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Xu, L., Sheremet'eva, E.S. (2024). The features of functioning of the expression "another thing that". Litera, 1, 322–332.
The features of functioning of the expression "another thing that"
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.1.69511EDN: ARRJCVReceived: 08-01-2024Published: 07-02-2024Abstract: The object of the study is a textual staple "another thing that", which was formed on the basis of the noun "thing". The subject of the study is its structural, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic properties. The purpose of this article is to present the results of the analysis of the specified properties of the staple and, on this basis, to show the features of its functioning in modern Russian. One of the aspects of consideration is the analysis of contextual modifications of the staple and the establishment of its main variant. Syntactically, its ability to function both in the text and in a complex sentence is analyzed. The main attention is paid to determining the type of relationship that a staple establishes between fragments of text, and identifying the dependence of the type of relationship on the semantics of the components that make up the staple. Considerable attention is paid to the pragmatic properties of the staple, its ability to convey the evaluative opinion of the speaker is considered. The material for the analysis was text fragments obtained with the help of the National Corpus of the Russian Language (NKRR). The material was collected using a continuous sampling method, as well as using the "lexico-grammatical search" option in the main newspaper and oral corpus of the NKRR. Descriptive and quantitative research methods were used in the analysis of linguistic material. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time a detailed analysis of the features of the functioning of the structure is presented in modern literary texts and media texts. As a result of the study, it was found that in the vast majority of cases, a paperclip "another thing that" functions in the text as a "text paperclip". The main variant of the bond is a structure that includes the union "what". This text staple establishes a contradictory relationship between fragments of text, which is due to the semantics of the pronominal adjective "another" that is part of it. The pragmatic component of the staple is its ability to reflect the speaker's position in terms of evaluating situations opposed in the text and indicate a change of sign from plus to minus, and vice versa. Keywords: syntax, semantics, pragmatics, text, functional words, means of communication, textual connector, opposition, appraisal, pronoun adjectiveThis article is automatically translated. Introduction In the XXI century, the attention of linguists to units that perform the functions of means of communication at different levels: morphological and syntactic, syntactic proper, textual does not weaken. This attention is largely due to the fact that in modern linguistics, an understanding that was formed back in the 20th century has been firmly established: classes of special connecting means are not limited to prepositions functioning at the morphological and syntactic level, and conjunctions providing communication at the syntactic and textual levels. These tools are much more diverse, they do not fit into the framework of the two named classes. It is no coincidence that terminology has grown, with the help of which researchers seek to convey the specifics of connecting units: analogues of unions, connectors, functives, staples, text staples, etc. [7]. Such terminology reflects, on the one hand, the inability to fit into the framework of parts of speech all the variety of connecting units, and on the other hand, the need to study these units in terms of their functions in the syntactic system of the language. Thus, we are talking about functional classes, not parts of speech. There are different approaches to the study of units performing communication functions, from the description of individual units, for example, from recent works [2-4]; [13-14] to the creation of special databases in which a significant number of units are described according to a certain set of parameters [5]. Among the connecting units, textual means of communication are of great interest. In relation to them, to indicate the scope of their functioning, the terms "text staple" and "inter-phrase staple" are proposed [8]. Currently, when considering the concept of "textual staple", it is customary to refer to the works of A.F. Paladkina, who characterizes it as "a word or phraseology, which is usually at the beginning of an utterance, creating a connection of statements and denoting a certain type of relationship" [16, p. 135]. A.F. Paladkina considers a textual staple as a special a means of textual communication that "expresses the relationship between statements within a paragraph, between parts of the text arranged in the form of a paragraph, or correlates arbitrarily large parts of the text" [15, pp. 335-336]. Text clips are formed on the basis of significant or semi-significant words as a result of the grammaticalization process. At