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Value-motivational sphere of students with different levels of self-esteem

Tolstykh Liliya Raisovna

PhD in Pedagogy

Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Teaching at Transbaikal State University

672000, Russia, Zabaikal Region, Chita, Babushkina's str., 129
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Abstract: The relevance of the study is due to the following factors: research is needed that would allow us to understand the origins of changes in values and motives, their psychological nature. Despite the fact that in psychological science there is a large number of studies studying the values, motives, and self-esteem of students, there are not enough studies devoted to the study of differences in the value-motivational sphere of students with different levels of self-esteem. The object of the research is the value-motivational sphere and self-assessment of the personality of students. The subject of the research is the peculiarities of the value-motivational sphere of students with different levels of self-esteem. Research hypothesis: there are differences in the indicators of the value-motivational sphere of students with different levels of self-esteem. Special attention is paid to the analysis of differences in the value-motivational sphere of students with different levels of self-esteem. Research methods: theoretical: analysis and generalization of theoretical sources on the research problem; empirical, methods of mathematical data processing H – Kraskel-Wallis criterion. Research methods: "Diagnosis of self-esteem" Dembo-Rubinstein; "Value questionnaire" Sh. Schwartz; "Diagnosis of components of the motivational structure of personality" V.K. Gerbachevsky. The main conclusions of the study are: the value of "Achievement" among students with an adequate level of self-esteem is higher than in groups of students with an underestimated and overestimated level of self-esteem. Students with a low level of self-esteem are less focused on achieving results, and poorly demonstrate social competence in terms of public standards. The value of "Conformity" and "Hedonism" among students with low self-esteem is higher than among students with adequate and overestimated self-esteem, i.e. students are focused on personal pleasure and comfort. The value of "Independence" is higher for students with an adequate level of self-esteem. The motive of "Avoiding failure" of students with low self-esteem is higher than of students with adequate and overestimated self-esteem. The motive of "Evaluation of achieved results" is higher among students with an adequate level of self-esteem than among students with an underestimated and overestimated level of self-esteem. The motive of "Evaluating one's potential" is lower for students with an underestimated level of self-esteem than for students with an adequate and overestimated level of self-esteem.


personality, orientation, motives, values, self-esteem, value-motivational sphere, career orientations, professional activity, personal values, profession

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The relevance of the research is due to the fact that the transformations currently taking place in the economic, political, social and spiritual spheres affect people's motives, values and attitudes. And this is primarily reflected in the student youth. At this point in time, "modern society is far from united in the face of the economic, political and cultural challenges facing the country" [9].

"Rapid changes in society require prompt diagnosis of the psychological state of large and small social groups, society as a whole. Currently, the study of the features of the value– motivational sphere of personality is of particular importance. It is important for the state and social institutions to understand where the vector of human activity is directed and how energetically charged it is.  State policy and the development of specific programs in the field of economics, social development, ideological work, etc. largely depend on this."[9] Fundamental changes in the life of society entail changes in the value-motivational sphere among boys and girls.

The interest in the study of the value– motivational sphere and self-assessment of the personality of students is dictated by the fact that "in all types of work, values and motives, self-assessment of personality occupy a fundamental place in achieving success in professional activity. The system of values and motives is the basis and regulator of any activity" [4].

D.V. Velmisova believes that "the value-motivational meanings of an employee in the context of social and labor relations acquire practical significance, which is expressed in the quality of the work performed, the degree of employee involvement, the nature of relationships in socio-professional groups, professional self-esteem, internal perception of their profession" [3].

Referring to the core of the personality of a future professional, a student's self-esteem is the main regulator of his behavior and educational activities. In the field of professional activity, a person is aimed at achieving such results that are consistent with his level of self-esteem and contribute to its strengthening and normalization [6].

It is at the student age that the transformation and enrichment of the motivational and value-semantic components of the life world of a professional personality takes place [6]. Modern students will have to implement the main directions and priorities in various spheres of life in accordance with the needs of the innovative economy and the requirements of society. The development of society and the transfer of basic values to the next generation depend on these decisions.

