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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Denisov V.A. Psychoanalytical Approach to the Lexical Meaning of a Word

Abstract: The subject of the research is the lexical analysis of human speech as well as literary texts from the point of view of the psychoanalytical approach. The author of the article bases his research on the concept of unconcious offered by Freud. The author makes a hypothesis that if the major part of our activity is defined by unconscious elements, then words said or written should be the brightest manifestation of our motives and desires. The author offers to use psycholinguistic categories and concepts (indexation of key words, set of key words and etc.) to carry out a psychoanalytical analysis of speech and texts. Our unconscious speaks itself through speech and creative writing despite critics of our conscious. The author gives examples of such unconscious words that may be used to create a psychological portrait of a person. With time, psychoanalysis has defined wide and deep connections with other research methods such as natural science observation, physical check-up, psychological experiement, anthropological field researches and historical researches. Psychoanalysis cn be also completed with the method of the lexical analysis of speech and texts that are found in all the elements of the psychoanalytical session triad: therapeutical contant, conceptual project and systemic self-analysis. The main conclusion of the research is that the lexical analysis of speech and texts can define words that come from the depth of our unconscious and these are not just slips of the tongue described by freud but also unconsciously said words that characterise one's true motives, desires, thoughts and actions. Such unconscious key words may describe not only one individual but also define psychological states of a certain nation or ethos.   


keyword, psycholinguistics, Non-verbal, Verbal, unconscious, psychoanalysis, dominant, lexical analysis, slip, universal-subject code

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