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The communicative potential of a social brand

Usova Ekaterina Vladimirovna

PhD in Politics

Associate Professor; Department of Constitutional and International Law; Astrakhan State University named after V.N. Tatishchev

414056, Russia, Astrakhan region, Astrakhan, Tatishcheva str., 20, office a
Murav'eva Karine Artemovna

PhD in Pedagogy

Associate Professor; Institute of Philology, History and Oriental Studies; Sakhalin State University

693000, Russia, Sakhalin region, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Lenin str., 290









Abstract: The subject of the study is the communication aspect of branding. The object of the study is a social brand in a communication environment. The authors consider branding in detail as one of their areas of communication activity, turn to the history of the emergence of the concept of "brand", identify the main areas of research on branding in Russia as a communication technology. Special attention is paid to the study of the concepts of social responsibility, as well as the concept of "social brand". The study identifies the main areas of social responsibility of modern business. The emergence of the phenomenon of "social brand" is associated by the authors with the implementation of the ideas of social responsibility. As an example of a social brand, the article considers a social project – Gazprom for Children. The authors have identified the characteristics of the social brand that the named social project possesses. Through the implementation of a social project, the image of the company is formed in the eyes of the general public. The research was carried out using general scientific methods. In particular, the methods of analyzing the concepts of brand, social and commercial brand, and social responsibility are applied. The analysis of these concepts required their simultaneous comprehension in interrelation and interaction, thus, the synthesis method was used. The methods of analogy, the method of system analysis, the method of structural and functional analysis were also used. The main conclusions of the study are: the absence in modern science of a clearly formulated concept of "social brand" and its characteristic features; the formation of ideas about a social brand is caused by the purposeful implementation of socially responsible behavior by companies; the transmission of social responsibility forms a social image of the company in the eyes of the public, which positively affects the attitude towards it. The communication component of social responsibility is actively manifested in the provision of non-financial reporting to the general public. It has been established that not every line of activity implemented within the framework of social responsibility acquires the image of a social brand. A special contribution of the authors to the research of the topic is the formulation of the definition of the concept of "social brand", the establishment of the relationship between social responsibility and social brand, the identification of the main characteristics of a social brand and its communication potential. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that it presents the author's vision of a social brand through the prism of communication activities.


social brand, branding, social responsibility, social project, communication, social report, socially significant problems, social image, non-financial reporting standards, the public

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Communication plays an important role in the development of society. Modern social relations are permeated with communication processes in all their manifestations. One of the areas of communication is branding, which is studied in the framework of public relations and advertising. In the most general view, branding is a planned process of creating a brand.

Turning to the concept of "brand", it should be noted that the appearance of this term in circulation was caused by the development of economic relations and commercial activities of market participants. Therefore, the semantic content of the "brand" in the public consciousness primarily appeals to the commercial designation. However, the current state of social development, the economy and the communication space require a clear distinction between brands – commercial and social.

The study of modern scientific literature allows us to state that there are a number of problems in understanding the designated categories. The concept of a "social brand" is faced with the need to develop characteristics that can be used to formulate a new definition, characteristic of both commercial and non-commercial activities, which has gained importance in the modern communication space.

The purpose and methodology of the study

The purpose of the article is to study the communicative potential of a social brand. The proposed goal predetermined the use of several general scientific methods. The article uses methods of analysis and synthesis, analogies, structural and functional, descriptive, as well as the method of system analysis.

The results of the study

In modern communication science, special attention is paid to branding, existing foreign and Russian brands, their development programs are analyzed [1], the conceptual foundations and sociology of branding are investigated [2]. In the age of information technology, communication channels that are directly important in brand formation have changed. In modern science, close attention is paid to the study of information and communication technologies used by the mass media [3], as well as the specifics of the development of communications and media practices [4].

The concept of "brand" continues to arouse interest among researchers. Historically, it has existed for as long as economic relations have been developing. Even in Ancient Rome, a brand was a sign used for branding cattle. Having passed all stages of society's development, the "brand" in the modern world is used in advertising, marketing, and public relations. In modern science, there is an intensive scientific discourse on the concept and content of the brand, since there is no equivalent in Russian.

