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History magazine - researches

Quantitative indicators of the training of cadets of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School in 1968-1993.

Baranovskii Andrei Valer'evich

Teacher, Department of Physical Training, East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

148 Far Eastern str., Irkutsk, Irkutsk region, 664035, Russia









Abstract: The subject of the research of the scientific article is the peculiarities of the process of training firefighters on the basis of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR during the period of activity of this educational institution from 1968 to 1993 on the territory of the Irkutsk region. In this publication, on the basis of previously unpublished and not introduced into scientific circulation archival materials, historical data on quantitative changes in the recruitment and training of cadets of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School during the period of their educational activities are investigated. The author considers the issues of organizing entry examinations for incoming applicants, notes significant events in the educational activities of cadets, and summarizes data on the number of specialists who have completed training. The article identifies the features of the educational process on the basis of the school, which allowed the formation of a professional staff of firefighters in the regions of Siberia and the Far East.  The research methodology includes a concrete historical approach (M.V. Astakhov, I.D. Kovalchenko, V.F. Kolomiytsev, A.P. Pronstein, etc.), as well as generalization, comparison, synthesis, classification, concretization; analysis of archival documents, legislation and scientific literature; retrospective analysis; method of historical analogies. The novelty of this scientific article lies in the fact that during the scientific research, historical and pedagogical sources, archival data describing in detail the history of the formation and development of the cadet recruitment structure of the school, as well as a detailed report on the quantitative and qualitative indicators of graduates of the fire school by year of graduation were identified and summarized. The conducted research is of interest to a wide range of readers, since the study of the educational activities of the school, structural and organizational measures for the recruitment and graduation of firefighters is a very important component in the study of the formation and development of departmental education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR in the territory of the Baikal region in the XX century. The list of heads of these structural divisions at the stage of formation and development of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR is considered.


the history of the Baikal region, fire fighting, cadets are firefighters, professional training, fire fighting school, extinguishing fires, graduation of specialists, fire education, the training system, training of specialists

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The activities of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School for the training of middle-level command specialists for fire protection units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the Russian Federation were carried out in the period from 1968 to 1993.

In the context of studying this topic, the scientific works of M.N. Agapitov, S.N. Chashchin, V.V. Chernykh are of interest [1, 2, 3, 8] – representatives of the scientific community of the Irkutsk region who studied the historical aspects of the formation and development of departmental education of law enforcement agencies and military organizations in the territory of the Siberian region in the XIX-XX centuries.

The research methodology includes a concrete historical approach (M.V. Astakhov, A.P. Pronstein, etc.) as well as generalization, comparison, synthesis, classification, concretization; analysis of archival documents, legislation and scientific literature; retrospective analysis; method of historical analogies [4, 7].

The main purpose of this scientific article is a historical generalization of the practical activities of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School, in matters of completing the school with cadets for their training and graduation of young specialists for territorial fire protection units, during the period of their educational and professional activities.

It is important to note that by the time the fire school was established on the territory of Irkutsk in 1968, there were:

1. Higher Engineering Fire-Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (Moscow, RSFSR);

2. Leningrad Higher Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (Leningrad, RSFSR);

3. Ivanovo Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (Ivanovo, RSFSR);

4. Sverdlovsk Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (Sverdlovsk, RSFSR);

5. Lviv Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (Lviv, USSR);

6. Kharkov Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (Kharkov, USSR).

Considering the geographical location of the easternmost educational institution of fire protection by 1968 on the territory of the RSFSR in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg), it is worth noting that during the late 1960s there was an acute shortage of qualified specialists for the territorial fire departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR stationed in Siberia and the Far East [1, 9, p. 23].

In general, taking into account the specifics of the industrial and economic development of the regions of Siberia and the Far East in general and the territory of the Baikal region in particular, the idea of creating the Irkutsk Fire Technical School arose back in 1932.

