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Genesis: Historical research

Union of Writers of Khakassia 1992-1998. The role of personality

Akhremchik Ol'ga Gennadyevna

ORCID: 0009-0009-4747-3247

Postgraduate student of N.F. Katanov KSU, Deputy Director of D.I. Karatanov Art School

655017, Russia, Republic of Khakassia, Abakan, Lenin ave., 90
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Abstract: The oldest and most authoritative creative union in the Republic of Khakassia is the Union of Writers. In the 1990s, the system of organizing the economic life of the writers' organization was destroyed, and the work of the association during this period was dictated by the need to preserve the experience of organizational work accumulated in Soviet times, to find new mechanisms for further existence and creative development. The subject of the study is the activity of N.M. Akhpasheva as chairman of the Union of Writers of Khakassia (1992–1998). She was able to maintain the capacity and authority of the creative association. The object of the study is the Union of Writers of Khakassia as a creative association that has a direct impact on the development of culture of the Republic of Khakassia. Special attention is paid in the study to the mechanism of activity of the regional writers' department and the influence of the personality of the chairman, N. M. Akhpasheva, on it. In the process of work, special historical research methods were used: problem-chronological, historical-genetic, historical-comparative, historical-systemic. The narrative method (sometimes called descriptive-narrative) was used for a coherent presentation of documents examined in the archives about the activities of N.M. Akhpasheva and the Writers' Union. For the first time, the paper attempts to analyze the peculiarities of the relationship between the chairman of the Union of Writers of Khakassia N.M. Akhpasheva and colleagues within the creative union, its relationship with the authorities and society of the Republic of Khakassia in the period 1991–2021. The scientific novelty lies in the study of creative guidelines in the most influential creative association of the selected period. The author pays attention to the contribution of the chairman of the creative organization N.M. Akhpasheva to the development of national and regional culture. When analyzing archival documents of this period, the directions of activity are traced, new approaches in organizing the activities of writers are identified, and the conclusion is made about the importance of the role of the creative association and its chairman in the culture of the republic of this period. All this gives us the right to present a general panorama of the activity of the chairman and the creative union, the role of individual representatives in the cultural and historical life of the Republic of Khakassia during the selected period, as well as in clarifying the main forms of activity of the association.


Union of Writers of Khakassia, Khakassia branch, creative unions, writers and poets, Natalia Akhpasheva, creative union president, Republic of Khakassia, socio-legal changes, Domozhakov, Khakass Writers' Organization

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In connection with the formation of the Republic of Khakassia in 1991, socio-legal, economic, and cultural changes took place, which also affected creative unions. Creative unions of all-Union significance, such as the Union of Artists, the Union of Theatrical Figures and the Union of Writers found themselves in a difficult situation, which forced the boards of unions to make difficult managerial decisions. During the period of perestroika, when an attempt was made to transition to new economic conditions, the collapse of creative unions and public associations began. The built-up system of organizing the economic life of creative unions began to collapse. Almost no creative organization has managed to maintain the property, personnel and other weight that it formed during the Soviet period. Not many associations have managed to retain production facilities and other real estate. To date, creative associations mainly accumulate membership fees and use the remaining property to rent it out, sometimes they manage to get grant support. As a result, as researcher I.A. Butenko notes: "the discrediting of public organizations and public activities inherited from socialism has not been overcome, but has been aggravated ... there is no civilized self-organization of creative figures in order to defend group interests. And the disunity, or even outright hostility of the unions towards each other, contribute to this to a large extent" [2. p.107].

The Khakass branch of the USSR Writers' Union was established in 1949, when the Khakass poet and novelist N.G. Domozhakov received documents from the staff commission of the USSR Writers' Union No. 7-910 confirming the creation of the Khakass branch of the USSR Writers' Union. With the formation of the RSFSR Writers' Union in 1958, the department became known as the Khakass branch of the RSFSR Writers' Union [5. L. 1]. Since April 1992, the Khakass Writers' Organization of the Writers' Union of the RSFSR became known as the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation. The Union of Writers of Khakassia [4.].

