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Law and Politics

The impact of technological cooperation on Russian-Chinese relations: prospects and challenges

Lin' Menghan

ORCID: 0009-0000-6018-4524

Postgraduate student; Department of Comparative Political Science; Peoples' Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba

148 Leninsky Ave., Moscow, 119571, Russia
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Abstract: The study of technological cooperation between Russia and China is an in-depth analysis of the interrelationships that have developed between the two countries in the field of science and technology. The focus is on ongoing projects and initiatives, such as joint research, which play a key role in the development of both States. The influence of the international situation on these relations is considered as global changes and economic sanctions against Russia can affect the dynamics of cooperation with China. The study also analyzes the challenges that may arise in the development of these ties, including issues of intellectual property and competitiveness in the international arena. An important place is occupied by studying the role of technological exchange in strengthening the strategic partnership between the two countries, as well as its possible geopolitical consequences, such as strengthening the positions of both countries on the world stage, reducing dependence on Western technologies and influencing global supply chains. The study highlights the importance of technology cooperation as a tool to achieve a sustainable and secure future for Russia and China in a changing world order. The article uses methods of qualitative analysis based on data from scientific publications and reports. An important place is given to the interdisciplinary approach, which includes elements of system analysis, economic theory, international relations and political science. The methods used help to investigate the influence of technological factors on the dynamics of Russian-Chinese relations and assess their long-term prospects. Technological cooperation between Russia and China demonstrates great significant potential, despite the existing challenges. The study highlights the impact of political, economic and technological factors, as well as risks such as political instability and cyber threats. Deepening high-tech collaboration opens up new horizons for both countries, allowing knowledge sharing in strategically important sectors such as artificial intelligence and 5G. This study makes an innovative contribution, emphasizing the need to integrate technology and policy solutions. Technological cooperation also contributes to strengthening geopolitical cooperation in the face of sanctions pressure and instability. To achieve long-term success, it is important to develop stable cooperation mechanisms, minimize risks and ensure stability based on trust and joint strategies.


Technological Cooperation, Russia, China, Strategic Partnership, Geopolitical Consequences, Innovative Technologies, Political Instability, Cybersecurity, Global Competition, Regional Integration

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Russian-Chinese relations continue to develop against the background of global technological changes and increasing cooperation in high-tech fields. In the 21st century, these ties have acquired strategic importance, and technological cooperation has become a key element of the bilateral agenda. The focus is on areas such as artificial intelligence, the digital economy, cybersecurity and military technology. For example, in the field of artificial intelligence, Russia and China are actively developing joint research programs. According to the Russian Ministry of Science and Technology, more than 50 joint AI projects have been initiated with Chinese partners over the past five years [10, p. 45]. The digital economy plays an important role in strengthening Russian-Chinese ties. In particular, the Digital Silk Road platform has become an important tool for creating effective logistics and trade chains between the two states, contributing not only to the growth of mutual trade, but also to expanding access to new markets [27, p. 282]. Cybersecurity has also become another area where cooperation between Russia and China has achieved significant success. Russia's participation in Chinese initiatives to create secure networks and joint exercises in the field of cybersecurity underline the importance of this area for both states. Military technologies are also becoming the subject of active cooperation, which reflects the strategic interests of both countries in a changing global geopolitical environment.

However, despite the positive aspects of this cooperation, there are alternative points of view that highlight the risks and potential problems. Some experts express concerns that too close dependence on technological partnerships could lead to the loss of strategic autonomy for Russia, jeopardizing its national interests. For example, according to analysts such as Martin Emmers [30, p. 85] and Julia Ganus [28, p. 32], the expansion of Chinese influence in high technologies may make Russia dependent on Chinese solutions and standards, which may further reduce the competitiveness of its own technological developments.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that in the field of cybersecurity and military technologies, the problem of leakage of confidential information may arise. Some researchers note that joint projects can lead to increased vulnerabilities in national security systems, which in turn creates new challenges in the field of information protection [21, p. 46].

This article is aimed at studying the impact of technological cooperation on Russian-Chinese relations, analyzing prospects and challenges, as well as identifying factors contributing to strengthening these relations using the case study method and political and legal analysis based on the theory of realism.

Factors contributing to technological cooperation between Russia and China

In the context of rapid changes in the global technological environment and deepening economic interdependence, cooperation between Russia and China in the field of technology is gaining strategic importance. Both countries aim to strengthen partnership in high technologies such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and innovative technologies, which contributes not only to economic growth, but also to political stability in the Eurasian region.

