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Kachurova, E.V., Streltsova, T.P., Medvedev, S.V. (2024). Barriers of subject-object interaction in the management of the region. Sociodynamics, 3, 66–75.
Barriers of subject-object interaction in the management of the region
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7144.2024.3.70024EDN: RJTUGYReceived: 01-03-2024Published: 03-04-2024Abstract: The relevance of the study of subject-object interaction in regional management is due to the need to use the constructive potential of management actors and substantiate optimal methods for overcoming the limitations of subject-object interaction of participants in the process. The article attempts to analyze the barriers of subject-object interaction in the management of the region. The paper examines the currently existing approaches to the study of the structural content of the concept of "region". The interaction of public authorities with local self-government bodies is studied, as a rule, either in the context of the problem of differentiation of competence between public authorities, or in the format of understanding the interaction between them. At the same time, the discussion in sociological science about the correlation of regional and municipal interests, about the delimitation, redistribution and transfer of powers between levels of public authority is far from over. The article uses a method of analyzing the processes of subject-object interaction based on the concepts of symbolic interactionism and social subjectivity. Overcoming the limitations of subject-object interaction requires developing effective strategies, improving communication, increasing trust between participants, reducing technical limitations, improving information security, expanding cultural dialogue, as well as developing organizational mechanisms, creating adequate management structures and allocating sufficient resources to implement management tasks. To do this, it is necessary to improve coordination and cooperation between different levels of government and subjects of the region, increase the efficiency of the management apparatus, ensure access to resources and financing, as well as actively develop information and communication technologies for data collection and analysis. It can be argued that the subject-object interaction in the management of the region depends on the political goals of the state, the effectiveness of its management apparatus, the level of development of self-government and resource capabilities due to interaction with the economic market and interference in economic processes. Keywords: region, subject-object interaction, barriers, management, regional management, subject, object, interaction, limitations, efficiencyThis article is automatically translated. Introduction. The analysis of aspects of subject-object interaction in management is an urgent topic of sociological science. This research is based on the theoretical foundations of general sociology and sociology of management, as well as theoretical positions related to the analysis of the main approaches to the study of subject-object interaction in management. The management process can be defined as an active process of subject-object relations. Management, in a broad sense, is the impact on an object to obtain the desired result, and public administration is a system of bodies and mechanisms that manage the state and its territory, implement policies, make decisions and perform functions necessary to ensure the stability and development of the country [1]. Subject-object interaction in the management of a region depends on the political goals of the state, the effectiveness of its management apparatus, the level of development of self-government and resource capabilities due to interaction with the economic market and interference in economic processes. The main part: The process of subject-object interaction can be considered on the basis of a number of concepts. The first concept is the concept of symbolic interactionism, proposed by the American philosopher and sociologist J. G. Mead. Within the framework of this concept, social processes and characteristics are studied through the prism of social interaction, that is, interaction and communication between individuals and/or social groups [2]. The second concept is the concept of social subjectivity, which was presented in the works of Yu.A. Zubok, V.A. Lukov, A.I. Kovaleva [3 - 5]. This concept allows us to consider a person as an active principle in social reality. She recognizes the active role of man in management and emphasizes his ability to influence social processes and their outcomes. The study of subject-object interaction in management can be carried out based on these concepts for in-depth analysis and understanding of complex relationships and impacts between managing entities and managed objects in the context of public administration. At the same time, in order to reveal the essence of subject-object interactions in the regional management system, it is necessary to define the structural content of the concept of "region". Currently, there is no unambiguous interpretation of this definition in scientific research. Thus, Professor V.P. Babintsev understands a region as "a subject of the Russian Federation acting as a historically formed socio-cultural territorial community in the interrelation of its social and cultural parameters" [6]. Professor V.M. Zakharov states: "the main goal of regional management is to increase the well-being of the population living in this territory, increase the economic potential of the territory, and improve the quality of life of the population" [7]. Professor T.V. Uskova notes that the internal environment of the region consists of various business entities and municipalities formed in this territory [8]. In the presented approaches, special attention is paid to the population, which is considered as a key element of the region. Various interpretations of the subject and object of management are given in the scientific literature. Summarizing the opinion of a number of authors, V.P. Babintsev, I.V. Osipov, B.A. Raizberg, Yu.V. Vertakova, it can be argued that the subjects of regional management include [9 -11]: 1) The State (federal government; regional government; local governments). 2) Society (population and civil society institutions). 3) Business (enterprises (organizations) and their associations). According to Yu.V. Vertakova and E.V. Kharchenko, E.G. Kovalenko, the objects of regional management can be attributed [12-14]: 1) The population as the final consumer. 2) Objects of the market infrastructure of the region. 3) The sectoral and territorial structure of the economy. 4) Social relations, etc. Thus, the object and the subject of management in the region can be separated using management tools [15]. A.A. Vasiliev considers subject-object management as a purposeful ordering effect implemented in the relations between the subject and the object and carried out directly by the subject of management. At the same time, the subject of management is systemically interconnected and interdependent by the totality of objects managed by it [16; 17]. For analysis, we can use the sociological concept of subject-subject management proposed by A.V. Tikhonov, which assumes the organization of interaction between participants in the process of cooperation, the allocation of roles that are distributed to coordinate and program actions in order to achieve results and preserve the systemic integrity of the managed process [18]. In the process of interaction between the subject and the object, a model of a "closed loop" of interrelations between subjects and objects is formed. This interaction is governed by a number of principles that combine two enlarged classes: political, legal and managerial issues. Undoubtedly, the subject-object interaction is influenced by a number of restrictions (barriers of interaction) that arise from various causes and factors. Barriers can limit the effectiveness of regional management and create obstacles to achieving set goals. The most common restrictions include: 1. Communication barriers: Insufficient mutual understanding between managing entities and managed objects can create problems in the transmission of information, which leads to a misunderstanding of goals and objectives. 2. Lack of trust: If there is a lack of trust between subjects and objects, this can hinder effective cooperation and common decision-making. 3. Differences in interests and goals: The subjects and objects of management may have different interests and goals, which can lead to conflicts and difficulties in working together. 4. Lack of autonomy: If managed entities do not have a sufficient degree of autonomy and authority, this may limit their ability to make decisions and implement their ideas. 5. Insufficient resources: Limited financial and human resources hinder the implementation of management tasks and goals. 7. Lack of a clear strategy: Lack of clarity in strategic planning can lead to uncertainty and confusion in the management process. 8. Lack of effective control mechanisms: An insufficient system for monitoring and evaluating results can reduce the effectiveness of management and make it difficult to achieve goals. Professor Babintsev V.P. argues that "a significant barrier is the bureaucratization of management, which manifests itself in the implementation of civic participation projects" [19]. I.V. Osipov notes that for the effective development of the state it is necessary to pay attention to the formation and strengthening of the all-Russian civic identity [20]. It should be noted that, under the influence of external factors, there is a mutual influence of both the subject on the control object and the object on the subject. Schematically, the impact of barriers on subject-object interaction in the management of the region is reflected in Figure 1.
