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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Man'kova L.L. Geniuses Not of This World

Abstract: There is a growing number of children who suffer from autism. Experts even write about a mental epidemic. However, the phenomenon of autism still remains a mystery. There is a huge amount of empirical data collected and lots of counsulting and rehabilitation methods developed and yet, the general picture of the disease is still unclear. Previous ideas aobut 'defectiveness' of autists make us feel that they are 'different'. These children see the world in a different way. They see us different from what we see ourselves to boe like. Signals coming to their minds from their senses are like disconnected and unstructured elements. Their special type of reality perception excites our imagination due to a so-called quantum paradigm that suggests there are a lot of worlds we exist in. Mankova bases her research on psychological and philosophical researches and provide examples from her own clinical practice. Experts believe that in order to become normal, autists need to experience a so-called numinous feeling that allows them to get rid of their feeling of loneliness. The author also concludes that autists leave some anthropological gaps uncovered. In particular, they have not overcome the stages of developing speech competence and operating with symbols.   


symbol, personality, genius, abilities, autistic thinking, speech, emotional disorders, schizophrenia, autism, human

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