But the opportunity to implement this idea appeared only in 1961, in connection with the decision of the decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR. At the same time, the applicants for the creation of a fire technical school in addition to Irkutsk were Omsk, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk and Vladivostok.

The choice of Irkutsk in creating a fire technical school on its territory was quite obvious. Firstly, by the end of the 1960s, an extensive educational system of secondary specialized and higher technical educational institutions operated on the territory of Irkutsk, which made it possible, at the stage of formation, to ensure the staffing of the fire technical school with personnel with technical education from among local workers.

Secondly, Irkutsk had a convenient geographical location, being equidistant from both the territory of the Urals and the Far Eastern region of the country, which ensured a uniform influx of applicants to the place of study.

Thirdly, Irkutsk was an important transport hub, having an airport, railway station, bus station, etc. on its territory. This factor provided a convenient logistical component in movement.

Fourth, the principled position of the head of the Department of Fire Protection of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Irkutsk region, Colonel of the internal service K.N. Sheychik, who, at the level of the main Department of fire Protection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, was able to defend the position of Irkutsk as the place of creation of a new fire technical school.

It should be noted that the head of the Leningrad Fire Technical School, Colonel M.P. Zakharov, was directly involved in the selection of a site for the construction and design of buildings. The construction of buildings and buildings of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School began in 1965 and was completed in 1968 [6, p. 6].

On March 26, 1968, by order of the Ministry of Public Order of the USSR No. 0117, the Irkutsk Fire Technical School was established. At the end of 1968, during the next reorganization of the Ministry of Public Order Protection, the former name of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was returned to it, which was canceled in 1960 [5, p. 2]. This reorganization completely influenced the changes in the names of the structural divisions of the Ministry as a whole and the Irkutsk Fire Technical School in particular

Major Engineer A.P. Alifanov was appointed the first head of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School, and he served in this position until 1978.

The recruitment of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School with a variable composition of cadets was carried out annually in the summer and autumn period. The regions where the school was staffed by applicants were territorial fire protection units from Siberia and the Far East.

For example, in the company for admission of applicants in 1970 to the Irkutsk Fire Technical School for full-time education, the following stages can be distinguished:

- July 1970, the creation of an examination committee for the admission of entrance exams from candidates entering the 1st year of the college. The admissions committee included: A.P. Alifanov (head of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School), as well as representatives of the services and departments of the school: I.V. Degtev, S.S. Zyryanov, B.V. Onosov, V.A. Karpov, N.A. Treshchev, E.I. Khmelnitsky, M.A. Derevskov, V.V. Lykhin.

         For admission to the entrance exams, examination commissions were created consisting of:

         In mathematics (orally):

 The first commission: V.V. Lykhin, O.K. Tarnopolskaya.

 The second commission: L.P. Berezikov, V.A. Kamlov.

In Russian language and literature in writing (essay)

1st examiner: E.D. Gorin.

2nd examiner: E.N. Nazarov.

Also considering the organizational elements in the preparation of events for the admission of applicants, it is important to note that the personnel department of the school has prepared lists of groups of candidates for admission (at the rate of 30 people per group). And also educational files of the established form with a photo card of applicants were issued. On the basis of these documents, on the recommendation of the curator of the college, the applicant was allowed to take entrance exams.

- August 1970, in order to study the professional qualities and psychological characteristics of candidates entering the study, as well as educational work, school staff from among the teaching and commanding staff were assigned to groups of applicants:

1 gr. Major K.I. Khmelnitsky; 8 gr. Lieutenant A.D. Zaretsky;

2 gr. Lieutenant G.K. Kartavtsev; 9 gr. Major B.V. Onosov;

3 gr. captain A.N. Arzamazov; 10 gr. captain Y.S. Cherepanov;

4 gr. lieutenant V.G. Vorobyov; 11 gr. captain N.A. Treshchev;

5 gr. Lieutenant M.P. Ponomarenko; 12 gr. Lieutenant A.F. Suslov;

6 gr. lieutenant L.L. Golub; 13 gr. Lieutenant E.A. Stolyarov.

