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Philology: scientific researches
Shigurov, V.V., Shigurova, T.A. (2024). Transposition of substantive word forms into the category of adverbs of a collection: steps, signs, limits. Philology: scientific researches, 5, 87–102.
Transposition of substantive word forms into the category of adverbs of a collection: steps, signs, limits
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0749.2024.5.70720EDN: BQSPVGReceived: 12-05-2024Published: 01-06-2024Abstract: The relevance of the study is due to the need for a comprehensive analysis of the process and result of the functional and functional-semantic transposition of linguistic units from nouns to the class of adverbs. The purpose of the work is to describe the stages and limits of transposition of instrumental case forms of nouns into the category of adverbs of compatibility/collection. The novelty of the approach lies in the use of the technique of oppositional analysis, which made it possible to establish that the degree of departure of different word forms and their groups from nouns and approach to adverbs is different. In certain contextual conditions, the same word form demonstrates, respectively, a core or peripheral noun, a hybrid and a peripheral non-substantive adverb. The indicated stages of the actual grammatical transposition of a word form into the category of adverbs with the semantics of a collection are found within the semantic zone of the original substantive lexeme. The limit of this type of transposition is the stage of peripheral adverbs, representing grammatical homonyms of the original forms of the instrumental case of nouns. It has been revealed that cases of word forms going beyond the semantic zone of the original lexeme during adverbialization are rare. Most often, with functional-semantic adverbialization, metaphorization of the adverbialized noun is observed, creating a favorable basis for its semantic separation from the original lexeme. Groups of nouns have been identified that demonstrate, in typical contexts, different numbers of stages of transposition into adverbs of compatibility. Each stage of adverbialization is determined by the syntactic conditions of speech – the syntagmatic environment of the word form, its functional load. In the zones of the periphery and core of adverbs, proper morphological changes in the structure of linguistic units are recorded. Keywords: Russian language, grammar, transposition, adverbialization, noun, adverb, core, periphery, zone of hybridity, stageThis article is automatically translated. 1. Introductory remarks The problem of functional and functional-semantic transposition of the uncomplicated forms of the creative case of nouns by a crowd, a gang, a crowd, a choir, a pile, etc. into a subclass of determinative adverbs with the meaning of the aggregate is one of the insufficiently studied in the theory of transpositional grammar of the Russian language. The reason for this type of adverbial transposition, semantic prerequisites, lexical base, stages of semantic and grammatical degeneration of substantive word forms into an adverbial subclass with the semantics of compatibility (or totality), signs of adverbialization and limit are not completely clear. The syntactic conditions necessary for the gradual (stepwise) advancement of substantive word forms from the core zone of the original part of speech to the nuclear adverbs of compatibility (totality) have not been adequately studied. This determines the relevance of the work. The purpose of the study is to identify the causes, semantic prerequisites, signs and stages of functional and functional–semantic transposition of forms of the creative case of nouns into a subclass of adverbs with the meaning of compatibility (totality). The object of the analysis is word forms that demonstrate in typical contexts different degrees of departure from the class of nouns and approximation to the category of definitional adverbs of compatibility (totality). The subject of consideration is the stages and signs of the transposition of the forms of the creative case of nouns into the category of adverbs of compatibility (totality). The research material consists of sentences extracted from the National Corpus of the Russian Language and marked with the abbreviation [NKRYA] [7]. Access mode: /. The novelty of the work is due to a systematic linguistic analysis of the steps, signs and limits of the transposition of forms of the creative case into the category of adverbs of compatibility (totality), as well as syncretic (peripheral and hybrid) formations explicating the multidimensional nature of the transmitted information. The theoretical basis of the research was the work of Russian and Western scientists on the problem of transposition (transitivity, transformation, translation, conversion, derivation) [1; 2; 14; 15, pp. 57-71; 16; 21; 23, pp. 25-38; 29, pp. 13-26; 30; 31]. The solution of the tasks set in the article was provided by the use of methods of oppositional, component and distributive analysis, linguistic experiment. The initial premise in the study of the transposition of linguistic units from nouns to adverbs is the recognition of the graduated nature of adverbialization. Like other types of intercategorical transposition, it can be represented at the synchronous level in the form of several stages (stages), explicating a gradual departure from nouns and convergence with adverbs. Each stage of adverbialization corresponds to a certain link on the transitivity scale: A/S(gorge) (zone of nuclear nouns) --> Ab/S(gorge) n(arech) (zone of peripheral nouns) ab/s(gorge) n(arech) (zone of intermediate, substantive-adverbial formations) --> aB/s(gorge) N(arech) (zone of peripheral adverbs) --> B/N(arech) (zone of nuclear adverbs). In different speech conditions, a substantive word form can explicate certain stages of adverbialization both within the semantic zone of the original lexeme and beyond its limits (see also our research in the field of the stepwise and overlapping nature of transpositional processes of predication, modalation, pronominalization and interjection: [25, pp. 34-43; 26, pp. 51-62; 27, pp. 152-158; 28, pp. 5972-5976; 32, pp. 177-191]).