There are a large number of studies in the scientific literature that highlight general issues of diagnosis, analysis of the content side of value orientations, structure and dynamics of the value-motivational sphere, students' self-esteem [6,8,9,12]. The psychological features of self-regulation of students with different self-esteem have been studied [14]. The influence of the student's self-esteem on academic performance at the university [16], the influence of the value-motivational sphere of students on their sociometric status [2] is studied.

The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the psychological "portraits" of students with different levels of self-esteem, differing in the features of the value-motivational sphere, are considered; significant meaningful differences in the components of the value-motivational sphere of students' personality, depending on the level of self-esteem, are empirically determined.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study:

– the position of Russian psychology on personality as a systemic education, the systemic determination of personal development (K.A. Abulkhanova – Slavskaya, B.G. Ananyev, A.A. Bodalev, L.S. Vygotsky and others);

– theoretical positions: the development of motivation in ontogenesis (V.G. Aseev, L.I. Bozhovich, E.P. Ilyin, A.N. Leontiev); typology and structure of motives (A.K. Markova, B. C. Merlin); motivation of personality activity (V.A.Petrovsky); motivation of personality to various types of professional activity (V. G. Aseev, A.K. Markova, V.D. Shadrikov and others).

The purpose of the study is to investigate the features of the value–motivational sphere of students with different levels of self-esteem.

The object of the research is the value – motivational sphere and self-assessment of the personality of students.

The subject of the study:the peculiarities of the value-motivational sphere of students with different levels of self-esteem.

Organization and methods of research

The study was conducted on the basis of the Zabaikalsky State University, Chita. The sample consisted of 100 full-time students, humanities and technical fields of study.   The average age of the study participants was 18.5 ± 21.5 years.

Research methods: theoretical: analysis and generalization of theoretical sources on the research problem; empirical, methods of mathematical data processing.

The following methods were used in the empirical study: "Diagnosis of self-esteem" by Dembo-Rubinstein, "Value Questionnaire" by Sh. Schwartz, "Diagnostics of components of the motivational structure of personality" V.K. Gerbachevsky.   The questionnaires were presented to respondents in electronic format via the Google Forms service, as well as in printed form. Statistical data processing was carried out using Microsoft Office Excel 2019 programs.  The normality of the distribution of primary data was checked according to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov agreement criterion on all scales of each methodology. The Kraskel-Wallis t-test was used to identify differences in the indicators of the value–motivational sphere of students.

Literature review

In the works of Russian researchers, the value – motivational sphere is understood as a stable, multicomponent personal education that performs the functions of reflecting personal meanings, significant aspects of the external and internal world, ensuring stability, specificity and orientation of perception, attitude and behavior of a person in various spheres of life. The components of the value-motivational sphere are: values, value orientations, motives and needs [10, 13].

"The value-motivational sphere is a complexly organized multicomponent structure, the essence of which is the integration of interests, attitudes, life experience of a person and a formed system of motives in certain conditions of human activity, which creates a personality orientation in the structure of professional activity" [4]. It is this sphere that is the backbone of the personality, sets the direction of all work activities, determines her personal style. At the student age, the completion of the process of formation of the value-motivational sphere is observed [15].

In her work, T. M. Lavrinovich presented the structure and functioning of the value-motivational sphere in the form of a model.  "Within the framework of this model, the components of the value-motivational sphere are needs, values and motivation. Motivation as a system of personal motives in the context of professional development is determined by actual needs and values. Needs are a form of an individual's direct relationship with the world, reflecting their current state. Personal values are conceptualized relationships with the world, generalized and reworked in the experience of personal development" [12].

