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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Legal casuistry and problems of professional burnout of judges

Kuzmina Anna Sergeevna

ORCID: 0000-0001-5864-7120

PhD in Psychology

Leading Researcher; Altai State University

656049, Russia, Altai Territory, Barnaul, Lenin str., 61, office 302
Other publications by this author

Dovgan' Kseniya Evgen'evna

PhD in Law

Leading Researcher; Altai State University

61 Lenin Ave., Barnaul, Altai Territory, 656049, Russia









Abstract: The legal casuistry of law enforcement is aimed at studying the historical, philosophical, logical, psychological and legal foundations that are interrelated. The dynamics of public relations and the expansion of the sphere of rule-making actualize research in the field of legal psychology, in relation to the psychological and legal aspects of legal casuistry. The subject of the study is the professional burnout of representatives of the judiciary. Special attention is paid to the severity of all three symptoms of professional burnout: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduction of personal achievements. The aim of the study is to identify the relationship between the symptoms of professional burnout, manifestations of perfectionism and coping strategies of representatives of the judiciary. A theoretical analysis of scientific research on the problem of emotional burnout of representatives of the judiciary allows us to conclude that almost every representative of this professional field faces huge problems of a different nature, which leads to chronic stress, flowing into emotional burnout. Maladaptive coping strategies and various manifestations of perfectionism can exacerbate this condition. To determine the symptoms of professional burnout, the questionnaire of the level of mental burnout (MBI), developed by K. Maslach and S. Jackson, adapted by N.E. Vodopyanova and E.S. Starchenkova, was used. The questionnaire "Copping strategies" by R. Lazarus was used to study coping mechanisms. The three-factor questionnaire of perfectionism by A.B. Kholmogorova and N.G. Garanyan reveals the manifestations of perfectionism.The main conclusions of the study are presented in the following provisions: the representatives of the judicial corps have the most pronounced symptom of emotional exhaustion, which manifests itself in a decrease in mental tone, increased fatigue. Manifestations of perfectionism, which are associated with fixation on negative information and excessively high demands on oneself, can become a risk for the development of a symptom of emotional exhaustion of the judicial corp. Preventive and adaptive coping strategies are: positive reassessment, a high level of self-control and planning in solving problems that prevent the development of symptoms of professional burnout. We see the prospects for research on this topic in expanding diagnostic tools to assess a wider range of personal qualities of representatives of the judiciary and their interrelationships with the symptoms of professional burnout. The results of the study can be used in the analysis of subjective aspects in matters of legal qualification.


judges, professional burnout, casuistry, coping strategies, legal qualifications, perfectionism, emotional exhaustion, the symptom, law enforcement, legal regulation

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Improving law enforcement is one of the most important conditions for the development of a modern state. The goals of legal regulation, the effectiveness of its application, as well as the quality of legal qualifications depend on many factors: the level of development of rule-making, socio-economic development of the state, legal awareness, professional and personal qualities of law enforcement subjects and their ability to assess the conditions of actual circumstances.

The legal casuistry of law enforcement is aimed at studying the historical, philosophical, logical, psychological and legal foundations that are interrelated. The dynamics of public relations and the expansion of the sphere of rule-making actualize research in the field of legal psychology, in the ratio of psychological and legal aspects of legal casuistry. The central subject of law enforcement is judges, persons who are empowered to administer justice in accordance with the procedure established by law. In the process of performing duties on a professional basis, qualification errors may occur, the appearance of which is caused by various reasons: violation of logical laws and errors in the construction of logical syllogisms, underestimation of factual circumstances, violation of the rules of systemic interpretation, including psychological reasons related to emotional exhaustion and professional burnout.

