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Administrative and municipal law

The impact of modern digital technologies on improving the effectiveness of psychological techniques for training specialists for public control (legal and economic aspects)

Potapenko Sergei Viktorovich

ORCID: 0000-0003-3013-5072

Doctor of Law

Professor; Department of Civil Procedure and International Law; Kuban State University

350040, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Stavropol str., 149
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Pchelintsev Artem Sergeevich

ORCID: 0009-0004-1233-0338

Postgraduate student; Department of Applied Economics; Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

6 Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, 117198, Russia
Taukenova Leilya Magometovna

ORCID: 0009-0007-8779-1632

PhD in Medicine

Associate Professor; Department of Neurology, Psychiatry and Narcology; Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H. M. Berbekov

360004, Russia, Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, Nalchik, Chernyshevsky str., 173
Goncharov Vitalii Viktorovich

PhD in Law

Associate Professor; Department of Civil Procedure and International Law; Kuban State University

350040, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Stavropol str., 149
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Petrenko Elena Gennad'evna

PhD in Law

Associate Professor; Department of State and International Law, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin

350044, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Kalinina str., 13
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Cheshin Andrei Vladimirovich

ORCID: 0009-0000-7572-3076

PhD in Economics

Associate Professor; Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education; Orsk Institute of Humanities and Technology (branch), Orenburg State University

462419, Russia, Orenburg region, Orsk, Mira, 15A
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the economic and legal analysis of the modern digital technologies on improving the effectiveness of psychological techniques for training specialists for subjects of public control in Russia. The authors note the role and importance of this institution of civil society in the system of legal guarantees for the implementation and protection of constitutional principles, as well as as a key institution of civil society. It is noted that the key problem of the functioning of public control is the problem of ensuring its effectiveness. The paper substantiates its author's definition, analyzes a set of factors that ensure it, including the quality of training of specialists of subjects of public control. The authors explore the main components of the training system of these specialists, certain techniques; note the importance of psychological training techniques. As the main scientific research methods, both general scientific methods (in particular, formal logical, dialectical, analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction) and private scientific research methods (for example, economic analysis, psychological analysis, comparative law, historical law, statistical, sociological) were used in the work. The empirical basis of the study was, in particular: the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating the public control; materials related to practical activities for training specialists for subjects of public control, the use of psychological techniques and methods in the process of their preparation, as well as modern digital technologies; materials of scientific periodicals in this field. The influence of modern digital technologies on the training of the above-mentioned specialists is analyzed, the author's definition of this concept is substantiated, the influence of these technologies on the processes of implementing psychological techniques for training specialists of subjects of public control is investigated. The authors consider the main directions of using modern digital technologies in this area, studying the limits and grounds of this use. The paper analyzes the economic efficiency of using modern digital technologies in the implementation of psychological techniques for training specialists of subjects of public control, which is especially important in conditions of limited financing of the processes of organization and functioning of subjects of public control.


modern, digital technologies, improvement, economic efficiency, psychological aspects, training of specialists, subjects, public control, democracy, Russian Federation

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The issues of the current state and prospects for the development of digital technologies, their impact on increasing economic efficiency in the management of society, the apparatus of public power, as well as the economy, are widely studied in the works of I. L. Avdeeva, [1, pp. 50-56] I. M. Blokhina, [4, pp. 389-393] L. S. Zvyagin, [10, pp. 69-76] A.V. Krupkina, [13, pp. 30-36] V. V. Kuznetsova, [14, pp. 163-165] A. A. Mikryukova, [16, pp. 65-68] S. S. Mikhadova [17, pp. 215-221] A. I. Mozgovoi [18, p. 37] H. R. Rakhmonova, [20, pp. 881-889] A. A. Terenichenko, [22, pp. 200-205] as well as a number of other authors. In the works of T. Y. Bazaley, [3] V. V. Goncharov, [5, pp. 3-9; 7, pp. 196-200] E. G. Petrenko, [6, pp. 194-196; 8, pp. 127-130] S. M. Zubarev, [11, pp. 28-37] O. G. Kovalev, [12, pp. 389-393] Ya. Yu. Reenta, [21, pp. 75-84] S. H. Cherkesova, [23, pp. 438-439] as well as some other scientists, detailed attention is paid to the use of modern digital technologies in the practice of organizing and functioning of the institute of public control. A number of authors, in particular, L. Y. Aksenova, [2, pp. 111-117] J. M. Eliseeva, [9, pp. 166-169] M. A. Martynova, [15, p. 71] E. V. Ovcharova, [19, pp. 35-44] pay great attention to the use of psychological techniques (their economic effectiveness) in training personnel for the management system. It should be noted that the proportion of studies devoted to the analysis of the economic efficiency of using certain technologies in the training of specialists for the system of subjects of public control seems to be insufficient. This circumstance determines the choice of the topic of this scientific research, the purpose of which is an economic analysis of the impact of modern digital technologies on improving the effectiveness of psychological techniques for training specialists for subjects of public control in Russia.