2. Research results and discussion As a result of the study, it was found that the reason for the process of transposition of nouns into adverbs of the aggregate is the need to form linguistic means to indicate the number of subjects and objects involved in the implementation of any action. To determine the action on the basis of "complicity / non-participation" (V.B. Yevtyukhin's expression in [10, p. 514]), subjects or objects use different types of adverbs, correlating mainly with nouns and numerals; cf.: together, together, singly, alone, alone, one-on-one, alone, separately, in a platoon, in pairs, separately, separately, together, five, in a crowd, wholesale, herd, gang, crowd, etc. Adverbs with the meaning of compatibility, traditionally included in the subclass of adverbs of image and mode of action, are sometimes considered as a separate adverbial category (see, for example: [9, p. 170; 19, p. 705; 20, p. 189; 24, p. 573]). A.V. Isachenko included adverbs of the type together in the category of circumstantial adverbs, since they are not definitions in relation to individual words and relate to the whole sentence as a whole (see: [11, p. 254]). When analyzing individual sentences such as Father and son went hunting together, it is difficult to say what the adverb refers to together – to the predicate went or to the subject father and son. According to V.B. Yevtyukhin, the central place among adverbs with the meaning of compatibility should be given to words formed from collective numerals of the type two, five, which denote the exact number of subjects / objects; cf.: together, together, together (see: [10, p. 515]). According to V.B. Yevtyukhin's observations, derived adverbs of the three-way type characterize the actions of persons (cf. problematic expressions: Ducklings flew together; Sleighs rode in threes) and, unlike producing numerals, have no restrictions on compatibility with words denoting female persons; cf. the author's examples: ?Three girls came and it was awkward for the Rutilov Sisters to go in threesomes [10, p. 515]). The semantic prerequisite for the adverbialization of the uncomplicated creative case is a group of nouns with a common semantics of compatibility or totality. According to O. S. Orlova, when used in an adverbial function, the meaning of collectivity, generalization in word forms by a flock, a crowd, a cloud, etc. turns out to be a favorable semantic base for even greater abstraction of their meanings. However, unlike word forms with adverbial values of time (spring, winter, summer, etc.) and image and mode of action (step, trot, etc.), the degree of abstraction of meanings in word forms such as pile, crowd, gang, artel, pack, subject to adverbialization, is less. According to the degree of adverbiality, forms of the crowd type, from the point of view of O. S. Orlova, will be located lower in the hierarchical ladder than in spring, autumn and step, trot, since, as already mentioned, their degree of abstraction is less, besides, their aggregate value is associated with the value of comparison, which constrains the adverbialization of forms, containing a reference to the objects being compared; cf.: the enemies moved in a horde like a horde (see: [18, p. 194]). In this regard, the following contexts of the use of adverbialized substantive word forms with the meanings of the sign of action, characterized by the compatibility of the subjects involved in its implementation (1), or the totality of the objects of action (2), are indicative: (1) From the Savaneevka platform, all camouflage, except for the mute, headed in a crowd across the tracks to the village of expensive mansions [A. Dmitriev. The Ghost of the theater (2002-2003) // "Znamya", 2003] [NKRYA]; You can still... walk on mushrooms or on yazia, take a snow fortress with a gang... [P. Krusanov. Another wind // "October", 1999] [NKRYA]; As soon as the bell rang from the last lesson, all the guys rushed to the door in a crowd [V. Medvedev. Barankin, be a man! (1957)] [NKRYA]; (2) They went to trusted Hutsuls for meat... vegetables were also taken in bulk, and the rest was bought in small batches in different places so as not to shine with large purchases [A. Marinina. The Illusion of Sin (1996)] [NKRYA]. Some substantive adverbs, in particular the herd, are able to convey both of these meanings – the compatibility of subjects (3) and the totality of objects (4) (see: [3, p. 470]). For example.: (3) The owner of the wagon train... can sell either in droves or at retail all his goods, wagons and oxen [K. Stanyukovich. The Adventures of a Sailor (1900)] [NKRYA] (? 