For an in-depth analysis of the dynamics of relations between Russia and China, the theory of "competition and cooperation" developed by Harvard University Professor Joseph Nye in the 1990s is used [7, p. 35]. This theory emphasizes that States, striving to realize their own interests, can simultaneously find opportunities for cooperation, thus forming complex interdependent relationships. As part of the analysis of technological cooperation between Russia and China, an interdisciplinary approach is applied, which includes system analysis, economic theory and political science. The case-stage method provides concrete examples of cooperation and competition between the two countries in the field of high technology and economics, and also allows us to identify similarities and differences in their strategic approaches through the analysis of political and legal theories, especially in the context of sovereignty and security.

In addition, a realistic theory of international relations is applied, which analyzes the behavior of states from the point of view of the struggle for influence and protection of national interests. This theoretical regulation allows us to consider the role of relations between Russia and China in the international arena and their interaction in conditions of global uncertainty.

After the end of the Cold War, the importance of the theory of "competition and cooperation" has increased significantly. With the deepening of globalization, relations between States are becoming more complex, and traditional models of confrontation are gradually giving way to interconnected models of cooperation. This transformation allows countries to maximize their interests through cooperation in conflict situations, rather than relying solely on competitive strategies. In an era of rapid technological development, competition and cooperation are becoming the norm in international relations. In this context, the theory of "competition and cooperation" is particularly suitable for analyzing the technological interaction between Russia and China.

In particular, this theory provides important perspectives for understanding how both countries jointly cope with competitive challenges in the field of high technology. It demonstrates that, despite the existing competition, cooperation remains both possible and necessary. Successful examples of cooperation between Russia and China in such areas as artificial intelligence, 5G technologies and space research clearly illustrate the practical application of this theory. For example, Russia's strong position in the field of space technology, combined with China's rapid development in the field of artificial intelligence, create mutually beneficial conditions for both sides. However, competition in these areas also contributes to the rapid progress of technology and innovation.

Various factors influence the formation and development of technological cooperation between Russia and China. The political environment, in particular multilateral cooperation mechanisms such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and BRICS, lays the foundation for strategic partnership and strengthens mutual trust. Economic factors, such as the complementarity of markets, create opportunities for cooperation in areas such as energy, agriculture and high technology. The geopolitical reality also affects the needs of both sides for joint actions in the field of defensive technologies and cybersecurity.

In this analysis, military cooperation is presented as a key factor that cannot be ignored. After Russia's special military operation in 2022, military cooperation significantly contributed to the deepening of technological cooperation between Russia and China. It should be noted that the examples given in this article mainly cover the period up to 2022, which limits the completeness of the analysis of the current international situation. This event, which took place against the background of changes in the economic environment and increased sanctions pressure, had a significant impact on the development of bilateral relations. Therefore, the lack of analysis of the current international reality makes it difficult to adequately represent the current prospects of relations between Russia and China.

Thus, an analysis of the factors contributing to technological cooperation between Russia and China contributes to a deeper understanding of the dynamics and prospects of these relations in the modern international order. Especially in the current international situation, the analysis of military cooperation is an integral part of the study, and its absence does not allow us to fully present the current prospects for relations between Russia and China.

Political factors are an important driving force for technological cooperation between Russia and China. Both countries have common interests and goals in international affairs, especially in the framework of multilateral cooperation mechanisms such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and BRICS. These organizations provide a platform for building trust and support between the two States. For example, meetings between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasize the importance of strategic partnership, which creates a positive atmosphere for the development of technological cooperation [13, p.117].

Economic factors also play a key role in deepening technological cooperation. China is one of the largest consumer markets, while Russia has significant natural resources and high technologies. This complementarity creates opportunities for collaboration in areas such as energy, agriculture and high technology. For example, the Belt and Road Initiative, launched by China in 2018, includes joint infrastructure and technology projects with Russia [11, p. 204]. The One Belt, One Road initiative, aimed at strengthening global ties through infrastructure and economic projects, includes Russia as an important partner. As part of this initiative, Russia and China are actively cooperating in the construction of infrastructure, technology and energy facilities. For example, infrastructure projects implemented in cooperation between Russia and China include the construction of cross-border railways, energy pipelines and ports. These projects contribute not only to the development of trade and migration between countries, but also enhance technological interaction [27, p. 282].

