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Pedagogy and education
Glebova, L.N. (2024). Vectors of Development of Educational Activities in General Education Institutions on the Example of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. Pedagogy and education, 4, 1–15.
Vectors of Development of Educational Activities in General Education Institutions on the Example of the Nizhny Novgorod Region
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.71088EDN: PYIAGXReceived: 20-06-2024Published: 08-08-2024Abstract: This article considers a modern approach to the organization of educational activities in educational institutions, using the example of the organization of such activities in the Nizhny Novgorod region of the Volga region. A feature of the modern education system is a high level of sensitivity to changes in the educational process: the content, forms, and methods, assessing the relevance of events, responding to what is happening in the experience of actions, the evolution of teaching teams, those communities that deal with children outside school, are engaged in achieving practical educational activities. The urgency of the problem is associated with significant changes in the activities of all specialists and employees of educational institutions in Russia who participate in the educational process in one way or another. There is an urgent demand in Russian educational institutions for competent personnel in the field of education of the younger generation, which, due to the state's request, has become a prerequisite and one of the criteria for the effectiveness of the educational organization. The experience of training the personnel potential of the Nizhny Novgorod region (Volga Federal District, Russia) confirms the expediency of creating platforms for the exchange of experience in different areas where educational work programs are successfully implemented in the format of project educational intensive courses for specialists in the field of education and the organization of forum platforms for advisers to the director of education, classroom teachers, heads of children's public organizations and specialists of educational authorities in charge of education issues in the educational space of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The experience of training the personnel potential of the Nizhny Novgorod region confirms the expediency of creating platforms for the exchange of experience in different areas, where educational work programs are successfully implemented in the format of project educational intensive courses for specialists in the field of education and the organization of forum sites for advisers to the director of education, classroom teachers, heads of children's public organizations and management specialists educational institutions responsible for issues of education in the educational space of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Keywords: educational activities, educational institutions, education, the educational process, teaching staff, children's public organizations, employees of educational institutions, children, human resources potential, education programThis article is automatically translated. Introduction Recently, the issue of the place of education in the state policy system in Russia has become more active in the field of education. Scientists and representatives of public administration have paid and continue to pay attention to the fixation of this important modern moment in the development of child-rearing policy. The changes that appeared in the Constitution related to the registration of the result of education (education and upbringing) are legislatively formulated and introduced as an addition in Article 67. The state draws attention to the fact that the result of modern education is a highly patriotic personality, focused on our state's fundamental spiritual and moral traditions, feeling responsible for what is happening. This makes significant changes in the activities of all Russian educational institutions' specialists and employees involved in the educational process in one way or another. The Main Part In our opinion, there is no such area where it would not be necessary to intensify educational activities concerning someone—about their employees, about the collective, for example, in the economy; perhaps in relation to the children of their employees, and this activation is associated with segments of direct professional participation of structures at different levels. State institutions and executive authorities represented by ministries, departments, regional divisions, organizations, and educational organizations should be involved in this process. It must be said that activities in the system of achieving educational results at the legislative level were supplemented by the introduction of the concept of "educational activity," which is enshrined in the following normative legal documents: The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020 (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2008 No. 1662); Presidential Decree Of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2024 No. 309 "On National Development Goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030 and the future up to 2036"; Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" No. 273-FZ dated December 29, 2012. Even though it is interpreted as an activity outside the framework of the organization of educational programs, it nevertheless requires even clearer regulation. This activity aims to meet people's knowledge needs, meaning socially significant knowledge that does not contain what is prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation: racism and intolerance [3, 14, 15, 22, 25]. Other state institutions have similarly shaped their own steps in this direction. In this regard, it is clear that as a person is formed not only in the process of their education but also under the influence of very different sources, then, of course, to receive the result of educational activities, there must be some kind of social formations, either improved or recreated. The organizers of all these processes should highlight that children and youth organizations, as public formations, also require inclusion in this process. The practice of the activities of children and youth organizations since 1990 has been analyzed in detail. The past 30th anniversary has been very actively represented by the development of