Fig. 1. Subject-object interaction in the management of the region Overcoming the limitations of subject-object interaction in the management of both the country as a whole and the region in particular is an important task that requires an integrated approach and cooperation of various parties. Let's turn to the data of the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTSIOM). On February 29, 2024, VTSIOM presented the results of a monitoring survey on Russians' ideas about the future of our country. According to this survey, the share of those who believe that senior management has a long-term strategy for the development of Russian society has reached 61% (June 2023 - 57%, 2022 - 54%, 2021 - 40%). 18% disagree with this judgment (-11 percentage points from 2021), another 16% partially share this point of view, partially not. Three quarters of Russians (75%) expect changes for the better in the near future, including 40% who believe that in 8-10 years the situation in the country will significantly improve and Russia will become a strong and prosperous state; over the past six months, the share of supporters of this point of view has increased by 9 percentage points (June 2023 - 31%) returning to the values of 2022 . This indicates an increase in interaction between the population and the authorities, and an increase in public awareness. In October 2020, VTSIOM and the Platform Center for Social Design presented an analytical report on a study devoted to the assessment by Russians of the level of improvement and comfort of the settlement in which they live. According to the study, the most pressing problems inherent in Russian cities are: social infrastructure, local labor markets, district security, and the main problem of cities is the problem of economic development. The issue of developing the labor market (by supporting small and medium-sized businesses, creating opportunities for self-realization, creating high-quality jobs) is a priority task of urban development. The main characteristic of a city's competitiveness is how much it is able to ensure the capitalization of human resources (trajectories of professional activity, the level of remuneration, opportunities for changing activities and implementing its project, etc.). In May 2020 The All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTSIOM) and Social Business Group LLC (SBG) presented research data on the level of Russians' possession of digital competencies. The population was divided into 4 groups as follows: with a high level of ownership - 30%, above average - 32%, below average - 18%, with a low level of ownership - 20%. The higher the respondent's level of digital competence, the more likely they are to be employed remotely. At the same time, the majority of respondents are satisfied with their level of digital competence (60%). Taking into account the assessment of the impact of barriers on subject-object interaction in regional management and the analysis of research conducted by VTSIOM, it is possible to propose ways to improve management efficiency: 1. The key aspect of overcoming restrictions is to improve and strengthen communication between management entities and facilities (population and market infrastructure facilities in the region, population and government). To do this, it is necessary to create feedback mechanisms, conduct open dialogues, and receive opinions and suggestions from all interested parties through sociological research. This can be done through public hearings, forums, conferences and the use of modern means of communication: various online platforms and social networks. 2. An important area for improving management efficiency is the development of public participation. The regional government needs to actively involve the public in the decision-making process. This may include setting up feedback mechanisms, conducting training seminars or courses, and raising awareness about the activities and management plans of the region. To ensure active participation in the development and implementation of solutions, it is important to create an atmosphere of cooperation and trust between all participants. 3. Currently, effective management is impossible without the use of modern technologies. Technology can be a powerful tool to overcome the constraints in managing a region. These include: the creation of digital platforms for communication and information exchange between managers and residents of the region, the use of analytical systems for research and forecasting, the development of applications to simplify the interaction of subjects and objects. The use of such technologies will contribute to improving management efficiency and improving the quality of services in the region. 4. Speaking about the reduction of barriers to subject-object interaction, it is necessary to note the flexibility and adaptability of the management system. The management of the region must respond promptly to changing conditions and needs. Flexibility and adaptability in decision-making and policy implementation will help overcome the limitations of subject-object interaction. It is important to conduct regular analyses of the situation, update development strategies, and make adjustments to existing policies based on feedback and experience. Conclusions: Overcoming the limitations of subject-object interaction requires the development of effective strategies, improving communication, increasing trust between participants, reducing technical limitations, improving information security, expanding cultural dialogue, as well as the development of organizational mechanisms, creating adequate management structures and allocating sufficient resources to implement management tasks. To do this, it is necessary to improve coordination and cooperation between different levels of government and subjects of the region, increase the efficiency of the management apparatus, ensure access to resources and financing, as well as actively develop information and communication technologies for data collection and analysis. In general, overcoming the limitations of subject-object interaction in the management of the region requires the participation of all stakeholders, the establishment of effective communication, the use of modern technologies and flexibility in decision-making. This will help to create more open, fair and sustainable governance mechanisms for the region. References
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