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International relations

Combating terrorist threats in the Republic of Tajikistan

Evnevich Vsevolod Vladislavovich

PhD in History

Postgraduate student of the Department of Theory and History of International Relations, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

117198, Russia, Moscow, ul. miklukho-Maklaya str., 10, 302









Abstract: This study aims to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of measures to combat terrorist threats in the Republic of Tajikistan. The article examines not only the problem of terrorism in the region, but also assesses its impact on the development and stability of the state and society as a whole. In the context of global trends related to international terrorism, extremism and drug trafficking, special attention is paid to their impact on Central Asia and the post-Soviet space. The region is becoming vulnerable to such threats, and therefore effective cooperation between States and international organizations in combating these problems is important. The current problems are analyzed, including the changing nature of global terrorism and its spread, especially in Afghanistan. The growth of extremist organizations and drug trafficking is also being revealed, which poses serious challenges to Tajikistan's national security. The study analyzed data obtained from various sources, which made it possible to identify significant challenges and threats to which the Central Asian states are exposed. Special attention is paid to global processes and their impact on the security of the region, as well as internal factors determining the socio-political situation in the Republic of Tajikistan. The novelty of this study lies in the importance of collective counteraction to terrorist threats and their impact on the stability and development of the Republic of Tajikistan. Considering the problem not only from the point of view of internal security, but also in the context of global trends, the study reveals the relationship between terrorism and other problems such as extremism and drug trafficking.This study highlights the important role of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in ensuring the country's security and countering threats. The article also discusses issues of cooperation with neighboring states and international organizations in the field of combating terrorism, which is also a new and relevant aspect of the study. Special attention is paid to the relevance and importance of these issues for ensuring the stability and development of the states of the Central Asian region. In the context of the changing global situation and the increasing influence of terrorism and extremism, the article emphasizes the need to effectively respond to threats and take appropriate measures to ensure the security of the region as a whole.


Central Asia, Republic of Tajikistan, the fight against terrorism, global threats, terrorism, extremism, Tajikistan, Russia, drug trafficking, Regional threats

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In the modern world, issues of countering global threats such as international terrorism, extremism and illegal drug trafficking are becoming increasingly important. These threats are becoming more and more obvious for the post-Soviet space and especially for the Central Asian region. The relevance of these threats is based on the speed of their spread and the consequences for the stability of both individual States and entire regions. In this regard, the collective provision of counteraction to terrorism, extremism and drug trafficking is of great importance.

The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, assessing the global processes affecting stability in the Central Asian region, as well as the domestic social and political situation, allocates a special place to the issues of responding to security challenges and threats. The changing nature of global terrorism and its spread, including in neighboring Afghanistan, the spread of extremist organizations destabilizing the situation on a regional scale, as well as the growth of illicit drug trafficking by organized criminal groups, threaten the stability of the Central Asian States.[1] That is why one of the most important tasks for the development of the states of the region is to effectively counter existing threats. In addition to the above-mentioned counteraction to international terrorism, extremism and illegal drug trafficking, they include the fight against corruption and unemployment, solving social problems, improving living standards and education.


The fight against corruption and mechanisms for solving social problems

Examining the relevant literature and documentation on this problem, it can be concluded that the Government of Tajikistan is at least formally aware of the social factor of the problem of international terrorism and extremism, declaring the importance of solving unresolved problems of corruption, poverty and education to ensure the stable development of the country. Various measures are being taken to combat these destabilizing factors.

To combat corruption in the government structures of Tajikistan, an integrated approach is being implemented, including the creation of the Agency for State Financial Supervision and Anti-Corruption of the Republic of Tajikistan, whose tasks include reducing the intensity and level of corruption in the country, cooperation between government agencies and civil society in accordance with international standards, as well as cooperation with international and regional organizations, tougher penalties for corruption crimes, development and implementation of effective control and transparency mechanisms in public procurement and financial transactions. In addition, educational campaigns and events are being held to create zero tolerance for corruption in society.

To combat poverty, the Government of Tajikistan is focusing on the development of social protection, job creation, support for small and medium-sized businesses, investment in infrastructure, and rural development. These efforts are aimed at improving the standard of living of the population and reducing the number of people living below the poverty line.