initiatives in the field of children's movement. Many children's formations or formations that promote childhood have appeared at different levels. A timely conclusion was made that coordination of these organizations is necessary and consolidation of efforts regarding the development of these organizations [15, 22, 25, 28]. The disclosure of the mechanisms of educational activities in educational organizations is based on systemic ideas (P.A. Anokhin, V.G. Afanasyev, I.V. Blauberg, V.P. Bespalko, V.P. Kuzmin, V.N. Sagatovsky, E.G. Yudin); axiological (A.F. Anisimov, E.V. Bondarevskaya, T.I. Vlasova, M.S. Kagan, N.D. Nikandrov, V.A. Slastenin, V.P. Tugarinov, E.N. Shiyanov, T.T. Shchelina); competence-based (A.L. Andreev, A. Asmolov, N.V. Kuzmina, A.V. Khutorskoy) approaches that constitute general methodological principles and meanings as examples of high culture and morality in the organization of the educational process in educational organizations. The presented scientific approaches to the organization of the education process in schools indicate that the problems of qualification of educational workers engaged in education attracted the attention of researchers in various periods of the development of pedagogy, in particular, the training of classroom teachers in secondary schools, teachers of additional education and contributing to the disclosure of the relevance and significance of the study. However, it is necessary to distinguish between the organization and content of qualification and advanced training of classroom teachers of schools and college curators. It is known that the system of qualification and advanced training of specialists who organize educational work in schools is based on the knowledge of teachers obtained in pedagogical higher and secondary educational institutions and on the experience of working with students. The constantly changing reality and changes in the psychology of the younger generation require constant professional development for classroom teachers in educational institutions, who often lack knowledge of the theory and methods of organizing the educational process. All this requires pedagogical and scientific support, as well as techniques and technologies of education. Pedagogical views on the correlation of national and universal education in personality are considered in the works of Bogomolova M.I.[6], Bromley Yu.V. [7], Valeeva I.I. [8], Gorbunov V.A. [9, 10], Malikova R.Sh. [19], Mudrik A.V. [20, 24], Mukaeva O.D. [21], Rachkovskaya N.A. [26], Selivanova N.L. [24, 27], Khrapal L.R. [1], Shumilova E.A. [24], Shchelina T.T. [24, 29]. The directions and individual components of the systemic educational process in an academic institution were studied by Asmolov A.G. [4], Batrakova Y.S. [5], Gorshkova M.A. [11], Dobrenkov V.I. [12], Ippolitova N.V. [13], Kruglov B.S. [16], Kulnevich S.V. [24], Levanova E.A. [17], Loginova A.A. [18] Nefedova N.A. [23], Chekalina T.A. [24], and other authors [2, 6]. Despite the importance of the research conducted in this area, we have to summarize that today, problem areas are being identified: – the challenges of our time, which are changing traditional spiritual and moral foundations and are associated with changes in the economic and socio-cultural situation in Russia, require a significant restructuring of the Russian educational space and are due to the lack of theoretical and methodological research conceptually defining the content aspect of the educational system of educational organizations within the framework of new requirements for the socialization of the younger generation; − there is a persistent need of society for a graduate of a university of a new formation, defined at the legislative level, expressed in a social order for a specialist in the professional field, a patriot, a future family-oriented person, a moral and self-sufficient citizen, aimed at self-development, which cannot be without an educational system of activities at all stages of education for children and youth; − the formation of the educational process in organizations following regulatory and legislative documents in education, orientation to the basic socio-cultural needs of modern society, and the lack of a clear system of training human resources to meet them. The purpose is to substantiate, at the theoretical, methodological, organizational, and applied levels, the organizational and pedagogical conditions for educational activities in modern socio-cultural conditions and share experience in implementing the educational system for organizing such activities in academic institutions, using the Nizhny Novgorod region as an example. The research methods were the study and retrospective analysis of Russian literature on the research problem, the study of advanced pedagogical experience in educational activities, and the analysis of questionnaires and statistical data obtained during the research on the studied problem. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the author's understanding of the essence and importance of educational activities in general education institutions, understood by us as a systematic type of pedagogical activity carried out by a teacher in the system of competence communication, is revealed; the creation of comfortable psychological and pedagogical conditions for the organization of the educational process in the development of the personality of students; a psychologically comfortable educational environment and microclimate for subjects of educational The significant aspects of successful educational activity are highlighted—the educational potential of the academic disciplines studied at school, the competent organization of extracurricular leisure activities, the close relationship of all subjects of the educational process (parents, teachers, students, social partners); the experience of educational activities in educational institutions of the Nizhny Novgorod region is studied and presented. A feature of the modern education system is a high level of sensitivity to changes in the educational process: content, forms and methods, assessment of the relevance of events, reaction to what is happening in the experience of actions, the evolution of teaching teams, those communities that deal with children outside school, are engaged in achieving the results and effects of educational activities [6]. An example for creating certain points for scientific research and expanding educational tools is the Nizhny Novgorod