Military factors play a significant role in the development of cooperation between Russia and China, especially in the context of global conflicts. Since the beginning of Russia's special military operation in 2022, naval cooperation has become closer and more systematic. This cooperation covers not only traditional military exercises, but also includes areas such as cybersecurity, joint development of military technologies and intelligence sharing. First, the joint military exercises "Peace Mission 2022", held in 2022, became an important milestone in the military cooperation between the two countries. Secondly, in 2023, Russia and China signed an "Agreement on military-technical cooperation", which clarifies cooperation in the field of weapons development, technology transfer and military training. This agreement provides a legal framework for naval cooperation, making technology exchange more orderly and efficient. According to the agreement, the two countries will jointly develop modern drones and air defense systems to enhance their defensive capabilities. In addition, in 2023, Russia and China jointly conducted the Ocean-2023 exercises, focusing on the safety of navigation and the fight against piracy [8, p. 28].

In the field of legislation and legal norms, naval cooperation between Russia and China is becoming more structured. In 2022, on the basis of the “Treaty on Good Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation between Russia and China”, an “Agreement on military-technical Cooperation” was developed, clarifying the rights and obligations of the parties in relation to technology transfer and joint development. In 2023, both countries signed “Defense Cooperation Plan”, which defines the objectives of military cooperation for the next five years. Also in 2023, the “Agreement on Joint Anti-terrorist cooperation” was adopted, clarifying the legal grounds for joint actions in response to the threat of terrorism [33, p. 95].

Energy cooperation is a key aspect of Russian-Chinese relations. China is one of the largest importers of energy, and Russia is one of the world's leading exporters [29, p. 42]. The Power of Siberia gas pipeline project connects Russia and China, contributing to energy supplies and technology development [32, p. 39]. In 2022, the two countries signed an "Energy Cooperation Agreement" aimed at further deepening cooperation in the fields of natural gas, oil and electricity.

In the field of agriculture, complementarity is evident in Russia's natural resources and China's growing demand for food. In 2023, the parties signed the "Plan for the development of cooperation in the agricultural sector (2023-2026)", which promotes agrotechnological cooperation and the solution of food security issues [18, p. 9].

High technologies occupy an important place in cooperation. Joint projects in the field of artificial intelligence, big data and 5G help strengthen the positions of both countries in the global technology race [3, p. 67]. In 2022, Russia and China signed an "Agreement on Cooperation in the Digital Economy" aimed at deepening cooperation in the field of digital technologies.

With increasing globalization, the international community is also having a significant impact on cooperation. US sanctions against China create conditions for accelerated technology development, opening up new ways to interact with Russia. In 2022, the parties reached an "Agreement on cooperation in the field of scientific and technical innovations", strengthening joint work in key technologies [16, p. 77].

Geopolitical factors strengthen technological cooperation, as both countries are located in the center of the Eurasian continent and face common challenges, especially in the field of security [26, p. 58]. In 2023, Russia and China signed a "Cybersecurity Cooperation Agreement" aimed at strengthening cooperation and sharing best practices in the field of information security.

In defense technologies, Russia is actively sharing its achievements with China, and joint projects in the field of missile systems and military aviation strengthen the defense capabilities of both countries. In 2023, the parties agreed on a "Military-technical Cooperation Plan", focusing on the joint development of high technologies in the military field.

Regional multilateral formats, such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, serve as a platform for coordinating efforts in the field of security and countering external threats. Within the framework of this organization, the parties signed a "Counter-Terrorism Strategy" aimed at strengthening security and stability in the region [24, p. 16].

With the rapid development of technology, competition between states is also increasing. In order to more effectively confront the challenges faced by both countries, cooperation in the field of innovation is becoming a necessity. Russia and China are working together on projects in such areas as artificial intelligence, quantum technologies and new materials, which helps to increase the technological potential and competitiveness of both countries in the international arena [12, p. 126].

The current state of technological cooperation

Technological cooperation between Russia and China covers several key areas, each of which has its own characteristics and results. These directions not only emphasize the importance of bilateral relations, but also show how each side can benefit from cooperation.

Within the framework of theoretical approaches to international relations, both realistic and liberal approaches can be considered, which explain the dynamics of interaction between states. The classical form of realism, usually associated with Hans Morgenthau [6, p. 35], asserts that states act in their own interests, which leads to conflicts. Kenneth Waltz [7, p. 97], who represents new realism, emphasizes that the anarchic nature of the international system forces states to put survival first. John Mearsheimer, known for his theory of aggressive realism, notes that states strive to maximize their power [9, p. 26].