7 gr. Lieutenant A.V. Evdokimov;

Taking into account the number of each group of 30 applicants, the total number of candidates for admission to the Irkutsk Fire Technical School in 1970 was 390 people.

Also, an important preparatory stage before the admission of candidates was the passage of a mandatory repeated medical commission within the walls of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School. The commission consisted of nine medical professionals in the following areas: dermatologist, therapist, surgeon, dentist, oculist, otolaryngologist, psychotherapist, neurologist, paramedic secretary. According to the results of passing this medical commission, applicants received permission to take entrance tests.

- September 1970, candidates took entrance exams at a country base in the village. "Moskovshchina".

On September 30, 1970, 196 applicants were enrolled in the 1st year of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School. 194 candidates who did not pass the entrance tests left for the locations of component units.

A similar algorithm for conducting entrance examinations to the Irkutsk Fire Technical School was conducted on an ongoing basis during the period of activity of this educational institution.

Tracking the educational activities of the cadets of the Irkutsk Fire Technical College in 1970, it is important to note that after a three-year period of study, 173 young specialists graduated from the walls of the school on June 30, 1973. By the decision of the State Qualification Commission, graduates were awarded the qualification of "Fire Technician". And also by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, the ranks of technical lieutenant were awarded.

All graduates of the college were given badges of the established pattern with a mark in their diplomas.

Two graduates of the college:

- technician-Lieutenant V.M. Zvorygin;

- technician-Lieutenant M.K. Kolosov:[10]

For academic success and impeccable discipline, they were listed on the "Board of Honor" of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School.

The practice of graduating specialists was carried out within the walls of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School 23 times in the period from 1971 to 1993.

During the years of their educational activity from 1968 to 1993, the following number of cadets entered and graduated from the Irkutsk Fire Technical School full-time:

 received: released:

1968 – 190                              

1969 – 193

1970 – 196

1971 – 194 1971 – 152 (first issue)

1972 – 187 1972 – 179

1973 – 201 1973 – 173

1974 – 196 1974 – 161

1975 – 172 1975 – 155

1976 – 184 1976 – 152

1977 – 196 1977 – 156

1978 – 198 1978 – 156

1979 – 186 1979 – 157

1980 – 195 1980 – 156

1981 – 193 1981 – 173

1982 – 189 1982 – 166

1983 – 194 1983 – 179

1984 – 190 1984 – 171

1985 – 190 1985 – 159

1986 – 311 1986 – 186

1987 – 267 1987 – 155

1988 – 239 1988 – 270

1989 – 284 1989 – 226

1990 – 215 1990 – 171

1991 – 186 1991 – 215

1992 – 231 1992 – 226                     

                                          1993 – 160 (last issue)[11]   

The final figures for the total number of applicants enrolled in the Irkutsk Fire Technical College in the period from 1968 to 1993 amounted to 5,531 cadets.

During the period from 1971 to 1993, 4,054 cadets graduated from the Irkutsk Fire Technical School. Of these, 54 cadets graduated with honors. During the period of the school's academic activity, 5 cadets were awarded state awards, medals "For bravery in a fire."

During the period of the school's academic activity, 1,477 cadets were expelled for reasons of violation of official discipline, lack of academic performance, at their own request, etc.

In 1993, the Irkutsk Fire Technical School ceased its educational activities and became part of the Irkutsk Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, as the Faculty of Fire Safety.

Summing up the activities of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School in training specialists for practical fire protection units, it is worth noting that the contribution made by this educational institution to ensuring fire safety in the regions of Siberia and the Far East was of an important strategic nature. And according to the author of this scientific article, the issue of recreating such an educational institution on the territory of the Siberian region should be discussed and implemented, taking into account the modern realities of the danger of fires and emergencies.

