecting information about his students, their parents and educational environment; the search for ways to enhance the cognitive and independent activities of students; and most importantly, the development and implementation of innovations in their practice. In the course of his research activity, the teacher solves research tasks, formulates goals and ways to achieve them, selects certain methods of performing research activities, and evaluates the results obtained.

Based on the results of the study, we can offer the following practical recommendations:

1. Development of professional development programs. Programs should be aimed at developing all components of psychological readiness: motivational, cognitive, creative and operational. It is necessary to use interactive methods such as workshops, trainings, and project work so that teachers can apply their knowledge in practice. For example, the introduction of courses on research methods, data analysis, and innovative approaches in education.

2. Diagnostics of the readiness level. There is a need to develop questionnaires, tests, and diagnostic techniques to assess teachers' readiness for research activities. At the same time, it is important to conduct diagnostics on a regular basis in order to monitor progress and adjust training programs and use questionnaires to assess teachers' motivation and knowledge in the field of research methods.

3. Creating conditions for research activities. Providing educators with access to scientific literature, databases, and research tools. Creation of methodological associations where teachers can share their experience and receive advice from more experienced colleagues. Organization of seminars with the participation of researchers and experts in the field of education.

4. Motivation of teachers. The introduction of a reward system for teachers who are actively engaged in research activities (for example, awards, diplomas, the opportunity to participate in conferences). Awareness of the importance of research activities. Conducting explanatory work on the importance of research activities for professional growth and improving the quality of education. Organization of competitions for the best research project among teachers.

5. Integration of research activities into the educational process. Encouraging educators to incorporate research findings into their practice, for example, through the development of new teaching methods. Establishing links with universities and scientific institutes for joint research and exchange of experience. Creation of projects in which teachers and students jointly conduct research, for example, in the field of ecology or local history.

6. Development of creative potential. The introduction of methods that stimulate creative thinking, such as brainstorming, TRIZ (theory of inventive problem solving), etc. Creating conditions for the implementation of innovative ideas of teachers, for example, through grants or competitions. Organizing festivals of pedagogical ideas where teachers can present their innovative developments.

7. Performance monitoring and evaluation. Regular collection of feedback from teachers on how programs and conditions contribute to their readiness for research activities. Based on the data obtained, make changes to professional development programs and methods of teacher support. Conducting annual surveys among educators to assess their satisfaction with the programs and identify new needs.

Thus, in order to increase the psychological readiness of additional education teachers for research activities, it is necessary to have a comprehensive impact on all structural components of readiness: motivation, knowledge, practical skills and creative potential. The implementation of the proposed recommendations will not only increase the level of readiness of teachers, but also improve the quality of the educational process as a whole.

For example, in the Trans-Baikal Territory, educational and research activities in the system of additional education are organized and conducted on the basis of various educational organizations. To expand the possibilities of research activities, these organizations actively cooperate with scientific organizations and institutes: for example, the specially protected natural areas – Daursky and Sokhondinsky nature reserves, Alkhanai National Park, etc., the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Zabaikalsky State University" and others. This allows students to receive advice from experienced professionals, participate in scientific conferences, and publish their work. One of the organizers of such events is the State Institution of Additional Education Zabaikalsky Children's and Youth Center, which is listed as the regional operator of various All-Russian events, including the All-Russian Competition for Young Environmental Researchers named after B.V. Vsesvyatsky (with international participation), the All-Russian Junior Forest Competition "Undergrowth" ("For Nature Conservation and Careful attitude to forest resources"), the Russian Open Youth Water Competition (international), etc.

The research topics in Transbaikalia cover a wide range of natural science fields. Among them: ecology and environmental protection; biology and ecology of living organisms; meteorology and climatology; hydrology and hydrogeology, forestry and forestry. When conducting research, students use various methods and approaches. These may include field observations, laboratory experiments, mathematical modeling, and data analysis. Students present the results of their research at various regional correspondence competitions, scientific and practical conferences, meetings, etc.

