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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Dnov K.V., Baurova N.N. Development and Validation of a New Questionnaire ISADA for Diagnosing Deviant (Delinquent, Addictive, Suicidal, Aggressive, Avoidance) Behavior in the Military

Abstract: The authors of the article view the problem of deviant behavior of military officers and describe particular steps for creating and testing new method of detection of deviant behavior in Armed Forces. At the first stage of the research 113 military officers of superior positions were questionned about the most important kinds of deviant behavior that have a strongly negative influence on the force performance and activity of military subdivisions in peacetime. As a result, the officers hvae named the following five kinds of deviant behavior: delinquent behavior, addictive behavior, suicidal behavior, aggressive behavior and avoidance behavior. At the following stages of the research the method for detecting deviant behavior was created and tested. 1352 army draftees were tested at the very beginning of their service using a set of psychological tests including The Life Style Index, Deviant Behavior Questionnaire, Buss-Durkey Inventory, Five Factor Personality, Coping Behavior Inventory, Deviant Behavior Inventory (1999). When analyzing the answers to these tests, the authors defined certain questions that may serve as markers of possible deviant behavior of army men. Based on these questions, an original screening method for detecting deviant behavior of military officers has been created. The method consists of 60 items and aims to identify individuals who are prone to deviant behavior: delinquent behavior, addictive behavior, suicidal behavior, aggressive behavior, avoidance behaviour. The main emphasis in the development of techniques has been placed on ease of use. Therefore, it was designed so that the counting results for the researchers was simplified to quickly form a rough idea about the presence or absence of the subject's tendency to deviant behavior. To achieve this objective, questions techniques are arranged so that the researcher could simply count the number of positive responses in each of the columns that correspond to the five basic scales and deception scale. The results indicate good indices of obvious, content, construct validity, self-consistency and retest reliability. The authors also defined the scope of the method and perspectives of further improvements.


psychognosis, servicemen, avoidance, aggressive behavior, suicidal behavior, addictive behavior, delinquent behavior, deviant behavior, expertise, design

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