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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Barkovskaya A.P. Sex-Role Repertoires of the Cruelty of Teenagers

Abstract: The research is devoted to a problem of teenage cruelty taking into account sexual character. An object of a research are boys and girls of teenage age. The aspect of cruelty acts as an object of research polorolevy. In article the problem of ambiguity of manifestation of cruelty at teenage age is analyzed. The question of the prevailing type of cruelty in behavior of teenagers is considered. We have offered the retrospective analysis of theoretical views of culturologists, psychiatrists, teachers, psychologists of a rigidity problem taking into account a sex of examinees (K. Byorkvist, Y. Ranshburg, E. H. Popper, V. J. Steffen, K. Lagerspets, T. Tiger, etc.).  The empirical research devoted to identification of the prevailing type of cruelty among boys and girls of teenage age is conducted. For comparison of selections and comparison of the turned-out results the correlation analysis is carried out. The author revealed that manifestation of physical rigidity is more characteristic of boys. Average values of manifestation of indirect cruelty prevail in group of girls. The correlation analysis has revealed existence of moderate positive interrelations between scales of the used techniques, both in group of girls, and in group of boys. The received results can be used and find application in activity of psychologists in an education system for improvement of interpersonal communication, when developing training and correctional developing programs for the purpose of formation of tolerant social relations. The conducted research has shown that cruelty of boys and girls at teenage age has different character, different forms and intensity of manifestation.


hostility, violence, indirect cruelty, direct cruelty, verbal cruelty, physical cruelty, teenagers, aggression, polorolevy cruelty, cruelty

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