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Software systems and computational methods

The use of artificial intelligence systems for data processing in the educational process

Kopysheva Tatyana Nikolaevna

ORCID: 0000-0003-3392-1431

PhD in Physics and Mathematics

Associate Professor; Department of Mathematical and Hardware Support of Information Systems; I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University

428015, Russia, Republic of Chuvashia, Cheboksary, Moskovsky ave., 15, office B-305
Mitrofanova Tatiana Valerievna

ORCID: 0000-0002-5750-7991

PhD in Physics and Mathematics

Associate Professor; Department of Mathematical and Hardware Support of Information Systems; I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University

428015, Russia, Republic of Chuvashia, Cheboksary, Moskovsky str., 15, office B-304
Smirnova Tatiana Nikolaevna

ORCID: 0000-0001-6687-9415

PhD in Physics and Mathematics

Associate Professor; Department of Mathematical and Hardware Support of Information Systems; I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University

428015, Russia, Republic of Chuvashia, Cheboksary, Moskovsky ave., 15, office B-304
Other publications by this author

Khristoforova Anastasiia Vladimirovna

ORCID: 0000-0003-3534-8747

PhD in Physics and Mathematics

Associate Professor; Department of Mathematical and Hardware Support of Information Systems; I.N. Ulyanov Chuvash State University

428015, Russia, Republic of Chuvashia, Cheboksary, Moskovsky str., 15, office B-304









Abstract: In the Russian Federation, much attention is paid to the development of end-to-end digital technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 490 dated October 10, 2019 "On the development of artificial intelligence in the Russian Federation" approved the National Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence for the period up to 2030. In accordance with subparagraph (c) of paragraph 51.5 of the Strategy, one of the directions for improving the level of AI competencies and the level of awareness of citizens about AI is the development of skills in using AI technologies among graduates of educational institutions of higher education through the inclusion of AI modules in each educational program. The object of the study of this article is the use of AI systems in the course of laboratory and practical classes, as well as independent work of students in the disciplines "Artificial intelligence systems", "Fundamentals of artificial intelligence" and similar disciplines. The subject of the research is the methods of solving problems of approximation of functions and classification of data by means of specialized platforms Loginom Community and Neural Network Wizard. The methods of training a neural network, methods for evaluating the quality of training samples of a neural network are considered in detail. The research methodology is based on a combination of theoretical and practical approaches using methods of analysis, comparison, generalization, synthesis, classification, and modeling. Materials have been developed, during the study of which students should gain theoretical knowledge in the field of function approximation and data classification, familiarize themselves with the basic concepts and methods of artificial intelligence, as well as their application in various fields of data processing, consolidate practical skills in working with neural networks, as well as specialized platforms and tools Loginom Community and Neural Network Wizard. The results of the control measures showed that the skills of using artificial intelligence technologies were formed at a sufficient level among students of training areas not related to the field of artificial intelligence.


artificial intelligence, neural networks, function approximation, data classification, data processing, model training, Loginom Community, Neural Network Wizard, training sample, regression

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In the Russian Federation, much attention is paid to the development of end-to-end digital technologies, including artificial intelligence technologies. Digital transformation is one of the five national goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, defined by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2020 No. 474 "On the National Development Goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030". For this reason, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 490 dated October 10, 2019 "On the development of Artificial Intelligence in the Russian Federation" approved the National Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence for the period up to 2030. As part of the implementation of the National Strategy in 2019, the federal Artificial Intelligence project was developed and approved, which aims to create conditions for enterprises and citizens to use products and services created using mainly domestic artificial intelligence technologies that provide a qualitatively new level of efficiency.

Currently, solving various problems based on artificial intelligence systems is a common topic and is used in various fields – in information technology [1], finance [2], sports [3].

Many interesting works are related to agriculture. The article [4] describes the developed models for estimating the yield of winter wheat using multiple linear regression and a neural network. The issues of tracking the behavior of farm animals using neural networks are reflected in [5], the classification of porcini mushrooms in order to automate the sorting process based on a neural network model is [6].

Many works are devoted to helping and supporting people suffering from depression. For example, the article [7] describes the process of creating an effective audio-based automatic depression detection system using a convolutional neural network. The use of deep learning to determine stress levels based on continuous audio signals in the database is reflected in [8].