Unlike realism, liberalism is often associated with Robert Keohane [9, p. 392], who emphasizes the role of international institutions in promoting cooperation. Michael Doyle focuses on the fact that democratic states are less prone to conflict with each other [20, p. 115].

In modern discussions of Russian-Chinese relations, Bobo Luo [3, p. 47] and Alexander Lukin are important scientists whose research reveals the application of realism and liberalism to explain cooperation and competition between the two countries. Bobo Lo, in his book Russia and the New World Order, argues that although Russia and China have common interests, their relationship is based more on pragmatic considerations than on deep strategic trust. He emphasizes that cooperation is limited by competition, especially in Central Asia. In contrast, Alexander Lukin in the book “China and Russia: The new rapprochement” expresses an optimistic view of relations, believing that despite competition, common geopolitical interests in countering American dominance strengthen partnership [4, p. 199].

Here, attention is focused on a realistic approach that serves as the basis for analyzing the interaction between Russia and China, emphasizing that their cooperation is often pragmatic, based on mutual interests and a strategy for survival in the face of global challenges. This is especially evident in key areas such as space cooperation.

At first, cooperation between Russia and China in the space sector began in the 50s of the XX century and has achieved results recently. For example, in 2018, Russia and China signed an "Agreement on cooperation in the field of space" aimed at the joint development of manned space programs and deep space research [11, p. 42]. This agreement is a prime example of how two States can combine their resources and knowledge to achieve common goals. In July 2020, Russia and China conducted joint space technology exercises in Liaoning Province, testing new technologies. These exercises demonstrated the capabilities of both countries in the field of space research and strengthened their joint efforts in this area. Moreover, both sides are jointly developing modules for the Tiangong space station, which opens up new horizons for scientific cooperation and technological exchange. From the point of view of the theory of interstate cooperation, these joint projects contribute to the creation of trust between the two countries, which is a necessary condition for the further development of their relations [31, p. 48].

In the field of nuclear energy, the results of cooperation are also obvious. In 2018, the joint Wenzhuan Nuclear Power Plant project was launched, which has become a symbol of cooperation in the field of nuclear technology between the two countries. According to the IAEA report, the Wenzhuan Nuclear Power Plant not only increased the level of China's energy independence, but also demonstrated a high level of safety and environmental protection [22, p. 45]. This cooperation also includes the exchange of technology and knowledge in the field of nuclear energy, which contributes to improving safety standards in both countries.

Thanks to joint efforts in the nuclear energy sector, Russia and China can share not only technologies, but also experience in the field of regulation and safety, which is especially important in the context of global competition for resources and influence. The implementation of such projects can also be explained by a liberal theory that focuses on the benefits of cooperation for all parties involved.

Cooperation in the field of information technology has become an important part of Russian-Chinese relations. In 2021, the Digital Silk Road Summit was held in Shanghai, where the parties reached agreements on cooperation in the field of 5G, cloud computing and artificial intelligence [27, p. 282]. These agreements not only facilitated the exchange of technologies, but also strengthened cooperation in the field of cybersecurity, increasing the level of protection against external threats.

Joint research projects in the field of information technology help both countries improve their positions in the global high-tech market. For example, the creation of joint laboratories and research centers in the field of cybersecurity allows Russia and China to better protect their systems from cyber attacks and improve incident response. This approach shows how States can use their strengths to achieve common goals within the framework of the theory of interdependence.

Cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence is actively developing. In 2022, the Ministries of Science and Technology of China and Russia jointly issued an "Action Plan for cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence" aimed at developing cooperation in such areas as intelligent manufacturing, smart transport and smart cities [14, p. 153]. The implementation of this plan will contribute to deepening cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence technologies, which, in turn, will help both countries to take a strong position in the future.

Since artificial intelligence is one of the most promising areas of technology, such cooperation opens up opportunities to create new products and services that can significantly increase the economic efficiency of both countries. In addition, joint research in the field of AI can also lead to the creation of new standards and norms in international practice, which strengthens the position of Russia and China as leaders in this field.

On the other hand, some critics, such as Daniel Golden and Andrey Bykov, argue that cooperation can increase regional tensions and cause concern among Western countries, which can weaken the global security system and increase the risk of conflict. They believe that technological cooperation could lead to increased military capabilities, raising further concerns about regional security. If this trend continues, it may lead to geopolitical confrontation and complicate international relations. [26, p. 45].


