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Pedagogy and education

Specifics of Russian-Chinese double degree programs

Kukharenko Sergei Vladimirovich

ORCID: 0000-0002-0561-4912

PhD in Philosophy

Head of Educational Department, Confucius Institute, Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University

675004, Russia, Amur region, Blagoveshchensk, Lenin str., 104, office. 200 a
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Abstract: The object of the study is double degree programs realied at Russian universities. The subject of the study is the features of Russian-Chinese double degree programs. In this study, we limited ourselves to studying only the programs in which Russian students study; the education of Chinese students were not considered. The purpose of the study was to identify the features of double degree programs with Chinese universities in Russia. When analyzing double degree programs, information was used from the official websites of Russian universities implementing double degree programs in partnership with Chinese universities. The methods used were comparative analysis, extrapolation method, analysis and generalization of empirical data. When formulating conclusions and results of the work, theoretical methods of synthesis and systematization were used. Based on the study, it was concluded that the trends inherent in double degree programs implemented by Russian and Western universities for double degree programs are only partly similar to the trends of double degree programs implemented by Russian universities in partnership with Chinese universities, and in some points differ significantly. In particular, similar features include the prevalence of economic specializations. However, in the case of joint Russian-Chinese programs, the focus on economic specialization is even more pronounced. This focus is quite understandable by the rapid growth of the Chinese economy and the desire of Russian youth to connect their careers with work in the field of economic cooperation with China. In the case of Russian-Chinese double degree programs, a clear difference is the significant predominance of bachelor's programs over master's programs.


double degree, education, Russia, PRC, China, international cooperation, The Bologna Process, internationalization, turn to the East, university

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Introduction and relevance

In the context of Russia's withdrawal from the Bologna system, severing ties with most Western universities and the strategy of "turning Russia to the East" that began to be implemented even before that, the study of cooperation between Russian and Chinese educational organizations, including the experience of joint implementation of educational programs, has significant scientific and practical interest.

Currently, China has turned out to be the most developed of the "friendly" countries for Russia. China is the second economy in the world in terms of nominal GDP, the first in terms of GDP in terms of purchasing power parity. Over the past decades, Chinese universities have significantly improved their positions in international university rankings. In the QS World University Rankings 2023, 35 Chinese universities were included in the list of the 500 best universities in the world [19].

China's development is largely related to integration into international structures, the involvement of foreign specialists, and the adoption of best practices in various fields of activity, including in the field of education. Universities are largely integrated into the international scientific and educational community, and many Chinese universities offer double degree programs with foreign universities, including Russian ones.

Dual degree programs, as a rule, are understood as "programs based on the comparability and synchronization of educational programs of partner universities and characterized by the acceptance by the parties of common obligations on issues such as defining the goals of the program, preparing the curriculum, organizing the educational process, and conferred qualifications" [18, C. 13]. A dual degree program is an educational program in which a student works in parallel to obtain two different degrees in one or in different educational institutions. The object of our research is the double degree programs of Russian universities with foreign universities. The purpose of dual degree programs with foreign universities is usually the opportunity to gain broader academic experience and qualifications in a short time compared to obtaining two degrees separately. Double degree programs can be offered at both the undergraduate and graduate or postgraduate levels. A double diploma is an educational document issued to a graduate by two partner organizations. To implement the double degree program, partner universities synchronize curricula, with the aim of subsequent transfer and subsequent recognition of training courses and exam results.

The following is typical for most double degree programs:

- the program has a curriculum developed jointly by partner universities;

- a certain period of the student's stay at the partner university;

- credits for courses taken at a partner university are automatically credited to the second party;

- the management of the final qualification work is carried out jointly from two universities participating in the program;

- upon completion of their studies, students receive diplomas from two partner universities [3, C.44-45].

The desire of the university management to introduce double degree programs is connected, not least with the fact that their implementation entails an increase in the academic mobility of university teachers and students, which inevitably affects the increase in the university's rating [3, p.44].