The main objectives of the study are the following: a) substantiation of the role and importance of the above-mentioned institution of civil society in the system of legal guarantees for the implementation, protection and protection of constitutional principles, as well as as a key institution of civil society; b) analysis of the problems of functioning of public control with justification for ensuring its effectiveness as a key one; c) substantiation of the author's definition of the effectiveness of the organization and activities of subjects of public control; d) analysis of a set of factors ensuring this effectiveness, including the quality of training of specialists of subjects of public control; e) research of the main components of the training system of these specialists, the place in it of certain techniques, the importance among them of psychological techniques in the process of this training; f) analysis of the influence of modern digital technologies on the training of the above-mentioned specialists; g) substantiation of the author's definition of the concept of modern digital technologies; h) study of the influence of these technologies on the implementation of psychological techniques for training specialists of subjects of public control; i) analysis of the main directions of the use of modern digital technologies in this area; k) study of the limits and grounds of this use; l) analysis of the economic efficiency of using modern digital technologies in the implementation of psychological techniques for training specialists of subjects of public control.

Research methods and methodology, as well as the empirical basis of the study

As the main scientific research methods, both general scientific methods (in particular, formal logical, dialectical, analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction) and private scientific research methods (for example, economic analysis, psychological analysis, comparative law, historical law, statistical, sociological) were used in the work. The empirical basis of the study was, in particular: the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating the institute of public control; materials related to practical activities for training specialists for subjects of public control, the use of psychological techniques and methods in the process of their preparation, as well as modern digital technologies; materials of scientific periodicals in this field.

The main text

The Institute of Public Control in the Russian Federation acts, on the one hand, as the most important legal guarantee for the implementation, protection and protection of the entire system of constitutional principles (first of all, democracy and participation of Russian citizens in the management of state affairs), and on the other hand, as the key and most developed institution of civil society in the country today which makes it possible to successfully accumulate and combine the efforts of the multinational people of the Russian Federation and the apparatus of public power to solve the tasks of preserving and developing Russian society and the state.

The legal regulation of the institute of public control in Russia is carried out at the federal, regional and municipal levels. The key regulatory legal act of the federal level is Federal Law No. 212-FZ dated 07/21/2014 "On the Basics of Public Control in the Russian Federation". There are other federal laws in this area devoted to the regulation of: a) the processes of organization and activities of the Public Chamber of the country (Federal Law No. 32-FZ dated 04.04.2005 "On the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation"); b) the functioning of public control in certain areas of public administration (Federal Law No. 76-FZ dated 06/10/2008 "On public control over the provision of human rights in places of forced detention and assistance to persons in places of forced detention"); c) consolidation at the federal level of the foundations of the organization of public control at the regional level (Federal Law No. 183-FZ of 06/23/2016 "On the general principles of the organization and activities of public Chambers of the subjects of the Russian Federation").

At the regional and municipal level, the regulatory framework for public control is represented by regional laws and municipal regulatory legal acts devoted to both the detailing of public control at the regional and municipal levels, as well as the organization and activities of regional public chambers, municipal public chambers (councils).

There are a lot of local acts issued by the subjects of public control themselves, for example, devoted to the rules of ethical behavior of members of subjects of public control, employees of their apparatus.

It should be noted that a comparative analysis of the Institute of public control in Russia with the Institute of People's Control of Power in the RSFSR shows that a significant omission is the lack of consolidation of the institute of public control in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Recall that in the USSR and in the RSFSR (as in its Union republic), the institute of national control was fixed at the level of the constitutions (basic laws) of the USSR and the RSFSR.

The organization and activities of the Institute of public control in Russia are fraught with numerous problems, the key of which is the problem of ensuring the effectiveness of this institution of civil society.

What should be understood by the effectiveness of the organization and activities of subjects of public control in the Russian Federation?

This effectiveness should be understood, on the one hand, the degree to which the results of the work of subjects of public control correspond to the relevant plans of this work, on the other hand, the degree of practical implementation and achievement of the goals and objectives of this institution of civil society, which are established in the country's legislation on public control, taking into account the degree of coverage by public control measures of all its existing facilities. For example, as a number of statistical and sociological studies show, public control measures in 2023 were carried out only in 41% of municipalities of the new Russian regions that became part of the country in 2022. [25, p. 11] In addition, population surveys conducted in 2023 show that about 30% of the population is nothing He does not know about the facts of carrying out public control measures in his municipalities. [25, p. 70]

What determines the effectiveness of the organization and activities of subjects of public control in the Russian Federation?

