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Naming of characters in computer game discourse as a factor in the development of translingualism and transculturality in the world (based on the material of the game Genshin Impact)

Timofeeva Marta Nikolaevna

ORCID: 0009-0002-6437-715X

Postgraduate student; Department of General and Russian Linguistics; Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str., 10k2, room 643
Fedyurko Alina Artemovna

Graduate student; Department of General and Russian Linguistics; Patrice Lumumba Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

117198, Russia, Moscow, Miklukho-Maklaya str., 10k2, office 643









Abstract: This article examines the influence of video games on the interpenetration of world languages and cultures. The object of the study is video game discourse. The subject is the naming of video game characters as an element of the development of translingualism and transculturalism in the world. The material of the study is an onymic of one of the most popular video games – Genshin Impact. The author examines such aspects of the topic as the emergence of key research concepts – translingualism and transculturality, video games as an artistic text, mechanisms for translating cultural values and linguistic features of a global audience through naming and the consequences of their impact on the linguistic picture of the world of gamers.The purpose of the study is to analyze the naming of the Genshin Impact video game as one of the mechanisms for the spread of translingualism and transculturality, which determines the formulation of the following tasks: 1) identification of the principles of naming Genshin Impact characters and their classification; 2) selection of names of Genshin Impact characters to illustrate the highlighted naming strategies; 3) consideration of the influence of game naming on the linguistic personalities of gamers.  The following methods were used in the study: a functional analysis of the mechanisms of "naming" the characters of the video game Genshin Impact, a selection of character names, an analysis of the influence of naming the game on the linguistic personalities of the players. The relevance of the research is due to the study of translinguism and transculturalism – important phenomena of modernity due to changes in the structure of society and the dynamics of cultural processes. The analysis of the names of the characters in the game Genshin Impact, which is an example of a transcultural product, will reveal how the linguistic and cultural features of naming affect the perception of the game world and form multicultural competence among players. The research will reveal the mechanisms of translation of cultural values and linguistic features through naming in the context of a global audience, which is important for understanding the process of cultural exchange in the modern world. During the experiment, we obtained the following results: 1) there are four strategies for nominating Genshin Impact heroes: reflecting the appearance of characters, precedent phenomena, unique game mechanics, as well as tracing paper; 2) the names of heroes reflect the linguistic and cultural realities of different countries (China, Japan, Germany, etc.); 3) naming the Genshin Impact video game promotes the development of translingualism and transculturality of players from different countries.


translinguality, transculturality, game, video game, Genshin Impact, linguoculture, Chinese language, game discourse, precedent name, precedent phenomenon

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The term transculturalism was introduced into science in 1940 by the Cuban scientist F. Ortiz [9]. It can be defined as "the simultaneous existence of an individual in the role of several identities in different cultures at once, while preserving the imprints of each of them" [6. P. 158]. A few decades later, the concept of translingualism or translingualism appears – the use of the entire communicative repertoire of the speaker, as a result of which languages and cultures smoothly flow into each other, sometimes helping, and sometimes hindering [10].

Video games can contribute to the development of transculturalism and translingualism. They often offer players the opportunity to explore worlds inspired by different cultures, which includes exploring new languages, customs, history, religion and folklore.

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the lack of research on video games in the context of the theory of translinguism. The results of the study are useful both in practical and theoretical terms. It presents a variant of the classification of strategies for nominating game characters, applicable not only to Genshin Impact, but also to gacha games in general, the etymology of some names is analyzed in detail and the principle of their impact on the linguistic picture of the world of players is described.

The study of character naming in Genshin Impact contributes to the development of the theory of translinguality and transculturality in the context of computer games. It allows you to expand your understanding of the role of linguistic and cultural elements in shaping the game world and their impact on the perception of different cultures by players. The analysis of the naming of characters will reveal the mechanisms of translation of cultural values and linguistic features in a global audience, deepening theoretical knowledge about the relationship between language, culture and gameplay.

The results of the research can be used for practical purposes aimed at developing more effective and interesting transcultural games. Understanding the patterns of character naming will allow developers to create more convincing and attractive images of characters, contributing to the player's immersion in the virtual world and stimulating his interest in other cultures. The research can also be useful for teachers of foreign languages and for creators of educational games, allowing them to use naming as a tool to increase motivation to learn languages and cultures.