An analysis of the scientific literature has shown that a brand is more often considered as a designation used in commercial activities: a brand as a trademark, an image of a product brand in the mind of a buyer, a trademark complemented by everything that consumers think, know about the product, the expectations that they associate with it. If we turn to the works of K. Keller [5] and D. Aaaker [6], then in them the brand is characterized from the perspective of consumer perceptions and their associations about the brand. From a psychological point of view, the brand is not just an image formed by the consumer, but also an image that influences him. [7] The psychological mechanisms of brand formation are studied from the perspective of effective management of consumer behavior. [8, p.126] At the same time, L.M. Semenova identifies a system of integrators – communicative and symbolic, used in branding, which contributes to brand promotion, maintaining the brand image, its identity and recognition. [9, p.108] Meanwhile, these approaches almost do not address the issues of how modern brands are being modified and transformed. Research in these areas is conducted within the framework of communication branding.

The last decade in the development of public relations has been marked by an increase in interest in the communication component of the brand. A. N. Chumikov defines a brand as "a graphic and semantic image of an object that has received a high degree of fame, loyalty and, as a result, emotional trust that does not require rational argumentation; acquired reputation expressed in a clear and positive perception of semantic (textual, visual, auditory, sensory) messages emanating from the object" (Chumikov A.N. Public Relations and Media communications. M.: Yurayt Publishing House, 2024. P. 79), stimulates the interest of specialists in the communication component of the brand, and the planned process of its creation (branding) is called the communication technology of the XXI century, which requires distinguishing branding from marketing or other activities.

In Russia, the communication aspect of branding was first discussed on a large scale at a conference in 2014 at St. Petersburg State University of Economics. The conference became an annual event, later it was co-organized by the European Institute of Public Relations (IEERP, Paris). (Krivonosov A.D., Lebedeva T.Y. Modern geobranding: practice VS theory (to the 10th anniversary of the conference "Branding as a communication technology of the XXI century) // Branding as a communication technology of the XXI century / Edited by prof. A.D. Krivonosov. In two parts. Part 1. St. Petersburg : Publishing House of St. Petersburg State University, 2024. pp. 7-13.) According to modern authors, the relevant areas of research on branding as a communication technology are:

- branding of commercial and non-profit organizations;

- branding in the field of culture and education;

- branding of territories;

- formats and technologies of network communications in branding;

- linguistic support and psychological aspects of branding, etc.

The study of these areas is carried out by referring to such brand communications as identification branding, rebranding, co-branding, audio branding, sensory branding, anti-branding, branding of socially responsible behavior, etc. The last of these brand communications has great heuristic potential and is awaiting its interpretation in modern science. The emergence of socially responsible behavior branding correlates with the concept of social responsibility.

Next, we should focus on the concept of a "social brand" and its viability on Russian soil. So, a social brand as a phenomenon of modern reality cannot be studied in isolation from the concept of social responsibility. The emergence of the latter is attributed to the middle of the XX century and is associated with dissatisfaction with the state of affairs in the mass media, which laid the foundation for the formation of the Anglo-American theory of social responsibility of the press. W. Schramm, within the framework of the concept of universal social responsibility, identified three influential groups – governments, direct means of communication, mass audience, which should share responsibility among themselves. In collaboration with other scientists, W. Schramm published the monograph "Four Theories of the Press", in which, depending on the historical period and the socio-political structure in the development of society, the authors developed four communication theories. However, scientists have not been able to find a justification for the responsibility of mass media to society, except for the legal one. [10]

E. A. Osipova notes that ideas about the environmental responsibility of enterprises and the creation of social infrastructure in the Russian state began to form earlier than in the West – in the 20s of the XX century. The implementation of social responsibility in practice in Western countries has much in common with the practice of socialist enterprises. (Osipova E.A. Organization of work of advertising and public relations departments / Moscow: INFRA-M, 2020).

