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Pedagogy and education

Pedagogical support of educational work with the modern family as a means of forming spiritual and moral values of the children

Glebova Lyubov' Nikolaevna

Doctor of Pedagogy

Russian Federation Senator, Federation Council Of The Federal Assembly Of The Russian Federation

103426, Russia, Moscow, Bolshaya Dmitrovka str., 26
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Abstract: The article is devoted to the consideration of issues of educational work with parents and its importance in the formation of value orientations and morality in modern children. In the context of studying the scientific literature of Russian scientists, the author concludes that this problem is relevant and requires further research. The highlighted methodological approaches – systemic, axiological, and familistic – contribute to the disclosure of the scientific nature of the research. The purpose of the study is to identify the importance of pedagogical support for educational work with the family in the context of the formation of moral values of children at the present stage of development of Russian society and the state. The author's understanding of the essence of the definition of "pedagogical enlightenment" is revealed, its essence and significance in the upbringing of spiritual and moral values of modern children are determined. The article highlights the pedagogical features of pedagogical education, manifested at different stages of family development in matters of education: educational (propaedeutic) work with future parents to educate children the moral values, educational pedagogical work with parents raising children of preschool, junior, middle and senior school age. Traditional and innovative forms of educational work in different periods of child development in the family are proposed. The difficulties of educational work with the family are highlighted, consisting in the slow process of developing parental literacy and competence, in the absence of uniform rules for raising children in the family, in the absence of clear mechanisms for interaction between parents and social institutions, in the search for effective forms of cooperation, in the absence of a single model of educational work with the family, in insufficient pedagogical education of parents in the mass media. The material under study allows us to conclude that educational and educational work will be successful if all social institutions are engaged in this activity, which will increase the pedagogical activity of parents, raise the status of family and parenthood, as well as the competence of teachers in organizing educational activities with the family and the development of spiritual and moral values of children.


educational work, family, children, parents, spiritual and moral values, pedagogical education, the younger generation, childhood, personality formation, personality

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Introduction. The year 2024 declared by the President of the Russian Federation in Russia as the year of the Family[1] is aimed at solving many pedagogical, psychological and social problems of families, including providing educational work with the family in the formation and development of spiritual and moral values among the younger generation, strengthening family values, the birth of children and the protection of motherhood and childhood.

In the life of a child, the family acts as the first and main educational institution. It is the family that influences the process and result of personality formation and development. It is in the parental home that such personality qualities as citizenship, patriotism, spirituality, love for a small homeland, respect for the traditions of one's family, responsibility for one's life and the lives of loved ones, relatives of the older generation and providing them with support and assistance, health care are laid.  Therefore, it is important that the father and mother could competently organize family education in their own home, based on the scientific achievements of pedagogical and psychological science and practice.

The activity of parents will be successful if they become good partners with teachers in the interests of their child. [3]. Among the factors that come to the fore in educational work, such tasks as the search for effective ways, forms, methods and technologies of partnership between educational institutions and the family are put forward.  The social stratification of society, the loss of folk traditions in the upbringing of children, "an increase in the possibility of early separation from the parental family, a change in the moral and psychological climate in the family, leading to conflicts, the urbanization of modern society - all these problems affect the cooperation of all educational institutions" [1].

Scientists N.D. Nikandrov [6], M.N. Nedvetskaya [4] in their research note that various social, economic, and political transformations in society have had an ambiguous effect on the Russian family, led to profound changes in its vital activity: family traditions are being destroyed, the view of the family itself is changing among the younger generation, has intensified the conflict and confrontation between spouses for the "palm tree" and love for their child, the values of family life created over the centuries and their transfer to the younger generation are lost, the emergence and development of various forms of marriage has a devastating effect on reducing the educational potential of the family. All these processes push public figures, scientists and educators to search for new forms of educational work with parents and with the family in general. There is a constant generation of innovative ideas and the search for effective methods of educational work with parents in accordance with the new challenges of the time and the demands of society and the state.

In recent studies, the problem of educational work is considered by scientists in the context of general social, psychological and pedagogical processes taking place in modern educational organizations, which, we believe, indicates the ambiguity and complexity of the essence of interaction between teachers and parents in the framework of improving pedagogical education and its role and significance for society and the family. At the same time, the influence of the ongoing changes in society on both the family and social institutions (preschool educational institutions, schools, professional educational institutions) is noted, which creates a new scientific and practical context for searching for their cooperation.

Methodological foundations of the study. The disclosure of the mechanisms of educational work with parents on the formation of spiritual and moral values in children is based on the ideas of the systemic (P.A. Anokhin, V.G. Afanasyev, I.V. Blauberg, V.P. Bespalko, V.P. Kuzmin, V.N. Sagatovsky, E.G. Yudin); axiological (A.F. Anisimov, E.V. Bondarevskaya, T.I. Vlasova, M.S. Kagan, N.D. Nikandrov, V.A. Slastenin, V.P. Tugarinov, E.N. Shiyanov, T.T. Shchelina); familistic (A.I. Antonov, T.V. Lodkina, V.M. Medkov, N.I. Shevandrin, I.Y. Shilov) approaches that They constitute general methodological principles and meanings that are socially approved and passed down from generation to generation as examples of culture and high morality in family life [2].