Discussion and results

The field of video games enjoys the attention of millions of users. Creating a game reality is a complex and multi–step process, in which character development occupies an important place. One of the main tasks when introducing a character into the game is to create a memorable image consisting of the character's appearance, history, characteristics and name.

Video games are fully artistic texts [2. P. 116], which gives us the opportunity to consider the game Genshin Impact from a linguistic point of view. The video game includes several levels: game mechanics, text and audio-visual content. [4. p. 120]. Character development is an extremely complex and time–consuming process, which includes sketching, creating a model, clothing, appearance, character, and character movements. These technical tasks follow a concept that defines the story of the character's appearance, its main features, which, together with the plot and the time frame of the game, affects the choice of name.

By computer-gaming discourse, following E.E. Yarenchuk, we mean a set of texts through which the interaction of the game developer and the player or players takes place [8. P. 79]. In this discourse, we will consider proper names and their key specifics in the context of video games, the main function of which is interlanguage, intercultural interaction, since a video game involves communication between representatives of different countries forming teams within the game.

The game has long been considered as a way of learning [1, 3, 7]. A video game, being a part of an ordinary game, creates a field for communication between representatives of different cultures, which in itself contributes to the development of transculturalism among gamers. The naming of characters is closely related to the language of the manufacturer, so that gamers from different countries can learn foreign languages to one degree or another (the development of translinguism).

Genshin Impact (Chinese:u yuán shén) is an adventure computer game created by the Chinese company "miHoYo Limited", the development of which began in 2017. Currently, Genshin Impact is one of the company's most successful products. The key factors of such popularity are the visual component and the plot (the main character / heroine overcomes various difficulties in the process of searching for a brother / sister and learns about the events of a terrible disaster that happened more than 500 years ago). Currently, there are nine unique locations in the Genshin Impact game world (including such locations as the Rift, Encanomy, the underground level of the Sumeru map, the underwater part of the Fotein map), as well as 79 original characters with carefully thought-out appearance and names.

During the research, we analyzed the names of all the characters: 39 four-star characters, 40 five-star characters. Based on this analysis, the following strategies for naming the characters of the game Genshin Impact were identified:

1. Naming conventions reflecting the appearance of the characters:

1.1. Naming conventions related to the main colors of the character's costume;

1.2. Naming conventions related to the element of the element to which the character belongs;

2. Naming conventions containing precedent phenomena;

3. Naming conventions reflecting the unique game mechanics of the character;

4. Naming conventions-tracing paper, adapted names.

Each strategy used by developers when naming characters is aimed at creating an original memorable image. Let's look at the nomination methods using examples.

1. Naming reflecting the appearance of the characters is one of the most common ways of nomination. This strategy not only helps to consolidate the image of the character in the minds of players and make it more marketable, but also significantly facilitates the perception of the hero of the game by players.

1.1 An example of a character whose name is associated with the main colors of his costume is Yan Fei (Chinese: 烟绯 yān fēi), a four–star character, a representative of the Li Yue region. According to the plot of the game, Yan Fei is assigned the role of a legal consultant, she appears more than once in the tasks of legends, is a frequent participant in special events in the game. Literally, the name translates as “red haze" (translated by the authors). The heroine's outfit is really dominated by red, shades of pink, burgundy (Fig. 1.1). A similar technique used by the developers when naming the character made it possible to single out Yan Fei among other four-star heroes and make her one of the most recognizable characters in the game.

1.2 There are fewer nominations related to one of the seven elements (pyro, hydro, cryo, electro, geo, dendro, anemo) to which the character belongs in the game than there are names related to the color of the costume. It is assumed that this is due to the fact that the hero's belonging to a particular element is clearly manifested in the elements of the outfit. A good example of a hero whose name is directly related to the elements is Xin Yan (Chinese: 辛焱 xīn yàn), a representative of the Li Yue region, a rock musician (Fig. 1.2). The character's name translates as “sharp spark” (translated by the authors). The translation refers the players to the flame, the pyro element to which Xin Yan belongs.

Source: Social Internet service, photo hosting "Pinterest". URL: / (date of request: 09/05/2024)

Source: An image sharing and social media service ‘Pinterest’.

URL: (accessed: 05.09.2024)

Source: Social Internet service, photo hosting "Pinterest". URL: / (date of request: 09/05/2024)

Source: An image sharing and social media service ‘Pinterest’.

URL: (accessed: 05.09.2024)

Such a strategy, used by developers when nominating a hero, is not the most profitable. As mentioned above, there is another, more visual way to designate the element to which the hero belongs.