Scientific developments on the social responsibility of commercial organizations have been presented in the scientific literature since 1953 and are associated with the name of the founder of this direction, G. Bowen (USA). [11] Since the 1960s, several concepts of social responsibility have been developed in the West:

- "The concept of corporate social sensitivity", according to which a business should perceive the public's opinion about itself, accept public dissatisfaction with the actions of an organization, and take this opinion into account when building communication with society. The concept focuses on the need for empirical research in the field of interaction between society and business, necessary for the formation of a communication strategy, the development of anti-crisis communications;

- The "Concept of corporate social activity", according to which commercial organizations in the course of their activities must make a real public contribution feasible for each specific organization, which is necessarily demonstrated to wide groups of the public;

- The "Concept of stakeholders", according to which social responsibility is built not in front of the whole society, but only in front of stakeholders, including owners, employees, consumers, suppliers, etc. The concept assumes consideration of the interrelationships of three levels: organizations and society, organizations and stakeholders, stakeholders and society;

- The "Concept of corporate citizenship" provides for the participation of business in the long-term solution of public problems and acts as a guarantor of respect for the rights of citizens;

- The "Concept of corporate sustainability" implies the inclusion of the idea of sustainable development in business development strategies, for example, respect for human rights, environmental conservation, etc.

The practical importance of socially responsible behavior is now recognized by scientists and practitioners. In our opinion, the role of social responsibility for economic entities is of the greatest interest. Modern companies are considered successful if they adhere to socially responsible behavior. [12, p.17] At the same time, attention is drawn to the increasing importance of intangible assets (for example, reputation), which are made dependent on how the business copes with social and environmental consequences. [13]

An analysis of the activities of modern business shows that the main areas of social responsibility are:

- responsibility for the environmental safety of production;

- responsibility to the organization's employees, partners, etc.;

- charity, sponsorship, patronage.

Today, it is possible to observe how other areas of social responsibility are manifested in the activities of organizations, they are relevant for society as a whole, aimed at improving the standard and life expectancy, improving the educational level, reducing the number and composition of risk groups, morbidity, etc.

In our opinion, the emergence of concepts of social responsibility and their implementation in the activities of organizations has brought to life ideas about the social brand. In turn, the emergence of a social brand should be associated with the first attempts of companies to implement the ideas of social responsibility on socially significant issues. And, if earlier they talked about the brand only from a commercial point of view, then in modern times conditions have been created for the emergence of a new type of brand – a social one. Today, it is easy to notice the formation of socially responsible behavior on the part of business. Undoubtedly, the assumption of social responsibility occurs mainly by large economic players, at the same time, small businesses make a feasible social contribution to the common cause of social responsibility. Organizations shape their social image through corporate social responsibility.

In modern science, there is a stable idea that corporate social responsibility is aimed at achieving sustainable development through establishing relationships with the main groups of the organization's public. On the one hand, corporate social responsibility is carried out by performing additional functions that are not related to the main types of activity and the purpose of its creation. On the other hand, socially responsible companies are more likely to carry out such activities that have a direct impact on the environment, as well as large enterprises with a large staff of employees living in the region where it is located. (Kokovina D.D. Corporate calendar as a branding tool // Branding as a communication technology of the XXI century / Edited by prof. A.D. Krivonosov. St. Petersburg : Publishing House of SPbGEU, 2023. pp. 241-243.)

In turn, L.V. Minaeva draws attention to the fact that there are two types of companies – with "defensive" and "offensive" corporate social responsibility. The first type of company implements social responsibility in order to satisfy the request of interested parties (for example, government agencies). The second type of companies, on their own initiative, forms socially responsible behavior in their own interests, which is reflected in the program documents for the formation of the company's development strategy. [14, p. 68] These examples, in our opinion, are quite convincing evidence of the close relationship of social responsibility and social brand.