The issue of improving the generation of knowledge-based dialogues through a two-stage selection of knowledge and a network of pointers focused on the choice of knowledge was addressed by the authors of [9]. The article [10] is devoted to the development and application of an interactive information system in college personnel management.

The authors of this article focused on subparagraph (c) of paragraph 51.5 of the National Strategy, which states that the main directions for improving the level of competence in the field of artificial intelligence and the level of awareness of citizens about artificial intelligence technologies are "the development of skills in using artificial intelligence technologies among graduates of educational institutions of higher education through the inclusion of artificial intelligence modules in each educational program." the program (taking into account the specifics related to industry affiliation and training areas)".

The problem that this study is aimed at solving is the lack of adapted techniques that allow students who do not have prior training in this field to teach the basics of AI application. Standard approaches to teaching artificial intelligence and machine learning assume that students have in-depth knowledge in mathematics, programming, and modeling. However, students in non-core fields need a methodology that allows them to master AI tools in stages and in a practice-oriented format that is understandable and accessible.

This article is devoted to the methodology of conducting laboratory and practical classes, as well as organizing independent work of students of 1-2 bachelor's and specialist's courses in areas of training not directly related to AI [11].

The scientific novelty lies in the development of a methodology for using the available Neural Network Wizard and Loginom Community platforms to solve approximation and classification problems. The peculiarity of the methodology is the adaptation of the approach for teaching students whose fields of study are not related to artificial intelligence. This contributes to the development of skills in working with artificial intelligence, which is important in the context of digital transformation and increased attention to end-to-end digital technologies. The proposed assignments allow students studying fundamental and applied sciences to master the use of artificial intelligence methods for data analysis. Use cases include tasks such as forecasting, data analysis in business and economics, performance evaluation, and research related to processing large amounts of data. The proposed approach allows AI training in the format of practical laboratory work and independent development of the principles of building and applying models for classification and approximation, which contributes to the expansion of professional skills and meets the challenges of the digital economy. Within the framework of the research, the following were developed: learning goals at each stage, principles of interaction with platforms and methodological recommendations, which together provide a logical, step-by-step system for mastering AI tools.

The main purpose of the methodology is to teach students the basics of using neural networks and machine learning algorithms using examples of specific tasks: approximation (on the Neural Network Wizard platform) and classification (on the Loginom Community). Tasks include:

• mastering the skills of setting up and training neural networks;

• consolidation of practical knowledge based on the performance of typical tasks;

•Development of data analysis skills and estimation of model accuracy.

Expected learning outcomes include:

1. Mastering the skills of building neural networks. Students will be able to create and configure simple neural networks for approximation and classification tasks using available platforms.

2. Gain experience working with AI tools. Students will be able to prepare data for analysis, adjust model parameters, and interpret the results.

3. The ability to analyze and adjust models. Based on error analysis, students will learn how to adjust model parameters, add training data, and improve forecast accuracy.

4. The application of knowledge to solve applied problems. Students will be able to apply the basic principles of machine learning to solve specific applied problems in their future professional activities, such as forecasting indicators or analyzing economic data.

Description of the technique of using Neural Network Wizard for function approximation

Function approximation is a basic example of using AI in various tasks. The methodology assumes that students create a simple neural network architecture aimed at approximating functions with a pre-prepared training sample. In laboratory conditions, a training sample is formed by students for an example of calculating the product of two multipliers.

The learning process is represented by the following stages:

1. Data preparation. Creating a text file with triples of numbers (two multipliers and their product).

2. Configuring the neural network. On the Neural Network Wizard platform, students build a network architecture consisting of one or more layers.

3. Learning process and interpretation of results. The network is trained using the example of a product of numbers, the accuracy of calculations and ways to improve it are analyzed (additional training, increasing the sample size, changing network parameters).

Function approximation using neural networks

Function approximation is a common application of artificial neural networks. In [12], a theorem was proved according to which, using linear operations and cascade coupling, it is possible to obtain from an arbitrary nonlinear element a device that calculates any continuous function with some predetermined accuracy.

It is proposed to start studying the material in Neural Network Wizard, an environment for visual modeling of the architecture of a convolutional neural network and its training.

