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Theoretical and Applied Economics
Shirinkina, E.V., Volkorez, A.A. (2023). Classification of risks in the risk management system of innovative development of Russian regions. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 4, 59–72.
Classification of risks in the risk management system of innovative development of Russian regions
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8647.2023.4.68755EDN: OHHPCJReceived: 19-10-2023Published: 31-12-2023Abstract: The relevance of this study is due to the fact that risk management is a task assigned to each region of the Russian Federation, which is of particular importance in modern conditions. On the one hand, this is due to the requirements of the global market, where innovation is a recognized tool for improving competitiveness, solving socio-economic problems of society. On the other hand, this is necessary due to the increasing distortions of key indicators of regional innovative development of the country, which requires taking measures to preserve the sustainable development of highly innovative territories and the intensification of laggards, taking into account the sectoral and other specifics of their functioning. The subject of the study is the mechanism of risk management based on the identification and classification of risks and opportunities of the eastern regions of Russia in ensuring effective innovative development. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the authors present the key directions for improving the risk management mechanism of the innovation space of the regions of Russia, taking into account the differentiation of the regional economic space in the direction of establishing a high-quality and sustainable system of interaction between objects and subjects of the innovation space based on the identified priorities. Due to the fact that risk management of innovative development has been the object of research in domestic dissertations for more than 25 years, the question arose: what risks were identified, and recommendations for their solution were offered by the authors during this period ? How much has the set of analyzed risks and challenges changed (and has it changed) ? How has the content of the approaches and methods of risk management proposed for the activation of innovative development changed ? To answer these questions, more than 60 doctoral dissertations, defended over the past 25 years, devoted to risk management of innovative processes in the regions, were analyzed. Keywords: risk, classification, risk management, innovation, development, regions, efficiency, methodology, Problems, challengesThis article is automatically translated. Introduction. Ensuring effective innovative development is a task set for each region of the Russian Federation, which is of particular importance in modern conditions. On the one hand, this is due to the requirements of the global market, in which innovation is a recognized tool for improving competitiveness and solving socio-economic problems of society. On the other hand, this is necessary due to the increasing distortions of key indicators of the country's regional innovative development, which requires taking measures to preserve the sustainable development of highly innovative territories and intensify lagging ones, taking into account the sectoral and other specifics of their functioning. On the third hand, in conditions of high variability of conditions and factors of development of the state and regions, an increasing number of challenges and threats, each territory is forced to solve the task of innovative development in parallel with the resolution of current problems. The above has great depth and acuteness for the regions of Russia, which predetermined their choice as an object of research. The subject of the study is the mechanism of risk management based on the identification and classification of risks and opportunities of the eastern regions of Russia in ensuring effective innovative development. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the authors present the key directions for improving the risk management mechanism of the innovation space of the regions of Russia, taking into account the differentiation of the regional economic space in the direction of establishing a high-quality and sustainable system of interaction between objects and subjects of the innovation space based on the identified priorities.
Problem statement. Innovative activity, the effectiveness of which in the long term depends on the quality of R&D, is the object of research of a significant number of scientific papers. The number of doctors of sciences is often used to judge the level of innovative development of regions. Due to the fact that innovations have been the object of research in domestic dissertations for more than 25 years, the question arose: what problems were highlighted, and recommendations for their solution were offered by the authors during this period? How much has the set of analyzed problems changed (and has it changed)? How has the content of the approaches and methods proposed to enhance innovative development changed? To answer these questions, more than 60 doctoral dissertations have been analyzed, defended over the past 25 years, on the management of innovation processes in the regions. Determining the specifics of the problems identified in the works made it possible to identify those that, according to the researchers, are key (Table 1). Table 1 The evolution of research in the field of highlighting key problems of innovative development
Methodology and conditions of the study. Using the materials of state programs for the economic and innovative development of regions as an information base for the study, we will analyze the availability of resource opportunities for innovation activities. The choice of these regions for research is due to the interest in identifying how their innovative activities are structured, since, on the one hand, in conditions of unfavorable natural and climatic conditions, distance from the highly developed center of the country, solving priority socio-economic problems is a priority, on the other, these regions are also forced to follow a common vector of innovative development Russia and implement relevant projects. The study of the possibilities of the regions of the eastern part of Russia reveals a significant differentiation in all resource components (see Fig.1). Thus, it should be said that there is a developed resource base for innovative activities in the regions of the eastern part of the country. However, in the context of regions, there is a sharp differentiation in the distribution of innovative resources, which requires appropriate adjustments to implement an effective innovation policy. At the same time, each region highlights a fairly significant number of risks of implementing the state program of innovative development. However, it can be noted that, speaking of both external and internal risks, the first problem area is financing. In each region, there is a fear that due to certain circumstances, the impact of challenges and threats, funding may stop (or significantly decrease), which will affect the quality of the program implementation. Nevertheless, there are quite optimistic prospects for innovative development in each region. To increase the connectivity of the innovation space of the Eastern macroregion, it is necessary to establish bilateral and multilateral partnerships between its subjects and facilities, conduct regular monitoring of the implementation of all agreements, and the effectiveness of inter-facility activities. It requires the introduction of "flexible" management methods aimed at improving the efficiency of the current management system. In addition, it is necessary to continuously publish information about interterritorial cooperation in the media and hold various events. Discussion of the results of the study. Generalization of views on the existence of current and a set of future problems of innovative development of society, allows us to present their following graphical representation within the framework of the classical life cycle of innovation (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Key problems of innovation development in the framework of the life cycle.