The Government of Tajikistan attaches great importance to the development of the educational system in the country. Various measures have been taken to achieve this goal, including updating curricula, reconstructing educational institutions, upgrading the skills of teaching staff and increasing access to education for all segments of the population. One of the main goals of these measures is to increase the level of education of the population. This, in turn, contributes to the formation of human resources necessary to ensure the stable development of the country. Education plays a key role in the training of specialists who can make a significant contribution to various sectors of the economy and social sphere.

In addition, the Government of Tajikistan is striving to create favorable conditions for higher and secondary education, especially in remote and sparsely populated regions. This includes the development of a network of educational institutions, ensuring the availability of educational literature and information technology, as well as the development of a system of grants and scholarships for students.

A special place is given to the problem of poverty, which is of great importance for the spread of the ideology of extremism and terrorism. A poverty reduction strategy is being implemented in Tajikistan to reduce poverty. Since 1999, the poverty rate in the republic has decreased from 83% to about 23%. However, population growth in the Republic of Tajikistan requires the creation of jobs and the necessary infrastructure, which is difficult at the current rate of population growth without international support.[2]

Thus, the Government of Tajikistan is taking various measures to combat corruption, poverty and low levels of education, at least formally realizing and declaring their importance for ensuring the stable development of the country.[3] The effectiveness of these measures can be assessed both on the basis of international ratings and statistics. An example of an appropriate international rating in this case is the Human Development Index (HDI), a comprehensive comparative indicator of life expectancy, literacy, education and standard of living included in the Human Development ReportUnited Nations Development Programs. As of 2021, Tajikistan was ranked 122nd out of 191 in this ranking, with a tendency to improve the dynamics of the index. However, according to the dataThe World Bank in 2022Tajikistan received 76% of remittances from Russia (for neighboring Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, this figure was 56% 82%, respectively, which was equivalent to about a third of GDPKyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. (for Uzbekistan, this figure was 13%). Based on these data, it can be concluded that the measures of the Government of Tajikistan, although diverse, are not yet effective enough to comprehensively solve the social problems of the republic. 


Countering extremism and terrorism

The set of measures to combat extremism and terrorism is based on the National Strategy of the Republic of Tajikistan for Countering Extremism and Terrorism for 2016-2020, the Concept of State Policy of the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of religion, the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Combating Terrorism", the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "On Combating Extremism", as well as the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan On National The concepts of countering the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime, the financing of terrorism and the financing of the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction for 2018-2025. In addition, there is a law "On countering Extremism", which defines the rights and obligations of state bodies in this area, as well as the types of responsibility for extremist activities. This list is only part of the legal framework for combating the threats of terrorism and extremism.

The "Strategy for Countering Extremism and Terrorism in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2021-2025", adopted in 2021, is a document defining the goals, objectives and directions of the state's policy on countering extremism and terrorism in Tajikistan for a five-year period. The Strategy has been developed and implemented in accordance with the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy adopted by the United Nations (UN). It covers a wide range of measures aimed at preventing manifestations of extremism and terrorism, ensuring the security of citizens and stability in the region.

The objectives of this strategy are to ensure national security, develop an effective system for countering extremist and terrorist threats, prevent the radicalization of society, and contribute to international efforts to combat terrorism. To achieve its goals, the strategy is based on an integrated approach, including strengthening the legislative framework, improving the work of law enforcement agencies, developing international cooperation, actively involving the public, conducting preventive work and developing counter-terrorism expertise.

An important aspect of this strategy is also the socio-economic development of the country, the creation of conditions for inclusive participation of citizens in public life, and the fight against negative factors contributing to the spread of extremist and terrorist ideologies.

Thus, the "Strategy for Countering Extremism and Terrorism in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2021-2025" is an important tool in ensuring security and stability in the region, taking into account modern challenges and threats related to extremism and terrorism.

The "Strategy for Countering Extremism and Terrorism in the Republic of Tajikistan for 2021-2025" includes several key components that are focused on ensuring national security and preventing extremist and terrorist threats:

1. Legislative framework: Development and improvement of legislative acts aimed at combating extremism and terrorism, including strengthening measures to curb the financing of terrorism.