Firstly, the effectiveness of the formation and functioning of subjects of public control in Russia is influenced by the level of their financing. Considering that the majority of regional and municipal budgets in the country are subsidized, financing of subjects of public control at the regional and municipal level is clearly insufficient. As noted in a number of studies, the deficit of regional and municipal budgets has the consequence of the absence of municipal public chambers (councils) in a number of federal districts of more than 10% (and in the "new" subjects of the Russian Federation in half of the municipalities they have not yet been created). [25, pp. 40-41]

Secondly, the indicated effectiveness is greatly influenced by the presence of a developed regulatory framework for public control, which allows the use of the most effective forms, methods, techniques, types of public control measures.

Thirdly, this efficiency largely depends on the material and technical base of the subjects of public control.

Fourthly, the availability of modern management and control technologies based on the latest equipment, software, etc. plays an important role in ensuring this efficiency.

Fifthly, the key factor in achieving this effectiveness is the availability of an appropriate number of specialists among subjects of public control who have appropriate qualitative characteristics in terms of professionalism and moral character.

In the context of this study, by specialists of subjects of public control we mean a set of: a) members of public chambers, councils and other subjects of public control; b) representatives of subjects of public control who are involved in the organization and conduct of public control events; c) employees of the apparatus of subjects of public control (which in the Russian Federation are created, as a rule, in the form of state and municipal institutions).

What determines the quality of specialists of subjects of public control?

On the one hand, the criterion is a set of requirements for these specialists (from the legislation and various codes of ethics of subjects of public control) in terms of their professionalism and compliance with the rules of ethical duty in this area.

On the other hand, the quality of specialists of subjects of public control directly depends on the state of the training system of this type of specialists.

What does the system of training specialists of subjects of public control include?

What knowledge, skills, and abilities should they have?

On the one hand, specialists of subjects of public control should have a set of knowledge, skills and abilities related to the handling of legislation on public control.

In addition, these knowledge, skills and abilities should not be limited only to this area of legislation. Due to the fact that the subjects of public control carry out the preparation and conduct of diverse public control measures, it is necessary to use legislation from almost all its branches to one degree or another.

On the other hand, specialists of subjects of public control should know the specifics of the organization and activities of both the public control system as a whole and the specific subject of public control within which they carry out their activities.

These specialists must professionally master the entire set of methods, forms, techniques, methods used in the preparation and conduct of public control events, collection and analysis of documents and information obtained during public control events.

These specialists must possess modern equipment, know and be able to use the necessary software in organizing and conducting public control events. First of all, we are talking about modern digital technologies.

Thus, specialists of subjects of public control should be carefully trained, trained, or improve their skills.

Various techniques and methods are used in these processes. Psychological methods of training specialists of subjects of public control are of great importance among them.

Why are psychological techniques for training specialists of subjects of public control so important?

Firstly, the activities of specialists of subjects of public control are largely related to communication on a regular basis with various strangers with different characteristics in their behavior.

Secondly, the activities of specialists of subjects of public control in most cases involve interaction with persons who may be offenders or criminals. For example, by conducting public control measures in relation to state and municipal procurement procedures, in some cases their participants could enter into a criminal conspiracy concerning the procurement of goods, works and services at prices obviously exceeding market prices.

Thirdly, representatives of objects of public control (public authorities, local governments, other bodies and organizations exercising certain public powers) can have a negative impact on specialists of subjects of public control, consisting in threats, the use of force, blackmail, etc. criminal actions.

Fourth, on the part of representatives of public control facilities who are convicted of committing offenses and crimes during public control activities in relation to public control specialists, attempts may be made to bribe these specialists.

Fifth, specialists of subjects of public control should be ready to work in difficult conditions (abnormal working hours, difficult environment, etc.).

What psychological techniques can be used in the training of specialists of subjects of public control?

First of all, this concerns mobilizing techniques aimed at increasing the mental tone of a future specialist, in order to form a stable attitude towards active intellectual and motor activity (since in most cases the work of these specialists is associated with the processing of a huge number of documents, information, their analysis, comparison, as well as with employee surveys objects of public control). Specialists of subjects of public control should be trained in optimal methods of applying self-accusations, self-persuasion, as well as persuasion of third parties, psychoregulatory exercises, exercises related to ensuring optimal concentration of attention.

Corrective techniques are important. In particular, specialists of subjects of public control should have ways to quickly change the goal setting (depending on the course of the public control event). Sublimation technologies are of great importance, when a specialist must promptly assess his behavior in real time, correct it, and not focus on the results (goals, objectives, program documents) of the activities carried out. Otherwise, it will be easy for the inspected objects to carry out manipulative influence on specialists of subjects of public control. These specialists should clearly understand the mechanism of a stressful situation in which they can be driven by representatives of the object of public control, stopping it without violating current legislation (if necessary, involving law enforcement officers).