It is undoubtedly possible to talk about the presence of some kind of evolutionary process in changing views on the problems of innovative development of the state, regions, and individual enterprises. So, if in the early 1990s, researchers tended to believe that not only a methodological, but also a theoretical description of effective innovative development, understanding the path of development of society according to an innovative scenario, is missing [15], today researchers tend to focus on in-depth study of individual elements of innovation, identification and prediction of the behavior of factors, risks and threats to the innovation environment. It is important for modern authors to consider the need for comprehensive interaction between various participants in the innovation process, the search for an opportunity to interconnect innovative projects of various companies. Among the problems causing the low innovative activity of the Russian economy, the following are highlighted: the presence of a small number of business entities engaged in fully innovative entrepreneurial activity, the incompatibility of the previous system of organizing innovative activities with the new business conditions after the 90s; the subjective disregard for the operation of economic laws that has developed over the years of totalitarian development; the monopoly position of the majority of commodity producers and lack of competition. The innovation process, being both a product and a driving force of economic development, from the point of view of N.L. Frolova has opportunities and limitations determined by market failures and government intervention in the regulation of the innovation sphere. The greatest attention of researchers is focused on system-wide problems and issues of the first stages of the innovation life cycle. Many point to the lack of methodology for the formation and development of regional innovation systems as a whole, their point-based, local formation, and the complexity of integrating innovation systems into existing economic systems. As for the beginning of the life of innovation, here researchers agree in the presence of a large complex of problems of resource provision of innovation and the effectiveness of its management, underestimation of the innovative potential of a new project, which often affects investment in a dubious undertaking. What is proposed by leading researchers in the field of innovative development of economic systems at various levels? The significant variability of the proposals affects: 1) the mechanism of regulation of innovation activity in the region; 2) the methodology of the criterion assessment of the effectiveness of innovation activities in the region and at the level of an individual enterprise; 3) the organizational and economic structure of an innovative enterprise; 4) directions for increasing the innovative potential of territories, enterprises, and personnel. The analysis made it possible to identify the following proposals for the development of structural components, which seem to be the most relevant at the present time, taking into account the identified problems of innovative development: 1) at the national level: – the concept of a collaborative technological circuit, which is part of a regional innovation system, within which a collaborative environment is being formed that promotes the integration interaction of its actors. 2) at the regional level: – a methodological approach to managing transitions between the stages of the innovation process, ensuring the continuity of their flow; a mechanism for integrating business and higher education. 3) at the level of industries (enterprises): – a new procedure for organizing infrastructure to ensure the innovation activity of the industrial sector based on network interaction; methodology for assessing the innovative potential of infrastructure to ensure the innovation activity of industrial enterprises based on the potential of territorial systems and innovative enterprises; architecture for building an efficiency management system for the development of innovative infrastructure; – a methodological approach to monitoring the implementation of innovative housing and communal services development projects; – methodology for building a map of strategic targets for the development of industrial enterprises; the process of identifying managerial and financial and investment risks. Taking into account the impressive set of problems that persist to this day, the pool of recommendations for the development and improvement of the effectiveness of certain aspects of innovation activity in a small part is focused on strengthening the joint activities of participants in innovation activities. Thus, in order to overcome this negative situation, it is proposed to focus on the following structural components of increasing the innovation activity of the region (Fig. 3). Fig. 3. Proposals for the development of structural components to enhance the management of the innovation space of the region. The leading mechanisms of risk management of the innovation space should be: mesoeconomical cooperation, implementation of project management, activation of public-private partnership: – development of a mechanism for the implementation of a full innovation cycle in universities in the territories of the macroregion, the development of interuniversity innovation collaborations; – activation of innovative entrepreneurship; – spatial development of innovative business as a basis for involving the entire population in innovative development; – creation of cooperative ties between universities with science and production, involvement of universities in territorial production clusters; – intensification of technology transfer by integrating creative sectors of the economy into value chains; – implementation of a risk management system. Conclusions and further directions of research. The presence of a large number of problems that persist in the regions in the field of innovative development suggests that there are no fewer risks associated with the implementation of relevant government programs. The risk analysis by region made it possible to identify the following key: - deterioration of the economic situation in the country and the world; - low interest of participants in the innovation process, inconsistency of their actions; - insufficient funding; - changes in legislation in the field of innovation (investment activity. Thus, each region allocates a fairly significant number of risks to the implementation of the state program of innovative development. However, it can be noted that, speaking of both external and internal risks, the first problem area is financing. In each region, there is a fear that due to certain circumstances, the impact of challenges and threats, funding may stop (or significantly decrease), which will affect the quality of the program implementation. Nevertheless, there are quite optimistic prospects for innovative development in each region. Thus, we should talk about the need to improve the risk management mechanism of the innovation space along a single line of building the competencies of a wide part of the population in terms of changing mentality, innovators - in implementing all stages of the innovation life cycle, management bodies – in adapting them to the changing requirements of the innovative economy. References
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