Despite the successes achieved in technological cooperation, there are a number of serious problems between Russia and China that may affect the further development of their relations. These problems can be considered through the prism of various theoretical approaches, such as realism and liberalism, which help to understand the dynamics of cooperation and competition between States.

1. The difference in the level of technological development

Russia and China have different levels of technological development, which can significantly affect the depth and breadth of their cooperation. From the point of view of a realistic theory, the difference in technological capabilities can lead to risks and conflicts of interest. For example, Russia has highly advanced technologies in the field of space, while China is actively developing artificial intelligence and digital technologies. This difference may make it difficult to cooperate in some areas, such as space research and technology development.

Russian researcher Stanislav Tarasov notes: "The difference in technological levels between the two countries creates risks and potential conflicts of interest" [13, p. 151]. Moreover, research shows that differences in approaches to innovation and technological standards can cause misunderstandings in joint projects, which exacerbates the situation. For example, in 2022, joint research in the field of satellite technologies faced difficulties due to discrepancies in standards and protocols, which led to delays in the implementation of projects [5, p. 76].

2. External interference and pressure

External factors also have a significant impact on Russian-Chinese cooperation. In recent years, the United States and several European countries have imposed a number of restrictions on China in the field of high technology, which limits the possibilities of cooperation. These restrictions not only hinder China's technological progress, but also put pressure on cooperation with Russia.

For example, US sanctions against Chinese companies such as Huawei and ZTE have negatively affected joint projects in the field of telecommunications and 5G technologies [10, p. 395]. As a result, China was forced to look for alternative ways of development, which, in turn, creates additional challenges for joint initiatives with Russia. The liberal approach focuses on interdependence and mutual interests, emphasizing that external interventions can seriously undermine opportunities for cooperation.

In addition, international sanctions and restrictions can also lead to a change in the dynamics of cooperation, forcing both sides to adapt to new conditions. For example, in 2023, Russia began to cooperate more actively with China in the development of alternative technologies to circumvent Western sanctions, which confirms the need to respond to external challenges.

3. Problems of trust in cooperation

Trust issues between countries also pose a serious challenge. The Parties have concerns about intellectual property protection and technology transfer. To ensure successful cooperation, it is necessary to create more transparent mechanisms that will avoid potential conflicts of interest. Currently, there are problems with technology protection, which can reduce the effectiveness of joint projects.

Chinese scientist Li Xin argues that "the lack of trust in the field of technology transfer is one of the main obstacles to deepening cooperation" [32, p. 47]. This is manifested, for example, in problems with intellectual property protection, when companies in one country are afraid to share their developments with partners from another country. The realistic theory emphasizes that distrust can lead to a deterioration of relations between States and complicate joint efforts.

To overcome these problems, both countries should develop mechanisms that would guarantee the protection of intellectual property and clearly regulate the conditions for technology transfer. For example, the creation of joint legal institutions to protect intellectual property rights can be an important step in building trust between the two sides.

4. Political and economic risks

The political and economic risks associated with changes in the domestic and foreign policies of Russia and China can significantly affect technological cooperation between these countries. Fluctuations in political stability, changes in leadership, or changes in national priorities can undermine trust and reduce the effectiveness of joint initiatives.

Political instability can manifest itself in the form of frequent changes in legislation that regulates technology and investment. For example, in Russia, changes in intellectual property protection legislation may cause uncertainty for Chinese companies wishing to invest in Russian high technologies. In 2022, a law was passed on new requirements for companies operating in the field of high technology, which caused concern among Chinese investors [11, p. 42]. In turn, instability in China caused by internal protests or economic changes may affect Russia's strategic plans for cooperation.

Economic risks are also a significant factor. Changes in economic policy, such as the introduction of new sanctions or economic measures, may hinder joint projects. For example, in recent years, the United States and its allies have increased sanctions against Russia, which has negatively affected its economy and limited opportunities for international cooperation, including technological cooperation. As a result, such changes may lead to a decrease in trust and interest in joint projects [9, p. 33].

In addition, currency fluctuations and inflation may put additional pressure on the financial aspects of joint projects. For example, if the ruble exchange rate drops sharply, this may increase the cost of joint initiatives, which will make them less attractive to both sides [7, p. 35]. These economic risks require Russia and China to be flexible in their approaches and the ability to adapt quickly to changing conditions.