1. Agapitov, M.N. (2003). IPTU 25 memorable years. Publishing house: Operational printing house "On Chekhov". Irkutsk.
2. Agapitov, M.N. (2013). The final stop, pages of history (memoirs). Publishing house: Operational printing house "On Chekhov". Irkutsk.
3. Agapitov, M.N., & Chashchin S.N. (2006). Fire fighting in the history of development and development of Eastern Siberia (1661-1950). Publishing house: Operational printing house "On Chekhov". Irkutsk.
4. Astakhov, M.V. (2009). Fundamentals of a systematic understanding of the historical process. Publishing house: Samara State University. Samara.
5. Vasiliev, M.A. (2020). The formation of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR: a historical and pedagogical retrospective. Modern education. Publishing house: "Nota Bene", 1, 1-7. Moscow.
6. Derevskov, M.A. (1998). Memorable and fiery: to the 30th anniversary of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School and to the 5th anniversary of the Irkutsk Higher School. Bulletin of the Irkutsk Higher School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. – ¹ 4. Irkutsk: Publishing house: "VSI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" (pp. 5-8). Irkutsk.
7. Pronstein, A.P. (1971). Methodology of historical research. Publishing house: Rostov University. Rostov.
8. Chernykh, V.V. (1998). History of fire fighting in the Irkutsk region (1800-1990). Publishing house: "VSI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia". Irkutsk.
9. Chernov A.V. (2008) The history of fire protection personnel training in Siberia and the Far East. Bulletin of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, anniversary issue (1993-2008). Publishing house: "VSI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" (pp. 22-30.). Irkutsk.
10. Archive of Vostochno-Sibirskogo Institute MVD Rossii (AVSI MVD RF). F. 74 Op. 1. D. 1. L. 146, 156, 180,187. F. 93 Op. 1. D. 1. L. 136-138.
11. archive of Vostochno-Sibirskogo Institute MVD Rossii (AVSI MVD RF). F. 69 Op. 1. D. 1. L. 99; F. 74 Op. 1. D. 1. L. 188; F. 83 OP. 1. D. 1. L. 88, 126; F. 87 Op. 1. D. 1. L. 85-197.

First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

At least the daily activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation indicate how important the work on prevention and liquidation of emergency situations is. Poets, fishermen, and other cultural figures praise firefighters, law enforcement officers, and rescuers. But at the same time, the development of modern rapid response services is impossible without rethinking previous experience. These circumstances determine the relevance of the article submitted for review, the subject of which is the training of cadets of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School in 1968-1993. The author sets out to show the geography of fire technical schools in the mid-1960s, identify the reasons for the creation of a fire technical school in Irkutsk, analyze quantitative data on the training of cadets of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School. The work is based on the principles of analysis and synthesis, reliability, objectivity, the methodological basis of the research is a systematic approach, which is based on the consideration of the object as an integral complex of interrelated elements. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the very formulation of the topic: the author, based on various sources, seeks to characterize the quantitative indicators of the training of cadets of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School in 1968-1993. Scientific novelty is also determined by the involvement of archival materials. Considering the bibliographic list of the article, its versatility should be noted as a positive point: in total, the list of references includes 11 different sources and studies. From the sources attracted by the author, we note documents from the funds of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. From the studies used, we will point to the works of M.A. Vasiliev and M.A. Derevskov, whose focus is on various aspects of studying the history of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School. Note that the bibliography is important both from a scientific and educational point of view: after reading the text of the article, readers can turn to other materials on its topic. In general, in our opinion, the integrated use of various sources and research contributed to the solution of the tasks facing the author. The style of writing the article can be attributed to scientific, at the same time understandable not only to specialists, but also to a wide readership, to anyone interested in both the history of fire and technical education in general and the Irkutsk Fire and Technical School in particular. The appeal to the opponents is presented at the level of the collected information received by the author during the work on the topic of the article. The structure of the work is characterized by a certain logic and consistency, it can be distinguished by an introduction, the main part, and conclusion. At the beginning, the author determines the relevance of the topic, shows that the regions of recruitment of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School applicants were territorial fire protection units from Siberia and the Far East. The author shows that during the period of the school's activity, 5,531 cadets entered it, and 4,054 cadets graduated. The author draws attention to the strategic nature of the school's activities, since it was the only educational institution of fire protection outside the Urals. The main conclusion of the article is that "the issue of recreating such an educational institution on the territory of the Siberian or Far Eastern region should be discussed and implemented, taking into account the modern realities of the danger of fires and emergencies." The article submitted for review is devoted to an urgent topic, will arouse readers' interest, and its materials can be used both in lecture courses on the history of Russia and in various special courses. At the same time, there are comments on the article: 1) The author overly tends to be descriptive. It should be shown why Irkutsk was chosen as the site for the school, as well as the reasons for the termination of the school's activities in 1993. 2) It is necessary to supplement the quantitative analysis, since the author does not show how many graduates received diplomas with honors, etc. 3) The text should be subtracted, so the author has: "Siberia and the Far East of the Soviet Union". After correcting these comments, the article may be recommended for publication in the journal "Historical Journal: Scientific Research".