the same time, their formal composition is diverse: they can be a one-word unit, for example, So, but they can also have the structure of a predicative unit, for example, the question is different; they can have an unchanged composition and may have a position in their composition that can be replaced by different lexemes, for example, Now about N 6 or the Case in N 6. On the basis of a single word, several units can be formed that perform a connecting function. One of these words is the noun "case". The lexical emptiness of this noun in certain uses has led to the fact that in modern Russian, a number of units have been formed on its basis, taking part in the design of connections in the text. These units have different structures and different degrees of grammaticalization: on the one hand, it is a textual staple, the fact is that it is a grammaticalized predicative unit that is part of the polypredicative constructions [6]; [9, p. 81], on the other hand, it is stable predicative units, That's what it is, That's what the thing is, the thing is different / in the following and predicative units built on the model of the Case in N 6, in which the position N6 can be replaced by any noun [19-20]. In addition, on its basis, a one–thing–another-thing bond arose, which simultaneously forms a connection both inside a complex sentence and beyond it - between parts of the text [21]. The purpose of this article is to present the results of an analysis of the structural, syntactic, semantic and pragmatic properties of another staple formed on the basis of the noun "case" – the staple is another matter that. The material for the analysis was text fragments obtained using the National Corpus of the Russian Language (NCRR), the material was collected by continuous sampling, as well as using the option "lexico-grammatical search" in the main newspaper and oral corpus of the NCRR. Descriptive and quantitative research methods were used in the analysis of linguistic material. Results and discussion The structural features of the fastener are another matter that The composition of the staple includes the pronominal adjective other, which has the meaning "not this, not this" [12, p. 176], the desemanticized noun case and the conjunction that is explanatory. Example: (1). Our house has our rules. They are not subject to discussion. Another thing is that these rules are short, simple and few in number. (Our children: Teenagers (2004)). A similar syntactic specificity of the structure is observed in such staples as the fact that; As for… If we talk about... then: they are considered as standardized predicative units, that is, structures that retain the form of a predicative unit, but perform official functions [8]. The structural and semantic feature of the staple is another matter, which lies in the pronominal word other, which is the semantic core of the staple. The pronominal adjective other retained the above meaning and thereby predetermined the semantics of the relations that are formed in the text with the help of the described bond. Contextual modifications of the staple are another matter that In the course of the study, staples were identified that are semantically and functionally similar to a staple, but it is another matter that, however, have formal differences. This difference lies in the fact that the place of the conjunction "what" can be occupied by a pronominal word, which usually performs the function of an allied word in a complex sentence, namely: what is a pronoun, who, how, where, where, how much and others. It must be said that staples with pronominal substitutes of the union represent a small percentage of the total number of facts with the described staple and can be considered as contextual modifications of the staple. Another thing is that. The choice of a particular modification of the staple depends on the content of the context introduced by this staple. Examples of modifications. 1. The main option of the staple is another thing that. At the time of the study, 6,156 facts with this staple were recorded in the National Corpus of the Russian Language (NKRYA) in the main and newspaper buildings, 99.3% of them are uses in which something is a union, 0.7% of the word is used as a pronoun (the facts of nominative and indirect forms of the pronoun are taken into account). For example: (2). Political theory is a part of political reality, and this cannot be avoided in any way ? even if desired. Therefore, it is absolutely correct when theorists (like Habermas) speak directly in the public intellectual space, and not popularizers and journalists. These additional efforts made by theorists do not allow, at least, random subjects to occupy this space (which, unfortunately, can be observed in Russia). Another thing is that the philosopher, as is known after Plato's "State", cannot be trusted to manage the state. The people are enthusiastic and, according to Glucksman, tyrannical. (On Political Philosophy (2003) // "Inviolable reserve", 12.09.2003). In examples (1), (2) that is a union. (3). The result of the official measurement of the number of people is sad, considering what kind of audience competitions of this rank could and are gathering in Europe and North America, but not tragic ? 