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Philosophical Thought
Valdes Odriozola, M.S. (2024). Cognitive approaches in the development of new sightseeing activities. Philosophical Thought, 12, 218–225.
Cognitive approaches in the development of new sightseeing activities
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8728.2024.12.72613EDN: EGOGVDReceived: 07-12-2024Published: 06-01-2025Abstract: The object of the study is sightseeing activities as an aspect of local history work. The subject of the research is cognitive approaches as a method of developing new sightseeing destinations. The purpose of the study is to reveal the creative potential of cognitive approaches in the development of excursion projects. The author, based on the works of academician Dmitry Likhachev devoted to local history, concludes that it is cognitive approaches aimed at studying the phenomenon of everyday life through understanding the interaction of mind and culture that most meet the needs of modern society in matters of cultural immunity formation. The author suggests such a direction as creative regional studies, where creation means higher a form of creativity that aims to transform the surrounding reality for the better. The research methodology includes the combined use of various research methods, which, according to the author, are complementary. This is a Micro-urbanism, which is a set of methods for studying urban space precisely by its "details", methods of visual analysis and thesaurus analysis. The main conclusion from the conducted research is that at the present stage, taking into account the geopolitical situation, there is again a need to develop new areas of local lore that include sightseeing activities, in which cognitive methods can play one of the leading roles. The author's main contribution to the study is to substantiate the relevance of using cognitive methods in the development of new local history work’s directions, to develop a methodology, to reveal the essence and specifics of such a direction as creative regional study, as well as to reveal the creative potential of cognitive approaches. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that local history work has not been previously considered in these aspects. Keywords: cognitive approaches, local history work, creative region study, visual methods, Micro-urbanism, thesaurus analysis, excursion activities, youth audience, cultural immunity, creative potentialThis article is automatically translated. Currently, due to the geopolitical situation in our country, such a form of scientific and popularization activity as local history, which studies the history, features of the natural and cultural landscape, ethnography and economy of a particular territory, is becoming relevant again. At the same time, it is not just the study of the native land that is gaining popularity, but the active application of the acquired knowledge in practice. These trends are particularly in demand in working with young people, many of whom are still deciding on their future profession [8]. The application of local history knowledge in practice is not only the organization of excursions, tours, quests and other activities, it is also the revival of traditions, as well as the creation of new directions based on them in the development of a wide variety of industries. This is largely due to the fact that local history work is aimed at forming the type of moral self–determination of an individual [13, 17], which academician D.S. Likhachev described in his teaching as "moral settlement" - "attachment to one's family, home, village, city, country" [12]. Likhachev also noted that: "Local history evaluates the significance of the events that took place in the studied territory and the people associated with this territory, the value of architectural and archaeological monuments, the beauty of landscapes, the rarity and importance of natural data (animals, fish, insects, plants, even climate, etc.). From this point of view, "moral impact"local history as a science, the educational role of local history is exceptionally great." Thus, it is safe to say that local history, in which sightseeing is one of the most important areas, is a tool for the formation of so-called cultural immunity, which is represented in the works of Russian scientists in different dimensions: "firstly, it is the realization of the constitutional rights and obligations of citizens in relation to cultural values, secondlySecondly, the preservation and development of cultural and national identity, the protection, restoration and preservation of the historical and cultural habitat without any outside interference." At the same time, in our opinion, the key to its formation is precisely the "moral settlement" highlighted by academician D.S. Likhachev. Based on the above, the author proposed such a direction of local history work as "creative local history", where creation means the highest form of creativity, which is aimed at transforming the surrounding reality for the better. Examples close in their essence to the creative local history in our country can be seen in the socio-cultural practices of the turn of the last century and the last