So, corporate social responsibility is an additional area of the company's activity, the purpose of which is the voluntary solution of social, environmental and other problems. Today, corporate social responsibility is considered as a significant component of the brand. It should be noted that modern companies develop and implement social responsibility programs, which indicates the systematic nature of this activity. An important contribution to the formation of the social image of companies is made by reporting to the public on the work done not only in terms of the implementation of business plans, but also social reports (non-financial reporting). In addition, non-financial reporting standards exist and are applied, among which are:

- the GRI standard, the content of which includes economic, social and environmental blocks;

- the AA 1000 standard, the content of which contains the results of measuring the activities of companies from a social and ethical perspective;

- the SA 8000 standard, aimed at measuring the results of the company's management in the internal environment of the organization, as well as ensuring fair and decent conditions for employees, in addition, the standard defines the norms of employer responsibility in labor relations;

- ISO 14000 standard, which establishes criteria for evaluating an organization from the standpoint of compliance with environmental requirements in the production process;

- the ISO 9001 quality management standard, which aims to improve the organization's performance, meet customer expectations, and demonstrate its commitment to quality;

- OHSAS 18001 standard aimed at occupational safety and quality management (health protection, safety of working conditions, etc.).

Recently, the ESG concept has been actively introduced, which is used to assess the sustainability and social responsibility of companies. The very name contains its meaning:

- environmental (E) - the impact of the organization on the environment;

- social (S) - the company's contribution to the welfare and security of society;

- governance (G) - management efficiency, transparency of interaction with shareholders, compliance with rules and regulations.

The ESG assessment helps interested groups of the public to make informed decisions on choosing a company that meets their values and sustainability criteria. Since the ESG rating is compiled by independent research agencies, a company's position in it can significantly strengthen its brand.

Indeed, adherence to social standards and providing broad groups of the public with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with corporate social reporting indicators are aimed at strengthening the company's brand. However, social responsibility and social brand are different conceptual categories. On the one hand, within the framework of social responsibility programs, events, promotions, events, etc. are developed and implemented. As a result of this activity, a social brand can be formed. On the other hand, not all activities within the framework of social responsibility should be attributed to a social brand. Of course, in modern science there is a gap in understanding the social brand, because the scientific community has not developed criteria by which to distinguish a social brand from a commercial one. In our opinion, special attention should be paid to the position of G. Nikolaishvili, the founder of the ANO Laboratory of Social Advertising. In the conversation "Social brands of Russian companies: leaders, communication practices, growth directions", the researcher and practitioner suggested that such social responsibility programs that meet a number of brand attributes as a whole can be called a social brand. Since there are no independent signs of a social brand, G. Nikolaishvili considers it possible to apply the signs of a commercial brand to social brands, namely:

- accessibility of 75% of the target audience;

- brand awareness, when representatives of the target audience can name the industry to which the brand belongs;

- 20% of the target audience regularly use this product;

- the brand has been on the market for at least 5 years;

- buyers are willing to pay a price that exceeds the market average.

It is noteworthy that G. Nikolaishvili paid special attention to such signs of a social brand as the long-term and systematic nature of ongoing social projects and social programs, as well as the results of the changes that these programs have brought. (Social brands of Russian companies: leaders, communication practices, growth directions. URL: / (date of access: 07/01/2024).

In this regard, the Gazprom for Children social project, which has no analogues in Russia, is of interest. The aim of the project is to create conditions for the harmonious intellectual, spiritual and physical development of schoolchildren and young people. The program promotes a healthy lifestyle by involving an increasing number of children in sports clubs, as well as creative and amateur clubs.

The project has been implemented for 16 years. It covers 74 regions of Russia, as well as several neighboring countries.

Realizing the task set for the project, Gazprom PJSC is engaged in the construction and reconstruction of sports complexes where children and youth can study. Also, the construction of courtyard multifunctional sports grounds, the arrangement of sports sections with sports equipment, equipment for creative and amateur clubs is being purchased, football fields, swimming pools, children's recreation centers, playgrounds, etc. are being created and equipped. Gazprom subsidiaries and organizations, as well as regional gas companies, are involved in this process.