30 thousand spectators. Another thing is what these 30 thousand are worth. (False call // Izvestia, 2003.09). In example (3), the deputy of the union is represented – the pronoun that is in an indirect form. 2. Modification is another matter, how. At the time of the study, 287 facts with this modification of the staple were recorded in the NCRA, for example: (4). Dina Vargaftik was the first to respond: the words that Tar just said, he took them right out of her mouth. It is another matter how to implement this in practice (Arkady Lvov. Yard). 3. Modification is another matter, how much. There are 108 facts recorded in the NCRE with this modification of the staple, for example: (5). Everything we do, how we behave, what and how we say is always addressed to someone. Both you and I are playing our part. It's another matter how different this role is from our essence. I hope that both my role and my essence do not annoy you. (Arkady Matsanov. The bitterness of wormwood on the lips // "Ark", 2013). The number of uses of the staple with other pronominal words as substitutes for the conjunction "what" is insignificant: from 45 facts for the pronoun "who" to 2 uses for the adverb "from". For example: (6). There are always a lot of dissatisfied people in creative teams. It's another matter who uses this discontent – the authorities or people who want to use it to their advantage. (A.S. Demidova. Memory ticker (2000)). (7). Many middle-aged family people will surely say that they would love to live not in concrete boxes, experiencing constant stress from the low-frequency hum of the metropolis, but closer to nature and preferably in their own home. Another thing is where to teach children how to get high?quality medical care...(Dmitry Sarkisov. "The decisive factor was, of course, the apartment" // , 2019.10). Quantitative analysis has shown that the predominant option is Another thing, that, in which "what" is a union. Position in the text As follows from the definition of a text clip, it should occupy a position between fragments of text. A text clip is another matter, which occupies a position at the beginning of the sentence of the first text fragment entered with its help. At the same time, a number of units functioning as text staples, which are not unions in the strict sense of the term, can simultaneously connect both parts of the text and parts within a complex sentence as a polypredicative structure. A staple is another matter, which refers to such means of communication. For example: (8). The demand for stone is high today, another thing is that the supply is not sufficiently developed. (Anna Gulyaeva. The living breath of stone (2002) // "Landscape design", 03/15/2002). Nevertheless, the discussed paperclip is precisely a means of textual communication. This qualification of the staple is explained by the following: out of the entire array of examples collected from the NCRE, the share of uses of the staple in a complex sentence accounts for only 46 – 0.7% of all uses. It is also important that, although by formal signs structures of type (8) are not texts, they are qualified in the Russian grammar of 1980 as unconnected compounds of sentences [17, p. 634], that is, structures with a relatively free connection between parts. The choice of a sign – a dot, comma or semicolon – is the decision of the author of the text. In the example given, the comma can be replaced with a dot without violating both the structure and the meaning. Regardless of the conjunction or pronominal component in the staple, as well as the location – inside a complex sentence or in the text – the function of contextual modifications is the same. The relationship between fragments of text established by a paperclip is another matter that The text function of the paperclip is another matter, which is due to the fact that the text fragment entered by this paperclip must necessarily have a preceding (left) context. Another thing is that it cannot stand at the absolute beginning of the text ? such facts are not recorded in the NKR. The pronominal adjective other in the composition of the staple implements an anaphoric function. As shown in the work of V.N. Nosova and I.P. Matkhonova, the actualization of the anaphoric function of the pronominal adjective "other" "occurs in statements where the starting point is the property of the object or the object itself, called in the preposition, in the preface" [11, p. 71]. In texts with the described paperclip, the "starting point" is the whole situation presented in the preceding text fragment. In such contexts, there is a special kind of antecedent-anaphore relationship, which is defined as "the ratio of old and new information" [1]. The essence of this relationship lies in the fact that the anaphore "other" "introduces a new nominate": "an event, fact or object that is not identical to the event, fact or object", which was previously introduced into consideration [1, p. 120]. In the case of contexts with a staple, it is another matter that the formal relationship between the preceding context (antecedent) and the subsequent one introduced by the staple turns out to be more complex than those