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Historical informatics

In memory of Igor Nikolaevich Kiselyov (03/15/1947 - 01/19/2024)

Garskova Irina Markovna

ORCID: 0000-0001-7877-6034

Doctor of History

Associate professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University

119607, Russia, Moscow, Lomonosovsky ave., 27 k4, room G-423
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Bobrova Elena Viktorovna

ORCID: 0000-0002-9215-0959

senior lecturer, department of international transport management and supply chain management, Institute of international transport communications, Russian university of transport (MIIT)

127994, Russia, Moscow, Moscow, Obraztsova str., 9C9
Borodkin Leonid Iosifovich

ORCID: 0000-0003-0422-1938

Doctor of History

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department for Historical Information Science at Lomonosov Moscow State University

119991, Russia, Moscow, Lomonosovsky ave., 27k4, office G-454
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Vladimirov Vladimir Nikolaevich

ORCID: 0000-0002-0555-4999

Doctor of History

Professor, Department of Russian History, Altai State university

656002, Russia, Altai Territory, Barnaul, Pionerov str., 1, sq. 12









Abstract: This memorial article is dedicated to the memory of Igor Nikolaevich Kiselyov, a man who did a lot in the field of informatization of historical science and archival business. Igor Nikolaevich started working as a quantifier historian, a specialist in the field related to the application of mathematical methods and computer technologies in historical research. He actively participated in research projects on historical demography and other areas of historical science, in 2002 for a series of works on the history of the Russian population in the 1930s, Yu.A. Polyakov, V.B. Zhiromskaya and I.N. Kiselyov were awarded the V.O. Klyuchevsky Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In the 1990s, the main Igor Nikolaevich became interested in archival issues: issues of informatization of archival business, creation and analysis of online archival resources. Igor Nikolaevich was one of the leading experts in the field of historical informatics, was a member of the Council of the Association "History and Computer", conducted teaching work as an associate professor at the IAI of the Russian State University.    The article uses the memoirs of colleagues, materials of publications by I.N.Kiselyov in historical journals, in the journals "Domestic Archives" and "Archivist's Bulletin", "AIK Newsletter". as well as materials about his leadership in the development of the Concept and Program for the Informatization of Archival Affairs in Russia, the first version of the Archives of Russia portal, and participation in many archival information projects. The article highly appreciates the research work of I.N.Kiselyov and his scientific and organizational activities at the Rosarchive, where he headed departments related to informatization, the organization of research work of the Federal Archival Service of Russia and the introduction of automated archival technologies. Igor Nikolaevich was seriously engaged in both theoretical and methodological problems of archival science. Literally until the last day, Igor Nikolaevich conducted active scientific and organizational work in breakthrough areas of archival science. His latest article "On the use of artificial intelligence in text recognition" was published in the first issue of the VNIIDAD Bulletin posthumously, and a joint scientific report "The use of artificial intelligence in document management in archives: practice, trends and prospects" was presented by his colleagues after Igor Nikolaevich passed away.


quantitative history, historical demography, historical information science, archival science, site, Internet, memorial, archival service, publications, teaching

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Igor Nikolaevich Kiselyov, our friend and colleague, a talented man who did a lot in the field of informatization of historical science and archival business, has passed away. Igor Nikolaevich began working in an interdisciplinary field related to the use of mathematical methods and computers in historical research (as quantitative history was then called) in the late 1970s. 

A graduate of the Moscow Institute of Economics, a specialist in applied mathematics, he came to quantitative history as a participant in the "second wave" of informatization and mathematization of historical science. Having joined the Institute of History of the USSR of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, he began to work actively on historical demography, social and socio-political history, prosopography, psychology of creativity.

The main area of his research interests in the 1980s was historical demography. He published a number of articles in leading historical journals devoted to source studies and methodological issues of determining the number and national composition of the population of the USSR in 1917-1926, including in collaboration with Academician Yu.A. Polyakov: "The number and national composition of the population of Russia in 1917" (Questions of History, 1980, No. 6), "On the issue of the methodology for determining the number and national composition of the population of the USSR in 1917-1926" (History of the USSR, 1981, No. 2), "New in historical demography" (Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences, 1984, No. 4).

