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Space Research
Serga E.V. (2017). On the nature of redshifts in the galactic spectrums . Space Research, 4, 243–251.
Serga E.V. On the nature of redshifts in the galactic spectrumsAbstract: The subject of this research is the phenomenon of redshifts in galactic spectrums. Modern natural science as-sociates this effect with the Doppler shift as the result of the expending universe. Doppler’s interpretation of the redshifts is based on the perception of the cosmic space (cosmic vacuum) as emptiness. However, such interpretation is outdated in light of modern scientiic knowledge, which allows us to observe cosmic (physical) vacuum as a material environment with speciic characteristics. The key prerequisite for this work is the position on the unity of the vacuum territory in physics of the microworld and space physics. The proposed model explains the effect of redshifts in galactic spectrums as one of the vacuum effects explained by the interaction of the photons with the vacuum as a physical environment. Such approach al-lows, using new scientiic data, returning to the earlier rejected hypothesis of the Russian and Soviet astrophysicist Aristarkh Belopolsky on loss of energy of photons in their movement through space proposed by him in 1929. Keywords: Space Vacuum, Redshift, Raman scattering, Cosmology, Tired light, Expantion of space, Galaxy, Quasar
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