described in the work of O.Y. Bogurovskaya and I.A. Muralieva [1], since in the structures we consider anaphors are often duplicated: first, the anaphoric expression is a part of staples are another matter, and secondly, in the subsequent context, the anaphore function can additionally be performed by direct lexical repetitions (for example, in (5) - lexical repetition of the noun role), synonymous substitutions (in example (6) – dissatisfied / dissatisfied) or other pronominal words in the anaphoric function (in example (4) is a pronoun). The analysis of the factual material made it possible to establish that between the preceding (left) fragment of the text and the fragment that is introduced by the staple, it is another matter that relations are formed, which are based on the juxtaposition of two situations. Situation-1 is presented in the preceding context, Situation-2 is named in the part of the text that is introduced by the paperclip. At the same time, both situations represent parts of the general state of affairs, a common larger situation. They embody different sides of this general situation. The relations of opposition have a direct nomination in the composition of the bond: as mentioned above, the meaning of the pronominal adjective other (‘not this, not this’) is preserved as part of the staple, thereby the semantic core of the staple indicates a different aspect, a different side of the general situation. For example: (9). Progress is on and you can't stop it. Another thing is how to determine the measure for the computer. (Forum: If a teenager does not want to study (2013.01)). The text (9) deals with the topic "children and the computer", in which two situations are contrasted: Situation-1: the use of computers and all progress associated with it cannot be stopped. Situation 2: It is important to limit the amount of time a child spends on the computer. These two situations are opposite and at the same time interrelated, these are two sides of the general situation of "a computer in a child's life". The fact that exactly the opposite relationship is established between the fragments of the text is confirmed by the contexts in which the staple interacts with the union of NO. There are 46 such uses recorded in the NKR, for example: (10). Many people have already called your performance unmistakable. Do you agree with this? – Of course, there were mistakes. But another thing is that the rivals failed to take advantage of them (G. Makovetsky. Mansur Isaev: "Olympic gold is more expensive than $1 million" // Izvestia, 07/31/2012). In such combinations, there is a semantic correspondence (semantic agreement) between the bond and the union. At the same time, a small number of combinations with the union, BUT against the background of a large number of facts without the union, shows that the bond is Another matter, that it is able to independently formalize a contrary relationship, which the union only emphasizes and strengthens. One of the facets of the manifestation of the relationship of exclusivity is limitation. This allowed N.P. Melnichenko to include Another matter, which is part of the means of expressing restrictive relations in the text [10, pp.104-105]. However, in our opinion, the role of the bond is not limited to expressing only restrictive relations. The pragmatic component of the bond is another matter, that A staple is another matter, which always reflects the speaker's position. It is used by the speaker not only to indicate the juxtaposition of two situations. The juxtaposition of situations often leads to the fact that one of them is evaluated as positive, and the other as negative. For example, in the text (2), the situation is 1: "the performance in the public intellectual space of theoretical philosophers, not popularizers and journalists" is the positive side of the situation, which is conveyed by the evaluation lexeme "correctly". Situation-2: "you can't trust a philosopher to manage the state" is a minus, the predicate "you can't" indicates a negative assessment of the situation. In the text (7), the situation-1 "life outside the city" is positive and is indicated by the entire content of the sentence preceding the clip: we would love to live closer to nature and preferably in our own house. Situation-2 is negative: the lack of medical care and good schools does not allow us to achieve Situation?1. However, not in all texts with a paperclip, it is another matter that the assessment is explicated and expressed explicitly, using direct lexical markers. The assessment can be implicit, hidden, or unexpressed. In addition, the clip can enter a fragment of text, the content of which allows for variability in the development of the Situation-2. For example: (11). With so many uncovered targets, Sleptsova took the last 30th place in that race. But, apart from Martin Fourcade and Daria Domracheva of the 2015 model, there are no athletes in modern biathlon who can do without obvious failures. They overtake almost everyone. It's another matter who handles them and how. Sleptsova came second in the sprint at the last stage of the IBU Cup in Martella, Italy, brilliantly passed her stage in the mixed relay and helped the team