A theoretical analysis of the concepts of "value" and "value orientations" used in various theories has shown that the content of these concepts is largely determined by the subjective views of researchers [3,4]. As a result, a large number of definitions of the same concept can be distinguished, but at the same time these concepts have different semantic meanings. Therefore, depending on the semantic load of these concepts, there is a variable difference in their interpretation. Significant contribution to the study and development of the theory of values and value orientations of personality in Russian psychological science  B.G. Ananyev, A.N. Leontiev, V.N. Myasishchev, S.L. Rubinstein, D.B. Elkonin and others contributed.

The problem of values and value orientations of a person is associated with the correlation of values and value orientations to the sphere of due and is considered as a norm, ideal, goal.  Moreover, in real life, the sphere of due is not always feasible [10].

The concept of values is used to designate objects and phenomena that act as significant in the life of a person and society, determining the orientation of a person's worldview and entering into the personality structure through a system of value orientations [10].

The system-forming core of personality is self-esteem. Self-esteem, which determines a person's life positions, the level of his claims, and motives, makes up the entire personality assessment system. Personality behavior and its characteristics such as success – failure, sociability – isolation depend on the level of self-esteem. "Student's self-esteem is understood as awareness of their attitude to learning and their academic performance in mastering educational material or other type of educational activity. Under the influence of self-esteem, depending on value orientations, motives, and orientation, the student develops either a true or a false attitude towards himself" [16].

O. A. Sazhina believes that "self–esteem is a person's idea of the importance of their personality, activities among other people and evaluating themselves and their own qualities and feelings, advantages and disadvantages. Self–esteem is the level of self-acceptance, the ability to critically analyze one's own capabilities" [16].

Thus, the peculiarities of the value-motivational sphere of students determine the attitude of students towards themselves, society, goals in life, the development of professional activity, and the value attitude to the performance of future professional activities. The peculiarities of the value-motivational sphere determine the behavior and activity of students as future subjects of labor.

The results of an empirical study

At the first stage of the empirical study, the diagnosis of the sample under study was carried out in order to identify the level of self-esteem of students. The study of the students' self–esteem level was conducted using the Dembo-Rubinstein method of Self-esteem Diagnostics. As a result of the diagnostic testing, tables were compiled, qualitative and quantitative analysis was carried out. The diagnostic results are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Students' self-esteem level (average values)


The average values of group 1 "students with low self-esteem"

The average values of the 2nd group "students with an adequate level of self-esteem"

The average values of the 3 groups "students with an inflated level of self-esteem"






Based on the data obtained using the Dembo–Rubinstein method of Self-assessment diagnostics, the sample was divided into three groups: subjects with an underestimated level of self-esteem, subjects with an adequate level of self-esteem and subjects with an overestimated level of self-esteem.

According to the results of the survey, three main groups of subjects with different levels of self-esteem were identified:  The first group of 20% (20 students) are students with low self–esteem. The second group consists of 53% (53 students) of respondents with an adequate level of self–esteem. The third group is 27% (27 students) with an overestimated level of self–esteem.

Schematically, the results of the diagnosis of students' self-esteem are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Distribution of respondents by level of self–esteem (% of the sample – results of the Dembo-Rubinstein Self-assessment Diagnostics methodology)


The low level of self-esteem among students indicates self-rejection, self-denial, negative attitude towards their personality, underestimation of their qualities, competencies, successes and merits. Students with an adequate level of self-esteem have realistic ideas about themselves, about their qualities, abilities, abilities and skills. Students with an inflated level of self-esteem tend to highly evaluate their strengths, overestimate and attribute them, underestimate and exclude any shortcomings.

At the second stage of the empirical study, the diagnosis of students' values was carried out using the "Value Questionnaire" method. Schwartz. The results of the diagnosis of the normative ideals of students with different levels of self-esteem are presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Expression of normative ideals of students with different levels of self-esteem (average values)

Normative ideals

Group 1 (students with low self-esteem)

Group 2 (students with an adequate level of self-esteem)

Group 3 (students with an inflated level of self-esteem)

Average score


Average score


Average score








































































      The results of the diagnosis of the normative ideals of students with a low level of self-esteem indicate the predominance of such values as: "power", "stimulation", "hedonism". Consequently, they have a desire for power and dominance in the group. They have a need for euphoria, pleasure, expectation of feeling the pleasures of life, the search for novelty and the effect of impressions.