The research methods were the study and retrospective analysis of Russian literature on the topic of the study, acquaintance with dissertations, scientific and monographic works in this field.

The purpose of the study was to identify the importance of pedagogical support for educational and educational work with the family, to identify pedagogical features that ensure increased activity of parents in the participation of education, the development of their parental competence in matters of family spiritual and moral education of children.

Problem statement. The significant social, cultural, and political transformations taking place in our society lead to a revision of the role of the family and parents in the upbringing of children. The transformation of spiritual and moral values in modern children determines the importance of considering the development of the institution of the family, with its inherent traditional values in the transmission of patterns of moral behavior, increasing the pedagogical competence of parents in the formation and development of the modern generation of readiness to accept family values. It is the insufficient study of this problem in the context of finding ways to ensure more successful educational work with parents that directs to a deep understanding of the processes taking place in society.

The main part. One of the effective forms of providing educational and educational work is advanced psychological and pedagogical education of the family, as a way and method of improving the pedagogical culture of parents in the context of raising children in the modern conditions of the development of the Russian state. The main goals of education are: preparing oneself for the role of parents, one's role in the family, involvement in the processes taking place in it; awareness of the importance of the unity of the requirements of spouses in raising children; improving parental literacy and competence, transferring moral patterns of behavior to children, preserving and multiplying family traditions and customs.

It is educational work that plays an important role in the harmonious socializing effect of parents on a child, the formation of moral values, spirituality, respect for their family and others.

We support the position of S.G. Chukhin, who notes that educational work plays an important role in "the moral education of schoolchildren, in the development of moral ideals, awareness and realization of moral goals, and the choice of their moral position in life" [9].

Scientists Sh.A. Amonashvili, V.F. Arbuzov, Yu.K. Babansky, N.I. Boldyrev, I.V. Grebennikov, I.A. Kairov, P.M. Kapralova, I.S. Marienko, S.L. Soloveychik, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, I.F. made a significant contribution to the development of the content and main directions of pedagogical education of parents in Soviet times. Kharlamov, A.G. Khripkova, who were mainly devoted to the pedagogical education of parents in schools through parent lectures, which are covered at parent meetings.   By the end of the XX - beginning of the XXI century, new studies devoted to the problems of educational work appeared in the works of famous scientists I.A. Arabov, A.Y. Grankin, G.M. Kojaspirova, T.A. Kulikova, B.T. Likhachev, I.P. Podlasogo, E.N. Shiyanov, etc.

The pedagogical aspect of increasing educational work with parents, value attitude to the family, and the formation of moral values is revealed in the studies of Yu.P. Azarov, Sh.A. Amonashvili, E.V. Bondarevskaya, O.A. Gantskaya, V.N. Gurov, V.A. Karakovsky, I.V. Krupina, T.A. Kulikova, L.I. Malenkova, B.T. Likhachev, I.S. Marienko, M.N. Nedvetskaya, N.D. Nikandrova, N.E. Shchurkova.

I.A. Khomenko, based on the analysis of scientific research by scientists, meaningfully fills the concept of "pedagogical education of parents", by which she understands "the process of informing them about the peculiarities of the child's personality development and ways of interacting with him, built in the context of the life of the subjects of interaction in accordance with cultural values. Pedagogical education is always aimed at the free development of personality through the transfer of both pedagogical knowledge and experience of humanistic relations" [8, p.7].

We agree with the point of view of M.N. Nedvetskaya, who believes that a characteristic feature of pedagogical education is "the opportunity to share pedagogical experience, which is unique for everyone. In addition, the program of pedagogical education of the family directly depends on the age and individual characteristics of children and their parents. It also seems important that in the process of mastering pedagogical knowledge, both the personality of the parents themselves and the personality of the teacher who carries out educational work continue to develop" [5]. Accordingly, it is necessary to form a pedagogical community that would be interested in competent family education activities. This community should develop a unified concept for the organization of pedagogical education of parents in general, and in particular, in the context of the problem under consideration – the education of spiritual and moral values in modern children.

Sharing the point of view of M.N. Nedvetskaya [4,5], E.A. Petrash, T.V. Sidorova [7], I.A. Khomenko [8], M.R. Ilakavichus, M.S. Yakushkina [3] and other scientists, by educational work we understand the process and result of organizing the transfer of new knowledge to parents about the features the development of children, their moral, social, intellectual spheres, pedagogical methods of interaction with them in the family in order to increase their parental competence.

At different stages of family development, pedagogical education has its own distinctive features.