5. Geopolitical competition and external interventions

The geopolitical competition between Russia and other world powers, especially the United States, poses a serious obstacle to technological cooperation. Competition for influence in Central Asia and other strategically important regions can cause misunderstandings and tensions between countries.

The growing influence of the United States in the region creates additional challenges for Russian-Chinese cooperation. The United States actively supports countries such as Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan in an effort to limit the influence of Russia and China in Central Asia. For example, in 2021, the United States announced a new package of economic assistance to the countries of Central Asia, which causes concern to Russia, as this may affect Russian interests in the region [10, p. 387].

In addition, security programs such as the "Triple Partnership" between the United States, Japan and India may create additional risks for both countries, as they may perceive this as an attempt to encircle and weaken their positions in the international arena [19, p. 9]. Competition for resources and political influence in such regions can lead to distrust and conflicts of interest, which will affect technological cooperation.

Conflicts of interest arising from geopolitical tensions can make joint efforts in high technology difficult. For example, when both countries try to increase their influence on certain strategically important technologies, such as 5G and artificial intelligence, this can lead to misunderstandings and even conflicts [8, p. 34]. As researcher Mityurev pointed out, "competition between the two countries in the field of technology can lead to barriers that slow down innovation and the development of new technologies" [17. p. 77].

Geopolitical competition may also create the need to develop new technologies to ensure national security, which may also divert resources and attention from joint projects. For example, China's desire to develop its own technologies in order to reduce dependence on foreign suppliers may create additional difficulties for joint initiatives with Russia [20, p. 113].

The prospects

In the future, Russian-Chinese cooperation in the field of technology has significant prospects that can be implemented in various fields. These prospects are based on the complementarity of the economies of both countries and their desire to jointly cope with global challenges.

1. Cooperation at the political, economic, military and social levels

Russia and China can deepen cooperation at the political, economic and social levels, which will strengthen their strategic partnership. Political cooperation may include joint initiatives within international organizations such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and BRICS. These platforms provide an opportunity to discuss key security, economic and development issues. For example, in 2022, at the SCO summit in Samarkand, both countries signed a number of agreements related to the joint fight against terrorism and extremism, which underlines the importance of political interaction to ensure stability in the region [3, p. 48].

Economic cooperation can be based on joint projects in the field of finance, trade and technology. In the context of global economic instability caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and international politics, the two countries can join forces to counter external challenges. For example, in 2023, Russia and China signed an agreement on the creation of a joint investment fund, which will be aimed at supporting small and medium-sized enterprises in both countries, which contributes to economic growth and reduces dependence on Western markets [16, p. 24]. Given the strong complementarity of the economies, both sides can achieve mutually beneficial results in areas such as energy and manufacturing. In particular, energy projects such as the Power of Siberia are examples of how countries can effectively use their resources and technologies to achieve common goals.

The military prospects for cooperation between Russia and China also look promising. Both states are actively developing joint military exercises and projects, which strengthens their defense capabilities and cooperation. In 2022, the joint exercises “Peace Mission 2022” took place, during which Russia and China worked out cooperation in crisis situations, which contributed to deepening trust and understanding between the countries. In 2023, the signed “Agreement on Military-technical Cooperation” establishes mechanisms for the joint development of modern technologies and the exchange of experience, which includes the creation of unmanned systems and air defense systems. These measures will help to improve operational readiness and enhance the defense capability of both states, as well as strengthen their positions in global security [8, p. 28].

2. Cooperation in the social sphere

In the social sphere, Russia and China can improve the quality of life of citizens through joint projects in the field of ecology, health and education. In particular, environmental initiatives, such as the exchange of experience in the field of environmental protection, can lead to the introduction of modern technologies to improve living conditions. For example, in 2021, Russia and China launched a joint project to clean up the Amur River, which not only improves the environmental situation, but also contributes to the development of the local economy [9, p. 22].

In the field of health, cooperation can be manifested through joint research and development of vaccines, which was especially relevant in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The parties have already begun to share scientific data and conduct joint clinical trials, which will help create safer and more effective medicines to fight infections [24, p. 9].

It is also worth noting that educational cooperation can become an important factor for further rapprochement between the two countries. Student exchange programs and joint research projects can contribute to deepening mutual understanding and trust between peoples [10, p. 391].

3. Technological competition in the context of globalization

In the context of globalization, technological competition can be defined as competition between states in the field of scientific research, innovation and commercialization of technologies. This interaction can both deepen cooperation and create new challenges. Russia and China can use cooperation to increase competitiveness in international markets. For example, joint research and development of new materials and technologies can enhance the innovative potential of both countries [3, p. 27].

