DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2024.1.70293
One of the promising instruments of social support for the population in the Russian Federation is a social contract, the feature of which is the conditional nature of social payments, requiring poor citizens to take active actions to improve their living situation (job search, vocational training, doing business). This study analyzes the Russian and foreign experience in organizing social contract instruments (the TANF program in the USA and the RSA program in France). The subject of the author's research is the effectiveness of budget expenditures of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation for the financial provision of the social contract mechanism in the context of the allocated areas of assistance. Special attention is paid to the legal support of the functioning of the social contract in terms of methods for evaluating its effectiveness and the distribution of appropriate subsidies from the federal budget. Based on the criterion proposed by the author of the relative amount of budget expenditures per citizen who has overcome the poverty threshold, an assessment of the budgetary effectiveness of various areas of assistance under the social contract is carried out. The conclusion is made about the difference in the evaluation results when using official indicators and the author's approach. Thus, official data indicate the success of the results of the social contract program, comparable with foreign analogues. The author's assessment of budgetary efficiency showed the irrational use of budgetary funds: 60% of financial resources in 2021-2022 were directed to the least effective area of assistance. Additionally, the problems in the mechanism of federal co-financing of expenditures of regional budgets for the use of the instrument are identified. The author identifies the methodological shortcomings of the current methodology for evaluating its effectiveness. Based on the identified problems, changes are proposed in the regulatory framework governing the financial mechanism for providing assistance on the basis of a social contract. These results are of high practical significance for the activities of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, as well as regional executive authorities responsible for the implementation of the social contract.
social protection, social security, social assistance, social contract, poverty of the population, evaluation of effectiveness, budget efficiency, the federal budget, performance indicators, subsidy
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Introduction The need to overcome the poverty of the population is outlined in one of the national development goals of the Russian Federation and formulated as "reducing the poverty level by half compared to the indicator of 2017". Despite the declaration of this goal, a comprehensive strategic planning document in the field of poverty reduction is currently missing [1], and measures to achieve the goal are carried out within the framework of the social assistance system for the population [2,3]. The de facto architecture of social assistance in its financial aspect at the federal level is a set of measures (enshrined in separate federal laws) to overcome poverty for 3 demographic groups of the population. Thus, for low-income families with children, a monthly allowance is provided in connection with the birth and upbringing of a child under 17 years old; non-working pensioners have the right to count on a federal or regional supplement to a pension, bringing its size to the subsistence minimum in the region of residence; able-bodied citizens can be provided with assistance on the basis of a social contract. At the same time, the analysis of economic and financial relationships between these demographic groups allows us to draw an unambiguous conclusion that it is poverty (low incomes) of the working population that is the primary factor of poverty in other groups [4]. In families with children, this fact is obvious due to the fact that children are dependent on the able-bodied population and they automatically fall into the category of poor in case of insufficient incomes of able-bodied family members [5]. The dependence between the incomes of the able-bodied population and persons of retirement age is manifested in the long term within the framework of a solidary pension provision model, in which the number of able-bodied population and their income level determine the amount of funds in the Pension and Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation [6]. Thus, measures to increase the incomes of the working-age population are functionally a comprehensive tool for increasing the incomes of other demographic groups, and the fight against poverty of the working-age population seems logically the primary, most relevant and most difficult aspect of overcoming poverty of the population. The purpose of this study is to formulate proposals for changing the legislation on social assistance that increase the budgetary efficiency of the functioning of the social contract instrument. The object of the study is social assistance to the population. The subject of the study is the effectiveness of the functioning of a social assistance tool based on a social contract. Literature review The poverty of the working population is a subject of discussion in the scientific literature. In the modern theory of poverty, several concepts of poverty are distinguished, the main of which are behavioral and structural [7,8]. The behavioral concept, following the postulates of the classical school of economics, postulates the "personal choice of the individual" as the main factor of poverty. The