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Police activity

A model for the formation of psychological competence of police officers in the field of studying human motivation

Pazukhina Svetlana Vyacheslavovna

ORCID: 0000-0003-3190-3520

Doctor of Psychology

Professor; Department of Psychology and Pedagogy; L.N. Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University
Head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy; L.N. Tolstoy Tula State Pedagogical University

300026, Russia, Tula region, Tula, Lenin, 125, office 542
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Abstract: The object of the study is the professional training of police officers. The subject of consideration is the process of increasing the level of psychological competence of police officers in the field of motivation and motives based on the model developed by him. The author describes a model he developed to increase the level of psychological competence of police officers in the field of studying human motivation and created on its basis a special training program for a refresher course for police officers "Motivation: what is it and how to work with it?". The relevance of the allocation of each of the program blocks is theoretically justified. Each of the topics is characterized in a meaningful way, and the most effective methods of studying it are proposed. It is shown that the formation of psychological competence of police officers in the field of studying human motives is associated with the elaboration of each of its components: knowledge, personal, activity. An important condition in this case is a combination of thoughtful content focused on the practical needs of police officers and the interactive technologies used for its personal and activity development. When writing the article, the author relied on a personal-activity approach. The combination of theoretical and empirical research methods made it possible to comprehensively present the problem under study. Based on the study of scientific literature on psychology and pedagogy, as well as the analysis of best practices, the author justified his own conceptual approach to the implementation of the stated topic, which reflects the scientific novelty of the results obtained. The author describes the model he developed to increase the level of psychological competence of police officers in the field of studying human motivation and the training course program for police officers created on its basis. The practical significance lies in the fact that the article shows that the optimization of the professional activities of police officers is possible on the basis of a deeper study and consideration of the field of knowledge related to human motivation and motives, an effective tool is proposed to increase their psychological competence in this area. Classes on improving the level of psychological competence of police officers in the field of studying human motivation were tested by the author in practice and showed their effectiveness.


model, motivation, motives, self-motivation, motivators, police officers, professional training, advanced training course, psychological competence, educational technologies

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Psychological competence in professional activity is a structured set of knowledge about the psyche, a person, as well as a number of individual and personal properties that contribute to the successful implementation of work, constructive resolution of psychological problems, conflicts, extreme situations, etc. [1].

Psychological competence formed to a high level allows a police officer to be a genuine subject of his professional activity, actively manage his own emotions, use personal resources and abilities, minimize the cost of building effective communication, etc. Psychological competence is considered as an indicator of a mature personality, is a condition for achieving the highest degree of professionalism, acts as an internal tool for successful professional activity, a predictor of effective relationships in the "person–to-person" system [2].

A. N. Plaksin, summarizing the views and positions of various scientists, shows that psychological competence is an important factor in improving the professionalism of law enforcement officers [3].

The requirements for the psychological competence of police officers are constantly increasing. Its various components are analyzed in the works of D.A. Anufrieva, N.A. Goncharova, K.D. Pashentseva, Yu.Y. Strelnikova and other scientists [4; 5].

O. A. Ulyanina points out the need for special psychological training of police officers, noting in her book that "the performance of the main functions of the Department of Internal Affairs is impossible without taking into account the human factor and the psychological characteristics of the professional activities of employees" [6, p. 7].

N.A. Polyakova cites the formation of skills for establishing psychological contact with any category of citizens, the development of methods of psychological influence on people, the acquisition of behavioral skills in conflict situations, the study of etiquette, and techniques of mental self-regulation as significant aspects of targeted psychological training of police officers [7, p. 145].

F. Ch. Koblov considers the development of cognitive processes that are personally important for their professional activities, such as attentiveness, observation, professional memory, perception, and thinking, to be the main aspects that require in-depth psychological training of law enforcement officers [8].

However, such an important aspect as the motivational component of the psychological competence of police officers is outside the scope of research by modern scientists, although it is important for optimizing one's own professional activities, for working with other people, and for personnel management of subordinates, therefore it needs to be studied and improved.

Motivation in psychology is defined as a set of motives that cause an individual's activity and determine its direction. This is an internal psychological characteristic of a person, which is reflected in her behavior and activities. The structure of a person's motivational sphere includes needs, motives, goals, attitudes, interests, drives, and values.

The central category in the motivation system is the concept of motive. The word "motif" comes from the French "motif" and the Latin "moveo", which literally means "to move". Accordingly, it is an incentive to activity that is associated with satisfying the needs of the subject, the impulse that gives a person the strength to move towards the goals set before him. In this definition, the connection of motives with all the components of the psychological structure of activity is clearly traced, which, according to A. N. Leontiev, includes needs, motives, goals, conditions, tasks (a meaningful layer), as well as operations from which actions are formed and, as a result, the whole activity (a structural block) is formed. Therefore, if we want to study the issues of the deployment of a subject's activity, influence it in order to improve, change, correct, or deal with its disintegration, then in all these cases it is important to analyze not only externally observable acts of behavior, but above all the substantive side, i.e. to study the motives underlying their needs. and so on .