'large batch; wholesale’); (4) When everything was thought over to the smallest detail, the craftsmen gathered in a herd and moved together with the headman to the pan [A. Kramer. About wanderers and wanderers // "Siberian lights", 2013] [NKRYA] (? 'crowd, crowd'). The semantics of the sign of an action involving only one subject is represented, for example, by an adverb based on the creative case without a single preposition (see: [5, p. 470]): (5) (a) And now he lives alone in this trap-like apartment, locked himself in from the inside, as if locked by someone from the outside [O. Pavlov. Asystole // "Znamya", 2009] [NKRYA] (? 'not communicating with anyone, apart from others'); (b) I may be fighting alone, I don't know [p. Ghoul. Azef (1958)] [NKRYA]; When he got sick, he fell behind, he was filmed when he was traveling alone with a report, or just banged around the corner on occasion [A. Gaidar. In the days of defeats and victories (1922-1925)][RNC] (? bez others to do something’); (c) But I was walking alone, and not along the line of organized recruitment of labor, and the police found it impossible to give me a temporary residence permit [A. Kim. My past (1990-1998) // "October", 1998] [NKRYA] (? 'in detail, on my own initiative'). The process of adverbial transposition of word forms such as crowd, gang, crowd, lava, camp, pack, artel, round dance is carried out in the presence of certain syntactic conditions that change as nouns move towards the class of nuclear adverbs. As a result of the study, it was found that the number of stages of adverbialization in substantive word forms may be different. The word forms explicating the 4 stages of adverbialization on the way to adverbs of totality / compatibility will be shown by the example of typical contexts of the use of a word form by a crowd: Contexts of the use of the nuclear noun by the crowd in the complement function: (6) "Publicity, gentlemen, is the main strength of any society! – the chief commentator Balder Guizgulidzh philosophized with the speed of a machine gun. – In conditions of voicelessness, these two lucky guys would have been torn apart by a crowd of losers long ago." Aksenov. Round the clock non-stop // "New World", 1976] [NKRYA]; There are manipulators who know how to control a crowd to achieve selfish, as a rule, goals [p. Vakhitov. The torn heart of Adele // "Belsky expanses", 2013] [NKRYA]. Contexts of the use of a peripheral noun by a crowd in the function of the circumstance of compatibility in combination with dependent adjectival and substantive distributors: (7) The women came in an excited crowd to the chief of staff of the division and stated that bandits had settled in the attic. Lemons. We had a Great Era (1987)] [NKRYA]; Then we went to the club and barged in with the whole crowd – eighteen hefty fishermen [V. Aksenov. Star ticket // "Yunost", 1961] [NKRYA]. The contexts of the single use of the hybrid, the substantial-adverbial formation by the crowd in the syncretic complement function and the circumstances of the mode of action (means): (8) According to all the wolfish concepts that are established in the army team, he will be right. And you can sweep me with a crowd. And even if I fight back like hell, no one will help [D. Filippov. Ticket to Kathmandu (2009) // "Volga", 2012] [NKRYA]; ... I immediately felt at the door as if pushed back by the crowd [V. Slipenchuk. Zinziver (2001)] [NKRYA]. The contexts of the single use of a peripheral (actually grammatical) non-substantive adverb by a crowd in the function of the circumstance of compatibility: (9) Here, as luck would have it, a bus pulls up, the doors open, letting the passengers out, and they crowd towards me [A. Motors. The crime of Dr. Parovozov (2013)] [NKRYA]. Word forms such as horde, pile, pile, cloud explicate in typical contexts 3 stages of adverbialization associated with the zones of the core and periphery of nouns, as well as with the zone of hybrid, substantive-adverbial structures. Let's show them in typical contexts of using the sdlvoform by the horde. The context of the use of the nuclear noun by the horde in the complement function: (10) So your house is favored by this Tatar horde and soon it will not give up. Zalygin. The Commission (1976)] [NKRJ]. The context of the use of a peripheral noun by a horde with dependent words in the function of the circumstance of compatibility: (11) Instantly, the most terrible thoughts rush through my head like a savage horde. "Emergency room", ampoules are broken with their hands, people's backs are covered with something from their eyes, basins, faces, faces