From 1992 to 1998. N.M. Akhpasheva was elected Chairman of the Board. Natalia Markovna Akhpasheva is one of the famous Russian–speaking poetesses of Khakassia. Natalia Akhpasheva was born on January 31, 1960 in the village of Askiz. After graduating from secondary school No. 11 in Abakan, she studied at the Abakan branch of the Krasnoyarsk Polytechnic Institute (1978 – 1983). After graduating as an electrical engineer, she worked at the Krasnoyarsk Production Association of Heavy Excavators, in the Ust-Abakan Irrigation Systems Department. In 1987-1993 she studied at the correspondence department of the Gorky Literary Institute (Moscow). In 1989-1992, she worked as a revision proofreader, then publishing the newspaper Sovetskaya Khakassia [1. pp. 30-36].

Protocol No. 1 of the meeting of the Khakass Writers' Organization, held on February 28, 1990, attended by 9 members of the USSR Writers' Union, and chaired by M.E. Kilchichakov, preserved information about the admission of Natalia Akhpasheva to membership in the USSR Joint Venture [6. L. 3]. Natalia was recommended to the Union of Writers of the USSR by members of the USSR Joint Venture Gennady Sysolyatin, Valery Mainashev, Karkey Nerbyshev. Gennady Sysolyatin and Valery Mainashev noted that Khakass poets writing in Russian enter the All-Union arena and that the image of a woman is a strong side in poetry. Positive recommendations to the Young poetess were also given by members of the Joint Venture of the USSR Karkey Nerbyshev and Alexander Cherpakov, who noted the human qualities of the young poetess - directness, integrity, and lyricism and inspiration in her work. [7. L. 4-5].The speech of Sergei Pestunov, a member of the Joint Venture of the USSR, who saw a "slip" in the work of Natalia Akhpasheva, was unflattering. "And this is the first danger, you will not get far on the topic of gray mounds. A poet should be the mouthpiece of his time. But there is a certain decline in the poems of the last period and this cannot but alarm me" [7. L. 4].

Writers Valentina Tatorova, Valentina Shulbaeva, and journalist Anatoly Sultrekov also spoke out for Natalia Akhpasheva's admission to the USSR Writers' Union. Protocol No. 2 of the Counting Commission for admission to membership of the Union of Writers of the USSR Natalia Markovna Akhpasheva dated February 28, 1990 indicates that ballots were distributed -9, voted-9, for-9, against-no, spoiled -no. N.M. Akhpasheva was accepted by a majority of votes as a member of the Joint Venture of the USSR [8. L.7].