For students with an inflated level of self-esteem, significant values are: "independence", "safety", "traditions", "stimulation", "achievements". Therefore, they can think and act independently, appreciate the stability of society, relationships and themselves. Students are able to restrain actions and impulses that can harm others and do not meet social expectations. As for the dominant normative ideals of students with an adequate level of self-esteem, preference is given to the following:  "stimulation", "achievements", "power". Less significant are "hedonism", "traditions", "conformity".

Next, let's look at the individual priorities of students with different levels of self-esteem. The diagnostic results are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Severity of individual priorities of students with different levels of self-esteem (average values)


Group 1 (students with low self-esteem)

Group 2 (students with an adequate level of self-esteem)

Group 3 (students with high self-esteem)

Average score


Average score


Average score








































































       It was diagnosed that the individual priorities of students with a low level of self-esteem are: "hedonism", achievements", "stimulation", "power". Therefore, a significant motive that determines the activities and goals of behavior of students with a low level of self-esteem is to receive pleasure and sensual pleasure. Significant individual priorities of students with an overestimated level of self-esteem are the following: "independence", "safety", "conformity". Thus, we have revealed that the leading motive that determines the activity and purpose of students is independence, that is, independence of thought and action. For students with an adequate level of self-esteem, the values of "stimulation", "achievement" and "power" are significant.

The next stage of the study was to diagnose the components of the motivational structure of students with different levels of self-esteem using the method "Diagnostics of components of the motivational structure of personality" by V.K. Gerbachevsky.  The results are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Components of the motivational structure of students with different levels of self-esteem

In the group of students with a low level of self-esteem, low values were revealed based on the motives of "self-esteem" and "evaluation of the results obtained". The leading motives are "cognitive motive", "avoidance motive", "motive of expected results". Consequently, students with low self-esteem show interest in learning activities. So, striving for successful activity, students do not rate it as successful. In view of this, the "avoidance motive" has a high value.

Dominant motives were revealed in a group of students with an inflated level of self-esteem: "Competitive", "Significance of the results", "Complexity of the task", "Evaluation of the results", "Expected result". It is necessary to state the fact that in a group of students with an inflated level of self-esteem, the prevailing motives of "Nature of activity" "Evaluation of the results obtained" and the value of "Independence" are in agreement. The leading activity is determined by the motives of "Evaluation of results" and "Intended results".  Consequently, the consistency of motives and values is also present in the structure of the value– motivational sphere of students with an adequate level of self-esteem.

To establish the presence/absence of differences in the indicators of the value-motivational sphere of students with different levels of self-esteem, the Kraskel–Wallis t-test was used.

As a result of mathematical data processing, the following results were obtained:

1. Differences in indicators of values of normative ideals and individual priorities among students of three groups have been established (the questionnaire "Value questionnaire" Sh. Schwartz): "Power" (at the level of p ? 0.008), "Conformity" (at the level of p ? 0.001), "Independence" (at the level of p ? 0.005), "Hedonism" (at the level of p ? 0.08), "Achievements (at the level of p ? 0.001).

2. Differences in indicators of the values of the components of the motivational structure of students were revealed (the methodology "Diagnostics of the components of the motivational structure of personality"): "The motive of avoidance" (at the level of p ? 0.001), "Assessment of the level of achieved results" (at the level of p ? 0.001), "Assessment of one's potential" (at the level of p ? 0.005).


The value–motivational sphere is the regulator of the student's activity as a subject of professional activity. It is its features that determine the effectiveness, productivity, behavior and nature of relationships in the learning environment.