Also, the availability of double degree programs leads to an increase in the competitiveness of the university due to its integration into the international educational space, increasing the attractiveness of universities in the eyes of both applicants and employers. In addition, for the university, the implementation of double degree programs is an opportunity to become familiar with international standards of education and assess its quality, as well as strengthen scientific and educational cooperation [4, C.194].

The obvious result of the availability of double degree programs at the university is the introduction of new educational methods and technologies, as well as the increase in the qualifications of teachers and administrative staff of the university [1, p. 35].

The history of double degree programs in Russia

In Europe, the idea of joint and double degrees has been actively discussed since the 80s of the XX century. It was caused by the need for mutual recognition of diplomas obtained at European universities in the context of the emerging pan-European labor market. Double degree programs between European universities have been reflected in the Bologna Process and have been recognized as one of the main tools for creating a pan-European higher education space.

Double degree programs in Russia began to appear during the period of Russia's desire to integrate into the educational space of Western countries, primarily Europe. In the 1990s, the first double degree programs appeared in Russia. In 2003, Russia joined the Bologna Process and became a partner in the creation of the European Higher Education area. In 2003, with the adoption of the new Law "On Education", Russian universities gain the right to establish links with foreign universities and participate in international programs.

Cooperation between Russia and the European Union in the field of higher education and science should be considered in the context of a single space of science and education, the creation of which was agreed upon at the EU-Russia summit in 2005 [9]. Double degree programs in Russia are a natural result of international cooperation between universities in Russia and European countries [9].

Before the increase in tension between the Russian Federation and Western countries, France was the leader among countries implementing joint programs with Russian universities. The UK is next, by a significant margin, followed by Germany, Finland, and then other EU countries [5, C.36].

Currently, Russian universities have reduced the number of joint educational programs with foreign partners [7]. This happened in the context of Russia's withdrawal from the Bologna system, severing ties with most Western universities. Currently, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation is still implementing the priority project "Development of the export potential of the Russian education system" (the start and end date of the project is 05/24/2017 - 11/15/2025). The aim of the project is to increase the share of non-primary exports of the Russian Federation by increasing the attractiveness of Russian education in the international educational market. The main indicators of which are: the number of foreign citizens studying full-time in Russian educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher education and the amount of extra-budgetary funds received from the export of Russian education. Due to the current geopolitical situation, the achievement of the indicators provided for in this project is possible thanks to cooperation with universities in China. The most important direction of which is the implementation of joint educational programs.

As part of the strategy of "turning Russia to the East" and against the background of a sharp deterioration in relations between the Russian Federation and Western countries, the rupture of many ties, there is an intensification of cooperation between Russian and Chinese educational organizations.


The object of the study is the double degree programs in Russian universities. The subject of the study is the specifics of dual degree programs with Chinese universities. The purpose of the study was to identify the features of dual degree programs with Chinese universities in Russia.

In 2010, the European Commission conducted an analytical study of double degree programs between EU countries and the Russian Federation, which identified 74 universities and 239 double degree programs operating in Russia. The largest number of universities implementing double degree programs with European partners is concentrated in the Central District. There are 24 of them, which is 33% of the total number of universities in the country. There are 16 universities in the Northwestern Federal District (22%). In the North Caucasus Federal District, only one university was involved in the development of this program [18].

In Russian practice, the most common double degree programs with European universities are economic and management programs, they account for about 45% of the total number of double degree programs.

An analysis of both European and Russian practice shows that most double degree programs involve obtaining a master's degree. Thus, according to 2009 data, double degree programs for master's degree prevailed in Europe – 528, in second place were programs for doctoral studies – 127, in third place for bachelor's degree – 12 [15, pp. 50-51]. Another study aimed at studying double degrees between Russian and European universities was conducted in 2010. As a result of this study, 239 double degree programs were identified in 74 Russian universities, of which 55 bachelor's degree programs, 19 specialist training programs, 148 master's degree programs and 17 postgraduate programs [6, p.27].