An important aspect is that in conditions of fierce international competition, where technological advances determine economic and military superiority, countries must join forces. As Professor of International Relations Yuri Ustinov noted, "in the context of globalization, countries must join forces to effectively confront the challenges of technological competition" [22, p. 45]. Thus, joint efforts in the field of technology can lead to the creation of more sustainable and innovative solutions that will help both countries strengthen their positions on the global stage.

In the context of technological competition, it is also important to take into account that cooperation in the field of high technologies can help both countries better cope with sanctions and external restrictions. For example, joint developments in the field of artificial intelligence can provide an opportunity not only to create competitive products, but also to ensure independence from Western technologies [16, p. 27].

Thus, cooperation between Russia and China in the field of technology not only has significant prospects, but can also serve as an important factor in strengthening their strategic partnership and increasing competitiveness in the international arena.


Despite the existing challenges, technological cooperation between Russia and China demonstrates significant potential and remains an important element of bilateral relations. In the course of this study, various aspects of this cooperation were considered, starting with the influence of political, economic and technological factors on bilateral relations and ending with an analysis of possible risks and strategies to overcome them. We noted that political instability, changes in legislation and economic volatility can become serious obstacles to successful technological cooperation. In addition, differences in technological standards and cybersecurity risks add new difficulties to joint projects.

Nevertheless, the deepening of cooperation in the field of high technologies opens up new horizons for both countries. Russia and China have unique opportunities for mutual exchange of advanced knowledge and experience in such strategically important sectors as artificial intelligence, 5G technologies, space and energy cooperation. Investments in these areas can not only strengthen national economies, but also create new opportunities for leading positions in the global arena, despite the increasing international competition. In this regard, the development of new mechanisms for the regulation and coordination of bilateral technology projects becomes an important task.

It is important to emphasize that this study makes an innovative contribution to the understanding of Russian and Chinese technological cooperation, highlighting its multilevel nature and strategic importance in the context of global instability. It highlights the need to integrate technology and policy solutions, which will allow for more effective overcoming of existing barriers. In addition, the study examines the possibilities of creating joint research centers and innovation hubs that can become the basis for the sustainable development of technological exchange.

It is also worth noting that technological cooperation between Russia and China plays not only an economic role, but also contributes to strengthening geopolitical interaction. In the context of global instability, sanctions pressure and technological protectionism from Western countries, Russia and China can use their cooperation as a tool to counter external threats. This is especially relevant in the context of the creation and strengthening of new regional and international alliances, such as the Belt and Road Initiative and the Eurasian Economic Partnership.

In order to achieve long-term success, it is necessary that both sides continue to develop cooperation mechanisms aimed at achieving mutually beneficial results. This includes the creation of sustainable financial and technological platforms that will help minimize risks and ensure stability even in the face of political and economic fluctuations. Only on the basis of trust and joint strategies will Russia and China be able to withstand external threats and ensure the sustainable growth of their technologies and economies. This is the basis for the further development of Russian-Chinese relations, which will continue to play a key role in the global technological and economic agenda.

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First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