Self–esteem is an understanding of oneself, the ability to evaluate and compare one's positive and negative qualities. It influences the choice of profession, the choice of one's environment in society, the choice of the path of one's own development and realization. Also, self-esteem plays an important role in the formation of a professional's personality, allowing you to clearly build a trajectory of personal and professional development.

The social behavior of students with low self-esteem is characterized by a hedonistic approach to their lives.  They lack the value of independence, personal and professional development. The dominant motive is aimed at avoiding failures. It is possible to assume that students' educational activities are not evaluated by them as successful, but at the same time, the need for success is determined. Consequently, the overall goal of the life of students with low self-esteem is to acquire pleasure and avoid suffering, which determines all his actions.

Students with an inflated level of self–esteem tend to highly evaluate their strengths, overestimate and attribute them, underestimate and exclude any shortcomings.  Students with an inflated level of self-esteem have the values of caring for their personal image. Among the components of the motivational structure of students with high self-esteem, deterrence of actions that do not meet social expectations, norms and rules is highlighted. At the same time, they are aimed at showing independence, freedom of one's own thoughts and personal choice. In their desire to make personal choices, they are guided by the opinion of the reference group.

Students with an adequate level of self-esteem are characterized by setting goals, achieving them and evaluating them in educational activities, novelty of experiences, personal and professional success. Compared to students with low and high self-esteem, they are more versatile, as they think about others, are active and confident in themselves.

The results of mathematical processing of data on indicators of the value-motivational sphere of students indicate that the indicator of "Achievement" among students with an adequate level of self-esteem is higher than in groups of students with an underestimated and overestimated level of self-esteem. Consequently, students with an adequate level of self-esteem show personal success through demonstrating competence in accordance with social requirements and rules. Students with a low level of self-esteem are less focused on achieving results, and poorly demonstrate social competence in terms of public standards. The indicator of "Conformity" and "Hedonism" among students with an underestimated level of self-esteem is higher than among students with an adequate and overestimated level of self-esteem, i.e. students are focused on personal pleasure and comfort.

It can be noted that the value of "Independence" is higher among students with an adequate level of self-esteem. This may be due to the fact that students are able to make decisions that are based on their own beliefs and personal choices.

There are also differences in the indicators of the motivational structure of the personality of students with different levels of self-esteem. The level of the "Failure avoidance motive" indicator among students with an underestimated level of self-esteem is higher than among students with an adequate and overestimated level of self-esteem. Consequently, students act in all situations in such a way as to avoid failure, especially in situations where their actions are evaluated by other people.

The level of the attribute "Motivation for evaluating achieved results" is higher among students with an adequate level of self-esteem than among students with an underestimated and overestimated level of self-esteem. It can be concluded that students with an adequate level of self-esteem have a desire to achieve high results and mastery in their future professional activities.

The level of the "Assessment of one's potential" attribute in students with an underestimated level of self-esteem is lower than in students with an adequate and overestimated level of self-esteem. Consequently, students with low self-esteem are not fully able to reveal their inclinations, competencies, inclinations, and personal qualities. They are not able to manage psychological resources in their own interests.


The concept of "value– motivational sphere" is being actively studied at the present time, especially from the perspective of professional personal development. The value– motivational sphere is the central education, the "core" of the personality; a set of constructs: values and motives. The differences are due to the peculiarities of the interaction of these constructs from the positions of different authors, as well as the interpretation of each construct.  

The student's self-esteem is a factor in the success of future professional activity. Self-esteem during the student period is a mobile personal quality and can change.

Statistically significant differences were revealed in the following indicators of the value-motivational sphere: "Power", "Conformity", "Independence", "Hedonism", "Achievements", "Motive of avoidance", "Assessment of the level of achieved results", "Assessment of one's potential".

The obtained research data can be used by psychologists when conducting individual psychological counseling with students, when planning and conducting motivational trainings.