1. Educational (propaedeutic) work with future parents to educate children about moral values. Here you can use business and role-playing games such as "Family is a magical symbol of life", discuss films and books on relevant topics "We promote and recommend", "Family trick: children + book", develop family routes "Vision of my child's future", organize discussions on family topics "Mother's heart-source warmth and care" related to the values of family preservation, kinship relations and the transmission of family traditions. Such work has a positive effect on partnerships between spouses, establishing relationships with relatives, teachers and parents.

2. Educational pedagogical work with parents raising preschool children. At this stage of family development, workshops on the following topics can be recommended: "The role of cultural and leisure centers in strengthening traditional family values", "Innovative family practices", etc.; organize exhibitions of reference literature, invite psychologists, teachers and other specialists to consultations. It is advisable to organize joint family creative works that are on display to all parents and children, collect a family portfolio, arrange family contests on various topics, for example, "Folk Song in my family", "Gold Embroidery", "Master of his craft", demonstrate theatrical productions "Amateur Family Theater", "Puppet theater", to conduct virtual online marathons "Family legends".  

3. Educational pedagogical work of parents of children of primary and secondary school age is perhaps the most studied in pedagogical theory and practice in terms of forms, methods of education, and the results of this work. All this makes it necessary to improve the pedagogical culture of parents, aims at finding new forms and methods of their education. During this age period, it is possible to offer parent lectures on various topics related to the age of children, deviations from the norm, for example, "Why is the child rude?", "Dangerous friends". The training courses for parents "Trainings for the development of parental competence" will be very effective. The organization of family clubs of various orientations in educational work will help parents cope with the difficulties of upbringing. Interactive lectures, seminars, conferences, discussions, pedagogical readings on the exchange of parenting experience, themed evenings with parents, the creation of handwritten books on family education together with parents and children will help to form a positive parental position.  The technology of face-to-face distance education of parents on the basics of family pedagogy is very effective.

Recently, the "Family Mentor" technology has been gaining momentum in educational work, involving the participation of experienced teachers, who may be parents of other children, specialists of the centers in transferring positive experiences of family education and developing social activity of parents interested in spreading their knowledge and positive experience of family education of children in family society, "according to the decision of the personalprofessional development of both teachers-mentors themselves and parents" [10], involving the older generation in transferring their experience of family education, family traditions and spiritual and moral values.

Informal forms of educational work with the family are also important: parent forums at the school website "Family-a modern perspective", where issues of interest to parents are discussed, as well as virtual consultations of psychologists and teachers are carried out; family clubs, family workshops that provide parents, teachers and children with a platform for joint leisure and communication.

4. Educational pedagogical work of parents of children of senior school age. The meaning of educational work with parents raising young children is to form and maintain the parents' need to improve parental competencies, the desire to use them in communication with children or in the interests of personal development.

The senior school age is characterized by the formation of psychological readiness for professional and personal self-determination, the formation of value orientations as a stable personality trait, the formation of a worldview, motives for self-affirmation and self-development as leaders, and the development of self-awareness.

In the educational work of this period, it is possible to successfully use trainings with parents to improve parental competence "Close people", discussion platforms "Responsible parent", interactive seminars on the general theme "Not next to, but together towards the goal", the organization and creation of the parent club "Steps to harmony" in the effectiveness of education, the development of self-determination, creativity and increasing the value attitude towards the family.

It should be noted that the petitioning work with the family has a number of difficulties:

- the development of parental literacy and competence is a rather slow process;

- there is a decrease in the pedagogical culture of parents, which leads to a devaluation of values and a devaluation of the role of the family in raising children;

- there are no "precise" child–rearing guidelines - every family wants to solve problems the way it sees fit and necessary;

- the pedagogical community understands that today the disorganization of modern family life is becoming more and more acute, but due to the closeness of the family system, it is impossible to fully organize educational work with families;

- clear mechanisms of interaction between parents and social institutions have not yet been developed, which requires the search for effective forms of cooperation;

- there is no unified model of educational work with the family.

- insufficient educational work in the mass media on family education, which confirms the need to intensify this activity, taking into account the modern requirements imposed by the state and society on the education system.

Conclusion (conclusions).

An important result of the conducted scientific theoretical analysis and the identified problems showed awareness and the need to strengthen educational and educational work with parents, increase the level of pedagogical and parental competence, culture of pedagogical education by competent specialists in the field of family studies and researchers of the family system, the need to use traditional, time-tested and innovative forms and methods of educational work.

Building the process of educational work with parents on the formation and development of spiritual and moral values in children will increase the motivation of parents to actively participate in their child's life in the context of family education, the formation of moral values, preparation for a conscious choice in the future of a partner who would meet the requirements of high morality, spirituality, responsibility to themselves and to improve both the professional competence of teachers and parental competence in the field of family education. Educational work is designed to enrich the personality of parents with psychological and pedagogical knowledge, to form their willingness to independently solve family problems, and to enhance pedagogical culture.


[1] Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 11/22/2023 No. 875 "On holding the Year of the Family in the Russian Federation": Electronic resource .(Accessed 03/20/2024)

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