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Psychology and Psychotechnics
Tat'yanchenko N.P. (2016). Psychological Means of Projecting Positive Motivation of Contract Servicemen. Psychology and Psychotechnics, 12, 991–997.
Tat'yanchenko N.P. Psychological Means of Projecting Positive Motivation of Contract ServicemenAbstract: The subject of the research is the role of a subjective image of a serviceman in the process of developing professional motivation as well as dependence of motivation on values and attitude of a serviceman towards his professional and psychological means used to develop positive motivation of contract servicemen's professional activity. Analyzing differences in subjective images of servicemen and values demonstrated by respondents in two groups, the author defines that in most cases one's unwillingness to serve relates to the society's disapproval of contract service in general. In addition, military officers who do not want to be contract servicemen usually do not see their military career as a way to self-realise their ambitions. The group of respondents who want to serve, on the contrary, demonstrate a dominating value of moral satisfaction from their career but not good pay. In the course of the research the author has used the following psychological tests: Personality Motivation Structure Inventory (Milman), Terminal Values Questionnaire (Senin), and Semantic Differential Test. To process the data, the author has used the SPSS package (version 13.0). Data received in two empirical groups were processed using the U Mann Witney Criterion. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author develops a concept of military service particularities and defines the reasons of them being unwilling to serve as contract servicemen (in particular, distorted image of a contract serviceman, undeveloped value of military activity and extreme professional activity). These data can be used in military by the management team and military psychologists as well as the matter of other researches. Keywords: professional orientation, psychological service, psychological means, motivation, values, military activity, subjective image of a serviceman, personal traits of a serviceman, extremality, extreme psychology
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