In this regard, the theory of legal qualification without a proper assessment of psychological research seems incomplete. In relation to legal casuistry, legal qualification is considered as a narrow concept. The study of the issues of professional burnout of judges in connection with their logical and legal abilities to carry out legal qualifications makes it possible to enrich legal casuistry with new data as a science. Such studies allow us to model risk factors that can lead to errors in the process of judges' professional activities. The study of the problems of professional burnout of judges is one of the components of legal casuistry, which allows for a modern assessment of law enforcement activities.

Literature analysis

In the context of an ever-increasing burden on judges, the study of the issue of professional burnout of judges becomes relevant.

The effectiveness of legal qualifications is related to the stability and quality of legislation. In the context of modernizing modern life and a large number of challenges, the amount of workload on representatives of the judiciary is increasing. Emotional exhaustion that occurs with excessive workload, as a rule, leads to a decrease in motivation in activities and the level of legal qualifications [1; 2; 3; 4].

Professional burnout should be considered as an outcome of chronic stress – a pathological condition requiring therapy, which is reflected in the inclusion of burnout as a diagnosis in the International Classification of Diseases and Health-related Problems (ICD-11), in the section "Problems related to employment or unemployment" under the code QD85 [5; 6; 7; 8; 9].

In the cognitive theory of psychological stress by R. Lazarus, psychological stress is defined as a reaction to the peculiarities of interaction between a person and the outside world. In this regard, the response to stress depends on cognitive processes, life experience, way of thinking and assessment of the situation (assessment of a possible threat) by a particular individual [10; 11].

To. Maslach and S. Jackson in their scientific papers presented the concept of professional burnout, which is considered classic and is actively used to diagnose symptoms of professional burnout in representatives of different professions. The concept includes a combination of three symptoms of professional burnout:

1. Emotional exhaustion is a condition in which a person runs out of emotional resources to interact with other people.

2. Depersonalization is a process in which a person is alienated from himself, other people and work.

3. The reduction of personal achievements is a feeling of underestimation, devaluation of one's professional abilities and achievements, and a decrease in professional competence [12].

The work of representatives of the judiciary is characterized by a high level of responsibility. Perfectionism, expressed in a person's desire for perfection, is associated with experiencing severe stress in the workplace. Perfectionism is a predictor of various mental disorders, maladjustment, emotional disorders and a decrease in the quality of tasks performed.

Therefore, the task of identifying the interrelationships of perfectionism, strategies for coping with stress and symptoms of professional burnout of representatives of the judiciary is highly relevant and timely [13; 14; 15].

The aim of the study was to identify the relationship between the symptoms of professional burnout, manifestations of perfectionism and coping strategies of representatives of the judiciary.

The subject of the study is the professional burnout of representatives of the judiciary.

The scientific novelty of the research. The severity of the symptoms of professional burnout of representatives of the judiciary was revealed, the relationship between the symptoms of professional burnout and manifestations of perfectionism was determined. It is theoretically justified and empirically proven that the symptoms of professional burnout among representatives of the judicial corps are interrelated with the use of maladaptive coping strategies and high demands on oneself, fixation on one's own imperfection.

Research methodology: the concept of professional burnout V.V. Boyko, K. Maslach, the concept of coping strategies by R. Lazarus, the three-factor concept of perfectionism by A. B. Kholmogorova, N.G. Garanyan.

The hypothesis of the study: it is likely that the symptoms of professional burnout among representatives of the judiciary are interrelated with maladaptive coping strategies and manifestations of perfectionism.

The empirical research was conducted anonymously and voluntarily using Yandex forms. The study involved judges aged 35 to 45 years in the number of 42 people, 18 men and 24 women with an average work experience of 7.4 months. The results of the study are recorded in the databases "Factors of reducing professional burnout of representatives of the judiciary" (Certificate No. 2024623959 dated 09/06/2024), "Strategies for coping with stress of representatives of the judiciary" (Certificate No. 2024623944 dated 09/05/2024) [16, 17, 18].

Research methods and techniques:

To determine the symptoms of professional burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduction of professionalism), the questionnaire of the level of mental burnout (MBI), developed by K. Maslach and S. Jackson, adapted by N.E. Vodopyanova and E.S. Starchenkova, was used.