In 1992, Natalia Akhpasheva became the head of the Union of Writers of Khakassia. The state archive contains protocol No. 1 of the general meeting of writers of Khakassia dated December 29, 1992. At that time, 11 people were registered, of whom 9 were present. The issue of choosing the chairman of the Board of the Union of Writers of Khakassia was on the agenda. Natalia Akhpasheva made a short report in which she outlined the current situation of the Union of Writers of Khakassia. Actively involved in the work of the Union, she sought sponsors for the publication of the almanac in Russian and Khakass languages. The days of creativity of M.E. Kilchichakov were held, documents of young authors for admission to the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation were prepared. Due to the death of the chairman of the board, V.G. Mainashev, the Union of Writers of Khakassia was left without a leader, so it became necessary to choose a new chairman for 4 years according to the charter [9. L.1]. V.E. Mainogasheva nominated N.M. Akhpasheva for discussion, Natalia Markovna read out her program: "with financial support, you can publish manuscripts, discussed in the Writers' Union. 2nd - it is necessary to accept young authors as members of the Joint Venture of the Russian Federation. 3rd-to create such a board to raise the prestige of the Union of Writers of Khakassia. 4th- to help the members of the joint venture whenever possible" [10. L.2]. Three candidates were included in the list for the secret ballot: 1. Akhpasheva Natalia Markovna, 2. Tatorova Valentina Kirillovna, 3. Nerbyshev Nikolai Trofimovich. Protocol No. 2 of the counting commission on the nomination of the chairman of the Board of the Union of Writers of Khakassia recorded that 6 people voted for Akhpasheva N.M., 2 people voted for Tatorova V.K., -1 people voted for Nerbyshev N.T. [11. L.3]. By a majority of votes, Natalia Markovna Akhpasheva was approved as the chairman. In 1991, the Krasnoyarsk Book Publishing House for the first time published poems by N. Akhpasheva in a separate collection "I think about you". In the mid-90s, N. Akhpasheva joined the literary translation. Her debut in this field took place with the publication of Khakass lullabies "Bayushki-bayu" (Abakan, 1995). In the same year, the collection "Dyed Carpets" was published in Abakan, representing the recognized Khakass lyricist Valery Mainashev in Russian, N. Akhpasheva participates in this edition with a translation of his poem "Chatkhan". At about the same time, she began her most significant translation work – she turned to the heroic tale "Khan-Tonis on a dark gray horse", known in the interpretation of the leading Khakass poet Moses Bayinov [1. P.31].

Already in early 1993, namely at the general meeting of writers of Khakassia on January 12, Sergey Egorovich Karachakov, Galina Grigoryevna Kuzhakova, Ilya Prokopievich Topoev, Valery Pavlovich Prishchepa, Andrey Andreevich Kyzychakov (literary pseudonym Andrei Hallarov) were accepted as members of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation [12. L.10-35]. In April 1995, a meeting was held at which it was decided to accept Batts Heinrich Genrikhovich as a member of the Joint Venture of the Russian Federation. With the second question, the writers discussed the Regulations on the literary prize named after M.E. Kilchichakov and adopted an appeal to the Council of Ministers of Khakassia on the transfer of the Union of Writers of Khakassia to the federal budget [13. L. 22-23].

The Protocol of April 6, 1995 is interesting because it contains a complete list of the 16 members of the Joint Venture of Khakassia present: Topoev I. P., Nerbyshev N.T., Hallarov A., Batts G.G., Kozlovsky A.D., Bainov M.R., Pestunov S.A., Mainogasheva V.E., Shulbaeva V.G., Karachakov S.E., Akhpasheva N.M., Troyakov, Balashov V.D., Kazachinova G.G., Tatorova V.K., Sysolyatin G.F. [14. L.22].

At the general meeting of the members of the Union of Writers of Khakassia on November 16, 1995, Natalia Akhpasheva made a brief report on her activities as chairman. She noted that the activities of the Union of Writers of Khakassia occupy a prominent place in the cultural life of the republic. Such works as "Khan Tonis" by the famous Khakass poet M. Bayinov, a collection of stories "From Century to Century" by the Ochursky prose writer G. Batts, a collection by V. Balashov "Come to Me in the Fog", "Myths and Tales of the Khakass" translated by P. Troyakov, as well as works by A. Kozlovsky, G. Sysolyatin were created and published almanacs in Russian and Khakass were published [15. L.24]. I.P. Topoev and N.E. Tinnikov received a state scholarship, financial assistance was provided to writers in need, S.E. Karachakov was sent to study in Moscow, V.E. Mainogasheva received the N.F. Katanov Prize [16. L.27]. The unconditional merit of N.M.Akhpasheva is that at a meeting of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Khakassia, the publication program for 1996 was approved, which included plays by V.G. Shulbaeva, works by M.R. Bayinov, two almanacs, stories by A. Hallarov, M. Turan, a collection of novels by G.F. Sysolyatin, prose by A. Kozlovsky, poetry by N.M. Akhpasheva, the prose of S.A. Pestunov, the tales of Troyakov, as well as the works of Mainogashev, Knobloch and Takhtobin. The plans of the writers' organization included a meeting of young writers in Kyzyl, the publication of Khakass authors in Literary Russia, the creation of a tape archive "Voices in the republican library" [17. l. 28]. A lot of work on the promotion of literary heritage was done by all members of the Joint Venture of the Russian Federation and personally by its chairman in 1995 in rural areas. Traditional performances of writers took place in Askiz district ("Culture Week"), "Mainashev readings" in Ust-Abakan district, at the initiative of the sponsors, a group of writers went to Shirinsky district. The writers actively collaborated with libraries, where performances of writers and presentations of new books took place, and took part in seminars for young writers of Russia. However, at the same time, problems of financing and government support were noted. "There are no funds for transport for writers to travel to remote areas of the republic, due to lack of funds, there is no opportunity to participate in the events of the Writers' Union of the Russian Federation" [18. L. 24-25]. The report was accepted with a satisfactory assessment.