century. For example, the emergence of the neo-Russian style in Abramtsevo and Talashkino [2]. At about the same time, the first methodological approaches to organizing sightseeing activities began to appear, including in working with schoolchildren and young people. For example, in defining the main tasks of humanitarian excursions, in particular, it was emphasized that they are aimed at "studying man as a product and at the same time creator of the studied natural and social environment ..." [18, p. 194]. Theoretically, creative local history is based on the concepts of such researchers as Maxim Gorky, Henri Lefebvre, Michel Foucault, Camillo Zitte, Alejo Carpentier, Nikolai Antsiferov, and others. [6, 11, 16, 7, 9], the fact that the space of a modern city initially has unlimited creative potential, namely, a catalyst that generates new ones. cultural forms and meanings. To develop an excursion program within the framework of the proposed direction, the author chose the Tverskoy-Yamsky Streets quarter, which is directly related to his life and work. The area is interesting, first of all, because it is a kind of sociocultural "Two-faced Janus", whose history originates from Yamshchitskaya Sloboda, which later became one of the most disadvantaged places in Moscow at the beginning of the last century. However, on the other hand, it is also a part of history that is much less popularized. This is the story of places where architects bravely experimented with artistic expression and scientific schools were born, and where Tverskaya-Yamskaya Streets formed a harmonious whole with Lesnaya Street and Miusy. The quarter itself was associated with the life and work of such prominent figures as writers Boris Pasternak, Veniamin Kaverin, Yuri Trifonov, poets Pavel Vasiliev, Sergei Yesenin, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Valery Bryusov, scientists Vladimir Vernadsky, Kliment Timiryazev, Pavel Florensky and many others. During the development of the excursion program, a lot of research was carried out using relevant methodological approaches, which, in our opinion, provide more extensive opportunities not only in the field of theoretical research. Within the framework of the proposed field of local lore, we relied on methodological approaches related to the study of historical processes, including historical, cultural and historical-scientific, where, in our opinion, cognitive ones are the most relevant. Cognitive approaches are aimed at studying the essence and specifics of everyday life through understanding the interaction of mind and culture: perception of the world, learning, memorization, controlling influences, creation and development of new ideas, communication with other people, as well as the creation and fixation of sensory experience, intentions and self-awareness [15]. To organize local history research, we have compiled the author's methodology, which is based on the combined use of various research methods [4], which, in our opinion, are complementary. For example, along with working with literary and archival sources, taking into account the fact that in the excursion work great importance is given not only to the objects shown as a whole, but also to their details, one can use such a method as Microrubanism, which is a set of methods for studying urban space precisely by its "details" (V. Benjamin, S. Sontag, O. Brednikova, O. Zaporozhets) [3]. At the same time, the "details" can be very diverse: from fragments of architectural decoration to the daily social practices of residents. Also, taking into account the fact that the excursion method is based on visual perception, in our opinion, it is advisable to use visual research methods that are gaining increasing popularity. In our opinion, these methods are the most consonant with the essence and specifics of creative local history, since they most fully reveal various aspects of the creative process using the example of visual image analysis. Visual sociology (visual anthropology, cultural studies) is a set of a number of analytical and synthetic methods of collecting and processing visual information – hermeneutical analysis, semiotic interpretation, structural interpretation and discursive interpretation (P. Shtompka, V.M. Magitov, N.Yu. Zakharova, etc.) [19]. In hermeneutic analysis, the author's aspect of the work comes to the fore; semiotic interpretation, using the opposition of denotation and connotation, explores the visual image as a sign or a system of signs, where denotation is a vividly presented specific image, and connotation is more complex associations generated on a subconscious level; structural interpretation is aimed at revealing hidden connotations and detonations. The discursive interpretation demonstrates how the author designed the viewing mode of his work and for which target audience it was created. It should be noted that in the structural interpretation of urban research we rely on the concept of the Soviet cultural critic, historian and local historian, one of the organizers of the excursion business in the USSR N.P. Antsifirov. Antsiferov represented the city's space as "the most concrete, stable, complex social organism", revealing "the most expressive