As part of the project, 691 facilities were built in the Central Federal District, 368 facilities in the Northwestern Federal District, 258 in the Southern, 134 in the North Caucasus, 300 in the Volga Region, 96 in the Urals, 157 in the Siberian, 127 in the Far Eastern Federal District. It should be noted that in 2023 alone, 116 sports complexes, playgrounds and stadiums were built and reconstructed, including the unique sports complex "Academy of Martial Arts" on the federal territory of Sirius. The constructed facilities provide an opportunity for more than 265 thousand children to play sports every day. To this end, Gazprom PJSC is recruiting highly qualified trainers and teachers.

The project hosts festivals, children's parties and sports competitions all over the country. Gazprom's Spartakiads, held in summer and winter, are attended by young athletes seeking to show their sporting achievements. In addition, the company finances the direction of amateur art, annually holds a festival of creative teams and performers "Torch".

A notable step in shaping Gazprom's socially responsible behavior is charitable support in the following areas: support for the development of sports (including the construction of sports facilities within the framework of the Gazprom for Children project), improvement of urban infrastructure in the regions where Gazprom operates, support for culture, education, spiritual values, support for science, healthcare, social vulnerable segments of the population , etc . Thus, over the past three years, most of the funds in the structure of Gazprom's charitable activities have been directed to support the development of sports, including within the framework of the Gazprom for Children social project.

At the same time, it should be noted that at the International Exhibition and Forum "Russia" in the pavilion of PJSC Gazprom in 2023, events were held in the "question-answer" format to popularize the Gazprom - for Children project and promote a healthy lifestyle and physical education and sports. Sports stars are special guests of the events. (Gazprom PJSC's report on social activities for 2023 URL: (date of application: 07/12/2024).

This example, in our opinion, is quite convincing evidence of the formation of a social brand in Russian reality. The results of the social project correspond in many respects to the main characteristics of the brand – loyalty and emotional trust of the public, long-term nature (16 years), systematic nature of events and programs (sports events for children and youth, amateur competitions), accessibility of sports facilities to children and youth in all regions of Russia, brand awareness.


Summing up the results of the work carried out by us as part of the study of the communicative potential of a social brand, it is necessary to focus on those results that allow us to take a fresh look at the communication capabilities of a social brand.

First of all, I would like to draw attention to the fact that the theoretical development of the concept of "social brand" is just beginning to gain momentum in modern science, today there is no clear understanding of the social brand and its characteristic features.

To provide the most comprehensive analysis of the social brand phenomenon, we linked it to the category of "social responsibility", which began to gain importance for organizations in the middle of the 20th century. We believe that the first ideas about the social brand should be attributed to this time. Firstly, the concepts of social responsibility are reduced to understanding the activities of organizations as making a public contribution, solving public problems, creating favorable conditions for the life and development of society as a whole and individual groups of the public. Secondly, social responsibility is manifested in the environmental friendliness of production, the creation of favorable conditions for employees, partners and other groups of the public in the immediate environment, etc.

As a result of the analysis of the current state of social responsibility of companies, we have come to the conclusion that social programs and projects of commercial organizations are an important area in public relations. As a result of the implementation of social programs and projects, we can talk about the purposeful formation of social brands as communication mechanisms that affect a wide range of the public.

Trends in the development of modern society have been discovered, in which social brands are gaining special importance. A social brand acquires its own special laws of development caused by the level and culture of society. The process of forming a social brand is one of the areas of communication activity.

The conducted research helps to formulate the concept of a social brand, which should be understood as a semantic image of an object that has received a high degree of fame, loyalty and emotional trust from the target audience, created in the process of communication activities through the implementation of a long-term social responsibility program that gives real results in solving social problems.