flash around [V. Aksenov. Star ticket // "Yunost", 1961] [NKRYA]. The context of the single use of the hybrid by the horde in the syncretic circumstantial function of compatibility and comparison: (12) Stumbling over each other, bumping into benches, losing their clothes and waving the untied laces of their ski boots, the fathers rushed to the vestibule in a horde [A. Ivanov. Geographer globus drank (2002)] [NKRYA]. As for the lexicographic interpretation of word forms such as horde, pile, pile, lava, pack, camp, artel, it is ambiguous. It is not uncommon to find discrepancies in the categorical interpretation of the same speech facts. Thus, in explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language, the marks "adverb" or "in the meaning of adverb" are usually absent in single word forms such as horde in the sense of the circumstance of compatibility. The horde is interpreted as a noun with the meaning ’an orderly, unorganized crowd; a crowd of people', used as part of stable turns like to go, move, etc. by the horde / horde (see: [6, pp. 96-97]). Within the framework of dictionary entries, nouns are also interpreted as formations like a pile, a pile in the function of the circumstance of totality (compatibility) (see, for example: [8]). In the "Great Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language" [4, pp. 833-834], the meanings of the nouns 'Something piled up'; 'Crowd, accumulation (of people, animals) are attributed to the word form in a heap’; cf.: to lie in a pile / heaps; to go, to pile in a pile / heaps; to crowd, crowd in a pile / heaps, etc. The form of the creative case in a pile in the circumstantial function of the aggregate in the same dictionary highlights the meaning of the noun ’A large number of any objects piled up in disorder one on top of another'; cf.: to lie, to wallow pile / piles; pile things up (see: [3, pp. 430-431; 22, pp. 173;]). A different situation is observed in the specialized "Dictionary of grammatical homonyms of the Russian language" by O.M. Kim and I.E. Ostrovkina [13, p. 295], where word forms are interpreted in heaps and heaps as adverbs. See the grammatical homonyms highlighted in the specified dictionary: (13) After the rockfall, the road was littered with a pile of stones. A small space behind the shopping malls is occupied by piles of watermelons and melons lying on the ground (nouns in the form of the creative case singular and plural); (14) The people crowded in heaps. Pushkin.; We live in a bunch of tight spaces and we all rub against each other. Kuprin; The Slodats are marching, the common people are piling up. Melnikov-Pechersky; shavings, bark, and bast lay in heaps on the street; piles of hewn wood and rough-hewn roundels lay. Biryukov (non-substantive adverbs). The adverbial status is seen in this dictionary and in singly used non-substantive education in piles as a function of the circumstance of the aggregate. Cf. the contexts of the use of homonyms given in this dictionary [13, p. 152]: (15) There was a rockfall in the mountains the day before, and the road here and there was blocked by piles of stones (noun); (16) Sand lay in heaps on the bottom of the ravine. Turgenev; Wheels, springs, sleepers, rails are lying in piles – in chaotic scattering and disorder. Serafimovich (adverbs). The adverb pile is not recorded in this dictionary. See an example of its use from the National Corpus of the Russian language: (17) Bags, boxes and trunks were piled in the luggage compartment [A. Ivanov (Alexey Mavrin). Psoglavtsy. Chapters 21-39 (2011)] [NKRYA]. How an adverb is interpreted in the mentioned dictionary is the word form of clouds; the word form of clouds as an adverb, unlike piles, is not given here [13, pp. 747-748]; cf. homonymous substantive and adverbial word forms from the dictionary in question: (18) A huge black cloud covered the sun, and it became dark (noun); (19) The Moscow dust stood like a cloud over the city and covered the sky. Gl. Uspensky (adverb). For comparison, we present a similar type of use of the plural form of the creative case by clouds: (20) By evening, mosquitoes were downright savage in the forest, it seemed, waiting for a man behind every bush, swirling clouds over their heads, stinging their faces, necks, arms, and in an irrepressible thirst for blood they climbed into their noses and eyes [V. Bulls. The Swamp (2001)] [NKRYA]. The semantics of comparison with any object in adverbializable substantive word forms in the function of the circumstance of compatibility / totality obviously restrains the further advance of singly used hybrids towards peripheral