The use of Neural Network Wizard is reflected, for example, in works for short-term weather forecasting [13], modeling prices for passenger cars [14], building models of the smartphone market [15], forecasting some currency quotes on the Forex market [16].

First, we consider an example of an approximation of a function designed to calculate the product of two factors. A txt file is uploaded to the Neural Network Wizard environment with a training sample containing triples of numbers – two multipliers and a product (Fig. 1). We will train the neural network only on this sample. When substituting pairs of numbers that are not included in this set, the error can be significant.

Fig. 1. The file with the training sample

Fig. 2. The result of multiplication by a trained network

As can be seen from Fig. 2, the accuracy of calculations is quite high – the deviation from the correct answer is less than one percent.

Ways to increase the accuracy of calculations:

1) go back one step and train the network additionally;

2) change the training parameters of the neural network used;

3) increase the training sample.

The tasks require building networks with one, two, or three neurons on a single inner layer and training them and evaluating the accuracy of calculations.

Description of the methodology for using Loginom Community for classification tasks

Loginom Community is used to solve classification problems based on data analysis. Students are offered the task of determining the profitability of enterprises based on historical data. The initial data includes the values of two indicators that divide enterprises into profitable and unprofitable groups.

Task completion stages:

1. Create a project. Students upload the initial data and configure the Neural Network (Regression) component.

2. Network training. The settings specify the number of restarts (up to 1000), and the selection parameters are configured, which allows you to automate the learning process.

3. Visualization and analysis of the results. Students use visualizers to evaluate the quality of neural network prediction, analyze errors, and form conclusions about classification accuracy.

Application of the Loginom Community platform for function approximation

The Loginom platform (developed by Loginom Company) is included in the register of Russian programs and is designed for advanced analytics by business users. For educational purposes, we have reviewed the desktop edition for non-commercial use of Loginom Community, which can be downloaded for free. Visual builder allows you to customize the entire analysis process.: integration, data preparation, modeling, and visualization. As a result, the time between hypothesis testing and creating a working business process will be reduced.

The Loginom Community platform is used to solve a variety of tasks. For example, processing large amounts of data when solving transport problems [17], analyzing the product range [18], developing a social rating model [19], and analyzing the store's customer base [20].

To train the neural network, we will use the initial training sample (Fig. 1). Let's add the Neural Network (regression) component to the project (Fig. 3). Specify the number of neural network training restarts equal to 1000. Let's pay attention to the settings of the "Setting up automatic selection of Neural network parameters" window. As the complexity of the dataset increases, you will have to use them to find the optimal neural network and its settings. Next, you need to train the neural network using the context menu item "Retrain node". The learning process can be lengthy on computers with low performance.

Fig. 3. Adding the "Neural Network (regression)" component

Fig. 4. Analysis of the results

Next, it is necessary to analyze the effectiveness of the Neural Network (Regression) component training using a visualizer. It is possible to add up to five different neural network output visualizers ("Diagram", "Data Quality", "Cube", "Statistics", "Table"), based on which you can analyze the quality of neural network training.

The "Table" visualizer was selected, which displays the original training sample (columns x, y, res), as well as the forecast of the neural network (column rez|Forecast). The analysis showed that more than 90% of the predictions are correct, but there are also erroneous ones (Fig. 4). This result indicates either errors in the training sample or insufficient training of the neural network. You can improve the quality of the neural network by adding more elements to the training sample, as well as deleting rows containing incorrect values of the training sample.

Approximation of two functions using a single neural network

Let's consider a training example for performing two operations – addition and multiplication of numbers x and y on the interval [0; 10]. Since two different formulas are planned to be used in the training sample, unlike the previous task, it is necessary to consider not two, but three input variables (x, y, operation sign). Using the programming tools (Fig. 5), fill in the Excel spreadsheet containing the training sample (Fig. 6).


Fig. 5. A fragment of the program code

Fig. 6. Fragment of the training sample

Let's create a new project in the Loginom Community. Let's connect the output of the "Excel file" component with the "Neural Network (regression)" component. Let's configure the neural network according to Fig. 7. Set partitioning parameters: training – 80%, test – 20%. The number of restarts is 5,000. Next, we will check the operation of the neural network on an arbitrary sample (Fig. 8).