structural approach is dominated by the idea that the main cause of poverty is economic, political and geographical imbalances that prevent the poor from gaining access to decent and sustainable jobs. The structural approach to poverty analysis is mainly followed by domestic scientists conducting empirical research on the poverty of the working population. So, O. V. Selivanova, A. A. Razumov conclude about the predominance of low-paid vacancies, which require low-skilled labor [9]. In turn, V. A. Anikin and E. D. Slobodenyuk talk about the tendency of preserving poor jobs in the Russian economy, which do not reduce the risks of poverty even with high labor intensity [10]. In the Russian literature, there is a whole group of studies devoted to the class of "working poor" [11,12,13]. Taking into account the above, the state's assistance to the population is being updated [14] in the issue of stable employment, which allows citizens to increase labor incomes and get out of poverty on their own without increasing the social transfers received. Currently, the instrument of such assistance is a social assistance program based on a social contract. Problem statement Social assistance based on a social contract is an agreement between a low-income household and social protection authorities. The key aspect of this agreement is the reciprocity of obligations between citizens and the state: in exchange for social benefits, a citizen participating in the contract undertakes to take additional actions to improve his financial situation. A citizen can carry out these actions in the following areas [15]: 1. Job search and vocational education (39.2% of contracts concluded in 2022); 2. development of your own business (32.7%); 3. development of a personal subsidiary farm (11%); 4. measures to overcome a difficult life situation (17.1%). Thus, the concept of a social contract presupposes the support of a citizen in order to bring him to self-sufficiency by generating income from labor /entrepreneurial activity or additional production of goods for his own consumption. The social contract mechanism has been in operation since 2012, but only starting from 2020, co-financing of regional budget expenditures from the federal budget is carried out, which has significantly expanded the coverage of the program (table 1). In 2021 and 2022, 63.2 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget for the implementation of the program [15]. For the period 2024-2026, Federal Law No. 540-FZ dated 11/27/2023 "On the Federal Budget for 2024 and for the planning period 2025 and 2026" provides 105.5 billion rubles for this program. Table 1 – key indicators of the implementation of the social contract
¹ | Indicator | Formula* | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 1 | The share of citizens who have overcome a difficult life situation in the total number of recipients of state social assistance on the basis of a social contract, % | - | 46,7 | 26,9 | 33,3 | 29,9 | 46,7 | 22,5 | 25,4 | 2 |
The number of citizens covered by the social contract, thousand people. | - | 230,2 | 299,8 | 308,8 | 326,3 | 604,9 | 980,8 | 909,4 | 3 | The number of people with monetary incomes below the poverty line (minimum subsistence level), million people. | - | 19,4 | 18,9 | 18,4 | 18,0 | 17,7 | 16,0 |
14,3 | 4 | The proportion of the poor population covered by the social contract | = (2)/(3) | 0,01 | 0,02 | 0,02 | 0,02 | 0,03 | 0,06 | 0,06 | 5 | The ratio of the number of citizens who overcame a difficult life situation with the help of a social contract to an absolute reduction in poverty this year | = (2)*(1) / / [(4)i+1 – (4)i] | - | 0,16 | 0,21 | 0,24 |
0,94 | 0,13 | 0,14 | *Note: Index i refers to the ordinal number of the year in which the indicator is calculated Source: compiled according to the data of the Ministry of Labor of Russia [16] and author's calculations The data obtained as a result of the initial analysis indicate the high efficiency of the program when using as a criterion the ratio of the indicators calculated in table 1 (line 5). Thus, despite the relatively small coverage of the program (6% of the population after the provision of federal co-financing), its results explain an average of 10% to 20% of the overall reduction in poverty. It is advisable to compare the social contract with similar instruments used in other countries. The main challenge faced by foreign counterparts of the social contract program is the instability of the jobs occupied by the participants, most of which are also characterized by relatively low wages. For example, most of the participants in the program of the American TANF program are Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (rus. - temporary support for families in need)) they do not go out on self-sufficiency. Thus, studies show that the difference between the control and experimental groups in the level of employment disappears during the 5-year horizon of the program (i.e., households participating and not participating in TANF are characterized by the same levels of employment). Moreover, the employment of only 30% of the program participants is stable (i.e., the program participant has been working for at least 3 out of 4 quarters), and only 21% of the program participants have crossed the income poverty line (while among those who participated in the program until the end (during all 5 years), the proportion of those who left poverty is only 7%) [17,18]. The effectiveness of the RSA - Revenu de solidarit? active (Russian: income from active solidarity) program in France is also the subject of intense debate. According to the data of the Accounting Chamber of the Republic of France [19,20], since 2010, 65% of RSA recipients have