In 1988, Igor Nikolaevich Kiselyov defended his thesis "The population of the USSR in 1920-1926. (Methodological problems of determining the number and national composition)" for the degree of Candidate of Historical Sciences.

In 1990, Yu.A. Polyakov, V.B. Zhiromskaya and I.N. Kiselyov published in 6-8 issues of the journal "Sociological Research" (SOCIS) a series of articles "Half a Century of Silence (All-Union Census of 1939), translated into English in the journal "Russian Studies in History". In 1996, their collective monograph "Half a Century classified as Secret (All-Union Population Census of 1937)" was published. In 2002, they were awarded the V.O. Klyuchevsky Prize of the Russian Academy of Sciences for a series of works on the history of the Russian population in the 1930s.

In the 1980s and early 1990s, Igor Nikolaevich Kiselyov was also engaged in socio-political history and prosopography. Based on the materials of the form lists, he published a series of works in collaboration with S.V. Mironenko: "A social portrait of the highest bureaucracy of the first quarter of the XIX century. Quantitative analysis" in the collection "Complex methods in the study of history from ancient times to the present day" (1984); "What the formulary lists told" in the collection "Number and Thought. Issue 9" (1986); "Features of automated analysis of formulary lists" in the collection "Complex methods in historical research" (1985). These papers were presented at the first conferences of the scientific community on complex research methods and computer technologies.

Publications such as the article "Political parties in Russia in 1905-1907: number, composition, placement (quantitative analysis)" ("History of the USSR, 1990, No. 4 co-authored with A.P. Korelin and V.V. Shelokhaev) or the chapter co-authored with V.M. Petrov" also speak about the breadth of Igor Nikolaevich's interestsInformation analysis of the hierarchy of the process of artistic creation" in the collective monograph "Research of problems of psychology of creativity" (M., 1983). This publication is of great interest, and there are many links to it in eLibrary.

 In the 1990s, the main interest of Igor Nikolaevich became archival issues: work with machine-readable documents, issues of informatization of archival business, automation of scientific reference apparatus, accounting of documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation, creation and analysis of online archival resources.

In 1993, Igor Nikolaevich transferred from the Institute of the History of the USSR of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR to the State Archival Service of Russia (Rosarchiv), where he was appointed head of the department for the organization of scientific and methodological work and informatization. In 1994, the department was transformed into the Department of Organization of Scientific and Methodological Work and Informatization, in 1996 - into the Department of Safety and Implementation of Automated Technologies. In 1997, in connection with the reorganization of the Rosarchive, Igor Nikolaevich was appointed head of the department for organizing research and implementing automated archival technologies of the Federal Archival Service of Russia. After the transformation of the Federal Archival Service of Russia into the Federal Archival Agency in 2004, he was appointed Deputy Head of the Department of Preservation, State Accounting and Automated Archival Technologies. He held the rank of Adviser to the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

 Since 2009, after leaving the civil service, I.N. Kiselyov worked at the Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History (RGASPI) in the AIPS and AAT group as a chief specialist, and then deputy head of the organizational and methodological department. In 2022-2023. Igor Nikolaevich was a senior researcher at the Department of Archival Science of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Documentation and Archival Affairs (VNIIDAD).

 For many years, he has been doing a lot of work on the introduction of automated archival technologies into the activities of the domestic archival industry of our country. He was a member of the Standing Committee on Information Technology of the International Council of Archives, a member of the Russian Committee of the Unesco Information for All program, was the chief consultant of East View Information Services on the project to create the database "Guides to the Archives of Russia", was a member of the editorial board of the journal "Domestic Archives", was a member of the Council and a number of commissions of the Rosarchiv, scientific and scientific-technical councils of the Federal Archives.

His publications in the journals "Domestic Archives" and "Archivist's Bulletin" set urgent tasks for the development of the industry and analyzed the possibilities of their solution. Igor Nikolaevich Kiselyov led the development of the Concept (1995) and the Program for the Informatization of the archival business of Russia (1997), the first version of the Archives of Russia portal (1997), was directly involved in the projects "Computerization of the archives of the Comintern", "VICTORY (1941-1945)" and other archival information projects.