1. Arzhanova, K.A., & Arzhanov, T.A. (2022). Branding: analytics and strategy. Moscow: Onto Print.
2. Bagaeva, T.L. (2023). Branding in the optics of nonlinear control. Sociology of communication management in branding. Moscow: AKAR/ Photo edition.
3. Sharkov, F.I., & Silkin, V.V. (2023). Theory and practice of mass information as a fundamental direction of communication. Moscow: Dashkov and K.
4. Saveliev, I.I., & Sharko, E.R., & Nefedova, K.A., & Potapova, E.P. (2024). Formation of a favorable image of the territory – synergy of business – government – society interaction. Moscow: KnoRus.
5. Keller, K.L. (2019). Strategic Brand Management. England: Pearson Education Limited.
6. Aaker, D.A. (2000). Joachimsthalen Å. Brand leadership. New York: The Free Press.
7. Gregory, J.R. & Wiechmann, J. (1997). Leveraging the Corporate Brand. McGraw-Hill, USA: NTC Business Books.
8. Negizbayeva, M.O., & Ansaganova, A.G., & Mukhamadieva, L.I. & Nikhambaev, T.M. (2020). Psychological techniques in managing the relationship between a brand and a consumer. Bulletin of the Kazakh National University. Journalism series, 2, 123-132.
9. Semenova, L.M. (2023). The specifics of building brand communications and brand image of ski resorts in Russia and Austria. Scientific research and development. Modern communication studies, 4, 106-112.
10. Siebert, F.S. (1998). Four Theories of the Press. M.: National in-t of the press, VAGRIUS.
11. Bowen, H.R. (2013). Social Responsibilities of the Businessman. USA: University of Iowa Press.
12. Belyaeva, I.Y., & Eskindarova, M.A. (Ed.) (2008). Corporate social responsibility: the managerial aspect. Moscow: KNORUS.
13. Zadek, S. (2006). The Logic of Collaborative Governance: Corporate Responsibility, Accountability, and the Social Contract, Working Paper 17, Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard Kennedy School.
14. Minaeva, L.V. (2019). Corporate social responsibility in the context of international public relations. Communicologiya, 7(3), 66-77.