and nuclear adverbs, allowing us to consider only the zone of intermediate, substantive-adverbial structures as the limit of their adverbialization. A similar situation is observed with hybrids in the meaning of comparing the type of bullet (rush), arrow (rush). Word forms such as squad, platoon, regiment, division, group represent in typical contexts 2 stages of adverbialization associated with the zones of the core and periphery of nouns. They make, relatively speaking, only the first, syntactic step towards adverbs, acting in a single position of the circumstance of compatibility / totality. In the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language, their circumstantial function associated with movement towards adverbs is not distinguished. Cf. contexts of the use of word forms by a detachment, a group of both typical (21) and peripheral nouns (22): (21) Women seem to me to be a secret rescue squad, dormant for the time being, in order to suddenly one day provide humanity with decisive help of mercy [A. Ilichevsky. Persian (2009)]; The revolution has fallen, the civil war, I was brought to the Far East. The squad was commanded by a youngster [V. Mikhalsky. Temple of Concord (2008)] [NKRYA]; ... Ganchuk's wife, Yulia Mikhailovna Bruce, worked at our Department of Languages, led the group [Yu. Trifonov. The house on the embankment (1976)] [NKRYA]; Vilya spent most of his time working with the band, music, arrangements and rehearsals [p. Kaminsky. The fate of the drummer girl // "Ark", 2015] [NKRYA]; (22) No matter how childish, no matter how reckless such a dream is, but at other moments Boris really dreams about it: if he could bring them all together, former pioneers, they would do wonders with the whole squad! [L. Kabo. The story of Boris Bekleshov (1962)] [NKRYA]; Then we all decided to go to Drozdovsky in order to make our way to Kornilov in a detachment, and not alone, which was much harder [A. Turkul, I. Lukash. Drozdovtsy on Fire (1937-1948)] [NKRYA]; They walked along the village street in a group, as at a festive demonstration: Ivan Andreevich Bystroye was walking in front. Rytheu. The most beautiful ships (1997)] [NKRYA]; He walked away from them, standing in a group, and even from the back it was visible what this year had done to him, this five-month lying down, and then a five-month training of the body [Yu. Vizbor. Alternative to the vertex Key (1981)] [NKRYA]. The situation is similar in the case of functional displacement of the nuclear forms of the creative case to the periphery of the noun class during transposition, for example, into spatial adverbs (field, forest, shore, etc.) (23) and determinative adverbs of the mode of action (with the meaning of a means of transportation) by train, electric train, airplane, tram, etc. (24). (23) That's when they were not exhausted yet, they went to the railway in the field, not to the station, the guards did not allow them to enter the station, but right on the way [V. Grossman. Everything flows (1955-1963) // "October", 1989] [NKRYA]; (24) We were left alone: the colonel, Borya and me. We went to work by train [Yu. Trifonov. The Overturned House (1980)] [NKRYA]. It should also be noted that single nuclear adverbs with the semantics of concatenation / totality of the cluster type, which have lost the correlative forms of nouns and therefore represent only the final stage of adverbialization of the creative case: (25) When there was a typo or just a fuss, editors were herded into the printing house to paste inserts on the last page or dress books in super [p. Kaledin. Alley Rouge // "Ogonyok", 2013] [NKRYA] (? all together together’). In our opinion, some revival of the substantial nature of the word form in a crowd can be seen only when it is used with adjectival words as part of stable turns in a whole group (see: [7, pp. 723-724]). It is necessary to distinguish between two types of transposition of forms of the creative case of nouns into adverbs of compatibility and totality – functional and functional-semantic. With functional adverbialization, word forms do not violate the semantic identity of the original lexemes, representing an adverbial type of use. In explanatory dictionaries, with such adverbialized word forms, sometimes a litter of 'B' values is given. adverbs’. These are peripheral, actually grammatical adverbs functioning in the semantic zone of the original substantive lexemes. Lexicographically, they are interpreted in two ways: in separate dictionary entries (crowd, herd, wholesale, etc.) or dictionary entries for the original nouns (crowd, gang, bunch, etc.). Such adverbs