Relaxing techniques are also essential, which are aimed at reducing the stressful situation, tension (mental, mental, physical) of specialists of subjects of public control (without which their temporary opportunities to participate in public control events are significantly reduced). These techniques allow you to minimize the time of mental and physical recovery of a specialist's performance. These techniques include both techniques related to the management of work and rest time (for example, "pauses of psychoregulation", complete relaxation, relaxation), and using certain types of actions (in particular, acupuncture soothing massage, which can be performed independently).

Techniques related to arbitrary self-regulation are also important, when a specialist of a subject of public control uses self-assessment methods, motor exercises, the technique of "smart breathing", uses the mechanism of representation and imagination (in particular, through the use of ideomotor training equipment).

Modern digital technologies have a great influence on the psychological methods of training specialists of subjects of public control.

What should be understood by modern digital technologies?

We believe that modern digital technologies should be understood as a set of processes and methods developed and currently used for collecting, storing, processing, searching, transmitting and presenting data in electronic form, that is, based on providing signals with discrete bands of analog levels, as well as a scientific description of these processes and methods that are being developed and implemented in all spheres of life of society and the state (on the one hand, the pace and directions of their development are determined by the needs of society and the state, and on the other hand, the process of developing and implementing these technologies determines these needs by changing them).

Digital technologies act as priority areas for the development of the Russian Federation.

A large number of normative legal acts are devoted to the grounds and limits of the use of these technologies, their introduction into the practice of the organization and activities of public authorities, economic management and social development.

In particular, the President of the Russian Federation issued a Decree dated 05/07/2024 "On the national Development Goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 and for the future up to 2036".

This Decree highlights the importance of modern digital technologies as a key condition for ensuring the preservation and development of Russian society and the state, and increasing the competitiveness of the Russian economy.

It is noted that modern digital technologies should be actively applied and used in all spheres of life of Russian society and the state.

Subjects of public control, which are created and formed with the participation of public authorities, should also actively use modern digital technologies in their organization and activities, as well as in the training (retraining, advanced training) of specialists of subjects of public control.

This decision of the head of state was actively supported and detailed by various public authorities in the Russian Federation.

In addition, this decision was supported by various advisory bodies under public authorities, for example, the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Strategic Development and National Projects in its decision No. 7 dated 06/04/2019.

As noted by a number of foreign researchers, [26; 27] the use of modern digital technologies by subjects of public control (subjects of civil society control over the apparatus of public authority and other objects endowed with public authority) in their organization and activities allows, on the one hand, to successfully resist the growth of authoritarian and totalitarian tendencies in public administration, and on the other On the other hand, it is necessary to optimize the level of control measures carried out, bringing them to the degree of complexity and depth that allows identifying and suppressing most violations of legislation, rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities.

Due to what modern digital technologies are able to influence the effectiveness of the application (use) of psychological techniques for training specialists of subjects of public control?

Firstly, modern digital technologies are based on the speed of collecting, processing and, to a large extent, even analyzing certain information (according to available algorithms). This ability of these technologies is many times greater than the capabilities of the human body (in particular, the computational abilities of the human brain).

Secondly, artificial intelligence technologies play an essential role in modern digital technologies, which allow not only to carry out certain algorithmic operations with arrays of digital data, but also to process and analyze arrays of information data that are complex in composition and interrelation. This circumstance somewhat brings the functional feature of artificial intelligence technologies closer to the mental activity of the person himself. Although it is too early to talk about the complete replacement of human mental activity with artificial intelligence technologies. In our opinion, this replacement cannot be carried out in full in the historically foreseeable period of time.

Thirdly, modern digital technologies make it possible to operate in the process of psychological training of specialists of subjects of public control with large amounts of data (for example, when it comes to analyzing the physical and mental state of a student, analyzing the degree of fatigue, relaxation, restoration of mental and physical condition, etc.).

Fourth, modern digital technologies make it possible to make certain decisions almost instantly in the process of education, training and retraining, based on the conclusions drawn using the software used.

Fifth, modern digital technologies allow the use of certain parameters that are not available to teachers if they used their senses (vision, hearing, etc.). In turn, equipment and software allows you to get maximum information on these parameters regarding the student, the process of mastering the teaching material, level and concentration his attention, stress, state of relaxation, etc.

How do modern digital technologies affect the economic component (economic efficiency) of the use of psychological (and other) methods of training specialists of subjects of public control?

