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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Aptikieva L.R., Aptikiev A.Kh., Bursakova M.S. On the Problem of Studying the Criminogenic Orientation of Teenager Personality

Abstract: The subject of the research is the criminal character of a teenager as an attribute and dynamic personality trait that is fundamentally based on a set of negative (criminogenic) personality traits and illegal (antisocial) motives that determine a teenager's inclination to choose unlawful ways and means to satisfy his or her desires and needs. As follows from its contents, criminogenic orientation is represented by the following parameters: social relationships with adults and peers, personal traits, idea of his or her future and his or her subjective attitude towards it. The authors of the article conducted an empirical research aimed at a detailed analysis of the research subject. The authors based their research on the supposition that a set of negative (criminogenic) personality traits of a teenager is a certain consistent combination of several, not just one, interrelated features including: distorted system of life values, chronic conflicts in relations with adults and peers, hostility and aggression, inadequate vision of his or her future, accentuation of personality traits, emotional instability, undeveloped or low level of self-concept, psychological inclination towards delinquent behavior, and external locus of control. According to the authors, the prevailing motives of violations committed by teenagers include the following groups of antisocial motives: desire to have a revenge, to become a leader among peers, to get material benefits, to look like others, to act as others insist on, to hide a crime that has been committed, etc. In order to conduct an empirical research of criminogenic orientation of teenager personalities, the following mehods have been chosen by the authors: The Conscience Scale by V. Melnikov and L. Yampolsky, Pathocharacterlogical Diagnostic Questionnaire by A. Lichko and N. Ivanov, Teenager Locus of Control Inventory  by O. Eliseev, Aggression Inventory by Buss-Durkey, The Level of Admission of Guilt by the Convict by N. Kreydun and E. Polivanova, Sack's Sentence Completion Test, Rokich's Values Test, E. Saenko's Behavior and Symbol. To assess the psychological inclination towards delinquent behavior, the authors have used the method developed by the consulting and humanities center 'Razvitie' (Development) (Vologda) called Antisocial Behavior Inventory. To define the leading motives of violation commitment the authors have used stories offered by L. Bozhovish and describing conflict situations when a teenager has to make a moral choice as well as essays offered by P. Belsky. Criteria for selecting methodological tools included theoretical provisions about criminogenic orientation of teenagers (including elements of such orientation). The research results have demonstrated that teenager criminogenic orientation is evident as negative (criminogenic) personality traits and antisocial motives. The scientific novelty of the research is ucased by the fact that the authors offer their definition of criminogenic orientation and describe elements of such orientation. Practical significance is due to the fact that the study is aimed at improving the activities of the psychological education service, units for juvenile affairs in the aspect of early prevention and correction of the criminal character of the person. By using mathematical statistical methods (correlation and factor analysis), the authors have defined six factors that should be the main factors in the process of correction and early prevention of criminogenic activity. These factors include: a) inclination towards aggression and hospitality; b) selection of illegal ways of satisfaction one's needs and desires; c) manifestation of negative emotions and accumulation of negative feelings; d) blaming others and circumstances for what happens in one's life; e) distorted life values; f) defected social relations.     


attitude to the future, delinquency, offenses, deviant behavior, antisocial motives, criminogenic qualities, adolescent personality, criminogenic orientation, character traits, social relations

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