1998 was marked by preparations for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Union of Writers of Khakassia, which was celebrated in 1999. On March 18, 1998, a general meeting of writers of Khakassia was held. At that time, 16 people were registered, and the Minister of Culture of Khakassia, V.G. Chaptykov, was invited to the meeting [19. L. 2a].

The agenda of the meeting included three issues: 1. Preparation for the 50th anniversary of the Union of Writers of Khakassia (March 1999); 2. Report of the Chairman of the Board of the Union of Writers and early re-elections (report by N.M. Akhpasheva); 3. Miscellaneous. Galina Grigoryevna Kuzhakova, Deputy Chairman of the Board (G.G. Kazachinova), made a report on the preparations for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the SPH. at the beginning of her speech, Galina Grigoryevna told about the creation of the Union of Writers of Khakassia, and then acquainted the audience with the planned events dedicated to the anniversary. It was planned to accelerate the publication of planned manuscripts for 1998. the publication, together with the republican library, of a collection about the writers of Khakassia, in the publishing house Sovremennik, of the book by P.A. Troyakov "Khakass Folk Tales", creative reports by V. Balashov, A. Kotozhekov. V. Shulbaeva. To hold a regional seminar for young writers, to resume the work of literary associations, to create a criticism sector with the admission of A.L. Kosheleva, V. A. Karamasheva, A. E. Sultrekova to the Writers' Union. In connection with the anniversary, it is necessary to prepare documents for submissions to the awards: N. Akhpasheva, V. Balashova, G. Batts, S. Karachakova, A. Kotozhekov and P. Troyakova for the title of Honored Worker of Culture of the Republic of Khakassia, to prepare creative evenings-reports of the members of the SPR [20. L. 2b]. Further, the problems facing the organization were voiced: due to the lack of funding, many famous writers have not had publications in recent years, the premises of the Writers' Union have not been repaired for ten years, the housing issue is acute, which needs to be solved [20. L. 2b]. At the end of his speech. Kuzhakova gave the floor to the Chairman of the Board of the SPH, N. M. Akhpasheva, who began her speech this way: "On the eve of a big event for our writers' organization, I consider it necessary to sum up the results. I have been working in the SPH apparatus for 6 years. I had to work a lot with sponsors. We all know that there is no money for publications. All this takes a lot of time, and the situation is such that I have to work extra at the newspaper. And therefore, the main work was conducted by deputy Kuzhakova G. G., and on the eve of such a big event, I cannot combine and I ask for self-dismissal from the post of chairman of the board of the SPH. Instead of myself as chairman, I propose the candidacy of Kuzhakova G. G. She has business qualities, is conscientious, and is executive" [21. L. 2b]. After this statement, the discussion began. The pros and cons of N.M. Akhpasheva's activity as chairman of the SPH were considered. At the end of the discussion, the Minister of Culture of Khakassia, V. G. Chaptykov, took the floor, in his speech he noted that "today the role of the writer is still the same — it is the engine of culture. Akhpasheva exhausted herself because she accepted the most difficult thing. The task of the organization is to raise the authority of culture and literature. One cannot lose spirituality, there are plenty of opportunities to implement ideas in new conditions" [22. l.3]. As a result of an open vote, G. G. Kuzhakova was unanimously elected as the new Chairman of the Board of the Union of Writers of Khakassia.