 Igor Nikolaevich was also seriously engaged in theoretical problems of archival science. In the article "Application of the fundamental principles of classical archival science to electronic documents: to the foreign historiography of the problem" ("Domestic Archives", 2020, No. 3), he comprehensively analyzed the transformation of the content and interpretation of traditional archival principles underlying the funding and systematization of archival documents within collections and inventories in publications of foreign reputable archivists and archivists engaged in the problems of electronic documents.

He was at the origin of the development of the software complexes "Archival Fund" and "Stock Catalog", on the basis of which the Central Stock Catalog and the State Information System for the Remote use of Archival Documents were subsequently created; he organized a large number of industry conferences and seminars, including those devoted to the creation of archival sites, such as the Interregional Scientific and Practical Seminar-meeting "Russian archival sites: experience, problems, development prospects" (Cheboksary, 2007) and the All-Russian scientific and practical seminar-meeting "Russian archival sites: experience, problems, development prospects" (Moscow region, 2008).

Igor Nikolaevich was one of the authors of Recommendations on the creation of an archival website on the Internet, which have guided all archival institutions since 2001; In 2023, he also took part in the development of Methodological Recommendations for the creation and development of official websites and official pages of archival management bodies, state and municipal archives of the Russian Federation

 From 2006 to 2016, Igor Nikolaevich conducted teaching work as an associate professor of the Department of Electronic Documents, Archives and Technologies of the Faculty of Technotronic Archives, and then – the Department of Source Studies of the Faculty of Archival Affairs of the IAI RSUH. His lectures and seminars on the disciplines "Information technologies in archival business", "Archival information resources", "Modern information technologies in state and municipal archives", "Traditional and automated reference and search tools", "Informatization of archival business in the Russian Federation", invariably aroused great interest among students; graduation papers, The works carried out under his supervision have always been of high scientific quality.

Igor Nikolaevich was an active member of the scientific community of quantifier historians, and after the creation of the Association "History and Computer" (AIC) in 1992, he became one of the leading specialists in this field. His first article in the AIC Newsletter appeared already in the second issue of this publication, in 1991; and in total, under the auspices of the AIC, he published more than a dozen works on the problems of informatization of archival business, automation of scientific reference apparatus for archival documents, archival information resources on the Internet and the formation of archival network content. He was the AIC's chief expert on archive informatization.

From 1992 to 2004 and from 2013 to 2024, I.N. Kiselyov was a member of the AIC Council, was a member of the Organizing Committees of regular conferences of the association, led the work of sections devoted to electronic resources, databases and information systems, informatization of archival, museum and library business, information technologies in preserving historical memory, spoke with plenary and basic breakout reports. Igor Nikolaevich was a member of the editorial boards of the AIK Newsletter and the periodical "Circle of Ideas", took an active part in shaping the strategy for the development of Russian historical informatics.

Literally until the last day, Igor Nikolaevich conducted active scientific and organizational work in breakthrough areas of archival science. Suffice it to say that his last article "On the use of artificial intelligence in text recognition" was published in the first issue of the VNIIDAD Bulletin posthumously, and a joint scientific report "The use of artificial intelligence in document management in archives: practice, trends and prospects" was presented by his colleagues after Igor Nikolaevich's passing away.

 Communication with Igor Nikolaevich was always interesting for his peers, and for very young colleagues and students, he had a sharp critical mind and a good sense of humor, was an open and friendly person. Igor Nikolaevich was an exceptionally intelligent and wise man with a huge amount of knowledge and extensive research experience.

A bright and grateful memory of him will remain in the hearts of his family, colleagues and friends.

On behalf of the Council of the interregional association "History Computer"

E.V. Bobrova, L.I. Borodkin, V.N. Vladimirov, I.M. Garskova

1. Zhiromskaya, V.B., Kiselev, I.N., & Polyakov, Yu.A. Half a century classified as "secret": All-Union. population census 1937. Moscow: Science, 1996.