This article analyzes the impact of technological cooperation between Russia and China on bilateral relations, and it examines both positive and negative aspects of this interaction. The author of the article focuses on such areas as artificial intelligence, digital economy, cybersecurity and military technologies. The key objective of the study is formulated in the introduction in a fairly clear way and focuses on the analysis of prospects and challenges for international cooperation between Russia and China. Research methodology The author uses theoretical approaches related to the concept of "rivalry and cooperation" developed by J. Hiring in the 1990s in the context of the study of globalization processes. There are a number of areas in which cooperation is analyzed. The concepts of liberalism and realism are highlighted separately in the context of describing technological cooperation. However, the research methods are not clearly articulated. The relevance of the topic is due to the growing technological interaction between the two countries against the background of global changes. In the context of international instability and sanctions pressure from the West, cooperation in high technologies is becoming a key element for both countries. The scientific novelty of the article contributes to the study of Russian-Chinese relations, emphasizing the multilevel nature of technological cooperation and its strategic importance. She also examines issues of trust and differences in levels of technological development, which adds a new dimension to existing research. In this regard, it is definitely of considerable interest to readers of the journal "Law and Politics". Style, structure, content The article is written in clear and logical language, has a clear structure, thematic subheadings, which facilitates the perception of the material. Each section follows logically from the previous one, which creates a holistic view of the topic. However, in some places the text is overloaded with details, which can make it difficult for a wide audience to understand. The bibliography of the article is extensive and diverse, which indicates a deep study of the topic and the use of relevant sources. The list of references includes both Russian and English-language sources, including Chinese authors. This adds scientific value and persuasiveness to the arguments presented. Appeal to opponents The article could benefit from a more detailed discussion of alternative points of view, especially in the context of geopolitical competition and external interventions. Mentioning the opinions of critics could enrich the analysis and make it more balanced. The article also makes absolutely no mention of military cooperation between Russia and China in the context of global conflicts. Conclusions, the interest of the readership As a whole, the article is a significant contribution to the study of Russian-Chinese relations and technological cooperation. It will be of interest to both specialists in the field of international relations and a wide audience interested in global political processes. It is recommended to send the article for revision, taking into account some comments regarding the overload of the text and the need for a more in-depth analysis of alternative points of view. Moreover, the examples in the text are chronologically limited to the year 2022, that is, before the beginning of the Russian Federation. These events have made a significant contribution to the development of the dynamics of bilateral relations against the background of changing economic background and sanctions pressure. Without analyzing the current international reality, the article will not be able to present a clear vision of the current prospects of relations between Russia and China. The author should also apply the case study method and analysis of the political and legal doctrines of the two states to compare worldview and ideological positions in the international arena.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the peer-reviewed study is the factor of technological cooperation between China and Russia and its impact on the development of relations between the two countries. Given the "reorientation of Russia to the East" and the deepening of cooperation with China, the relevance of the topic chosen by the author for research can hardly be overestimated. The author's theoretical and methodological choice also seems to be quite adequate: realism in international relations, as well as the concept of competition and cooperation by Joseph Nye, was used as the basic theory; and case study, historical and institutional (which the author mistakenly calls "political and legal analysis") were used as the main methods. The factorial method could also be included in this list, with the caveat that this method does not always mean statistical analysis (which is not included in the reviewed article). The correct application of these methods allowed the author to obtain results with signs of scientific novelty. First of all, we are talking about the factors identified in the course of the study to strengthen bilateral relations between Russia and China, as well as the problems that could potentially arise in the interaction of these countries. The conclusions concerning the current state of technological cooperation between Russia and China, as well as possible directions for the development of this cooperation, are also of scientific interest. Finally, the author's forecast regarding the prospects for the development of Russian-Chinese relations, as well as some recommendations for strengthening cooperation between the two countries, has a certain scientific value. Structurally, the reviewed work also makes quite a positive impression: its logic is consistent and represents the main points of the conducted research. The following sections are highlighted in the text: - an uncluttered introductory part, where a scientific problem is posed, its relevance is justified, and also briefly (perhaps even too briefly, however, part of the description of the methodology for some reason turned out to be in the next section) describes the methods used; - "Factors contributing to technological cooperation between Russia and China", which analyzes the main factors of strengthening Russian-Chinese relations, with an emphasis on cooperation in the field of science and technology; - "The current state of technological cooperation", which examines the current state of Russian-Chinese technological cooperation; - "Problems", where, despite the excessive conciseness of the title (from the point of view of style, it would be better to specify in the title exactly which problems are being discussed), the main problems in technological cooperation between Russia and China are disclosed in sufficient detail and in detail; - "Prospects" (it would also be a better stylistically solution if the title specified the prospects in which area it was about), where a forecast is made regarding the main prospects for the development of cooperation between the two countries in the field of technology; - "Conclusion", which summarizes the results of the study, draws conclusions and outlines prospects for further research. The style of the reviewed article is scientific and analytical. There are a small number of stylistic and grammatical errors in the text, but in general it is written quite competently, in good Russian, with the correct use of scientific terminology. The bibliography includes 34 titles, including sources in foreign languages, and adequately reflects the state of research on the subject of the article. The appeal to the opponents takes place in the description and argumentation of the theoretical and methodological choice. Among the advantages of the article, one can also indicate a fairly extensive empirical base used for analysis. GENERAL CONCLUSION: the article proposed for review can be qualified as a scientific work that meets the basic requirements for works of this kind. The results obtained by the author will be interesting for political scientists, sociologists, specialists in the field of public administration, world politics and international relations, as well as for students of the listed specialties. The presented material corresponds to the subject of the journal "Law and Politics". According to the results of the review, the article is recommended for publication.