Firstly, the importance of modern digital technologies in the training of specialists of subjects of public control lies in the fact that as a result of their use, the time of this training is significantly reduced. That is, it is carried out at the optimal time, which is limited only by the level of physical and mental training of the student. And the less time the preparation takes, the less money is spent on it. In addition, if we are talking about professional retraining of specialists of subjects of public control, their passing advanced training courses, then these classes are held, as a rule, with the separation of these persons from their activities related to the organization and conduct of public control events. And the delay in the processes of said training, retraining, and advanced training negatively affects the effectiveness of the work of subjects of public control, which is especially important due to the lack of specialists of said qualifications, the general low level of financing of these subjects of public control (which does not allow keeping extra and reserve units of employees in the staff of the apparatus of subjects of public control). In particular, an analysis of the use of a complex of modern digital technologies in the retraining of specialists for municipal public chambers (councils) in the Central Federal District showed that their use made it possible to reduce the cost of retraining one conditional specialist by 51%. [24, pp. 37-38]

Secondly, modern digital technologies make it possible to quickly identify the most effective and economically less costly techniques and methods of training and retraining specialists of subjects of public control.

After identifying these techniques and methods, they can be analyzed in real time for their adaptation and subsequent use, on the one hand, in the training of other specialists of subjects of public control, and on the other hand, in terms of scaling up the positive experience of using these techniques and methods within a given educational institution (for example, a center for advanced training, a higher educational institution), a municipality, a subject of the Russian Federation, or the country as a whole.

Modern digital technologies help in carrying out the above-mentioned scaling to take into account positive or negative other factors that will be important in the training of specialists of subjects of public control (for example, ethnic and religious characteristics of the region where these specialists are trained, the general level of the education system in these regions and municipalities, etc.).

Thirdly, modern digital technologies make it possible to train specialists of subjects of public control on the job.

We are also talking about distance learning seminars and conferences, about remote quality control of training and retraining of these specialists of subjects of public control.

In addition, these technologies even make it possible to combine the processes of training and retraining of specialists of subjects of public control with their practical activities within the framework of the functioning of these subjects. This makes it possible for teachers (specialists conducting the specified training, training and retraining) to assess in real time the level of professional training of specialists of subjects of public control, the degree of their stress resistance, time intervals of psychological adaptation, psychological relaxation and restoration of mental and physical condition after the implementation of certain actions during ongoing or organized public control events.

Fourth, modern digital technologies make it possible to increase the number of such events per unit of time (year, half-year, quarter, month, etc.) by reducing the time of one training (advanced training, retraining).

How does this affect the economic efficiency of the processes of training specialists of subjects of public control, as well as the economic efficiency of the organization and functioning of the subject of public control itself?

On the one hand, an increase in the number of such events increases the professional level of specialists of subjects of public control.

On the other hand, increasing the frequency and frequency of such events makes it possible to adapt the training processes (advanced training, retraining) to the rapidly changing reality (the environment that accompanies these specialists in the process of organizing and preparing public control events) to the maximum extent.

That is, the processes of training (advanced training, retraining) become as adaptive as possible, corresponding to the surrounding reality, which increases their effectiveness, reduces the number of errors, violations of legislation, as well as existing algorithms for organizing and conducting certain public control measures.

Fifth, the use of modern digital technologies in the process of using psychological techniques for training specialists of subjects of public control is also important from the point of view of minimizing the influence of the so-called "human factor". That is, when the process of training (advanced training, retraining) is influenced by any personal factors of both the trainee and the training person.

For example, when the behavior of a trained person, the characteristics of his character, appearance, habits, etc. negatively affect the training person, which makes adjustments to his behavior and actions carried out by him related to the training of a specialist subject of public control.

This may be expressed in a biased attitude towards this person, the results of his training, his answers on test tasks, etc.

The use of these technologies allows, according to certain algorithms, to identify these subjective features in the process of training (advanced training, retraining), excluding them from the overall assessment of the results of the training.

This will allow for a more adequate assessment of the results of training (advanced training, retraining), to what extent the specialist of the subject of public control has improved his knowledge, skills, abilities, which ultimately will affect the increase in the effectiveness of his activities in the preparation and conduct of public control events.

Sixth, the use of modern digital technologies is also economically effective in terms of the possibility of using various test tasks, exercises, control psychological sections, etc. using algorithmic software products (without participation or with limited supervision by training specialists) as a permanent means of training and advanced training of specialists of subjects of public control. At the same time, such events are financially profitable, so only software that can be used for a sufficiently large number of these specialists is paid on a one-time basis. A number of studies show that this provides savings of up to 65% per year for this item of expenditure (using the example of a study of materials for the implementation of such software on the basis of specific subjects of public control at the regional and municipal levels). [24, p. 70]


In the course of our research, we have made a number of conclusions:

1. The Institute of Public Control in Russia acts as the most important type of civil society institutions, as well as a key legal guarantee for the implementation, protection and protection of all constitutional principles (first of all, democracy and participation of citizens of the country in the management of state affairs).

2. The key problem hindering the organization and development of public control in the Russian Federation is ensuring the effectiveness of this institution of civil society, which can only be achieved if the professionalism and moral qualities of specialists of subjects of public control are constantly improved.