2. Names reflecting the phenomena of different cultures, most often have characters whose role in the plot of the game can be considered key. The prototypes of the regions of Teiwat (the fictional world in which the game Genshin Impact takes place) are the countries and parts of the world of the real world. For example, Germany served as the prototype of Monstadt, and Japan served as the prototype of Inazuma. The names of the characters vary depending on the place in which they live. For example, the names of the inhabitants of Inazuma resemble the names of the Japanese (Yae Miko, Kamisato Ayaka), and the names of the inhabitants of Mondstadt resemble European names (Jinn, Barbra). Precedent phenomena containing elements of cultures from different countries are noted in architecture, costumes, names of dishes, as well as in the names of heroes.

We refer to precedent phenomena as phenomena "significant for a particular personality in cognitive and emotional relations, having a superpersonal character, i.e. well-known to the environment of this personality, including predecessors and contemporaries, and, finally, such appeals to which are repeatedly renewed in the discourse of this linguistic personality" [5. P. 216]. One of the functions of precedent phenomena is the division of the audience into "friends" and "strangers", where those who recognize references and meanings are "friends". A separate category of precedent phenomena are precedent names [6].

Most of the cultural references contain the names of those heroes who live in the Li Yue region. This is due to the fact that China served as the prototype of this region (recall that the company "miHoYo Limited" is also Chinese).

As an example of a hero whose name has references to Chinese culture, we cite Ning Guang (Chinese: Ning guang), one of the main figures in the plot of Li Yue (Fig. 2.1). Ning Guang is a representative of the Qixin group that manages the region, a successful entrepreneur and the richest man Li Yue.

Her name translates as “frozen light" (translated by the authors). The heroine bears a resemblance to the Chinese goddess Gong Ying, who, according to legends, hears all the suffering in the world. In the story, players learn that Ning Guang "hears" and "sees" everything that happens in the world thanks to three assistants. Guan Ying is also found in Wu Chengen's Chinese novel "Journey to the West" (Chinese:《西游游 xī yóu jì), where he helps desperate heroes find a way out of the current situation. According to the plot of the game, Ning Guang also helps the main character defeat the monster in a decisive battle, sacrificing the Jade Palace – the most valuable and expensive thing she has.

A precedent phenomenon referring players to Japanese culture is the name of the character Shogun Raiden (Chinese: 雷电军军 léi diàn jiāng jūn, Japanese: 雷電将軍 Raiden Shougun). Shogun Raiden (one of the names) is the electro-archon, the deity of eternity (Fig. 2.2). He is the supreme ruler of Inazuma. As the deity controlling the electro element, Shogun Raiden commands lightning and thunder. In Japanese mythology, we find the god Raijin, who, according to Buddhist and Shinto religions, commands thunder.

Source: Social Internet service, photo hosting "Pinterest". URL: /(date of request: 09/06/2024)

Source: An image sharing and social media service ‘Pinterest’. URL: (accessed: 06.09.2024)

Source: Social Internet service, photo hosting "Pinterest". URL: / (date of request: 09/06/2024)

Source: An image sharing and social media service ‘Pinterest’. URL: (accessed: 06.09.2024)

The name Shogun Raiden translates as “General of thunder" (translated by the authors). It directly indicates that the character controls lightning, as does the god Raijin. In addition, the names of the character and the god are similar in sound, which gives us the right to conclude: Inazuma's electro-archon is a direct reference to the god Raijin.

3. Naming conventions reflecting the unique game mechanics of the character. For each character of the Genshin Impact game, the developers create unique mechanics (abilities) related to the elements of the game: combat, cooking, chopping trees, swimming underwater, etc. During the analysis of the names of the characters, we found out that a number of names directly indicate these abilities. Such nominations turned out to be rare, most likely due to the difficulty of selecting hieroglyphs that would reflect the skills of the hero.

The name of one of the most recognizable and popular characters in the game Genshin Impact is a vivid example of how euphony and a reference to a unique superpower are combined in the nomination. Gan Yu (Chinese: 甘雨 gān yǔ) is a resident of Li Yue, secretary of the Moon Sea Pavilion (Fig. 3.1). The heroine has repeatedly been a participant in special events of the game Genshin Impact, often appeared in the main plot of the game. According to statistics maintained by the company "miHoYo Limited", Gan Yu is one of the most popular characters.