The scales of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization have direct values, the higher the indicators, the higher the development of the symptom, the scale of reduction of professionalism has the opposite values, the higher the indicator on the scale, the lower the development of the symptom. This is important to take into account when understanding the results of the study.

The questionnaire "Copping strategies" by R. Lazarus was used to study coping mechanisms. The authors of the questionnaire, S. Folkman and R. Lazarus, used in the article the version adapted by T.L. Kryukova, E.V. Kuftyak, M.S. Zamyshlyaeva.

The three-factor questionnaire of perfectionism by A.B. Kholmogorova and N.G. Garanyan allows us to identify manifestations of perfectionism in the following aspects: concern about assessments from others, high standards and requirements for oneself, negative selection. The questionnaire consists of 18 statements, which are distributed on three scales: 1) concern about the assessments of others in unfavorable comparisons with them; 2) high standards and requirements for oneself; 3) negative selection and fixation on one's own imperfection. The first scale tests socially prescribed perfectionism, the second—Self-directed perfectionism, and the third — perfectionist cognitive style.

Methods of mathematical and statistical data processing: analysis of averages, Mann-Whitney U-test, Spearman correlation analysis using the statistical package "SPSS Statistics 27.0".

The results of the study

Table 1 shows the average values of indicators of symptoms of professional burnout in the group of women and men who are representatives of the judiciary.

Table 1

Comparative analysis of the average values of indicators of symptoms of professional burnout of representatives of the judiciary by gender





Emotional exhaustion














Reduction of professionalism







The results presented in Table 1 show that female judges are characterized by higher rates of symptoms of professional burnout, but the application of the Mann-Whitney U-test did not show significant differences, which may be due to a large range of data and the severity of symptoms of professional burnout, depending on personal characteristics and symptoms of coping with stress, and not it is related to gender.

The highest rates among the representatives of the judicial corps were revealed by the symptom of emotional exhaustion, the least pronounced is the symptom of a reduction in professionalism. The symptom of emotional exhaustion is associated with a decrease in mental tone, increased fatigue [16].

Spearman's correlation analysis was used to identify the relationship between indicators of perfectionism and symptoms of professional burnout.

The use of Spearman's correlation analysis revealed the presence of positive correlations of the symptom "Emotional exhaustion" with indicators of perfectionism "High standards" (r=0.489; p=0.05) and "Negative selection" (r=0.632; p=0.02).

The negative correlation of the symptom "Reduction of professionalism" with the indicator of perfectionism "Negative selection" was revealed (r=-0.691; p=0.05).

A positive correlation was obtained between the symptom of professional burnout "Emotional exhaustion" and the coping strategy "Taking responsibility" (r=0.526; p=0.01) and a negative relationship with the coping strategy "Positive reassessment" (r=-0.644; p=0.01).

Positive correlations of the burnout symptom "Reduction of professionalism" with the coping strategies "Self-control" (r=0.365; p=0.05), "Problem solving planning" (r=0.418; p=0.03), "Positive reassessment" (r=0.516; p=0.01) were obtained.

Discussion of the research results

The development of the symptom of emotional exhaustion in the representatives of the judicial corps is associated with high standards and requirements for themselves, as well as with fixation on their own imperfections.

The fixation of attention on negative information, their own imperfections among the representatives of the judicial corps is associated with a decrease in the sense of professional competence, a negative assessment of their professional activities and opportunities for professional development.

The strategy of taking responsibility involves the recognition of a person's role in the emergence and solution of problems, the excessive severity of this strategy can lead to unjustified self-criticism, acceptance of excessive responsibility, feelings of guilt and the development of a symptom of emotional exhaustion [17].