3. Achieving a high level of professionalism and moral qualities of specialists of subjects of public control requires the creation and implementation of an optimal system of their training, retraining and advanced training, during the implementation of which a set of training techniques and methods is used, the most important of which are psychological, the economic efficiency of which should be improved through the use of modern digital technologies, under which to understand the totality of processes and methods developed and currently used for collecting, storing, processing, searching, transmitting and presenting data in electronic form, that is, based on providing signals with discrete bands of analog levels, as well as a scientific description of these processes and methods that are being developed and implemented in all spheres of society and the state (when on the one hand, the pace and directions of their development are determined by the needs of society and the state, and on the other hand, the process of developing and implementing these technologies determines these needs by changing them).

4. These technologies allow: to reduce the time of training, retraining and advanced training of specialists of subjects of public control; to increase the number of such events; to apply remote technologies and technologies of continuous training and control of the level of professionalism of these specialists, the ability to comply with the rules of ethical duty; to eliminate the "human factor" in the process of said training, retraining and advanced training.

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First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the research in the article submitted for review is, as its name implies, the influence of modern digital technologies on improving the effectiveness of psychological techniques for training specialists for subjects of public control. The author focused his attention on the economic analysis of the problem. The declared boundaries of the study have been observed by the scientist. The research methodology is disclosed: "As the main scientific research methods, both general scientific methods (in particular, formal logical, dialectical, analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction) and private scientific research methods (for example, economic analysis, psychological analysis, comparative law, historical law, statistical, sociological)". The relevance of the research topic chosen by the author is undeniable and justified by him in sufficient detail: "The issues of the current state and prospects for the development of digital technologies, their impact on increasing economic efficiency in the management of society, the apparatus of public power, as well as the economy, are widely studied in the works of I. L. Avdeeva, [1, pp. 50-56] I. M. Blokhina, [4, pp. 389-393] L. S. Zvyagina, [10, pp. 69-76] A.V. Krupkina, [13, pp. 30-36] V. V. Kuznetsova, [14, pp. 163-165] A. A. Mikryukova, [16, pp. 65-68] S. S. Mikhadova [17, pp. 215-221] A. I. Mozgovoi [18, p. 37] H. R. Rakhmonova, [20, pp. 881-889] A. A. Terenichenko, [22, pp. 200-205] as well as a number of other authors. In turn, in the works of T. Y. Bazaley, [3] V. V. Goncharov, [5, pp. 3-9; 7, pp. 196-200] E. G. Petrenko, [6, pp. 194-196; 8, pp. 127-130] S. M. Zubarev, [11, pp. 28-37] O. G. Kovalev, [12, p. 389-393] Ya. Yu. Reenta, [21, pp. 75-84] S. H. Cherkesova, [23, pp. 438-439] as well as some other scientists, detailed attention is paid to the use of modern digital technologies in the practice of organizing and functioning of the institute of public control. At the same time, a number of authors, in particular, L. Y. Aksenova, [2, pp. 111-117] J. M. Eliseeva, [9, pp. 166-169] M. A. Martynova, [15, p. 71] E. V. Ovcharova, [19, pp. 35-44] pay great attention to the issues of psychological techniques (their economic effectiveness) training of personnel for the management system. However, the proportion of studies devoted to the analysis of the economic efficiency of using certain technologies in the training of specialists for the system of subjects of public control seems insufficient. This circumstance determines the choice of the topic of this scientific research, the purpose of which is an economic analysis of the impact of modern digital technologies on improving the effectiveness of psychological techniques for training specialists for subjects of public control in Russia." The scientific novelty of the work is manifested in a number of conclusions of the author: "In our opinion, this effectiveness should be understood, on the one hand, the degree of compliance of the results of the work of subjects of public control with the relevant plans of this work, on the other hand, the degree of practical implementation and achievement of the goals and objectives of this institution of civil society, which are established in the legislation of the country on public control, taking into account the degree of coverage by public control measures of all its available objects"; "Why are psychological techniques for training specialists of subjects of public control so important? Firstly, the activities of specialists of subjects of public control are largely related to communication on a regular basis with various strangers with different characteristics in their behavior. Secondly, the activities of specialists of subjects of public control in most cases involve interaction with persons who may be offenders or criminals. For example, by conducting public control measures in relation to state and municipal procurement procedures, in some cases their participants could enter into a criminal conspiracy concerning the procurement of goods, works and services at prices obviously exceeding market prices. Thirdly, representatives of objects of public control (public authorities, local governments, other bodies and organizations exercising certain public powers) can have a negative impact on specialists of subjects of public control, consisting in threats, the use of force, blackmail, etc. criminal actions. Fourth, on the part of representatives of public control facilities who are convicted of committing offenses and crimes during public control activities, attempts may be made to bribe these specialists in relation to public control specialists. Fifthly, specialists of subjects of public control should be ready to work in difficult conditions (abnormal working hours, difficult environment, etc.)"; "Due to what modern digital technologies are able to influence the effectiveness of the application (use) of psychological techniques for training specialists of subjects of public control? Firstly, modern digital technologies are based on the speed of collecting, processing and, to a large extent, even analyzing certain information (according to available algorithms). This ability of these technologies is many times greater than the capabilities of the human body (in particular, the computational abilities of the human brain). Secondly, artificial intelligence technologies play an essential role in modern digital technologies, which allow not only to carry out certain algorithmic operations with arrays of digital data, but also to process and analyze arrays of information data that are complex in composition and interrelation. This circumstance somewhat brings the functional feature of artificial intelligence technologies closer to the mental activity of the person himself. Although it is too early to talk about the complete replacement of human mental activity with artificial intelligence technologies. In our opinion, this replacement cannot be carried out in full in the historically foreseeable period of time. Thirdly, modern digital technologies make it possible to operate in the process of psychological training of specialists of subjects of public control with large amounts of data (for example, when it comes to analyzing the physical and mental state of a student, analyzing the degree of fatigue, relaxation, restoration of mental and