image of the culture of his time" and having its own "anatomy, physiology and psychology" [1, p. 9]. At the same time, by "anatomy of the city" Antsiferov meant its map directly, by "physiology" — the functions of the city as a single social organism, and by "psychology" or "soul of the city" — the values and meanings produced by urban space [ibid., pp. 17-29]. Based on the above, we based the systematization of the data obtained on the statement proposed by M. Weber that in the social sciences (or cultural sciences) (as well as in G. Rickert), the search should be aimed at determining what is significant (valuable) for subjects [5]. Thus, to systematize the knowledge gained within the framework of the cognitive approach, we used thesaurus analysis, where the thesaurus, representing the entire body of knowledge accumulated by mankind, plays an important methodological role. Thesaurus analysis (Val. A. Lukov, Vl. A. Lukov, N. V. Zakharov, Ch. K. Lamazhaa, A.V. Kostina, etc.) proceeds from the subjective organization of humanitarian knowledge, which is built along the line of differentiation of "own", "alien", "alien" and grouped around concepts expressed in the sign of coalescence sense and sensory perception, the inner image (Val. A. Lukov, V. A. Lukov) [10]. In thesauruses, the paradigm of modern humanitarian knowledge is aimed at revealing the essence of phenomena through "pictures of the world", which are presented as "a system of cultural thesaurus constants developed during the socialization of personality," which is consonant with M. Weber's statement about socio-cultural research. At the same time, the research itself is aimed at identifying concepts that reflect the synthesis of images and concepts. According to the definition of academician Yu.S. Stepanov, it is the totality of such phenomena as concepts and the relationships between them that constitutes culture. As for values and meanings, when developing the concept of the excursion program within the framework of the proposed author's direction, the main thematic tracks of the Federal Agency "Rosmolodezh" turned out to be in the focus of our attention [14]. These are volunteerism, entrepreneurship, patriotism, creativity, the development of the technological environment, international relations and sustainable development. Our project "More than a quarter: creative local history (using the example of Tverskaya-Yamskaya streets)" is an example of working with the heritage of your area. This is a series of educational excursions for a youth audience, which are starting points and sources of inspiration for the development and implementation of socially significant projects. Currently, the project includes six thematic excursions: "The Neo-Russian style in the guise of Tverskaya-Yamsky streets", "Tverskaya-Yamsky: written and read", "Tverskaya-Yamsky in the context of the 1960s", "Unfamiliar familiar: Tverskaya-Yamsky streets", "Tverskaya-Yamsky: era mercy", "Yuri Trifonov and the Tverskoy district". The main tracks on youth work were fully used in the development of the excursion cycle. 1. Patriotism. The project is aimed at raising awareness among young people about the culture and the outstanding pages of their country's history. Patriotic education is present in all the sightseeing routes. 2. Career. This tour cycle is focused on the formation of practical work skills among students and young people, as the tour project is dedicated to many prominent figures of bygone eras who could become an example for the younger generation. These are outstanding scientists, architects, educators, artists, writers, etc. 3. Creativity. The project is focused on creating a new one using the acquired knowledge of local lore. In this aspect, the flagship routes can be considered "The Neo-Russian style in the guise of Tverskoy-Yamsky streets" and the literary excursion "Tverskoy-Yamsky: written and read". 4. Volunteerism, business and international cooperation. In the tour cycle, the fundamental foundations of charity in general are touched upon using outstanding examples of patronage and volunteerism of the past. The principles of humanistic ethics of business and cultural diplomacy are also touched upon. There are two main sightseeing routes here. The excursion "Tverskoy-Yamsky streets: the era of mercy", reveals the topic of entrepreneurship and patronage in pre-revolutionary Russia, and in the thread of the excursion "Yuri Trifonov and the Tverskoy district" the topic of cultural diplomacy is touched upon. 5. The development of the technological environment and the ideas of sustainable development are demonstrated by the example of the history of the Tverskoy-Yamsky streets quarter in the excursion route "Unfamiliar familiar. Tverskaya-Yamskaya streets". This is a philosophical excursion dedicated to the founders of the teachings on the noosphere and the ecology of culture: V. I. Vernadsky, P. A. Florensky and D. S. Likhachev. Thus, based on the above, it can be concluded that at the present stage there is a renewed need to develop new areas of local lore that include sightseeing activities, in which cognitive methods can play a leading role. References
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