To form a stable value–motivational sphere for students, the following recommendations can be offered:

1. In the process of forming the value–motivational sphere of students at the initial stages of education, it is possible to use the following algorithm: understanding the psychological content of values and motives; awareness of value orientations and motives;  personal acceptance of value orientations and motives; realization of value orientations and motives in behavior and activity; consolidation of value orientations and motives in the professional orientation of the personality.

2. The educational work plan of psychologists should include activities aimed at transforming/maintaining the existing system of value and motivational meanings that determine the attitude to future professional activity. These can be: "Mentoring program", "Career Day", stand sessions of leading companies, master classes, webinars, career consultations, round tables, express interviews, excursions.

We can evaluate the results obtained as preliminary, since for the depth of the study it is worth considering more indicators of the value-motivational sphere and expanding the sample.

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First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the research is the peculiarities of the value-motivational sphere of students with different levels of self-esteem. Research methodology. The following methods were used in the study: "Diagnosis of self-esteem" by Dembo-Rubinstein, "Value questionnaire" by Sh. Schwartz, "Diagnostics of components of the motivational structure of personality" V.K. Gerbachevsky. Relevance. "The interest in the study of the value– motivational sphere and self-assessment of the personality of students is dictated by the fact that in all types of work, values and motives, self-assessment of personality occupy a fundamental place in achieving success in professional activities. The system of values and motives is the basis and regulator of any activity. Referring to the core of the personality of a future professional, a student's self-esteem is the main regulator of his behavior and educational activities." It is difficult to argue with this statement. However, it is not clear what contradictions exist in the justification of relevance. What is not explored in this topic? Scientific novelty. The value-motivational sphere of students with different levels of self-esteem is described. Style, structure, content. The style is scientific. The work is structured. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the study are briefly described: two paragraphs. A theoretical review of the sources on the topic: three paragraphs, which is clearly not enough. The empirical part is detailed. The sample consisted of 60 full-time students of the Trans-Baikal State University, Chita. As a result of the diagnostic testing, tables were compiled, qualitative and quantitative analysis was carried out. There are 3 groups of students according to the level of self-esteem. The low level of self-esteem among students indicates self-rejection, self-denial, negative attitude towards their personality, underestimation of their qualities, competencies, successes and merits. Students with an adequate level of self-esteem have realistic ideas about themselves, about their qualities, abilities, abilities and skills. Students with an inflated level of self-esteem tend to highly evaluate their strengths, overestimate and attribute them, underestimate and exclude any shortcomings. The results of the diagnosis of the normative ideals of students with a low level of self-esteem indicate the predominance of such values as: "power", "stimulation", "hedonism". For students with an inflated level of self-esteem, significant values are: "independence", "safety", "traditions", "stimulation", "achievements". Students with an adequate level of self-esteem prefer the following: "stimulation", "achievements", "power". Less significant are "hedonism", "traditions", "conformity". The author describes the following features of the value-motivational sphere of students with different levels of self-esteem: The social behavior of students with low self-esteem demonstrates a hedonistic approach to their lives. They lack the value of independence, personal and professional development. The dominant motive is aimed at avoiding failure. It is possible to assume that students' educational activities are not evaluated by them as successful, but at the same time the need for success is determined. Consequently, the overall goal of the life of students with low self-esteem is to acquire pleasure and avoid suffering, which determines all his actions. Students with an inflated level of self–esteem tend to highly evaluate their strengths, overestimate and attribute them, underestimate and exclude any shortcomings. Students with an inflated level of self-esteem have the values of taking care of their personal image. Among the components of the motivational structure of students with high self-esteem, deterrence of actions that do not meet social expectations, norms and rules is highlighted. At the same time, they are aimed at showing independence, freedom of one's own thoughts and personal choice. In their desire to make personal choices, they are guided by the opinion of the reference group. Students with an adequate level of self-esteem are characterized by setting goals, achieving them and evaluating them in educational activities, novelty of experiences, personal and professional success. Compared to students with low and high self-esteem, they are more versatile, as they think about others, are active and self-confident. Bibliography. Sources devoted to the value-motivational sphere, self-esteem, academic performance, self-regulation [1,2,3,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15], textbooks on educational psychology [4,5,16], professional identity [17]. There is no appeal to the opponents. Conclusions. "The value–motivational sphere is the central education, the "core" of personality, which determines the direction of human life and the attitude in the "man–world" system. The value–motivational sphere is a set of independent constructs: values and motives. The differences are due to the peculiarities of the interaction of these constructs from the positions of different authors, as well as the interpretation of each construct." The conclusion is insufficient. The author's view is missing. "A comparative analysis of the results obtained allows us to point out that the features of the value-motivational sphere of students with different levels of self-esteem determine the attitude of students towards themselves, society, goals in life, the development of professional activity, value attitude to the performance of future professional activities. The peculiarities of the value-motivational sphere determine the behavior and activity of students as future subjects of labor." This conclusion will sound good when strengthening the theoretical part of the article. The interest of the readership. After correcting the shortcomings, it may be of interest to the readership.