Thus, all of the above made it possible to identify the multidimensional nature of the concept of psychological readiness, to identify the structural and substantive characteristics of the model of psychological readiness for research activities of a teacher of additional education, which includes motivational, cognitive, creative and operational components. As recommendations, it is proposed that additional education teachers undergo diagnostics of the level of psychological readiness for research activities. If professional deficits are found, professional development is possible according to a specially developed program for the formation of psychological readiness for research activities of additional education teachers at the State Institution of Additional Professional Education "Institute for Educational Development of the Trans-Baikal Territory".


The concept of psychological readiness is interdisciplinary. It is considered in military, sports, pedagogical, economic psychology and other branches of psychological knowledge. Psychological readiness is usually studied in the context of mental states and is considered as a key factor that influences how a person can realize their potential in a particular situation or conditions. In other words, psychological readiness is an intermediary between a person's internal resources and his ability to act effectively in a specific context. Psychological readiness for research activity should be considered in the context of the motivational, cognitive, creative and operational components of the personality state.

Research activities in additional education are represented in such areas as social and humanitarian, natural science, tourism and local history, and technical. Some studies are found in the artistic field of additional education. However, most of the analyzed materials describe the results of students' research activities. The teacher of additional education acts as the head of the research, without being involved in the research process itself. The tasks of additional education include the formation of interest in cognitive, creative, experimental and research activities, the improvement of students' research skills, the development of their creative abilities and personal qualities. Therefore, it is very important to determine the level of psychological readiness of a teacher of additional education for research activities and to increase it.

Thus, the conducted research has identified a number of problems in the formulation of the concept of psychological readiness among teachers of additional education for research activities. To solve them, it is necessary to describe in more detail the content of the structural components of the research activity model of a teacher of additional education, to identify indicators and indicators.

