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Space Research
Serga E.V. (2017). Physical vacuum as a form of matter: a new perspective on its structure and properties. Space Research, 2, 85–100.
Serga E.V. Physical vacuum as a form of matter: a new perspective on its structure and propertiesAbstract: The research subject is the physical (space) vacuum as a matter. In modern science there is no common understanding of the nature of the physical vacuum. The Quantum Field Theory knows some vacuum effects that characterize vacuum as a matter. The Condensed Matter Physics considers vacuum as a quantum liquid that is characterized by superfluidity. The Celestial Mechanics, Cosmology, and Space Exploration consider vacuum as empty space. The objectives of this study are 1) compilation and systematization of data on the structure, properties and the vacuum effects observed in the microcosm and the Space, and conceptual approaches to their interpretation; 2) analysis of emerging contradictions and the search for theoretical models consistently explaining the existing data on the physical vacuum; 3) substantiation of the method of validation of the presented solution. The key prerequisites for this study are the ideas about gravitational interactions symmetry as a physical reality, about the unity of the vacuum theory both in microphysics and cosmophysics. To solve the research tasks, the author uses general scientific methods and research techniques (generalization, analysis, synthesis), the methods of formal logic, the hypothetico-deductive method, and modeling. The author designs a theoretical model, which consistently explains the combination of qualities of physical vacuum as empty space and condensed elastic medium. Based on the proposed model, the author studies the impact of vacuum on the movement of celestial bodies and explains the range of vacuum effects in microcosm and the space, including the emergence of inertia in vacuum. The author offers the experiment scheme, based on the use of artificial Earth satellites, for defining the impact of vacuum on the movement of celestial bodies. Keywords: Speed of gravity, Anti-gravity, Inertia, Vacuum polarization, Space wind, Vacuum effects, Physical vacuum, Quantum fluid, Redshift
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