win. (Biathlon World Cup Final in Khanty-Mansiysk: a bright ray // , 2016.03.14). The text (11) deals with the problem of the quality of athletes' performances in biathlon competitions. Situation-1: all athletes can and do make mistakes that lead to failure in the competition. Situation 2: Athletes react differently to failures. The situation-1 (failures occur in almost all athletes) is negative: the word "failures" has a bright negative connotation. The part "who handles them and how" introduced by the paper clip has no evaluative semantics. Athletes can react to failures in different ways, some correct their mistakes and succeed, others fail. However, using a staple is another matter, which can make it clear to the speaker that the situation presented after this staple can be both positive and negative. At the same time, when contrasting Situation-1 and Situation-2, the possibility of implementing a situation with a "plus" rating comes out in the first place in the message. The expanded context demonstrates exactly the positive development of the situation. The semantic feature of the staple is another matter, which is that the staple itself does not contain positive or negative evaluative semantics. However, with its help, the speaker signals the possibility of changing the sign: Situation-1 is positive, Situation–2 is negative, but it may be the other way around. A similar phenomenon is observed in constructions with the conjunction BUT: they always have a sign change when evaluating a feature, but the direction (minus/plus or plus/minus) depends on the specific context [18, p. 107]. Examples: The situation is 1 "plus", the situation is 2 "minus". Text (12). The old system of industrial relations provided the vast majority of people with some guaranteed income and a low level of conflict. You could work a lot and get significantly less than you deserve, but you could also get a pretty decent salary, and at the same time not "burn at work." Another thing is that complete social security leads to complete social irresponsibility. No one wants to take any chances. An initiative that upsets the balance is usually punishable (E. G. Yasin, B. Kagarlitsky. The experiment is over. What's next? // "Knowledge is power", 1987). Situation 1 is assessed as positive, which is conveyed by vocabulary with a positive connotation (in the example highlighted in bold), while the phrase low indicates a positive assessment only in combination with the word conflict, that is, a positive assessment is manifested in context. Situation 2 is assessed as negative, which is expressed lexically in the context following the clip. The situation is 1 "minus", the situation is 2 "plus". Text (13). Everyone is tired of the formula that the theater lives in cycles ? this is already known as a stencil, but nevertheless it is so. As a human being: birth, peak maturity, dying. And if the theater is a living organism, and not a dead one with its ossified traditions, it also goes through these cycles. Another thing is that the theater is also a Phoenix bird that dies and is reborn (A. S. Demidova. Memory ticker (2000)). Situation-1: the theater can die as a person ? this is a "minus", a negative assessment of the situation. Situation 2: the theater can be reborn like a Phoenix bird. This is a "plus". The use of a staple in texts, parts of which are opposed according to the principle of positive – negative evaluation, leads to the fact that the function of the sign change indicator is assigned to the staple, becoming its mandatory pragmatic component. And even in those contexts in which the assessment is not supported by other means, the addressee receives a certain signal: for the speaker, Situation-1 and Situation-2 are different, and it is necessary to understand which way the sign is changing. Conclusion The conducted research allowed us to draw the following conclusions: A paperclip is another matter, which is a textual means of communication, since in the predominant number of uses it functions at the text level. A small proportion of uses in the composition of a complex non-union sentence indicates that such structures are close to textual ones. Contextual modifications of the staple are another matter that affect the structure of the staple and are associated with the possibility of replacing the union with pronominal words, while the share of such substitutions as a whole does not exceed 6% of the total number of uses of the staple recorded in the NKRR. A text staple is another matter, because its modifications establish a contradictory relationship between the linked fragments of the text. At the same time, the opposed situations are parts of a certain general situation. With the help of a text clip, it is another matter that a new aspect of this general situation is introduced into consideration. A text clip is another matter, which always reflects the speaker's position. The pragmatic component of the staple is that with its help the speaker conveys a personal opinion, evaluating two opposed situations as positive and negative. The clip, therefore, serves as a signal to change the sign: pole to minus or minus to plus. References
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