First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The reviewed article is devoted to the communicative potential of a social brand. The subject of the study is quite relevant: "modern social relations are permeated with communication processes in all their manifestations. One of the areas of communication is branding, which is being investigated in the framework of public relations and advertising." As noted in the article, "there are a number of problems in the scientific community in understanding the designated categories. The concept of a "social brand" is faced with the need to develop characteristics that can be used to formulate a new definition, characteristic of both commercial and non-commercial activities, which has gained importance in the modern communication space." The theoretical basis of scientific work was the works of Russian and foreign scientists such as A. D. Krivonosov, T. Y. Lebedev, E. A. Osipova, T. L. Bagaeva, L. M. Semenova, K. Keller, D. Aaaker, W. Schramm, G. Bowen, etc. The analysis of the theoretical material and its practical justification allowed the author(s) to establish that "the theoretical development of the concept of "social brand" is just beginning to gain momentum in modern science, today there is no clear understanding of the social brand and its characteristic features." The conducted research gave the author(s) a reason to formulate the concept of a social brand as "a semantic image of an object that has received a high degree of fame, loyalty and emotional trust from the target audience, created in the process of communication activities through the implementation of a long-term social responsibility program that gives real results in solving social problems." The methodology of the conducted research is not disclosed in the work, but its traditional nature is obvious. The methods are used taking into account the specifics of the subject, object, purpose and objectives of the work: general scientific methods of synthesis and analysis, descriptive, functional, pragmatic methods, interpretative analysis of the selected material, thanks to which "trends in the development of modern society in which social brands acquire special importance are discovered. A social brand acquires its own special laws of development caused by the level and culture of society. The process of forming a social brand is one of the areas of communication activity." The theoretical and practical significance of the work is due to its contribution to the study of the phenomenon of social brand. To provide the most comprehensive analysis, the author(s) associated this phenomenon with the category of "social responsibility", which began to gain importance for organizations in the middle of the 20th century: "we believe that the first ideas about the social brand should be attributed to the same time. Firstly, the concepts of social responsibility are reduced to understanding the activities of organizations as making a public contribution, solving public problems, creating favorable conditions for the life and development of society as a whole and individual groups of the public. Secondly, social responsibility is manifested in the environmental friendliness of production, the creation of favorable conditions for employees, partners and other groups of the public in the immediate environment, etc." The style of presentation of the article meets the requirements of scientific description. However, in some places the text needs stylistic editing: "Today in the scientific community ...", "Today in the scientific community ...", "Much more focused on solving these problems ..." and revision of punctuation: "As a result of the analysis of the current state of social responsibility of companies, we have come to the conclusion that social programs and projects", "However, today there is an intensive scientific discourse on the concept and content of the brand", etc. The bibliography of the study consisted of 14 sources, including foreign ones. However, the author(s) should pay attention to the bibliographic description of foreign sources in accordance with the APA standard (see editorial requirements). The article is independent, original, will be useful to a wide range of people and can be recommended for publication in the scientific journal "Litera" after eliminating the above comments.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the research of the reviewed article is relevant, quite new, and most importantly, little studied. The author notes that "the purpose of the article is to explore the communicative potential of a social brand." It seems that "the proposed goal predetermined the use of several general scientific methods, because the article uses methods of analysis and synthesis, analogy, structural-functional, descriptive, as well as the method of system analysis." In my opinion, the analysis of the issue in the work is consistent, systematic, scientific. The methodological synthesis, which makes it possible to objectify the essence of the problem, does not contradict either. The material is built taking into account the requirements of the publication, there are no actual failures. The author indicates at the beginning of the work that "the concept of a "social brand" is faced with the need to develop characteristics with which it is possible to formulate a new definition, characteristic of both commercial and non-commercial activities, which has acquired importance in the modern communication space." The style of the essay correlates with the scientific type proper: for example, "in modern communication science, special attention is paid to branding, existing foreign and Russian brands and their development programs are analyzed [1], the conceptual foundations and sociology of branding are investigated [2]. In the age of information technology, communication channels that are directly important in brand formation have changed. In modern science, close attention is paid to the study of information and communication technologies used by the mass media [3], as well as the specifics of the development of communications and media practices [4]." I think that the reference / citation block is quite large, the necessary critical assessment is given correctly. Terms and concepts are used in the unification mode: for example, "the study of the designated areas is carried out by referring to such brand communications as identification branding, rebranding, co-branding, audio branding, sensory branding, anti-branding, branding of socially responsible behavior, etc. The last of these brand communications has great heuristic potential and is waiting for its interpretation in modern science. The emergence of socially responsible behavior branding correlates with the concept of social responsibility." The article successfully combines the facet of the theoretical and practical order. I think that the topic can be expanded further in new works of a related thematic focus. The reference block is relevant, the openness of the data is confirmed: "it is noteworthy that G. Nikolaishvili paid special attention to such signs of a social brand as the long-term and systematic nature of ongoing social projects and social programs, as well as the results of the changes that these programs have brought. (Social brands of Russian companies: leaders, communication practices, growth directions. URL: / (date of access: 07/01/2024)". Successfully, in my opinion, the general logic of scientific narrative is also supported in the work with the help of language staples-transitions (in this regard, indeed, recently, in turn, etc.). The illustrative background within the framework of the study is relevant, it is sufficient to confirm most judgments: for example, "a noticeable step in the formation of Gazprom's socially responsible behavior is charitable support in the following areas: support for the development of sports (including the construction of sports facilities within the framework of the Gazprom for Children project), improvement of urban infrastructure in the regions where Gazprom operates, support for culture, education, spiritual values, support for science, healthcare, socially vulnerable segments of the population and others . Thus, over the past three years, most of the funds in the structure of Gazprom's charitable activities have been directed to support the development of sports, including within the framework of the Gazprom for Children social project. Thus, I state that the topic of the work has been disclosed, the set goal of the study has been achieved. The conclusions of the text are connected with the main part: "the conducted research helps to formulate the concept of a social brand, which should be understood as a semantic image of an object that has received a high degree of fame, loyalty and emotional trust from the target audience, created in the process of communication activities through the implementation of a long-term social responsibility program that gives real results in solving social problems." The text of the work does not need special editing, the bibliographic list includes works of various types. The article "The communicative potential of a social brand" can be recommended for publication in the scientific journal "Litera".