2. Development of law enforcement agencies: Improving the work of law enforcement agencies, including their training and provision of resources to effectively combat extremist and terrorist threats.

3. International cooperation: Active participation in international programs and initiatives to combat terrorism, exchange of information and experience with other countries.

4. The public and preventive work: Involving the public in the process of countering extremism, conducting preventive work among the population and carrying out counter-propaganda of extremist and terrorist ideas.

5. Socio-economic development: Creating conditions for social inclusion and improving living standards in order to prevent social and economic factors contributing to the spread of extremist and terrorist ideas.

The combination of these components forms an integrated approach aimed at ensuring security and stability in the Republic of Tajikistan and preventing threats related to extremism and terrorism. Among the measures taken to counter extremism and terrorism in the Republic of Tajikistan, the following can be distinguished:

Structures and units have been formed in Tajikistan within the framework of law enforcement and law enforcement agencies aimed at combating terrorism and extremism. They are working to identify and suppress crimes related to the involvement of citizens in the activities of terrorist organizations. As a preventive measure, an interdepartmental headquarters for coordinating the activities of operational services and investigative units was established. The task of this headquarters is to coordinate the efforts of all participating structures to effectively combat terrorism and extremism.

Creation by the National Bank of the Republic of Tajikistan of a list of persons involved in illegal financial activities in the fields of extremism and terrorism. This measure is aimed at regulating financial flows and preventing the financing of terrorist activities.

— Research is being conducted on the causes of women's participation in violent extremism and the stereotypes used in psychological influence by extremists are being debunked. Attention is also paid to educational activities through the creation of television programs explaining the principles of a secular state and the popularization of science.

— Information and educational activities. In addition to the previously mentioned educational activities on television, there are courses on countering extremism and terrorism in universities in the Republic of Tajikistan. Work is also being carried out with the population to educate about the threats of terrorism and extremism, and religious personnel are being trained to resist the spread of radical religious ideas among the citizens of the country.[4]

Thus, Tajikistan is taking a set of measures to combat terrorism and extremism, including coordinating the actions of law enforcement agencies, investigating crimes and controlling financial flows.[5] It is possible to assess the effectiveness of these measures using data from the Global Terrorism Index. This index is a comprehensive summary of key global trends and patterns in terrorism. In the ranking of the Global Terrorism Index for 2024, Tajikistan ranks 69th with a steady tendency to improve its position, which indirectly may indicate some successes of the measures taken in the fight against terrorism and extremism.  


International cooperation in the fight against terrorism and extremism in Tajikistan

Despite efforts to combat extremism and terrorism in Tajikistan, the problem of spreading radical ideas among the population and involvement in extremist organizations does not cease to be relevant. In this regard, participation in international programs aimed at combating existing problems is of great importance for the Republic of Tajikistan.[6] In December 2021, agreements were reached between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan on the progressive expansion of countering new challenges and threats at key global and regional international venues, including the UN, OSCE, CIS, CSTO, SCO.[7]

Subsequently, in February 2022, Tajikistan participated in the development and signing of a Joint Position of the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Anti-Terrorist Center of the member States of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Secretariat of the Collective Security Treaty Organization on Countering terrorism and Extremism.  The document reflects common approaches to countering international terrorism and extremism, and defines the priority of collective measures to eliminate favorable conditions for the spread of these threats.[8,9,10]

One of the areas of cooperation in the fight against extremism and terrorism is the joint exercises conducted by Tajikistan and Russia. These events make it possible to establish an exchange of experience, as well as establish interaction between employees of the law enforcement agencies of the two countries. Cooperation is also being established between the Ministries of Internal Affairs of both states.