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First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the research in the presented article is the psychological readiness for research activities among teachers of additional education in the context of structural and substantive characteristics. The descriptive method, the categorization method, the analysis method, the systematization method and the modeling method were used as the methodology of the subject area of research in this article within the framework of the subject-activity approach. The relevance of the article is beyond doubt, since in modern conditions of social transformations, the education system is undergoing major changes. These constant changes in the field of education determine new requirements for the professional qualities of teachers, including the research activities of teaching staff. From this point of view, the study of psychological readiness for research activities among teachers of additional education in the context of structural and substantive characteristics is of scientific interest in the community of scientists. The scientific novelty of the research consists in studying the psychological readiness for research activities among additional education teachers according to the author's methodology, as well as "describing the structural components of the model of readiness of a teacher of additional education for research activities." The article is written in the language of a scientific style using in the text of the study the presentation of various positions of scientists on the problem under study and the application of scientific terminology and definitions characterizing the subject of research. The structure of the article as a whole can be considered consistent, taking into account the basic requirements for writing scientific articles. The structure of this study includes such elements as an introduction, materials and research methods, research results and discussion, conclusion and bibliography. The content of the article reflects its structure. In particular, the author's definition of the psychological readiness of additional education teachers for research activities is of particular value, which "is understood as a psychological state of predisposition, a mood to perform research activities, including motivation, knowledge of its content, and possession of basic research skills." The bibliography contains 31 sources, including domestic and foreign periodicals and non-periodicals, including electronic resources. The article describes various positions and points of view of scientists, characterizing various aspects of psychological readiness for research activities of teachers, as well as some features of this condition in relation to teachers of additional education. The article contains an appeal to various scientific works and sources devoted to this topic, which is included in the circle of scientific interests of researchers dealing with this issue. The presented study contains conclusions concerning the subject area of the study. In particular, it is noted that "psychological readiness is usually studied in the context of mental states and is considered as a key factor that affects how a person can realize their potential in a particular situation or conditions. In other words, psychological readiness is an intermediary between a person's internal resources and his ability to act effectively in a specific context. Psychological readiness for research activity should be considered in the context of the motivational, cognitive, creative and operational components of the personality state." The materials of this study are intended for a wide range of readership, they can be interesting and used by scientists for scientific purposes, teaching staff in the educational process, management and teachers of additional education organizations, psychologists, sociologists, methodologists, consultants, analysts and experts. As the disadvantages of this study, it should be noted that it would be advisable to formulate general conclusions based on the results of the study separately, rather than limit ourselves to a brief conclusion, and also include in the manuscript practical recommendations on the specifics of organizing research activities of additional education teachers. When designing a bibliography, it is necessary to pay attention to the requirements of the current GOST, to design bibliographic sources in accordance with these requirements, paying special attention to sources that are electronic resources. In addition, there are minor typos and technical errors in the article, including in the title of the article "...structurally meaningful ..." and in the text of the manuscript, but in the context used, the specified word should be written with a hyphen, that is, "structurally meaningful". It was also found that the preposition was missing, namely, "... insufficient preparation of it, ...". It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the volume of the submitted manuscript does not allow to fully and comprehensively disclose the stated research topic. These shortcomings do not reduce the scientific significance of the study itself, but they must be promptly eliminated and the text of the article finalized. It is recommended to send the manuscript for revision.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The article "Psychological readiness for research activities among teachers of additional education: structural and substantive characteristics" is submitted for review. The work contains: a statement of the problem, a theoretical analysis, a description of the materials and research methods, as well as the results obtained with a discussion. The subject of the study. The work is aimed at describing the structural components of the model of the teacher of additional education's readiness for research activities. The object of research is the psychological readiness of a teacher of additional education for research activities, and the subject is the structural components of the model of psychological readiness of a teacher of additional education for research activities. Research methodology. The research methodology is determined by the subject-activity approach, the principles of determinism, development and unity of consciousness and activity. The study was conducted by analyzing and systematizing the scientific literature on the topic, as well as using the method of modeling psychological phenomena. The main idea of the study is that the psychological readiness of additional education teachers for research activities is presented in the form of a model with several structural components (motivational, cognitive, creative and operational). The relevance of research. The analysis of scientific literature has shown the presence of contradictions: between the requirements of the professional standard "Teacher of additional education for children and adults" for carrying out research activities in various areas and the lack of psychological readiness of a teacher of additional education to carry out research activities, insufficient preparation for it, lack of necessary competencies; between the need for a scientific understanding of psychological readiness for research activities and lack of unity in the interpretation of this concept, as well as the lack of knowledge about the formation of psychological readiness for research activities among teachers of additional education; between the need to form psychological readiness for research activities among teachers of additional education and the lack of specific programs aimed at solving this problem. The identified contradictions allowed the author to determine the relevance and identify the research problem: which structural and substantive characteristics determine the readiness of a teacher of additional education for research activities. Scientific novelty of the research. The conducted research made it possible to identify the multidimensionality of the concept of psychological readiness, to identify the structural and substantive characteristics of the model of psychological readiness for the research activity of a teacher of additional education. Recommendations are proposed based on the results obtained. Style, structure, and content. The style of presentation corresponds to publications of this level. The language of the work is scientific. The structure of the work is traced, the author identifies the main semantic parts. There is logic in the work. The content of the article meets the requirements for works of this level. The amount of work is sufficient to reveal the subject of the study. The introduction defines the research problem. The presented theoretical review presents the main approaches to the selected topic. Special attention was paid to the description of the organization and methodology of the study, as well as to the discussion of the results obtained. Special attention was paid to the description of the content of the main components. Bibliography. The bibliography of the article includes 31 domestic and foreign sources, most of which have been published in the last three years. The list mainly includes articles and abstracts. In addition, the abstracts of dissertations are also presented. The sources are mostly incorrectly designed. For example, if [Electronic resource] is marked, then a link should also be provided. Appeal to the opponents. Recommendations: 1) Describe the results in more detail by presenting them in tables and figures. Conclusions. The issues of the raised topic are distinguished by their undoubted relevance, theoretical and practical value. The article will be of interest to specialists who deal with the problems of self-improvement of professional competence. The topic was considered in the context of studying the professional development and self-development of additional education teachers. Moreover, special attention was paid to the structural and substantive characteristics of psychological readiness for research activities. The article may be recommended for publication. However, it is important to take into account the highlighted recommendations and make appropriate changes. This will make it possible to submit scientific, methodological and research work to the editorial board, characterized by scientific novelty and practical significance.