The research question is whether the trends inherent in double degree programs implemented by Russian and Western universities are typical for double degree programs implemented by Russian universities in partnership with Chinese universities.

In connection with the above data, the study aims to confirm or refute the following theses:

1. Most double degree programs with Chinese universities in Russia are opened by leading Russian universities with leading Chinese universities;

2. The main area of training for double degree programs is economics.

3. The main level of training is a master's degree.

Research methodology

When analyzing double degree programs, information from the official websites of Russian universities implementing double degree programs in partnership with Chinese universities was used. Comparative analysis, extrapolation method, analysis and generalization of empirical data were used as methods for studying the features of double degree programs implemented by Russian universities in partnership with Chinese universities. Theoretical methods of synthesis and systematization were used in the formulation of conclusions and results of the work.

To assess the rating of the Russian university, the Interfax rating was used [10], the Chinese – uniRank [20].


As a result of the study, 10 double degree programs were identified, implemented by 7 Russian universities in partnership with Chinese universities. In this study, we limited ourselves to studying only the programs taught by Russian students, double degree programs focused only on teaching Chinese students were not considered.

5 out of 7 universities are implementing economic-oriented programs. Only 2 out of 7 universities implement master's degree programs, of which only one (Lomonosov Moscow State University) has postgraduate programs.

Russian University


Chinese Partner


The level of training

The direction of training


Moscow State University


Beijing Polytechnic University


Bachelor's degree, Master's degree, postgraduate studies

A wide range of programs.


Moscow Aviation University


Shanghai Jiao Tong University



Aircraft, engine building, rocket engineering


Vladivostok State University


Dalian Oceanological University


bachelor course



ANO VO "University at the IPA EurAsEC"


Moscow Pedagogical University


bachelor course



ANO VO "University at the IPA EurAsEC"


Dalian University of Foreign Languages


bachelor course



ANO VO "University at the IPA EurAsEC"


Hebei University


bachelor course

Advertising and public relations


Synergy University


Shantou University


bachelor course

International trade


Baikal State University


Beijing University of Foreign Economics and Trade


bachelor course

Global economy, marketing; sales and logistics


Baikal State University


Shenyang Polytechnic University


bachelor course

World Economy; law; business management


Ufa University of Science and Technology


Liaoning University


bachelor course

International business

Table 1. Double degree programs implemented by Russian universities in partnership with Chinese universities [8,12,13,14,16,17].


Our research has revealed the specifics of double degree programs implemented by Russian universities in partnership with Chinese universities.

The trends inherent in double degree programs implemented by Russian and Western universities for double degree programs are only partially similar to the trends of double degree programs implemented by Russian universities in partnership with Chinese universities, and in some points differ significantly.

In particular, similar features include the fact that, as for cash diploma programs implemented now or until recently by Russian universities in conjunction with Western universities, the predominance of economic-oriented programs is characteristic. However, in the case of joint Russian-Chinese programs, the focus on economic specialization is even more pronounced. This trend is quite understandable due to the rapid growth of the Chinese economy and the desire of Russian youth to link their careers with work in the field of economic cooperation with China.

In the case of Russian-Chinese double degree programs, the clear difference is the significant predominance of bachelor's degree programs over master's degree programs. This can be explained by the significant predominance of bachelor's degree programs in China, in principle, the insufficient level of language training of Russian students to study master's degree programs in Chinese in China, and the orientation of Russian students to acquire practical skills.

Double degree programs are implemented by Russian universities that are both in the top ranks of the ratings (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow Aviation University, and universities that are quite far from the top positions of the ratings - Baikal State University, ANO HE "University under the IPA EurAsEC". The same characteristic applies to Chinese universities.

Currently, a number of Russian universities are going to open double degree programs together with Chinese universities, which may make certain adjustments to the currently existing specifics of double degree programs implemented jointly by Russian and Chinese universities, as these programs will become a more widespread phenomenon.