For six years (1992-1998), N. M. Akhpasheva led the Union of Writers of Khakassia, carried out extensive work with government agencies, with sponsors, thanks to which more than two dozen works by Khakass authors were published, approved and accepted into the union: V. Prishchepa, I. Topoev, G. Batts, A. Kozlovsky, A. Hallarov, G. Kazachinova, V. Balashov, O. Knobloch, etc . Natalia Markovna, as the chairman of the Union of Writers of Khakassia, had the most difficult years when the system of state financing of regional book publishing collapsed in the country. At the same time, one after another, prominent Khakassia writers and authoritative members of the Union of Writers of Khakassia – Mithas Turan, Valery Mainashev, Nikolai Tinnikov, Mikhail Chebodaev - passed away. "In this situation," writes V.P. Prishchepa, "it is difficult to overestimate the role of N. Akhpasheva. She has done a lot by attracting sponsorship funds for the release of works by local authors and contributing to the numerical growth of the organization" [3. p. 315].

In the more than twenty years that have passed since Natalia Akhpasheva resigned as Chairman of the Khakass regional branch of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation, many leaders have been replaced in this post. Natalia Markovna herself in 1999-2000 became a deputy of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation of the II convocation, head of the press service of the N.F. Katanov KSU, published two collections of poetry: "The Millennium is running Out" and "Kvart", she was twice awarded certificates of honor by the Board of the Union of Writers of Russia. Her authority, talent and organizational abilities not only allowed her to become one of the favorite authors of Khakassia, but also served as a strong argument in favor of the fact that in 2023 N. M. Akhpasheva was re-elected chairman of the Khakass regional branch of the Union of Writers of Russia.

1. Akhpasheva Natalia Markovna (50 years since her birth and 30 years of literary activity) Khakassia-2010: calendar of significant and memorable dates. Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Khakassia, GUK RH "National Library named after N.G. Domozhakov"; Compiled by I.N. Andreeva. I.N. Andreeva. Abakan, 2009. 71 pp. 30-36.
2. Butenko I.A. Fate of creative unions // Sociological studies. 2002. № 9. С. 101-110. С. 107.
3. Prischepa, V.P. What should women do in poetry? // Prischepa V.P. "The line of a tingling conscience...". Abakan, 2009. С. 280-317.
4. House of Writers of Khakassia-Home [site]. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: URL: date of address 13.10.2023.
5. TSGARH F. R-589. Op. 1. Historical reference. P. 1.
6. TSGARH F. R-589. Op. 1. D. 44. P. 3.
7. TSGARH F. R-589. Op. 1. D. 44. P. 4.
8. TSGARH F. R-589. Op. 1. D. 44. P. 7.
9. TSGARH F. R-589. Op. 1. D.47. P. 1.
10. TSGARH F. R-589. Op. 1. D.47. P. 2.
11. TSGARH F. R-589. Op. 1. D.47. P. 3.
12. TSGARH F. R-589. Op. 1. D.47. P. 10-35.
13. TSGARH F. R-589. Op. 1. D. 50. P. 22-23.
14. TSGARH F. R-589. Op. 1. D. 50. P. 22.
15. TSGARH F. R-589. Op. 1. D. 50. P. 24.
16. TSGARH F. R-589. Op. 1. D. 50. P. 27.
17. TSGARH F. R-589. Op. 1. D. 50. P. 28.
18. TSGARH F. R-589. Op. 1. D. 50. P. 24-25.
19. TSGARH F. R-589. Op. 1. D.56. P. 2a.
20. TSGARH F. R-589. Op. 1. D.56. P. 2b.
21. TSGARH F. R-589. Op. 1. D.56. P. 2b.
22. TSGARH F. R-589. Op. 1. D. 56. P.