The main part

To increase the level of psychological competence of police officers in the field of motivation, we have developed a theoretical model and technology for its implementation during a special training course - a refresher course.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the model was the personality-activity approach, the founders of which in Russian psychology are B. G. Ananyev, L. S. Vygotsky, I. A. Zimnaya, A. N. Leontiev, S. L. Rubinstein, and others, according to which a personality is considered as a subject of activity, which itself is formed in activity and in communication with other people., begins to determine the nature of their own activities and communication [9], and the principles associated with it: taking into account personal requests, professional interests, and students' experience; practice-oriented approach to solving specific life situations from the work of police officers, analyzing specific cases, creating effective recommendations; developing students in various types of educational activities (cognitive, research, transformative through the organization of subject-to-subject interaction of juniors with seniors, experienced and novice employees in pairs, microgroups, teams for the joint solution of educational tasks; the refraction of the studied material and methodological solutions through the personality of the listener (at the same time, the entire organization of the educational material, the methods, techniques, methods, exercises and they are refracted through the prism of the student - his needs, motives, age, experience, abilities, activity, intelligence and other individual psychological characteristics).

The theoretical concepts of motivation that we used to create our model were the scientific works of E. P. Ilyin, A. N. Leontiev, A. Maslow, and others.

The model we have developed is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Model of increasing the level of psychological competence of police officers in the field of motivation

In accordance with the presented model, a program on the topic "Motivation" was developed.: what is it and how to work with it?", which included four interrelated blocks: "Types of motives", "Criminal motivation", "Motivation" and "Self-motivation", and technologies for its implementation.

The content of the first topic considered approaches to defining the concept of motive, the connection of motives with human needs and emotions, the formula of motive, the hierarchical structure of motivation, key characteristics of motivation (orientation, strength, perseverance), types of motives distinguished for various reasons (understood, actually acting, meaning-forming; conscious and unconscious; internal and external and etc.), psychological mechanisms of the emergence of need from need and motive as an objectified need (according to A. N. Leontiev) [10] and others. When studying this block, such forms as problem lecture, visualization lecture, interview lecture, methods of group discussion, educational cooperation in pairs, experience analysis, and identification of types of motives in presented situations proved to be effective.

The second topic was devoted to criminal motivation. The motives of the crime were considered as motives determined by internal needs and interests that cause a person to commit a crime; the goals of the crime were considered as idealized representations of a person about the criminal result that he seeks to achieve by his actions (according to G. G. Shchikhantsov) [11]. The significance of the motive of the crime for the correct qualification of criminal behavior was revealed. The content of the motive was analyzed as an optional feature of the subjective side of the crime, and the classification of the motive's influence on qualifications was studied. During business games, case analysis, and analysis of statistical data, the types of criminal motives were identified: negative, neutral, and positive; intentional (revenge, greed, financial difficulties, fear, vanity, jealousy) and unintentional (chance, arrogance, carelessness); the specifics and frequency of occurrence of motives for murder, computer crimes, and terrorist activities were established. (and others according to the types of crimes); the motives that aggravate the punishment were considered. The psychological characteristics of the criminal's personality types were given based on the motive of the crime.

During the study of the third topic, the listeners got an idea of motivation as a process of influencing another person in order to encourage him to take certain actions by awakening certain motives in him. The question "How to motivate subordinates?" was discussed, and the effectiveness of specific material (bonuses, salary increases, housing, etc.) and non-material motives (promotion, empowerment, recognition of merit, etc.) was analyzed. In the course of role-playing games and the use of other interactive technologies, methods of motivating employees were studied: argumentation, criticism, role imposition, mentoring, moral stimulation, involvement, support, authoritative opinion, remuneration, order, personal example, imitation, infection, persuasion, criticism, etc., the possibilities of their application in various situations and in relation to different subordinates as a means of stimulating their professional activities. The conditions and mechanisms of effective motivation by police officers of the population were considered.

The fourth topic concerned self-motivation. The problem of lack of self-motivation and its causes was raised. Internal and external motivators were considered. The statements of reputable people regarding self-motivation were discussed, and their own positive motivators were formulated. The formula of internal motivation was analyzed (clarity of purpose - resources to achieve it: external and internal - a plan in the form of steps). The relationship between self-motivation and success in activity was considered. The psychodiagnostics of one's own motivation and abilities were carried out. A wheel of balancing life goals was being drawn up. The students developed recommendations on the issue : "How to motivate yourself?", they shared their own findings and experiences.

As a result of the implementation of the advanced training course program, all students were assessed for the knowledge component of competence (a test of academic achievement was used for this), personal (the results of psychodiagnostics were taken into account), activity (case analysis, effectiveness of participation in course activities).