been living below the monetary poverty line (with a poverty criterion of 60% of the median income of the country's population). The impact of the RSA on employment also did not meet the initial expectations of the program: on average, 7 years after joining the RSA, only 34% of the group of recipients of support left it and were employed – and only a third of them were employed stably. Thus, the effectiveness of the social contract in Russia is comparable to the effectiveness of foreign programs (in all cases, the final goal of the program is achieved for about 30% of participants). It is advisable, however, not only to note the significantly smaller coverage of the Russian program, but also to indicate some methodological limitations of evaluating the effectiveness of the social contract instrument. Firstly, there is currently no continuity in evaluating effectiveness (since the program has been implemented in current volumes only since 2020), whereas foreign assessments extend over a longer period. Secondly, the methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of the social contract (hereinafter referred to as the Methodology), fixed by Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 506n, Rosstat No. 389 dated 30.09.2013, contains 7 indicators. De facto, the main indicator determining the achievement of the instrument's goal is the proportion of citizens participating in the program whose average per capita income exceeded the subsistence level. At the same time, the calculation of average per capita income includes many different payments, including a large number of social benefits established outside the law on social assistance (for example, benefits for families with children). The share of labor income received as a result of participation in a social contract in the total increase in household income is not estimated in any way, which does not allow us to identify whether the social contract was the main factor in income growth. Table 2, in turn, shows an attempt to assess the budgetary effectiveness of expenditures on the provision of the analyzed type of social assistance. As an efficiency criterion, the indicator of budget expenditure per person who has come out of poverty has been adopted, which is calculated by dividing the value of column (1) by the values of column (4) and converting them into the same units of measurement. The lower the value of this indicator, the more effective budget expenditures should be considered. Table 2 – assessment of the effectiveness of social assistance expenditures under the social contract Direction | Expenses of the federal and regional budgets for the direction, billion rubles. | Contracts are covered, thousand people. |
The number of participants who increased their income, thousand people. | The number of participants who have overcome the poverty threshold, thousand people. | Comparative efficiency of budget expenditures (calculation), thousand rubles. | | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Job search | 9,9 | 321,5 | 221,2 | 90,0 | 110 | Entrepreneurial activity | 37,9 | 132,3 | 93,9 | 49,0 |
773 | Maintaining a personal subsidiary farm | 6,2 | 89,1 | 59,7 | 22,3 | 278 | Overcoming a difficult life situation | 9,2 | 352,2 | 207,8 | 52,8 | 174 | Total | 63,2 | 895,2 | 582,6 | 214,1 | 295 |
Source: compiled according to the data of the Accounting Chamber of the Russian Federation [15] and author's calculations The results of the analysis show that the lowest expenses (110 thousand rubles) They are necessary for overcoming poverty by a participant in the program who carries out employment activities. On the contrary, the least effective area of expenditure is the support of entrepreneurial activity, the comparable social effect of which is achieved at the expense of a larger amount of money (7 times). It should be noted that 60% of expenditures in 2021-2022 within the framework of the implementation of the social contract were directed specifically to support entrepreneurial initiatives, which indicates that the main share of budget funds was used for the least effective direction of the social contract in terms of overcoming poverty. The technical nuance of the implementation of the social contract mechanism is the provision of subsidies from the federal budget for co-financing relevant regional programs. The methodology for the distribution of this subsidy is established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1559 dated November 30, 2019. The methodology is based on the standard principle of allocating a predetermined amount of funds in accordance with the indicator of the share of the regional budget's need for funds in the total amount of such a need for all subjects of the Russian Federation. In this case, such a need is determined based on the product of the amount of payments and the projected number of recipients of social assistance separately for each area of the social contract. At the same time, data from the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation indicate that a number of subjects of the Russian Federation were forced to request additional funding due to underestimation of demand for a new support measure, but received funds only three months after the request, which is a critical period, given the short duration of the social contract (up to 12 months). On the contrary, some co-financing participants returned unclaimed funds to the federal budget. Thus, according to the results of the analysis conducted by the author of this article, the following problems have been identified: 1. inefficient use of budgetary funds in the context of activities under the social contract; 2. the presence of shortcomings in the methodology for allocating