First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The era of Perestroika turned out to be a turning point not only for the politics and economy of the Soviet Union, but also for public life. One of the foreign observers left the following impression about our country in the late 1980s: "Everything has started to move." And indeed, huge changes could not but lead to the fact that in some cases a person, having lost his previous landmarks, found it difficult to find new ones. But in Russian society, writers traditionally play a large role in the formation of the spiritual core, and therefore it seems important to turn to the study of the work of regional writers' unions in the crucial 1990s. These circumstances determine the relevance of the article submitted for review, the subject of which is the activity of N.M. Akhpasheva as chairman of the Union of Writers of Khakassia 1992-1998. The author aims to show the changes in creative unions in the late 1980s - early 1990s, to consider various aspects of the work of N.M. Akhpasheva, as well as to determine the nature of the changes in the Union of Writers of Khakassia. The work is based on the principles of analysis and synthesis, reliability, objectivity, the methodological basis of the research is a systematic approach, which is based on the consideration of the object as an integral complex of interrelated elements. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the very formulation of the topic: the author seeks to determine the contribution of N.M. Akhpasheva to the functioning of the Union of Writers of Khakassia in the 1990s. The scientific novelty of the article also lies in the involvement of archival materials. Considering the bibliographic list of the article, its versatility should be noted as a positive point: in total, the list of references includes over 20 different sources and studies. The source base of the article is primarily represented by documents from the funds of the Central State Archive of the Republic of Khakassia. From the research attracted by the author, we point to the work of I.A. Butenko, which focuses on various aspects of the activities of creative unions in Russia in the 1990s. Note that the bibliography is important both from a scientific and educational point of view: after reading the text of the article, readers can turn to other materials on its topic. In general, in our opinion, the use of various sources and research to a certain extent contributed to the solution of the tasks facing the author. The style of writing the article can be attributed to scientific, although the author tends to be descriptive, at the same time understandable not only to specialists, but also to a wide readership, to anyone interested in both regional creative unions of Russia in general and the Union of Writers of Khakassia in particular. The appeal to the opponents is presented at the level of the collected information received by the author during the work on the topic of the article. The structure of the work is characterized by a certain logic and consistency, it can be distinguished by an introduction, the main part, and conclusion. At the beginning, the author determines the relevance of the topic, shows that in the 1990s."Almost no creative organization has managed to maintain the property, personnel and other weight that it formed during the Soviet period." The author reveals the main facts of the biography of N.M. Akhpasheva, including showing her qualities such as directness and integrity. The work shows various aspects of N.M. Akhpasheva's activities as head of the Union of Writers of Khakassia, including in preparation for the 50th anniversary of the organization in 1998. The author draws attention to the fact that N.M. Akhpasheva "carried out a lot of work with government agencies, with sponsors, thanks to which more than two dozen works by Khakass authors were approved and accepted into the union: V. Prishchepa, I. Topoev, G. Batts, A. Kozlovsky, A. Hallarov, G. Kazachinova, V. Balashov, O. Knobloch et al." The main conclusion of the article is that during the leadership of N.M. Akhpasheva, the Union of Writers of Khakassia continued its active activities, establishing contacts with sponsors. The article submitted for review is devoted to an urgent topic, will arouse readers' interest, and its materials can be used both in training courses and as part of the formation of strategies for the activities of creative unions. At the same time, there are comments on the article: 1) The author tends to be descriptive, quotes documents too fully (against the background of the rest of the text). 2) It is desirable to show the circumstances of N.M. Akhpasheva's return to the leadership of the Union of Writers of Khakassia in 2023. 3) The text should be subtracted, eliminating some typos: "The speech of a member of the Joint Venture of the USSR, Sergei Pestunov, who saw a "slip" in the work of Natalia Akhpasheva, was unpleasant," the title of the article needs correction. 4) Readers would be interested to learn about the literary works of N.M.Akhpasheva. After correcting these comments, the article may be recommended for publication in the journal Genesis: Historical Research.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