physical condition, etc.)", etc. Thus, the article makes a certain contribution to the development of domestic legal science and, of course, deserves the attention of potential readers. The scientific style of the research is fully sustained by the author. The structure of the work is logical. In the introductory part of the article, the scientist substantiates the relevance of his chosen research topic, reveals his methodology, purpose and objectives. In the main part of the work, the author carries out an economic analysis of the impact of modern digital technologies on improving the effectiveness of psychological techniques for training specialists for subjects of public control in Russia. The final part of the work contains conclusions based on the results of the study. The content of the article corresponds to its title, but is not devoid of shortcomings of a formal nature. So, the author writes: "However, the proportion of studies devoted to the analysis of the economic efficiency of using certain technologies in the training of specialists for the system of subjects of public control seems insufficient" - the first comma is superfluous. The scientist notes: "The Institute of Public Control in the Russian Federation acts, on the one hand, as the most important legal guarantee for the implementation, protection and protection of the entire system of constitutional principles ..." - "guarantees". The author points out: "Thirdly, this effectiveness largely depends on the material and technical base of the subjects of public control" - "in many ways." Thus, the article needs additional proofreading - it contains typos and punctuation errors. The bibliography of the study is presented by 23 sources (scientific articles). From a formal and factual point of view, this is quite enough. The author managed to reveal the research topic with the necessary completeness and depth.
There is an appeal to the opponents, but it is general in nature due to the focus of the study. The scientific discussion is conducted by the author correctly, the provisions of the work are justified to the proper extent and illustrated with examples. There are conclusions based on the results of the study ("1. The Institute of Public Control in Russia acts as the most important type of civil society institutions, as well as a key legal guarantee for the implementation, protection and protection of all constitutional principles (first of all, democracy and participation of citizens of the country in the management of state affairs). 2. The key problem hindering the organization and development of public control in the Russian Federation is ensuring the effectiveness of this institution of civil society, which can only be achieved if the professionalism and moral qualities of specialists of subjects of public control are constantly improved. 3. Achieving a high level of professionalism and moral qualities of specialists of subjects of public control requires the creation and implementation of an optimal system of their training, retraining and advanced training, during the implementation of which a set of training techniques and methods is used, the most important of which are psychological, the economic efficiency of which should be improved through the use of modern digital technologies, under which to understand the totality of processes and methods developed and currently used for collecting, storing, processing, searching, transmitting and presenting data in electronic form, that is, based on the provision of signals by discrete bands of analog levels, as well as a scientific description of these processes and methods that are being developed and implemented in all spheres of society and the state (when on the one hand, the pace and directions of their development are determined by the needs of society and the state, and on the other hand, the process of developing and implementing these technologies determines these needs by changing them). 4. These technologies allow: to reduce the time of training, retraining and advanced training of specialists of subjects of public control; to increase the number of such events; to apply remote technologies and technologies of continuous training and control of the level of professionalism of these specialists, the ability to comply with the rules of ethical duty; to eliminate the "human factor" in the process of said training, retraining and advanced training"), have the properties of reliability, validity and undoubtedly deserve the attention of the scientific community. The interest of the readership in the article submitted for review can be shown primarily by specialists in the field of constitutional law, administrative law, information law, provided that it is slightly improved: the elimination of violations in the design of the article.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The article has a clear structure: introduction, research methods and methodology, the main text (here it is worth changing the name to a more conceptual one), conclusion. However, the article does not describe the scientific relevance. There is also no description of the subject of the study. The article describes in detail the purpose and objectives of the study, “the purpose of which is an economic analysis of the impact of modern digital technologies on improving the effectiveness of psychological techniques for training specialists for subjects of public control in Russia.” A fairly large number of methods are used as a methodological basis: general scientific methods (formal logical, dialectical, analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction) and private scientific methods (economic analysis, psychological analysis, comparative legal analysis, historical and legal analysis, statistical analysis, sociological analysis). However, in fact, there are no examples of the use of sociological analysis, economic analysis, or statistical analysis in the text. There are no statistical tables, graphs, etc. In the article. Since there are no examples of conducting an economic title, the topic of the article should be slightly changed. There are also no examples of historical and legal and comparative legal analyses in the article: the text of the scientific work does not analyze the historical dimension of legal processes, and there is no comparison of legal processes. Therefore, it can be concluded that the methodological section is quite abstract. In particular, the article postulates a sociological analysis, but there is actually no data on the study of public opinion. It is necessary to bring the methodological section in accordance with the written text or correct the written text in accordance with the intended methodology. As an empirical basis, the article specifies: “the legislation of the Russian Federation regulating the institute of public control, materials related to practical activities for training specialists for subjects of public control, the use of psychological techniques and methods in the process of their preparation, as well as modern digital technologies, materials of scientific periodicals in this field.” However, there are no relevant sources at the bibliography level: there are no references to the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of public control, nor are there references to materials related to practical activities for training specialists for subjects of public control, the use of psychological techniques and methods in the process of their preparation. The bibliographic section contains 23 publications. All of the above publications have been published in the last few years, that is, they are up-to-date. However, there is not a single publication in foreign languages in the bibliographic section, although the topic itself suggests that there should be a fairly large number of scientific sources in English in the field of digital technology influence. It is necessary to correct the grammar in the article: there are grammatical errors. In particular, no dots are placed at the end of the subheadings.