The name of the heroine can be translated as “sweet rain” (translated by the authors). While using his superpower, Gan Yu summons rain, which falls on enemies in icy drops and causes damage to them. You can see that the name has a direct reference to the character's superpowers.

A similar strategy of choosing a name for the character was also used by the developers when naming the anemo-hero Kaedehara Kazuha (Chinese: 枫原万叶 fēng yuán wàn yè, Japanese: 楓原万葉 Kaedehara Kazuha). This character is a native of Inazuma, traveling the world on a ship (Fig. 3.2). Kazuha is not only a skilled warrior, but also a talented poet.

Source: Social Internet service, photo hosting "Pinterest". URL: / (accessed 07.09.2024)

Source: An image sharing and social media service ‘Pinterest’. URL: (accessed: 07.09.2024)

Source: Social Internet service, photo hosting "Pinterest". URL: / (accessed 07.09.2024)
Source: An image sharing and social media service ‘Pinterest’. URL: 07.09.2024)

The last name of the hero (Kaedehara, kit. 枫原 fēng yuán, 楓原 Kaedehara) can be translated as "maple valley”, and the name (Kazuha, kit. 万叶 wàn yè, 万葉 Kazuha) 'ten thousand leaves' (translated by the authors). When Kaedehara's superpower is activated, Kazuha creates a wind current around the battlefield, absorbing the power of one of the elements. Maple leaves are swirling in a whirlwind.

Another translation of the hero's name – "myriad leaves" (translated by the authors) – refers to the Japanese poetry collection "Collection of Myriad Leaves" (compiled by Otomo no Yakamochi) and focuses on the fact that Kaedehara Kazuha is a poet.

4. Naming conventions-tracing paper, adapted names. We have already mentioned that the prototypes of the regions of the Genshin Impact game are the countries of the real world. In order to convey the atmosphere and culture of the country, the game developers pay attention not only to the names of locations, dishes and the appearance of the characters, but also to their names.

Calculus as a way of adapting foreign words is one of the most common ways to enrich the lexical composition of the Chinese language. The developers of the company "miHoYo Limited" also often resort to this strategy when nominating characters belonging to regions whose prototypes are countries such as France, Germany, India, etc.

The name of the character Albedo (kit. 阿贝多 a bèi duō) is an example of using the calculus method when naming a hero. Albedo is an artificially created man, the chief chemist of Mondstadt. Albedo's middle name is Prince of Chalk (Fig. 4.1)

This name is a tracing paper of the Latin word Albedo, which literally means “white light” (translated by the authors). The albedo stage is one of the parts of the "Great Alchemical Work" (the creation of the Philosopher's Stone). As we can see, the Latin word refers players to several aspects related to the character Albedo at once: 1) Albedo's outfit is dominated by white; 2) being artificially created, Albedo has no life history, which causes an association with a "blank slate"; 3) Albedo is a chemist and is busy searching for an elixir capable of creating artificial life. Subsequently, the hero manages to create a new life from a sugar flower, a plant that is widespread throughout the vast Teiwat. Albedo named his creation Sucrose.

Another example of a hero with a tracing paper name can be considered Kli (kit. 可莉 kě lì) - a pyro character from Moscow, an elf (Fig. 4.2). Her name is an adaptation of the German word Klee, which means “clover".

Clover is part of the heroine's image. You can see elements of clover on her outfit, and a clover is also depicted on the superpower icon. The constellation (unique character enhancement mechanics) of the Kli is called the “Four-Leaf Clover".

Clover as a symbol of good luck is also related to the Kli. She is the daughter of one of the most influential witches of Teiwat, every day of the heroine is filled with fun and children's fun. One of Clee's hobbies – explosives – has a devastating effect on everything around, but never once has the heroine herself suffered from her hobby.

Source: Social Internet service, photo hosting "Pinterest". URL: / (accessed 07.09.2024)

Source: An image sharing and social media service ‘Pinterest’. URL: (accessed: 07.09.2024)

Source: Social Internet service, photo hosting "Pinterest". URL: / (accessed 08.09.2024)
Source: An image sharing and social media service ‘Pinterest’. URL: (accessed: 08.09.2024)

According to the latest data, the daily attendance of the Genshin Impact video game is 10 million players, the monthly figure is 65 million players [11]. The top five countries in terms of the number of players include China, Japan, the USA, Brazil and Russia. Millions of players of different ethnicities are united by one fantastic world created from pieces of their cultures. In the minds of the players, different national characteristics, in particular names, are collected into a single canvas. This interpenetration is the beginning of transculturalism.