region, where 1,149 preschool educational organizations (160,686 pupils), 881 educational organizations (with more than 345,000 students, 54 state educational organizations, 807 municipal educational organizations, 20 private educational organizations), 309 additional education organizations operate in the region (about 195,000 students, 7 state organizations of further education, 160 municipal organizations of further education, 24 private organizations of further education, 124 educational organizations of the branches of culture and sports), 75 professional educational organizations (71 state professional educational organizations, 4 private educational organizations, 67,000 students), 11 educational organizations of higher education (about 95,000 students), 11 orphanages (introduced by the Ministry of Social Policy of the Nizhny Novgorod region), 2 special (correctional) boarding schools for orphans (almost 500 pupils). The study was conducted among teachers—subject teachers, classroom teachers, teachers of additional education, and high school students. With the help of a questionnaire from January to March 2024, an analysis of educational activities currently being carried out in educational organizations of the Nizhny Novgorod region (NO) was made, which showed the following: - For 92% of schools, the core of the annual cycle of educational work is the key school-wide affairs through which the integration of teachers' educational efforts is carried out. Collective school affairs are a relatively successful form of academic activity, but, as a rule, the leading role in them is played either by teachers or a small group of activists. In contrast, such cases aim to involve and teach schoolchildren of different ages to organize school-wide affairs themselves. As a rule, 8% of schools use small group and individual forms of work in their arsenal. These are special (correctional) boarding schools. Children in such schools feel most comfortable in one-on-one conversations, making the educational process more productive. Gradually moving from individual forms and methods of organizing educational activities and creating comfortable conditions, children learn to communicate, become interested in collective affairs, and develop independence and organization. - In 76% of educational institutions, at school, such conditions are created in which, as the child grows, their role in joint affairs increases (from a passive observer to an organizer). The data obtained indicate that the organization of educational detail requires painstaking work from the teaching staff to create and consolidate psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of leadership and organizational qualities in students in schools, which subsequently allows them to form a desire to participate in joint affairs, learn technologies for organizing and conducting socially significant cases. - In 94% of educational institutions, teachers are focused on forming collectives within the framework of school classes, clubs, studios, sections, and other children's associations in them of friendly and friendly relationships. The survey data suggest that educational activities in schools are still mainly based on developing school collectives using traditional forms and methods of academic work. In contrast, state and educational policy currently focuses not only on forming personality in classrooms and school collectives, which is traditionally true. However, they also widely suggest introducing new public organizations, volunteer associations, and partner communities into the development of school collectives to develop the personalities of teachers and pupils in educational activities. - In 99% of institutions, the key figure in school education is the class teacher, who implements protective, personality-developing, organizational, and mediation (in conflict resolution) functions about children. The data obtained indicate that there is a relatively deep purposeful work to be done in the formation of self-government in educational organizations, using the capabilities of school media (school wall newspapers, radio, school, and local television), the use of modern information technologies and Internet capabilities, attracting election commission specialists to the organization of school self-government, inviting well-known politicians, successful managers, in particular including parents, improving the regulatory and methodological framework necessary for the development of student self-government in schools, organizing and conducting active seminars, pedagogical discussions on significant problems of self-government, and training activists of student self-government. To train and improve the competencies of human resources in the Nizhny Novgorod region, since 2021, an "Ecostation" has been operating—a regional platform for training teachers implementing additional general education programs of a natural science orientation, as well as other platforms for the exchange of experience in various fields. Personnel support in the region is carried out within the framework of All-Russian professional skill competitions: "Teacher of the Year," "Educator of the Year," "Educate a Person," "Flagships of Education," "League of Counselors," "Professionalism," All-Russian forum of classroom teachers, All-Russian program of social activity of primary school students "Eaglets of Russia," a series of educational events within the framework of the project "Conversations about important things," "Kinouroki," work on the preparation of grant projects and others. Special attention is paid to implementing education work programs in the region's general and professional educational organizations. The priority in this area of work was implementing project-based intensive educational programs for specialists in education and organizing forum platforms for advisers to the director of education, classroom teachers, heads of children's public organizations, and specialists of educational authorities in charge of education in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Full-fledged educational activities in general education institutions are impossible without the involvement of students' legal representatives. As scientific and practical research shows, the upbringing of a full-fledged member of society is based on such fundamental values for our society, family, work, nation, nature, peace, knowledge, culture, and health. This process is carried out only in the