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the study is indicated in the title and explained in the text of the article. Research methodology. When working on the article, the author relied on a specific historical approach. In addition, the work uses analysis, synthesis, generalization, concretization, analysis of archival documents, scientific literature, legislative documents; retrospective analysis; the method of historical analogies. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that in order to combat such a natural disaster as fires, which cause enormous damage to the national economy, nature and people, it is necessary to train highly qualified specialists along with technical means of fire fighting. How fire extinguishing will be organized, as well as preventive work to prevent fires, depends on the skills, qualifications, and courage of firefighting specialists. The socio-economic development of the region of Siberia and the Baikal region in the 1930s required training for fire fighting, and in the 1960s, the author of the article notes, there was an "acute shortage of qualified specialists for the territorial fire departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR stationed in Siberia and the Far East." The acute shortage of personnel in this region could not be solved, educational institutions located mainly in the European part of the country, the need for fire fighting training in Siberia was obvious. Therefore, in 1968, by order of the Ministry of Public Order Protection of the USSR No. 0117, the Irkutsk Fire Technical School was established (in 1968, the Ministry of Public Order Protection again became the Ministry of Internal Affairs). The relevance of the topic of the article is obvious, it is also relevant to study the question of the number of specialists trained by this educational institution in the period under study from the point of view of problems in firefighting at the present time and determining the required number of specialists in the modern period. The scientific novelty of the article is determined by the substitution of the problem and research objectives. The scientific novelty is also determined by the fact that the article comprehensively examines how the training of firefighting specialists was conducted, and their quantitative analysis is given during the period under study. Style, structure, content. The style of the article as a whole can be attributed to scientific, but accessible not only to specialists, but also to a wide range of readers, to anyone interested in the organization of fire fighting in Siberia and the issues of training specialists in fire fighting at the Irkutsk Fire Technical School in 1968-1993. The structure of the work is aimed at achieving the purpose of the article and showing the activities of the Irkutsk Fire Technical School, in terms of attracting young people to this educational institution for their education and training specialists for the territorial fire safety unit located in Siberia during the period under study (1968-1993). The text of the article contains a lot of interesting data on the number of graduates, the number of those expelled due to academic failure or behavior, the number of those who graduated from college with honors, about teachers, about exams, etc. The question of why it was decided to open this school in Irkutsk and other interesting questions is revealed. The text of the article is logically structured and consistently presented. The bibliography of the article consists of 11 sources (9 of them are works on the topic and related topics), as well as archival documents from the Archive of the East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (AVSI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation), some of which are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. Appeal to opponents. The appeal to the opponents is presented at the level of the information collected and the analysis carried out on the research topic. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. The article is written on an urgent topic, the conclusions are objective and it will not be ignored by specialists and anyone interested in training specialists for fire protection units in our country.