The situation is similar with the development of transingualism. The names of the characters, being elements of different languages, have a certain sound-letter design and semantic load. The first one is immediately read and remembered. This expands the familiar onymic circle of players, organically fitting new names into their linguistic picture. The player can learn the second from articles, video reviews and other additional materials on the game Genshin Impact. And although the translations of names will be repeated by players much less than the names themselves, they will be remembered, because they will be associated with vivid images of characters (remember that the most common strategy for nominating characters is by appearance). Of course, simply remembering names and their meanings cannot fully develop a person's translingualism, but it can be the beginning of this development.


During the analysis of the naming of the Genshin Impact video game, four strategies for nominating Genshin Impact heroes were identified: reflecting the appearance of characters, precedent phenomena, unique game mechanics, as well as tracing paper. The first strategy is the most common.

The examples selected for each strategy showed how the names of the characters convey the linguistic and cultural realities of different countries: China (Yan Fei, Ning Guang, Gan Yu, etc.), Japan (Raijin, Kaedehara Kazuha), Germany (Kli), Ancient Rome and Medieval Europe (Albedo).

By logging into the game every day, taking part in the process and discussing it with like-minded people, players remember the names of the characters well. Those who are particularly liked are studied more carefully: mechanics, history, the meaning of the name. Thus, the linguistic picture of the players' world is imperceptibly enriched with elements of foreign languages, which contributes to the development of translingualism. And if we take into account the large number of references to the cultural history of different countries (precedent phenomena), then transculturalism.

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The reviewed article is devoted to the study of the naming of characters in computer-gaming discourse as a factor in the development of translingualism and transculturality in the world. The relevance of this work is beyond doubt and is due to the special interest of scientists in computer gaming discourse, including due to the fact that "video games can contribute to the development of transculturalism and translingualism. They often offer players the opportunity to explore worlds inspired by different cultures, which includes exploring new languages, customs, history, religion and folklore." The theoretical basis of this scientific research was the works of Russian and foreign scientists, such as F. Ortiz, G.-G. Gadamer, Y. N. Karaulov, Z. G. Proshina, J. Heising, E.E. Yarenchuk, D. D. Kalnov, etc. The practical part of the study is based on the material of the Genshin Impact computer game: "the names of all 79 original characters with carefully thought-out appearance and names are analyzed." The analysis of the theoretical material and its practical justification allowed the author(s) to establish that "in computer-gaming discourse, the main function of proper names and their key specificity in the context of video games consists in interlanguage, intercultural interaction, since a video game involves communication between representatives of different countries forming teams within the game." The research methodology is traditional and chosen taking into account the specifics of the subject, object, purpose and objectives of the work: descriptive and historical-cultural methods, the method of system analysis, interpretative analysis of the selected material, thanks to which a "variant of classification of strategies for nominating game characters is proposed, applicable not only to Genshin Impact, but also to gacha games in general, in detail the etymology of some names is analyzed and the principle of their influence on the linguistic picture of the players' world is described." The material presented in the paper has a clear, logically structured structure: Introduction, Discussion and results, Conclusion. The analysis of the characters is supported by their color image, which contributes to a more complete perception of the material. The style of presentation meets the requirements of scientific description: "By computer-gaming discourse, following E.E. Yarenchuk, we understand ...", "We refer to precedent phenomena as phenomena ...", "In this discourse we will consider proper names and their key specifics in the context of video games)". The bibliography of the article includes 12 sources, including scientific works in Russian and English. Only three sources have been published in the last 3 years, which may cast doubt on the relevance of the chosen research topic. This remark does not detract from the importance of the work done, however, in the future the author(s) should use more relevant sources on the studied issues. The theoretical significance of the work is due to its contribution to solving modern linguistic problems related to the study of the features of computer-gaming discourse, as well as to the development of the theory of translingualism and transculturality in the context of computer games. The reviewed work has practical significance, which lies in the possibility of using its results in university courses in linguoculturology, stylistics, discourse theory, text linguistics, linguopragmatics and cognitive linguistics. The material will be useful to the creators of computer games: "understanding the patterns of naming characters will allow developers to create more convincing and attractive images of heroes, contributing to the player's immersion in the virtual world and stimulating his interest in other cultures." The article has a complete form, it is quite independent, original, will be interesting and useful to a wide range of people and can be recommended for publication in the scientific journal "Litera".