joint activities of teachers, children, parents, and social partners of the school by organizing, for example, school-wide key cases, activities of children's public associations, career guidance, and the realization of the educational potential of the lesson. It is precisely these aspects that the activities of the academic community in organizing various competitions are devoted to, for example, the All-Russian competition "Big Change" "Your Turn," held in the Nizhny Novgorod region, where special attention is paid to the involvement of parents in educational activities, the work of the regional School of parental education has shown great potential in this area. This activity has been successfully tested in the Nizhny Novgorod region, is unique, has great potential and high variability, and can be scaled to the whole of Russia. In this region, it is understood that in many cases, when it comes to educational aspects and practices, they educate children and their parents. In this sense, various formats of academic activities in preschool educational organizations are very well suited. In the region, "Conversations about important things" occur weekly in schools. This form of work with children, with parents during parent-teacher meetings, and live interactive formats allow you to comprehend and stop and once again pay attention to those values that have always been, are, and will be with Russians: Elderly People's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, National Unity Day. Conclusions: 1. As shown by the theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature in the organization of educational activities in educational institutions, three main aspects are distinguished: the use of the educational potential of academic disciplines and the organization of extracurricular leisure activities of the younger generation, the relationship of all subjects of educational activities in an educational institution and outside it, which will allow for the full interaction of all processes at the end of school education to get a young person with a real behavioral manifestation of personality, a citizen, a patriot, a conscious and responsible member of society, a future family man. Recommendations: Considering the specifics of modern youth socialization, a unified strategy for organizing educational activities at all academic institutions must be developed. At the same time, the importance of creating a unified system for exchanging experience and ensuring that all subjects are involved in the educational process, primarily when interacting with the administration, teachers, parents, and students, should be emphasized. 2. As the analysis of successful practices shows, to ensure the transfer of socio-cultural, spiritual, and moral norms and values into the inner self of the child, the value-setting function of socialization (the inclusion of socio-cultural norms and values into the inner world of a person) must be linked to the educational process of pedagogical influence at the levels of socially valuable activities (project activities in the learning process, civic-patriotic events, leisure, volunteer orientation) and correctional pedagogical communication (persuasion, dialogue, explanation). Recommendations: The implementation of a set of measures using various formats of interaction involving all subjects of the educational process of raising children in general education institutions should be organized at all age stages of the development of younger personalities, as it is the sphere of education, from our point of view, that should become a kind of foundation guaranteeing respect for the rights of the individual in the field of his physical and psychological health. Creation of platforms for the exchange of experience in various fields, where educational work programs are successfully implemented in the format of project educational intensive courses for specialists in the field of education and the organization of forum sites for advisers to the director of education, classroom teachers, heads of children's public organizations and specialists of educational authorities in charge of education in the academic space. 3. For the effective functioning of the educational system, a refined and expanded understanding of the role, competencies (pedagogical, psychological, socio-economic, and communicative), personal qualities (erudition, tolerance, empathy, organizational skills, reflection skills, striving for self-development, and orientation to the achievements of pupils), and the functions of classroom teachers and educators of educational institutions is required. Increasing their competence should be based on the principle of success (based on pedagogical assistance to the individual's desire for success in professional and social terms; understanding the achievement of success as a process of development of professional and social competencies, components of general culture, and moral behavior). Recommendations: there is a need in the education system to improve the competence of employees in this aspect. The administration of an educational institution should constantly monitor problem areas in the functioning of employees who ensure the educational process in the organization, create conditions for their constant development and success, take advanced training courses in appropriate programs, the opportunity to participate in scientific and practical seminars and strategic sessions on the problem; the possibility of creating and organizing the work of the Resource Center "Educational Space with educational potential," the purpose of which will be to provide psychological and pedagogical assistance to all subjects of the educational process, namely representatives of the administration of the educational institution, teachers, students, and their parents, which will create a network space of mutual assistance for participants in educational relations. The experience of the Nizhny Novgorod region in involving the parent community in educational work, working with children who find themselves in difficult situations and have difficulty communicating with children and adults, and, of course, the work of important educational organizations in terms of counseling on prevention and providing psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance to families and students of schools in the region is advisable to take into service. References
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