Thus, knowledge of a person's motivation is an important component of a police officer's psychological competence. Increasing its level is associated with the elaboration of each of its components: knowledge, personal, activity. With the help of the model we developed and the program for its implementation, we tested an effective technology, which was reflected in the positive dynamics of the studied components. An important condition was the combination of thoughtful content, focused on the practical needs of police officers, and the interactive technologies used for its personal and activity development.

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2. Khayitov, O. E. (2019). Psychological competence in the context of professional activity (theoretical aspect), Questions of science and education, 29(78), 21-29.
3. Plaksin, A.N. (2014). Psychological competence as a factor in improving the professionalism of law enforcement officers, Bulletin of Kostroma State University. Series: Pedagogy. Psychology. Sociokinetics, 2, 101-103.
4. Pashentseva, K.D., & Anufrieva, D.A. (2022). Communicative competence of police officers as a factor of their success in professional activity, Psychology and pedagogy of official activity, 4, 259-262.
5. Strelnikova, Yu.Yu., & Goncharova, N.A. (2023). Psychological features of professional demand and motivation of police officers, Psychology and law, 1, 27-39. doi:10.17759/psylaw.2023130102
6. Ulyanina, O.A. (2021). Psychological training of persons first employed in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation as a "Policeman" employeel. Moscow, Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
7. Polyakova, N.A. (2020). Significant aspects of purposeful psychological training of police patrol and guard service personnel, Humanitarian scientific Bulletin, 6, 140-147.
8. Koblov, F.Ch. (2016). The main aspects of psychological preparedness of an employee of the internal affairs body in professional activity, Concept, 47, 35-39. Retrieved from
9. Zimnaya, I.A. (2010). Personality-activity approach as the basis for the organization of the educational process. Pedagogical psychology. Moscow, Voronezh, MPSI, MODEK.
10. Leontiev, D.A. (2016). The concept of motive in A. N. Leontiev and the problem of motivation quality, Bulletin of the Moscow University. Episode 14. Psychology, 2, 3-18.
11. Shikhantsov, G. G. (2009). Criminology. Minsk: Grevtsov Publishing House.

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The article "A model for the formation of psychological competence of police officers in the field of studying human motivation" is submitted for review. The work contains a statement of the problem, a brief theoretical review and a description of the developed author's model. The subject of the study. The work is aimed at developing a model for increasing the level of psychological competence of police officers in the field of motivation. The article defines its purpose, principles, the main blocks of the training program, the control and development unit, as well as the results. In accordance with the presented model, an educational program on the topic "Motivation" was developed: what is it and how to work with it?", which included four interrelated blocks: "Types of motives", "Criminal motivation", "Motivation" and "Self-motivation", and technologies for its implementation. Research methodology. The theoretical and methodological basis of the model was the personal activity approach, the founders of which in Russian psychology are B. G. Ananyev, L. S. Vygotsky, I. A. Zimnaya, A. N. Leontiev, S. L. Rubinstein, etc. The theoretical concepts of motivation, which we focused on when creating our model, were the scientific works of E. P. Ilyin, A. N. Leontiev, A. Maslow, etc. The relevance of research. The author focuses on the phenomenon of psychological competence in professional activity, in particular, of a police officer. The author notes that if it is necessary to study the issues of the deployment of the subject's activity, to influence it in order to improve, change, correct, then it is important to analyze not only externally observed acts of behavior, but also the content side, i.e. to study the motives underlying their needs, etc. This determines the relevance of the topic raised. The scientific novelty of the study is as follows: a model has been developed to increase the level of psychological competence of police officers in the field of motivation and a program for its implementation. This allowed us to test an effective technology, which was reflected in the positive dynamics of the components highlighted by the author (knowledge, personal, activity). Style, structure, content. The style of presentation corresponds to publications of this level. The language of the work is scientific. The structure of the work is clearly traced, the author highlights the main semantic parts. The logic in the work is presented. The content of the article meets the requirements for works of this level. The amount of work is small, but sufficient to reveal the subject of the study. The following positions were considered in the study: a brief theoretical analysis of approaches to the phenomena of "psychological competence", "motivational component of psychological competence of police officers", a theoretical model of psychological competence of police officers in the field of motivation and the technology of its implementation during a special training course (advanced training course), brief conclusions are described. Bibliography. The bibliography of the article includes 11 domestic sources, a small part of which have been published in the last three years. The list includes mainly articles and abstracts, as well as educational and methodological publications. The sources are mostly designed correctly and uniformly. Appeal to opponents. Recommendations: - in the introduction, define the purpose, object and subject, scientific novelty of the research; - make more complete and reasoned conclusions in conclusion. Conclusions. The problems of the topic are characterized by undoubted relevance, theoretical and practical value. The article will be of interest to specialists who deal with the problems of psychological competence in their professional activities. The problem was addressed through the study of human motivation. The article may be recommended for publication. However, it is important to take into account the highlighted recommendations and make appropriate changes. This will make it possible to submit scientific, methodological and research work to the editorial board, which is characterized by scientific novelty and practical significance.