The results of the survey showed a high workload among the representatives of the judiciary, the effectiveness of their activities is associated with the exact observance of the deadlines for the consideration of cases, the number of court decisions rendered, the number of decisions appealed and overturned in higher courts, which is due to the high level of acceptance of responsibility by judges for the decisions made. All this is also a risk of the formation of symptoms of professional burnout.

The strategy of positive reassessment is associated with the possibility of rethinking the problematic situation as an incentive for professional and personal growth. Such a philosophical attitude to a problematic situation prevents the development of a symptom of emotional exhaustion.

The productivity of professional activity, interest in work, a high assessment of one's own professional competence, a positive perception in the professional sphere among representatives of the judiciary is associated with purposeful overcoming of negative emotions, a rational, purposeful, systematic approach to solving problems, the possibility of a positive rethinking of a problematic situation [18].

A decrease in professional and personal self-esteem, a decrease in the sense of professional competence among representatives of the judicial corps is associated with a low level of self-control, impulsivity, emotionality in solving problems.

The paper draws the following conclusions:

1. The most pronounced symptom of professional burnout among representatives of the judicial corps is a symptom of emotional exhaustion, manifested in a decrease in mental tone, increased fatigue.

2. The risks for the development of a symptom of emotional exhaustion among representatives of the judicial corps are manifestations of perfectionism associated with fixation on negative information and excessively high demands on oneself. Fixing attention on negative information is also a risk factor for reducing the sense of professional competence, a negative assessment of the representatives of the judicial corps of their professional activities.

3. Positive reassessment, a high level of self-control and planning in solving problems prevent the development of symptoms of professional burnout. The strategy of taking excessive responsibility involves the development of a symptom of emotional exhaustion among representatives of the judiciary.


Thus, the paper obtained results on the relationship of symptoms of professional burnout with the personal characteristics of representatives of the judiciary. The presence of symptoms of professional burnout negatively affects professional productivity and leads to a decrease in the level of legal qualifications.

The results obtained in the study expand the available information about the peculiarities of the personal qualities of representatives of the judiciary, which affect the level of legal qualifications.

The limitations of the study are the geographical representation of the sample, limited only to the territory of the Altai Territory.

We see the prospects for research on this topic in expanding diagnostic tools to assess a wider range of personal qualities of representatives of the judiciary and their interrelationships with the symptoms of professional burnout. In addition, the possibility of a differential study of the symptoms of professional burnout, depending on the length of service, the level of workload, and the specifics of the cases under consideration, can be noted as prospects.

The results of the study can be used in the analysis of subjective aspects in matters of legal qualification.

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16. Certificate of registration of database RU 2024623926 Personal qualities of a lawyer that determine the level of legal qualification / A. S. Kuzmina, K. E. Dovgan, N. E. Kovalenko (RU); copyright holder FGBU VO "Altai State University". No. 2024623447; appl. 09.08.2024 ; published 05.09.2024, 1 p.
17. Certificate of database registration RU 2024623944. Stress coping strategies of representatives of the judiciary / A. S. Kuzmina, K. E. Dovgan, N. E. Kovalenko (RU); copyright holder FGBU VO "Altai State University". No. 2024623451 ; declared 09.08.2024 ; published 05.09.2024, 1 p.
18. Certificate of database registration RU 2024623959. Factors for reducing professional burnout of representatives of the judiciary / A. S. Kuzmina, K. E. Dovgan, N. E. Kovalenko (RU); Copyright holder: Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education "Altai State University". No. 2024623450; declared 09.08.2024; published 06.09.2024, 1 p.