Fig. 7. Fragment of the settings window

Fig. 8. Fragment of the visualizer

The same task needs to be solved using Neural Network Wizard.

As an independent work, it is proposed to solve the following tasks using the Loginom Community and Neural Network Wizard software products:

1. Finalize the project for adding and multiplying two real numbers on the segment [0; 10] (or on an arbitrary segment).

2. Create and train a neural network to perform calculations using four formulas (Fig. 9). To create a training sample, use the interval of values x, y, z on the segment [0; 10]. The calculation error should be no more than 1-2%.

Fig. 9. Fragment of the task options table

Classification analysis using neural networks

The study of this issue is devoted to independent work, as a result of which students must learn how to use neural networks to solve classification problems.

Here is one of the options for the formulation of the assignment. Based on the results of the previous year, the values of two indicators are known and two groups of enterprises have been identified: group A – profitable, group B – unprofitable. Several enterprises have fulfilled their development forecast for the current year and presented it in a similar form (two indicators, Fig. 10). Using the values of the previous year as a training sample, classify enterprises based on profitability using the Loginom Community and Neural Network Wizard software products.

Fig. 10. Fragment of the table with the initial data


The study was conducted with students of 1-2 courses of bachelor's degree and specialty of UGSN 09.00.00, 10.00.00, 15.00.00. During the implementation of the study, the principles of consistent presentation of the material and "from simple to complex" were observed. The results of the control measures showed that the skills of using artificial intelligence technologies were formed at a sufficient level among students of training areas not related to the field of artificial intelligence.

The author's methodology provides students with the opportunity to learn the basic principles of working with neural networks and AI tools adapted to educational needs. In contrast to existing approaches, the proposed methodology:

1. It is focused on non-core specialties and is designed for students who do not have deep knowledge in mathematics and programming.

2.It includes step-by-step training with a transition from simple to more complex tasks, which reduces the entry threshold and allows you to develop data skills at a convenient pace.

3. Offers practice-oriented assignments with an emphasis on specific approximation and classification tasks, which enables students to master the applicability of AI methods using real-world examples.

Thus, the author's methodology closes a gap in educational practice by providing teachers and students with a simple and effective tool for initial development of data analysis and AI methods, which is of practical importance for students of a wide range of training areas.

The results obtained can be used to build practice-oriented training courses and tasks in various fields not directly related to artificial intelligence, which require knowledge of basic data analysis methods and artificial intelligence algorithms.

The proposed approach allows for AI training in the format of practical laboratory work and independent development of the principles of building and applying models for classification and approximation, which contributes to the expansion of professional skills and meets the challenges of the digital economy. Within the framework of the research, the following were developed: learning goals at each stage, principles of interaction with platforms and methodological recommendations, which together provide a logical, step-by-step system for mastering AI tools.

The main purpose of the methodology is to teach students the basics of using neural networks and machine learning algorithms using examples of specific tasks: approximation (on the Neural Network Wizard platform) and classification (on the Loginom Community). Tasks include:

  • mastering the skills of setting up and training neural networks;
  • consolidation of practical knowledge based on the performance of typical tasks;
  • develop data analysis skills and model accuracy assessment.

Expected learning outcomes include:

  1. Mastering the skills of building neural networks. Students will be able to create and configure simple neural networks for approximation and classification tasks using available platforms.
  2. Gain experience working with AI tools. Students will be able to prepare data for analysis, adjust model parameters, and interpret the results.
  3. The ability to analyze and adjust models. Based on error analysis, students will learn how to adjust model parameters, add training data, and improve forecast accuracy.
  4. The application of knowledge to solve applied problems. Students will be able to apply the basic principles of machine learning to solve specific applied problems in their future professional activities, such as forecasting indicators or analyzing economic data.
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13. Nasirov, A. A., Imamaliev, E. M., Talantbekov, T. T., & Andakulov, A. J. (2022). Forecasting the average daily air temperature in Bishkek using neural networks in the Neural Network Wizard environment. Science and innovative technologies, 2(23), 138-143. doi:10.33942/sititpr202265
14. Stupnikov, A.V., & Bazhenov, R. I. (2015). Forecasting the price of passenger cars using neural networks in the Neural Network Wizard environment. Modern technology and technologies, 7(47), 3-10.
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18. Evdokimova, S. A., Frolov, K. V., Novikov, A. I. (2022). Analysis of the product range of spare parts of an automobile service dealer enterprise using the FP-Growth algorithm. Modeling of systems and processes, 4, 24-33. doi:10.12737/2219-0767-2022-15-4-24-33
19. Popova, S. A., & Vladimirova, D. B. (2024). Development of a social rating model and its neural network implementation in the Loginom Community. Sustainable development of society: new scientific approaches and research : A collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the V International Scientific and Practical Conference, Moscow, April 10, 2024 (pp. 151-159). Moscow: Center for the Development of Education and Science.
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First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The reviewed article is devoted to the use of artificial intelligence systems for data processing in the educational process, it examines the methodology of laboratory and practical classes, as well as the organization of independent work of students of 1-2 bachelor's and specialist courses in areas of training not directly related to artificial intelligence. The research methodology is based on demonstrating the capabilities of the Neural Network Wizard visual modeling environment and the Loginom Community platform in approximating functions using neural networks and solving classification problems. The authors attribute the relevance of the work to the fact that in the Russian Federation much attention is paid to the development of end-to-end digital technologies, including artificial intelligence technologies, and program documents adopted at the state level provide for the development of skills in using artificial intelligence technologies among graduates of educational institutions of higher education by including artificial intelligence modules in each educational program. Unfortunately, the scientific novelty of the reviewed study is not clearly formulated by the authors in the publication, according to the reviewer, the new results include a presentation of the methodology for using the Neural Network Wizard visual modeling environment and the Loginom Community platform to solve problems using artificial intelligence methods. Structurally, the following sections are highlighted in the publication: Introduction, Function approximation using neural networks, Application of the Loginom Community platform for function approximation, Approximation of two functions using one neural network, Classification analysis using neural networks, Conclusion, Acknowledgements and Bibliography. It seems that the educational examples of the use of artificial neural systems reflected in the publication for solving problems of classification and approximation of functions using popular and publicly available tools can be useful to a wide range of readers at the initial stage of familiarization with the possibilities of artificial intelligence methods. The bibliographic list includes 20 sources – publications of domestic and foreign authors on the topic of the article, to which there are targeted links in the text confirming the existence of an appeal to opponents. Of the comments, it is worth noting, firstly, the names of the sections of the article cover only a part of the elements of the intelligence system - the title is wider than the materials reflected in the publication; so that readers do not have a false idea about artificial intelligence, the authors are invited to either clarify the title of the publication or expand coverage of artificial intelligence systems, which are not limited only to approximating functions using neural networks and solving classification problems; secondly, I would like to see clearer formulations of the resulting increment of scientific knowledge and possible areas of practical application of the obtained research results. The article corresponds to the direction of the journal "Software Systems and Computational Methods", contains introductory material on the use of artificial intelligence systems for data processing in the educational process, may be of interest to readers, but the wording of scientific novelty and practical significance needs to be clarified, the material needs to be finalized in accordance with the comments made.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The presented article on the topic "The use of Neural Network Wizard and Loginom Community platforms to solve problems of approximation and classification in the educational process" corresponds to the topic of the journal "SOFTWARE SYSTEMS AND Computational METHODS" and is devoted to the current direction "development of skills in using artificial intelligence technologies among graduates of educational institutions of higher education through the inclusion of artificial intelligence modules in each educational program". The relevance of the article is beyond doubt, since in recent years in Russia much attention has been paid to the development of end-to-end digital technologies, including artificial intelligence technologies. In accordance with the National Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence for the period up to 2030, enterprises and citizens should be provided with conditions for the use of products and services created using mainly domestic artificial intelligence technologies that provide a qualitatively new level of efficiency. The authors focused on subparagraph (c) of paragraph 51.5 of the National Strategy, which noted that it is necessary to increase the level of competence in the field of artificial intelligence and the level of awareness of citizens about artificial intelligence technologies, including developing skills in using artificial intelligence technologies among graduates of educational institutions of higher education. The article is quite structured - there is an introduction, conclusion, and internal division of the main part. The article presents examples of the use of Neural Network Wizard and Loginom Community platforms in laboratory and practical classes, and the organization of independent work of bachelors and specialists in areas of training not directly related to artificial intelligence. The authors of the article conducted an analytical review of Russian and foreign relevant literature. The disadvantages include: the quality of the language does not meet the requirements of a scientific article. The article is very average in content, meaning, there are no conclusions, etc. (from the point of view of VAKOV's requirements). The "student's hand" is felt. Also, the practical significance of the article is at the average level. The scientific novelty is poorly traced from the content of the article. The authors stated the development of a methodology for using the available Neural Network Wizard and Loginom Community platforms to solve approximation and classification problems, however, the article does not disclose the content of the methodology for using these platforms (there are no learning goals; learning principles; learning outcomes). It is recommended to identify the research problem and the author's contribution more clearly. The recommended length of the article is from 12,000 characters, but the submitted article does not meet these requirements. The article "The use of Neural Network Wizard and Loginom Community platforms to solve approximation and classification problems in the educational process" requires further development according to the above remarks. After making amendments, it is recommended for reconsideration by the editorial board of the peer-reviewed scientific journal.