subsidies for co-financing expenditures of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for providing assistance on the basis of a social contract; 3. Methodological limitations of the methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of the social contract. Discussion of the results To solve the identified problems, the author proposes a number of changes in the provision of assistance on the basis of a social contract. Firstly, in conditions of limited effectiveness of the direction of assistance related to business support, it is necessary to limit the financing of this amount of assistance within the existing mechanism of limits on the distribution of the number of recipients of state social assistance on the basis of a social contract (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04/15/2014 No. 296), Taking into account that the costs in this direction are 3.8 times If the expenses for the most effective direction (job search) exceed, it is advisable to limit the maximum share of social contracts for entrepreneurial activity in the proportion of 1:4. Thus, at least 50% (in the current version – at least 10%) of recipients should receive social assistance in the direction of job search and additional vocational education, whereas the entrepreneurial direction Assistance should be limited at the level of 12.5% of recipients (currently there is no limit). The indicated increase in the number of recipients in the direction of job search may be accompanied by a more stringent approach to the payment of support. By analogy with foreign practice, the author proposes to be guided by the principle of "work first" when determining the payment scheme. Instead of the existing scheme: one payment immediately and 3 after the fact of employment - it is advisable to pay funds only within 4 months after employment. On the one hand, this approach optimizes the expenditure of funds in terms of renegotiation of the contract. On the other hand, the payment of support within 4 months after employment will allow citizens to "gain a foothold" in the workplace to a greater extent, which will reduce the likelihood of subsequent layoffs. Such a restriction will also require social authorities to set stricter requirements for the business plans of citizens applying for financing their entrepreneurial activities. Secondly, the author proposes to amend the methodology for allocating subsidies for co-financing expenditures of regional budgets (Decree of the Government of Russia dated 04/15/2014 No. 296) in order to reduce the risk of cash gaps if additional co-financing is necessary. It is advisable to provide for the possibility of saving unused subsidy funds as remaining funds in the accounts of the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. For these subjects of the Russian Federation, when determining the amount of subsidies for the current year, it is necessary to reduce the planned amount of co-financing by the appropriate amount of funds remaining. The released funds in the current period should be additionally distributed among the regions that requested additional financing in the reporting year in accordance with the volume of unaccounted additional demand that arose in the reporting year. These changes optimize inter-budgetary relations on the issue under consideration in the context of the objective complexity of forecasting voluntary demand for assistance within the framework of a social contract. Thirdly, according to the author, it is advisable to supplement the Effectiveness Assessment Methodology (Order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 506n, Rosstat No. 389 dated 30.09.2013) with an indicator named "the share of income from activities to which social contract measures were directed in the total increase in income of the recipient of social assistance based on the social contract during the term of the contract." The calculation of this indicator, according to the author, should be carried out according to the following algorithm: 1) determination of the absolute difference between the per capita monthly income of the recipient of assistance on the first and last day of the validity period of the social contract; 2) determination of the average per capita monthly income from the activities that the social contract was aimed at stimulating (the amount of wages or income from entrepreneurial activity);
3) determining the value of the final indicator by dividing the value according to item No. 2 by the value according to item No. 1. The introduction of this indicator will make it possible to determine the net factorial impact of social assistance on the basis of a social contract on changes in the income of its recipients, which will improve the quality of evaluating the effectiveness of the tool. Thus, Russian legislation provides for various areas of social assistance based on a social contract. The scientific novelty of this study is to assess the budgetary effectiveness of the social contract instrument in accordance with the proposed author's criterion of expenditures necessary to overcome poverty by one recipient of assistance. The results of the analysis indicate the different effectiveness of the areas of assistance under the social contract, which raises the problem of the need to redistribute budget funds between these areas. To solve the identified problems, the author proposes specific changes to the current legislation regulating the functioning of the social contract. Thanks. The author thanks Igor Viktorovich Balynin, PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Finance, Faculty of Finance, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation for his assistance in conducting scientific research.