First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the research in the presented article is legal casuistry and the problems of professional burnout of judges. The descriptive method, the categorization method, the analysis method, as well as the survey method using the "questionnaire of the level of mental burnout (MBI), developed by K. Maslach and S. Jackson, adapted by N.E. Vodopyanova and E.S. Starchenkova"; the "questionnaire" of the Copping strategy were used as the methodology of the subject area of research in this article"R. Lazarus in the adaptation of T.L. Kryukova, E.V. Kuftyak, M.S. Zamyshlyaeva"; "three-factor questionnaire of perfectionism by A.B. Kholmogorova and N.G. Garanyan"; "methods of mathematical and statistical data processing: analysis of average values, Mann-Whitney U-criterion, Spearman correlation analysis using a statistical package"SPSS Statistics 27.0". The relevance of the article is beyond doubt, since judges are a special professional community and representatives of the judiciary, which affects the characteristics of their personal construct and the system of relationships with others, and their professional activities with a constant increased level of responsibility, objectivity, impartiality, comprehensive study of materials leads to professional burnout. In this context, the study of legal casuistry and the problem of professional burnout of judges is of scientific interest among various scientists. The scientific novelty of the study consists in studying according to the author's methodology and identifying the severity of "symptoms of professional burnout of representatives of the judiciary, the relationship between symptoms of professional burnout and manifestations of perfectionism is determined." During the study, 42 representatives of the professional community of judges were interviewed. The article is written in the language of scientific style using in the text of the study the presentation of various positions of scientists to the problem under study, as well as the use of terminology characterizing the subject of the study. Unfortunately, the structure of the manuscript is not consistent with the basic requirements for writing scientific articles. The structure of this study includes an introductory part, research methods and techniques, research results, conclusions and bibliography. The content of the article reflects its structure. In particular, the noted tendency is of particular value that "the highest rates among representatives of the judicial corps were revealed by the symptom of emotional exhaustion, the least pronounced is the symptom of a reduction in professionalism. The symptom of emotional exhaustion is associated with a decrease in mental tone, increased fatigue." The bibliography contains 18 sources, including domestic and foreign periodicals and non-periodicals. The article describes various positions and points of view of scientists characterizing various approaches to understanding legal casuistry and problems of professional burnout. The article contains an appeal to various scientific works and sources devoted to this topic, which is included in the circle of scientific interests of researchers dealing with this issue. The presented study contains conclusions concerning the subject area of the study. In particular, it is noted that "1. The most pronounced symptom of professional burnout among representatives of the judicial corps is a symptom of emotional exhaustion, manifested in a decrease in mental tone, increased fatigue. 2. The risks for the development of a symptom of emotional exhaustion among representatives of the judiciary are manifestations of perfectionism associated with fixation on negative information and excessively high demands on oneself. Fixing attention on negative information is also a risk factor for reducing the sense of professional competence, a negative assessment of the representatives of the judicial corps of their professional activities. 3. Positive reassessment, a high level of self-control and planning in solving problems prevent the development of symptoms of professional burnout. The strategy of taking excessive responsibility involves the development of a symptom of emotional exhaustion among representatives of the judiciary." The materials of this study are intended for a wide range of readers, they can be interesting and used by scientists for scientific purposes, teaching staff in the educational process, psychologists, jurists and lawyers, representatives of the professional community of judges, analysts and experts. As a disadvantage of this study, it should be noted that some important elements in the structure of the article are either not fully disclosed or completely absent. In particular, it would be advisable to pay attention to the review of scientific literature and designate this structural element with a separate title. The discussion of the results of the study should be highlighted separately. Based on the results of the study, it would be advisable to formulate a generalizing conclusion as well, and not be limited to only brief conclusions. When making a table and bibliography, special attention should be paid to the requirements of the current GOST standards and arrange the table and bibliography in accordance with these requirements. There are technical errors and typos in the text. In addition, the volume of the submitted manuscript does not allow to fully disclose the declared topic of scientific research. These shortcomings do not reduce the scientific and practical significance of the study itself, but they must be promptly eliminated, as well as significantly refine the text of the article in terms of its volume, content and structure. It is recommended to return the manuscript for revision.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