Third Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of this article is the development of a methodology for teaching the basics of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (MO) for students who do not have prior knowledge in this field. The main focus is on using the Neural Network Wizard and Loginom Community platforms to solve approximation and classification problems in the educational process. The methodology proposed by the authors is based on conducting laboratory classes, practical exercises and organizing independent work of students. The article describes step-by-step learning, which includes setting up and training simple neural networks, data analysis and evaluating the accuracy of models. The uniqueness of the approach lies in its accessibility for students of non-core areas, allowing them to master complex concepts of AI and MO without the need for in-depth knowledge in mathematics or programming. The relevance of this study is due to the importance of digital transformation and the introduction of AI technologies in various industries. The training program, aimed at students who do not have specialized training, allows to expand access to knowledge about modern digital technologies and adapts training to the current needs of the market. The research is also important for educational institutions interested in training specialists with basic AI skills, which is necessary in the context of the development of a national strategy for artificial intelligence. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the adaptation of the Neural Network Wizard and Loginom Community platforms for teaching AI and MO to students whose fields of study are not related to this field. The authors have developed a set of tasks suitable for use in an educational environment, which allows students to consistently master the data analysis tools necessary to solve applied problems. This approach is unique and can serve as a useful addition to the curricula of technical and humanitarian universities. The article is written in an understandable style, the structure of the work is logical and consistent. Each section is devoted to a separate aspect of the methodology, which allows the reader to easily navigate through the materials. The content of the articles is systematic, the data presented are illustrated with examples and graphic materials, which contributes to a better understanding of the material presented. The authors cover both theoretical aspects and practical tasks, offering ready-made solutions for use in educational practice. The conclusions of the work demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology and indicate the successful assimilation by students of non-core areas of the basic principles of AI and MO. The results of the study may be of interest to teachers, education specialists, as well as to those who develop training programs for the introduction of digital technologies. For further development of this work, it is recommended to pay attention to several areas that can increase the effectiveness of the proposed methodology and its practical value. First, we should consider the possibility of a deeper analysis and expansion of the range of tasks solved using the Neural Network Wizard and Loginom Community platforms. The inclusion of examples related to more complex scenarios, such as time series analysis or multidimensional data, will allow students to better understand the versatility and flexibility of neural networks in various fields. Secondly, it would be useful to supplement the methodology with tasks focused on the interdisciplinary application of artificial intelligence technologies. This may include the development of projects that integrate students' knowledge from other subject areas such as biology, economics, psychology, and require the use of AI to solve practical problems in these disciplines. This approach will not only increase the motivation of students, but also demonstrate the real possibilities of using AI beyond technical areas. The third aspect that deserves attention is the development of a feedback system that allows teachers and students to track learning progress and identify areas for improvement. The introduction of automated testing and adaptive learning tools will make it possible to assess the level of material assimilation by each student and personalize the learning process, which is especially important in the context of teaching non-core students. Finally, a promising direction is the integration of the proposed methodology with other digital platforms and data analysis tools, such as Python or R, which will open students access to a wider range of opportunities and make their skills more in demand in the modern labor market.