Review of the article "Union of Writers of Khakassia 1992-1998 The role of personality." The subject of the study is indicated in the title and explained in the text of the article. The methodology of the research was carried out on the principles of historical science: historicism, scientific objectivity, complex analysis. When working on the article, the author used a "historical-chronological method, which made it possible to consistently consider the events taking place in the Union of writers of Khakassia, as well as a historical-comparative and historical-structural method, which allowed us to trace the general trend of development of such a creative organization as the Union of writers of Khakassia. Relevance. The article analyzes the activities of the Union of Writers of Khakassia in the conditions of transformational changes in the 1990s, the author pays special attention to the role of the chairman of the Union of Writers N.M. Akhpasheva in organizing the work of the creative union in the crucial years. The relevance of the article is determined by the fact that the author of the article, using the example of N.M. Akhpasheva, raises and reveals the topic of personality in history, the interest of historians in this topic does not fade. Scientific novelty is determined by the formulation of the problem and objectives of the study. The novelty is also determined by the fact that the article is based on materials from the Central State Archive of the Republic of Khakassia and many of them are being introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. Style, structure, content. The style of the article is scientific with descriptive elements, which allows the reader to understand the inner life of the Union of Writers of the Republic of Khakassia in the 1990s. The structure of the work is aimed at achieving the goals and objectives of the study. At the beginning of the work, the author shows the difficulties faced by creative organizations and writes that "during the period of perestroika, when an attempt was made to transition to new economic conditions, the collapse of creative unions and public associations began. The built-up system of organizing the economic life of creative unions began to collapse. Almost no creative organization has managed to maintain the property, personnel and other weight that it formed during the Soviet period. Not many associations have managed to retain production facilities and other real estate." It is noted that these problems have not been overcome to date. The author reveals the work and creative biography of Natalia Markovna Akhpasheva, shows on archival materials when she was elected a member of the Union of Writers of Khakassia. The article shows the vicissitudes of her election as a member of the Union of Writers of the Khakass Republic, examines her work at the head of this organization in 1992-1998, when she was at the head of the Union of writers and what difficulties she had to face to publish an almanac in Russian and Khakass, to publish the works of writers and much more. The author notes that in 1992-1998, the Union of Writers of Khakassia did a great job in promoting literary heritage in rural areas, interacting with libraries, presenting books by writers and poets of Khakassia, organizing seminars for young writers. The author notes that lack of finances hampered the work and "due to lack of funds, it was not possible to participate "in the events of the Union of Writers of the Russian Federation." In 1998, N.M. Akhpasheva explained to her colleagues that she wanted to resign from her post, explained her motives, and after a vote by the members of the writers' Union, the organization was headed by a deputy, whom N. Akhpasheva recommended. The text of the article contains many interesting details and materials about the work of the Writers' Union and its chairman during the period under study, the publication activity of the union, which gives the reader the opportunity to plunge into the cultural life of the region and much more. The article shows the civic position of N. Akhpasheva, reveals her activities after she moved to another job. The author of the article notes that "authority, talent and organizational abilities not only allowed her to become one of the favorite authors of Khakassia, but also served as a strong argument in favor of the fact that in 2023 N. M. Akhpasheva was re-elected chairman of the Khakass regional branch of the Union of Writers of Russia." The bibliography of the work consists of 22 sources (articles on the topic of creative unions, about women poets, etc. and materials from the Central State Archive of the Republic of Khakassia (they make up the main part of the bibliography). The appeal to the opponents is presented at the level of work on the topic and the results obtained. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. The article will be of interest to specialists and a wide range of readers interested in the activities of creative unions in the regional plan.