This article is made on an urgent topic, since the activity of judges refers to socially responsible types and is characterized by many features that are directly related to psychological topics. The author correctly justified the relevance of the study in the general context of the work of judges. In this regard, it is noted that the theory of legal qualification without a proper assessment of psychological research seems incomplete. In relation to legal casuistry, legal qualification is considered as a narrow concept. The study of the issues of professional burnout of judges in connection with their logical and legal abilities to carry out legal qualifications makes it possible to enrich legal casuistry with new data as a science. Such studies allow us to model risk factors that can lead to errors in the process of judges' professional activities. All this is true. In addition, the author refers to literary data, the analysis of which shows that the concept of professional burnout, which is considered classical and is actively used to diagnose symptoms of professional burnout in representatives of different professions, is quite appropriate in relation to this phenomenon in relation to the work of judges. It is shown that this concept includes a combination of three symptoms of professional burnout: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduction of personal achievements. This triad is logically related to the fact that the work of representatives of the judiciary is characterized by a high level of responsibility and perfectionism, which is characteristic of the work of judges and acts as a predictor of various mental disorders, maladjustment, violations of the emotional sphere and a decrease in the quality of tasks performed. It can be recognized that such a construction of the primary idea of this study is quite logical and systematic. The paper correctly formulated the purpose of the study - to identify the relationship between the symptoms of professional burnout, manifestations of perfectionism and coping strategies of representatives of the judiciary. The subject of the study is also quite clear — the professional burnout of representatives of the judiciary. The scientific novelty of the study, according to the author, lies in identifying the severity of the symptoms of professional burnout of representatives of the judiciary, determining the relationship between the symptoms of professional burnout and manifestations of perfectionism. The research methodology is presented by the concept of professional burnout V.V. Boyko, K. Maslach, the concept of coping strategies by R. Lazarus, the three-factor concept of perfectionism by A. B. Kholmogorova, N.G. Garanyan. These concepts are quite appropriate and consistent with the purpose of the study and its subject. The style of presentation of the text is scientific and research. The structure of the work corresponds to the logical requirements that a scientific publication on psychological topics should meet. The content of the work indicates that the author has carried out research using methods that fully correspond to the stated goal. Methods of statistical processing of the material are applied. The actual data were obtained, which are presented in a correctly processed form in the table. 1 and indicate that women judges are characterized by higher rates of symptoms of professional burnout, but the application of the Mann-Whitney U-test did not show significant differences, which may be due to a large range of data and the severity of symptoms of professional burnout, depending on personal characteristics and symptoms of coping with stress, and is not related to sexual an accessory. The use of Spearman's correlation analysis allowed the author to identify the presence of positive correlations of the symptom "Emotional exhaustion" with indicators of perfectionism "High standards" (r=0.489; p=0.05) and "Negative selection" (r=0.632; p=0.02). A negative correlation of the symptom "Reduction of professionalism" with the indicator of perfectionism "Negative selection" was also revealed (r=-0.691; p=0.05). A positive correlation was obtained between the symptom of professional burnout "Emotional exhaustion" and the coping strategy "Taking responsibility" (r=0.526; p=0.01) and a negative relationship with the coping strategy "Positive reassessment" (r=-0.644; p=0.01). These and other factual data obtained are presented in the discussion section of the materials, where conclusions are presented in accordance with the theory of the issue and the results of research by other authors. In particular, it is shown that the development of the symptom of emotional exhaustion in the representatives of the judicial corps is associated with high standards and requirements for themselves, as well as with fixation on their own imperfections. The fixation of attention on negative information, their own imperfections among the representatives of the judicial corps is associated with a decrease in the sense of professional competence, a negative assessment of their professional activities and opportunities for professional development. A decrease in professional and personal self-esteem, a decrease in the sense of professional competence among representatives of the judiciary is associated with a low level of self-control, impulsivity, emotionality in solving problems. The work contains conclusions that correspond to the data obtained and are correctly formulated. In conclusion, the results of the entire work are briefly summarized. The bibliographic list will include literary sources on the research topic. This work can be recommended for publication as being of interest to the reading audience.