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3. Gorelova, Yu.N., & Polyakova, O.V. (2015). Integration of the Russian system of higher education into the international educational environment through realization double degree programs. Kazan economic herald, 3(17), 44-48.
4. Grinevich, Yu.A. (2017). Development of double degree programs: advantages and problems in realization. Innovative economy: regulation and competition.The proceedings of the 10th international scientific and practical conference. Pp. 191-195.
5. Zubkov, V.G., Sekerin, V.D., Zajcev, S.A., & Zubkov, G.V. (2015). Problems and perspectives of double degree programs. MGTU MAMI news, 2(24), 34-38.
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The paper "The specifics of Russian-Chinese double degree programs" is submitted for review. The study is a theoretical review of sources and an analytical study. The subject of the study. The work is aimed at identifying the features of dual degree programs with Chinese universities in Russia. The author conducted a brief analysis of the history of double degree programs in Russia, and also presented the results of the analysis. The work carried out made it possible to confirm the hypotheses put forward. The methodology of the research is theoretical methods of synthesis, comparative analysis, extrapolation method, analysis and generalization of empirical data and systematization. The author used information posted on the official websites of Russian universities that implement double degree programs in partnership with Chinese universities, and analyzed the ranking of Russian and Chinese universities. It is important to present the theoretical and methodological foundations of scientific research. The relevance of research. The problem raised in the article is relevant. The author notes that Russia is currently withdrawing from the Bologna system and breaking with most foreign universities. At the same time, there is an increase in cooperation between Russian and Chinese educational organizations, including the experience of joint implementation of educational programs. However, this issue has not been sufficiently studied and the main mechanisms for implementing such practices have not been considered. It is important to highlight the characteristic features and "problem areas". The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the author considers the identified problem, as well as presents some features of double degree programs with Chinese universities in Russia. Style, structure, content. The style of presentation corresponds to publications of this level. The language of the work is scientific. The structure of the work is clearly visible. The author highlights the main semantic parts. The introduction of the work highlights the problem and its relevance. The author notes the peculiarities of the implementation of double degree programs, and also identifies the advantages of this approach. The main section deals with the description of the history of double degree programs in Russia and the results of the conducted research. The author analyzed information from the official websites of educational institutions. In the main part, it was noted that 10 double degree programs were identified, implemented by 7 Russian universities in partnership with Chinese universities. Most of the educational institutions (5 universities) implement economic–oriented programs, and the remaining 2 - master's and postgraduate programs. The paper presents double degree programs implemented by Russian universities in partnership with Chinese universities. In conclusion, the conclusions of the work are presented. The author identified the specifics of double degree programs implemented by Russian universities in partnership with Chinese universities, and outlined the prospects for further work. Bibliography. The bibliography of the article includes 20 domestic and foreign sources, there are no publications for the last three years. The list contains mainly articles and abstracts. At the same time, there are also online publications and information from the official websites of educational institutions. The sources are mostly incorrectly and heterogeneously designed. Appeal to opponents. Recommendations: - expand the bibliographic list by including modern sources and analyze the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study; - arrange the bibliographic list in accordance with the requirements; - arrange the table in accordance with the requirements; - to understand the specifics of Russian-Chinese double degree programs, it is important to understand how comfortable students and teachers are to work in this format; even a small survey of participants would identify the problems, advantages and main difficulties of implementing this approach; - it is important to present the content of the experience of this work on the example of an educational institution; - it is important to offer solutions to the problem of how to implement the practice of double diplomas as effectively as possible (recommendations, developments, diagnostic studies, etc.). Conclusions. The problems of the article are of undoubted relevance, theoretical and practical value; it will be of interest to specialists who deal with problems of higher education. The article may be recommended for publication, it is important to take into account the highlighted recommendations and make appropriate changes. This makes it possible to submit to the editorial board a research article that is characterized by scientific novelty and significance.