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The paper "Value-motivational sphere of students with different levels of self-esteem" is presented for review. The study provides a brief overview of the research and a description of the results of the empirical analysis. The subject of the study. The work is aimed at studying the features of the value-motivational sphere of students with different levels of self-esteem. The author showed the features of the relationship between these indicators. The methodology of the study. The author has analyzed a number of works that address the problem raised. The theoretical and methodological foundations of the study include the following positions: – the position of Russian psychology on personality as a systemic education, the systemic determination of personal development (K.A. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, B.G. Ananyev, A.A. Bodalev, L.S. Vygotsky and others); – theoretical positions: the development of motivation in ontogenesis (V.G. Aseev, L.I. Bozhovich, E.P. Ilyin, A.N. Leontiev); typologies and structures of motives (A.K. Markova, B. C. Merlin); motivation of personality activity (V.A. Petrovsky); motivation of personality to various types of professional activity (V. G. Aseev, A. K. Markova, V.D. Shadrikov and others). The relevance of research. The problem raised in the article is relevant. The author notes that the transformations currently taking place in the economic, political, social and spiritual spheres affect the motives, values and attitudes of people, which primarily affects the student youth. At the same time, it is relevant to conduct a study of the characteristics of the value – motivational sphere of personality. There is a significant shortage of research in scientific sources that relate to student age. However, it is at this age that self-esteem and the value-motivational environment are the regulators of behavior and learning activities. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the author showed the following: - the regulator of the student's activity, which is the subject of professional activity, is the value-motivational sphere; - the influence of self-esteem on self-understanding, the ability to evaluate and compare their positive and negative qualities is shown; - the analysis of differences in the indicators of the motivational structure of the personality of students with different levels of self-esteem was carried out. Style, structure, content. The style of presentation corresponds to publications of this level. The language of the work is scientific. The structure of the work is clearly traced, the author highlights the main semantic parts. The logic of the work can be traced. The volume of the article meets the requirements for works of this level. This allowed us to reveal the subject of the study. The introductory part is devoted to the consideration of the problem raised, and its relevance is highlighted. The author notes that it is at the student age that the transformation and enrichment of motivational and value-semantic components of the professional's life world takes place. At the same time, there are not enough works that consider the features of the value–motivational sphere of the personality of students with different levels of self-esteem. In the introductory section, the author highlights the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study; describes the purpose, object, subject, organization, methods and techniques of research, features of statistical data processing. The empirical study involved 60 full-time students of the Zabaikalsky State University, Chita. The following methods were used in the study: "Diagnosis of self-esteem" by Dembo-Rubinstein, "Value questionnaire" by Sh. Schwartz, "Diagnostics of the components of the motivational structure of personality" V.K. Gerbachevsky. Statistical data processing was carried out using Microsoft Office Excel 2019 programs. The Kraskel-Wallis t-test was used to identify the differences. The following section provides an overview of the literature. The author clarified the concepts and the main content of such phenomena as "value-motivational sphere", "value", "value orientations", "self-esteem". The paper presents a description of the main components and structure, which was carried out based on the analysis of theoretical sources. The main section is devoted to discussing the results of the conducted empirical research. The data obtained allowed us to identify: qualitative and quantitative analysis of the level of self-esteem of students, the severity of the normative ideals of students with different levels of self-esteem, the severity of individual priorities of students with different levels of self-esteem, components of the motivational structure of students with different levels of self-esteem. The results of mathematical data processing are presented below. In conclusion, the author made detailed and reasoned conclusions that allowed us to determine the author's contribution to solving the problem. In addition, the practical significance of the conducted research is highlighted. Bibliography. The bibliography of the article includes 17 domestic sources, a small part of which has been published in the last three years. The list contains mainly articles and abstracts. In addition, there are also textbooks, dissertations and monographs. The sources are mostly designed correctly and uniformly. Appeal to opponents. Recommendations: 1) describe the scientific novelty of the conducted research; 2) increase the number of theoretical sources, including modern ones, and analyze them; 3) describe the empirical research in more detail, increase the sample; 4) develop recommendations based on the results of the conducted research; 5) correct the syntactic, stylistic and semantic inaccuracies in the work (for example, "maintenance", etc.). Conclusions. The problems of the article are characterized by undoubted relevance, theoretical and practical value; it will be of interest to specialists who deal with the problems of personal and professional development of students. The article may be recommended for publication. However, it is important to take into account the highlighted recommendations and make appropriate changes. This will allow you to submit to the editorial board a research article that is characterized by scientific novelty and significance.