Third Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the study. In the peer-reviewed article "The impact of modern digital technologies on improving the effectiveness of psychological techniques for training specialists for subjects of public control: legal and economic analysis", the subject of the study is the norms of law governing public relations in the field of application of "modern digital technologies in the practice of organizing and functioning of the institute of public control", as well as the degree of "influence of modern digital technologies to improve the effectiveness of psychological techniques for training specialists for subjects of public control in Russia." Research methodology. The methodological apparatus consists of the following dialectical techniques and methods of scientific cognition: analysis, abstraction, induction, deduction, hypothesis, analogy, synthesis, typology, classification, systematization and generalization. The use of modern methods (such as economic analysis, psychological analysis, comparative law, historical and legal, statistical, sociological) allowed the author to form his own reasoned position on the stated problems. The relevance of research. The relevance of the research topic is beyond doubt. The introduction of modern information and communication technologies into various spheres of society's life creates not only "convenience", but also some problems from a legal and economic point of view. We can agree with the author that "the issues of the current state and prospects for the development of digital technologies, their impact on improving economic efficiency in the management of society, the apparatus of public authority, as well as the economy" are the subject of many studies, but "the proportion of studies devoted to the analysis of the economic efficiency of using certain technologies in the training of specialists for the system of subjects public control seems to be insufficient." Scientific novelty. Without questioning the importance of previous scientific research, which served as the theoretical basis for this work, nevertheless, it can be noted that this article formulates provisions that could be considered a contribution to legal science: "Achieving a high level of professionalism and moral qualities of specialists of subjects of public control requires the creation and implementation of an optimal system of their training, retraining and advanced training, during the implementation of which a set of training techniques and methods is used, the most important of which are psychological, the economic efficiency of which should be improved through the use of modern digital technologies, which should be understood as a set of processes and methods developed and currently used for collecting, storing, processing, searching, transmitting and presenting data in electronic form, that is, based on providing signals with discrete bands of analog levels, as well as a scientific description of these processes and methods that are being developed and implemented in all spheres of society and the state (at the same time On the one hand, the pace and directions of their development are determined by the needs of society and the state, and on the other hand, the process of developing and implementing these technologies determines these needs by changing them)." The article contains other provisions that are characterized by scientific novelty and have practical significance, which can be regarded as a contribution to the national doctrine. Style, structure, content. The topic is disclosed, the content of the article corresponds to its title. The author has met the requirements for the volume of the material. The article is written in a scientific style, using special scientific terminology. The article is structured. The material is presented consistently, competently and clearly. There are no comments on the content. Bibliography. The author has used a sufficient number of doctrinal sources. References to sources are designed in compliance with the requirements of the bibliographic GOST. Appeal to opponents. A scientific discussion is presented on controversial issues of the stated topic, and appeals to opponents are correct. All borrowings are decorated with links to the author and the source of the publication. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. The article "The impact of modern digital technologies on improving the effectiveness of psychological techniques for training specialists for subjects of public control: legal and economic analysis" is recommended for publication. The article corresponds to the subject of the journal "Administrative and Municipal Law". The article is written on an urgent topic, is characterized by scientific novelty and has practical significance. This article could be of interest to a wide readership, primarily specialists in the field of public law, public administration, information technology, and would also be useful for teachers and students of law and economics universities and faculties.