Thus, assessing the efforts of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in the fight against extremism and terrorism, as well as the underlying social factors: poverty, economic problems, unemployment and corruption, it is impossible not to recognize certain successes. Despite the conditionality and criticism of the methodology of a number of these international ratings and indices, there is an obvious tendency to improve a number of indicators, at the same time, objective data indicate that these problems still remain relevant for Tajikistan, and the complex of internal measures taken is not always enough to effectively solve them. In this case, Tajikistan's collective international cooperation through the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the CIS, the CSTO and bilateral relations with Russia, which has an objective interest in effectively solving the problem of extremism and terrorism in Tajikistan, plays a rather important role. While maintaining the current trend and implementing existing measures without developing new ones, it can be assumed that the achievement of the goals and objectives set by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan will proceed at a slower pace than planned and than required by the international situation, regional and international partners. For a more effective and comprehensive solution to the problem of countering extremism and terrorism, the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan should pay closer attention to solving social problems, primarily the problems of unemployment and poverty, the unresolved nature of which continues to form the social base of terrorism and maintain the relevance of this global problem.

1. Bilan, A.K., Grishina, N.R., & Radzion, A.O. (2021). The problem of terrorism in Tajikistan. Post-Soviet studies, 4(5), 440-447.
2. Odinaeva, B.F. (Year). Features of the drug situation in Central Asia and Tajikistan's cooperation in combating drug trafficking. In Proceedings of the international scientific conference "Russia and Central Asia in the context of geopolitical transformation: Foreign policy dimension (pp. 31-33).
3. Muhammad, A.N. (2022). Modern policy of the Republic of Tajikistan in international relations: specifics and directions. Post-Soviet studies, 5(4), 357-366.
4. SCO in the sphere of ensuring security and stability in a multipolar world. (2019). Post-Soviet studies, 2, 1390-1401.
5. Nazarov, T., & Sattorzoda, A. (2006). Diplomatiya and muosiri tojik, 90-92. Dushanbe.
6. Sharipov, S.I. (2006). New system of international relations and foreign policy of Tajikistan. Tajikistan and the modern world, 2(11), 9.
7. Joint position of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure, the Anti-Terrorist Center of the CIS member States and the CSTO Secretariat on countering terrorism and extremism.
8. Participants of the exercises "Rubezh-2010" held a training session in Tajikistan. Collective Security Treaty Organization. Retrieved from
9. The Heads of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and Tajikistan discussed bilateral cooperation. RIA Novosti. Retrieved from
10. Russia and Tajikistan will jointly resist terrorism. CIS Internet Portal. Retrieved from

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An article submitted for review on the topic: "The fight against terrorist threats in the Republic of Tajikistan" is relevant to the selected research issues. The author/s of the reviewed article substantiates the relevance of the study, which they associate with the rapid spread of the terrorist threat and its consequences for regional stability. In this regard, according to the authors, collective provision of counteraction to terrorism, extremism and drug trafficking is of great importance. The author/s rightly noted the role of existing social problems in the studied state, which leads to the emergence, and, in some cases, to increased dissemination of ideas and ideology of extremism, attempts to involve citizens, including women, in extremist and terrorist activities and the need to overcome them with preventive measures. The article is relatively small in volume. It is obvious that a not very broad basis of scientific research and publications was used in its preparation. Nevertheless, in general, the reviewed article gives the impression of a complete text. It should be noted that the article is not structured and the relevant sections are not highlighted in a special way. This remark also applies to the content of the reviewed article, which does not present the purpose of the study and its objectives, as well as the methodological basis of the study used. This, in our opinion, significantly reduces the value of this article. Meanwhile, it should be noted that the article contains links to documents of a political and strategic nature on issues and problems of combating terrorist threats in the Republic of Tajikistan. The legal framework for countering extremist and terrorist activities in the republic is also somewhat affected. The institutional structure of countering terrorist threats in Tajikistan is also described. The author shows the role of the executive power of the Republic of Tajikistan (its government) in combating extremist and terrorist threats. Taking into account the existing political, trade and economic cooperation between Russia and Tajikistan and cooperation in the field of combating terrorism, the article acquires the character of its certain relevance. Various literature and sources, mainly of recent years, were used in the preparation of the peer-reviewed scientific article. All of it correlates, as we believe, with the conducted research. The article is written in good language. It will be understandable to the reader and is quite capable of arousing a certain reader's interest. With that said, however, attention should still be paid to the fact that the article does not have sufficient depth of scientific study and in its content, it only states the problem and provides some grounds for solving it in a practical aspect. Based on the above, we believe that the article can be recommended for publication in the desired scientific journal.