Third Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The review of the article "Value-motivational sphere of students with different levels of self-esteem" The relevance of the research topic and its relevance to the specialization of the journal "Psychologist" is not in doubt due to the trends in the transformation of Russian education, which determine the priorities of professional training of a specialist. The subject of the study is the study of the features of the value – motivational sphere of personality. The analysis of such categories as "value-motivational sphere", "self-assessment of personality", "", "value-motivational meanings", "value orientations", etc. is presented as a problem field of research. The system of values and motives, which is the basis and regulator of any activity, has been identified and analyzed in detail. The results of the analysis showed that, referring to the core of the personality of a future professional, the student's self-esteem is the main regulator of his behavior and educational activities. It is assumed that it is at the student age that the transformation and enrichment of motivational and value-semantic components of the life world of a professional personality takes place. The dignity of the work is the key, cross-cutting leading ideas about the problem of values and value orientations of a personality, which is associated with the correlation of values and value orientations to the sphere of due and is considered as a norm, ideal, goal. The research is aimed at investigating the features of the value-motivational sphere of students with different levels of self-esteem. Of interest are the results of the study of the features of the value-motivational sphere of students, which determine the attitude of students to themselves, society, goals in life, the development of professional activity, value attitude to the performance of future professional activity. The methodology of the reviewed work is based on theoretical methods: analysis and generalization of theoretical sources on the research problem; empirical, methods of mathematical data processing. The article implements in sufficient detail the systematization and generalization of data related to the student's self-esteem, which acts as a factor in the success of future professional activity. The article has a scientific novelty related to the consideration of the features of the value-motivational sphere of students, which determine the attitude of students to themselves, society, goals in life, the development of professional activity, value attitude to the performance of future professional activities. The structure of the article meets the requirements for scientific publications. A detailed qualitative analysis of the results obtained on the subject under study is presented. The content of the article, which examines the provisions on the formation of a stable value–motivational sphere among students, generally corresponds to its title. The style of presentation of the material meets the requirements for scientific publications. The bibliography corresponds to the content of the article and is represented by 20 literary sources. The results of the study substantiate the importance of theoretical and practical research and they can be used by psychologists when conducting individual psychological counseling with students, when planning and conducting motivational trainings. The article arouses the reader's interest and can be recommended for publication.