have lost categorical properties of nouns, such as substantial semantics; grammatical categories of gender, number and case; paradigms of number and case; inflections; the function of complementation; the presence of adjectival and substantive distributors, lexico-grammatical categories of nouns, etc., having acquired the properties of an adverbial class – categorical semantics of a feature of a feature, immutability, the function of circumstance, adjunction as a way of verbal subordination with the main component of a phrase, suffix morpheme based on inflection, the bit value of the determinative adverb of compatibility (totality), etc. As a result of functional-semantic adverbialization, as with functional, substantive word forms are deprived of partial features of the original noun class, however, the degree of semantic departure from nouns in this case is higher, which allows us to see in adverbialized word forms not only grammatical, but also lexical homonyms of nouns. A greater semantic departure from the noun is observed when metaphorizing word forms of the chorus type. The presence of semantic correlation (agreement) with the verb, i.e. common semes in the semantic structure, prevents the violation of the semantic identity of the lexeme and the semantic isolation of its form of the creative case (cf.: sing in chorus, speak – verbs of speech). When using an adverbializate with other semantic categories of verbal vocabulary, there is a metaphorization of its semantics and a semantic separation from the original lexeme (writing in chorus, making friends, etc.). The functional and functional-semantic types of adverbialization of the creative case can be illustrated by the example of the use of linguistic units representing, on the one hand, nuclear nouns (26), and on the other the other is peripheral (grammatical proper) (27) and nuclear adverbs (28): (26) In the end, he was given a place as a singing teacher at school, where he also led a dance circle and led a choir [Yu. Buida. The cat has nine deaths (2000) // "New World", 2005] [NKRYA]; (27) The whole class, led by a Japanese, was singing a new song in chorus. The whites. Bast shoes (1929)] [NKRYA]; (28) The door to his half was boarded up in chorus and a new one was cut through on the other side so that the prince and the bishop would not even meet [A. Ivanov. The Heart of Parma (2000)] [NKRYA]. According to O.N. Kalyakina, in cases such as writing with the heart (? ’insincere’), singing with a phonogram (? 'not live'), lexical restrictions on the compatibility of the creative case are removed, which leads to its metaphorization and leads to the path of adverbialization (see: [12, p. 74]). Word forms that undergo both functional and functional-semantic adverbialization are rare in modern Russian. However, they are the ones who are able to represent the five stages of adverbial transposition. The chorus word form already mentioned above is noteworthy in this regard, explicating in typical contexts all stages of transposition into adverbs of totality / compatibility. Let's show them with a few comments. The stage of the core of nouns implementing the primary substantive function of the complement (the method of subordinate connection with the main word – strong control; object relations; what?): (29) Over their heads, two nuns can be seen conducting a choir of girls in the depths of the cathedral, in front of the altar [M. Shishkin. Venerin volos (2004) // "Banner", 2005] [NKRYA]; Now he ... directs the choir and orchestra of folk instruments at the local club ... [V. Balls. The Resurrection of Lazarus (1997-2002)] [NKRYA]. The stage of the periphery of nouns used with adjectival and / or substantive distributors in the function of the circumstance of compatibility (the method of communication with the main word is case adjunction; circumstantial relationships; how? in what way?): (30) "It's clear," Solntseva and Skvortsov muttered in a discordant chorus. Ustinov. Personal Angel (2002)] [NKRYA]; "For peace!" – both the community workers and the Caucasians shout in a discordant chorus [V. Makanin. Underground, or the hero of our time (1996-1997)] [NKRYA]. The stage of hybrid structures combining, when used without dependent words, the substantive function of complement with the adverbial function of the circumstance of the method (means) of action (the method of communication with the main word is weak control; object-circumstance relations; what?; how?): (31) "Yes-a-a!" they all cheerfully shout in chorus, under the guise of a chorus, remaking the word matting for the excellent student Deryugin – ragozh [A. Appel. It's bad here (1990-2000)] [NKRYA]; At the end, the ensemble performed the famous song "Eh, it's good to live in the Soviet country!.." [B. Okudzhava. The abolished theater (1989-1993)] [NKRYA]. The stage of the periphery of adverbs used in the semantic zone of the original substantive lexeme as a circumstance of compatibility (the method of communication with the main word is adjunction; circumstantial relationships; how? in what way?): (32) The whole class, led by a Japanese, sang a new song in chorus [G. Belykh. Bast shoes (1929)And this means that thousands of such girls and boys went to the Kremlin to watch a concert of pop stars arranged in their honor, which means guitars, friendly but discordant singing in chorus, laughter, toasts, champagne [A. Grachev. Ardent-3. Death Warrant (2000)] [NKRYA]. The stage of the core of adverbs formed as a result of metaphorization and adverbialization of the creative case and functioning as lexical and grammatical homonyms of a noun is outside the semantic zone of the original lexeme (the method of communication with the main word is adjunction; circumstantial relationships; how? in what way?): (33) The text was composed in chorus: "Bela, I'm waiting for next Monday" [G. Elin. A joke (2002)] [NKRYA]; "Yes, you still kiss me in chorus!" – Thomas cooled the young man [S. Osipov. The passion for Thomas. Book two. Primus inter pares (1998)] [NKRYA]; For some reason, a horseman in an Adidas suit tried to block the road near the Minsk hotel, but Ilya and the Hussar looked at him in unison and even, it seems, growled - and the horseman disappeared somewhere [A. Lazarchuk, Mikhail Uspensky. Look into the eyes of monsters (1996)] [NKRYA]; And the locals kept sneezing in chorus [e. Chepovetsky. Fidget, Crumb and Netak (1989)] [NKRYA]. At the stages of the periphery of nouns, hybrid structures and the periphery of adverbs, the chorus word form is characterized by a close semantic connection with verbs or verbal nouns, which is confirmed by the presence of common semes in their semantic structure (speaking, sounding; cf.: shouting in chorus; singing in chorus, etc.). At the stage of peripheral adverbs, the chorus word form demonstrates the proper grammatical type of adverbialization of the creative case, i.e., the formation of a functional adverb within the framework of the original lexeme. In the zone of nuclear adverbs, the semantic connection of the adverbialized word form with verbs is absent, the metaphorization of the adverb occurs, leading to a violation of lexemic identity and the formation of a new word – the lexical and grammatical homonym of the original form of the creative case of the noun. In the core of nouns, the categorical properties of this part of speech are most clearly manifested – the semantics of objectivity; grammatical categories of gender, number and case; inflectional paradigm, complement function, etc. At the stages of the periphery and the core of adverbs, these substantial signs are absent in the chorus word form. They are replaced by signs of adverb – the semantics of the secondary sign (sign of a sign); immutability; suffix -om; adjunction as a way of communicating with the main word; the function of the circumstance of compatibility (manifested already at the stage of the periphery of nouns). In the hybridity zone, we observe the synthesis of substantial and adverbial properties in the structure of singly used chorus formation; the morpheme -om has a hybrid, inflected-suffix character. At the stage of the periphery of adverbs, as already mentioned, we have the grammatical (functional) homonym proper (to sing in chorus), and at the stage of the core of adverbs – the lexico-grammatical homonym (to look at the chorus) of the creative case of the noun (to lead the chorus). When adverbializing in the function of the circumstance of compatibility (totality), the form of the creative plural case acquires an additional shade of separativeness; cf.: herds, pairs, rows, shoals, piles, flocks, clouds, herds, groups, etc., for example.: (34) ... They ran again in heaps, crowds, herds and scattering, hurrying to no one knows where, to whom and why [V. Astafyev. Cursed and killed. The first book. The Devil's Pit (1995)] [NKRYA]; Fish are coming in herds, shoals, flocks; fish are climbing, hurrying, pushing – it's obviously hard for them: their bellies are swollen, full of caviar or milk [e. Charushin. The Fisherman Bear (1930-1950) The Jew walked in front, followed by the rest, one by one and in pairs. Ulitskaya Street. Kukotsky's incident [Journey to the seventh side of the world] // "New