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03/31/2024 The social contract as a tool for overcoming poverty of the working-age population: assessment of budget efficiency and directions of modernization Overcoming poverty is one of the key tasks of socio-economic development of Russia. This task is one of the national development goals, its importance and the need for priority attention to it at all levels of government have been repeatedly pointed out by the President of Russia, including in his annual Address to the Federal Assembly on 02/29/2024 and in June 2023 at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum. In recent years, the poverty level has decreased slightly – to about 10-12%, but it shows that more than 15 million people in Russia live below the poverty line, and this is a very large number of Russian citizens in absolute terms. The presented article is devoted to assessing the budgetary effectiveness of the implementation of the social contract program in Russia from the perspective of reducing poverty and corresponds to the subject of the journal. The title of the article corresponds to the content. The article highlights sections that meet the requirements of the journal "Theoretical and Applied Economics". In the "Introduction" the author makes an attempt to substantiate the significance and relevance of the chosen research direction. The "Management" defines the purpose, object and subject of the study. The purpose of the study is to "formulate proposals to amend legislation on social assistance that increase the budgetary efficiency of the functioning of the social contract instrument." In the section "Literature Review", the author cites the positions of proponents of the structural and behavioral concept of poverty, thereby unfolding an element of scientific discussion, which, however, can be developed. The section "Problem statement" includes the results of the study, so it is advisable to either change its name or highlight two sections, otherwise there is no section "Results" in the current version of the article. The author describes the current practice of providing social contracts in Russia, draws parallels with the experience of the USA and France, which is especially valuable. The author also provides the results of an assessment of the effectiveness of social assistance expenditures under the social contract in Russia in accordance with the proposed author's approach. The section "Discussion of the results" is actually the final one, contains a description of the author's proposals and their justification, as well as the final conclusions based on the results of the study. We also consider it advisable to rename this section, for example, "Conclusion" or "Conclusions". The discussion of the results classically involves comparing the results obtained by the author with those already available, analyzing the assumptions made in the framework of the study, etc. The research uses well-known general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, comparison, ascent from the abstract to the concrete, logical method, etc. Among the specific methods of economic research, the author applied statistical data analysis, the coefficient method. The chosen research topic is relevant, due to the high level of poverty in Russia, which can be reduced, but cannot be overcome, despite the measures taken by the Government. One of the goals is the introduction of social contracts as a mechanism to help poor citizens and citizens facing serious difficulties in life. The social contract is a relatively new tool for social assistance in Russia, and an absolutely new support mechanism, since previously the state had always provided poor citizens with a "fish", not a "fishing rod". However, today about 1 million citizens are covered by the social contract, and budget expenditures under this program amount to more than 105 billion rubles for 2024-2026. In this regard, the relevance of the article is indisputable. At the same time, we suggest the author to think about the scientific relevance of the chosen research area – based on a deeper study of the positions of scientists directly on the functioning of the social contract. The article has practical significance. It consists in developing proposals to improve the legislative framework and the mechanism for providing citizens with a social contract, as well as in the proposed approach to assessing the budgetary effectiveness of a social contract in Russia. It is valuable, in this regard, that the author also studied and used in the development of proposals the approach of the Accounting Chamber of the Russian Federation to audit the mechanism and practice of providing a social contract. The author formulated that the scientific novelty of the study "consists in assessing the budgetary effectiveness of the social contract instrument in accordance with the proposed author's criterion of expenditures necessary to overcome poverty by one recipient of assistance." It should be clarified what the novelty is in relation to previous studies on the assessment of the budgetary effectiveness of social programs, and what are the advantages of the developed approach, its Add Value. In addition, the article does not provide a detailed description of the analysis of the budgetary effectiveness of the social contract. In table 2, the author provides an assessment of the indicators of the budgetary effectiveness of the social contract, however, their analysis in the text is given in passing and only on entrepreneurial initiative and job search, there is no detailed description, as well as the characteristics of the social contract for housing and communal services and overcoming difficult life situations. This analysis is necessary because the author makes an analysis of the budgetary effectiveness of the social contract into the scientific novelty of the study. The style of the article is scientific and meets the requirements of the journal. The author uses elements of visualization of the research results - the article contains 2 tables. However, table 2 was not included in the fields for the layout of the magazine, so it was not possible to consider the right columns. It is required to bring table 2 in width in accordance with the requirements of the journal. The bibliography is presented by 20 sources, which meets the requirements of the journal. The bibliography has been formed by domestic and foreign studies, there are relevant sources. It seems that a promising direction for continuing the study is to analyze the effectiveness in the regional context in order to identify best practices and outsider regions where it is necessary to increase financial control over the conclusion of social contracts. The advantages of the article include the following. Firstly, the relevance of the chosen research area. Secondly, the presence of scientific novelty and practical significance. Thirdly, an illustration of the scale of the problem under study. Fourth, drawing parallels with the foreign experience of the relevant programs. Fifth, the use of the results of the audit of the conclusion of social contracts by the Accounting Chamber of the Russian Federation. The disadvantages of the article include the following. First, there is the need to adjust the structure of the article in terms of the titles of the sections "Problem statement" and "Discussion of results". Secondly, the insufficiency of the description of the research results in terms of assessing the budgetary effectiveness of the social contract according to the proposed author's approach. Thirdly, bringing the format of table 2 in line with the requirements of the journal. Conclusion. The presented article is devoted to the study of the budgetary effectiveness of the implementation of the social contract program in Russia from the perspective of reducing poverty. The article reflects the results of the author's research and may arouse the interest of the readership. The article is recommended for publication in the journal "Theoretical and Applied Economics".