World", 2000] [NKRYA]; They will put so many, many beds in rows at the station - we sleep [d. Bobyleva. The one who is found in the subway // "October", 2013] [NKRYA]; There was no furniture in the room, only rags lay in piles here and there, and several boxes piled up in the corners, serving as chairs, tables and lockers [A. Slapovsky. Money Day (1998)] [NKRYA]; A crowd of people buzzed, fermented, and the most zealous moved in gangs to Mizgir Lake to the boyar's yard - to ask for Ali kistenishka... [e. Lukin. We rolled your sun (1997)] [For NOTHING]; He also climbed tallows with a seemingly heavy axe, and chopped down supports, and it was unbearably hot and clouds of midges curled, crawling under his sleeves, into his pants, and into his eyes, and he took tar ointment with fish oil from his grandfather and smeared it then the face [M. Tarkovsky. The construction of the bathhouse // "Roman-gazeta", 2018] [NKRYA]; The audience was delirious with happiness in the boxes, moaned with delight in four tiers, roared in herds in the aisles [B. Evseev. Evstigney // "October", 2010] [NKRYA]; Tourists in resort caps wandered in groups and singly [p. Dovlatov. Nature Reserve (1983)] [NKRYA]. Nominal forms of the creative case with quantitative semantics, including numerals, can also be used in the separative meaning; cf.: tens, hundreds, thousands. For example.: (35) The peasants, in sheepskin coats torn under their arms, desperately pushed through the crowd, piled dozens on a horse-drawn cart... [I. Turgenev. Lebedyan (1848)] [NKRYA]; And quite seemingly insignificant, small blue-gray flowers, they sat on their bush by the hundreds, like splashes on the floor after whitewashing, – mattioles – surprised him [E. Lemons. We had a Great Era (1987)] [NKRYA]; And now hundreds, thousands of children are brought to us every day, but there is not a single vicious one among them! [A. Kuprin. Garnet Bracelet (1911)] [NKRYA]. The degree of adverbialization of plural forms with the semantics of separability varies. The functional nature of the adverbial transposition of such word forms is manifested, first of all, in their movement to the zones of the periphery of nouns and hybrid structures. Cf., for example, herds as nuclear (36) and peripheral substantive word forms (37), as well as as a hybrid (38): (36) Alexander Dyachkovsky undertook to rule the herds of deer, and the cars with the slaughtered carcasses went with a tightly rolled winter road in all directions [L. Sermyagin. Execution // "Far East", 2019] [NKRYA]; (37) Marals were destroyed by shoals, they were beaten out by whole herds [Ch. Aitmatov. The White Steamer (1970)] [NKRYA]; (38) Goats, I knew, go in herds very rarely and do not whistle [V. Pravdukhin. Years, trails, a gun (1930)] [NKRYA]. The singular forms of nouns in the separative meaning can also be adverbialized; cf.: (39) A crowd of fifteen people went out into the street [A. Kirov. Ushany // "October", 2013] [NKRYA] (? ' '))))))).
3. Conclusion The conducted research has shown that the process of transposition of the forms of the creative case of nouns into the category of adverbs of compatibility / totality has a stepwise character. The degree of departure from nouns and approximation to adverbs in different speech conditions may be different, which suggests the existence of several stages of their adverbial transposition associated with zones of nuclear and peripheral nouns and adverbs, as well as with a zone of hybrid, intermediate formations. The functional type of adverbialization has a limit to the zone of the periphery of adverbs representing the adverbial type of use of word forms within the semantic zone of the original lexemes. This is a purely grammatical process, not related to word formation. Functional-semantic adverbialization leads to the formation of not only grammatical, but also lexical homonyms, giving reason to talk about a violation of the semantic identity of the original lexemes. In this case, a new linguistic unit is formed, which is part of the subclass of determinative adverbs with the meaning of compatibility (totality). Adverbialization as a grammatical process of adverb generation is associated here with the morphological and syntactic way of word formation.
Gratitude. The research was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Academy of Sciences within the framework of scientific project No. 24-28-00674 "Study of adverbialization as a type of stepwise transposition of substantive word forms in the system of parts of speech of the Russian language". References
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